Mi’kmaq Blockade

For over two weeks now, a coalition of people including local Mi’kmaq residents, and anglophone and Acadian settlers, have blockaded the road leading to an equipment compound leased to South Western Energy or SWN.

SWN is a Texas based energy company, that has been attempting to conduct natural gas exploration in the area’s shale formations. It is believed that if significant deposits of gas are found, SWN would then employ the controversial extraction method of hydraulic fracturing or fracking. But since this past summer, protests, direct actions and sabotage have thwarted their work, and have turned public opinion on the side of the protesters.

Throughout the summer, police arrested dozens of people conducting non-violent civil disobedience. But since the arrival of members of the Mi’kmaq warrior society, the police have not been as keen to come near protesters.

The blockade is preventing SWN from operating thumper trucks, massive vehicles that gather seismic data to determine the location of natural gas.

During my short stay here I’ve witnessed the co-operation between natives and settlers, a partnership that has kept this blockade fully stocked and operational. Food, wood, hot coffee, tents and other supplies keep streaming all the while SWN berates the police in the media for not arresting the protesters.

In two days time, several people named in a court injuction are due to appear before a judge. In the meantime supporters keep arriving, but the warriors have also issued a callout for further support.

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    This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 6:01 pm and is poested under the fuckin show category.

    59 Responses to “Mi’kmaq Blockade”

  • Zach says:

    Submedia and Stim I thank-you for doing this important report. Your work continues to be crucial to the resistance. Fracking, yes fracking, in so called “Canada”, to sacrifice the water for short term private gain means this is full acknowledgement of incremental Fascism accelerated.

    • Ozan says:

      “There never was a white man who did not hate Indians and there never was an Indian who did not hate whites. As for himself, God Almighty had made him an Indian, not an agency Indian either- not one of those cracker-and-molasses chiefs- and he did not intend to be one.” — Sitting Bull.

    • Bonnie Roi says:

      Where exactly is this going on??? State, city??? Country? Canada or Usa?

  • Ozan says:

    1864 Regarding the massacre of Cheyenne by the wasichus (pale face)
    Major Scott Anthony reported the murder of a child about three years old: “I saw one man get off his horse at a distance of about seventy-five yards and draw up his rifle and fire. He missed the child. Another man came up and said, ‘Let me try the son of a bitch. I can hit him.’ He got down off his horse, kneeled down, and fired at the little child, but he missed him. A third man came up, and made a similar remark, and fired, and the little fellow dropped.”

  • […] For a short video with some background information to get up to speed, go HERE. […]

  • Stan Squires says:

    I am from vancouver,canada and this friday i am going to a rally in support of the Mi’kmaq in their fight against Fracking on their land.All people and unions should support this.The Native People is taking the lead in the fight against Fracking.They deserves the support of everyone. keep up the good work.

  • […] For a short video with some background information to get up to speed, go HERE. […]

  • […] In Rexton, New Brunswick, an ongoing blockade of a planned hydrofracking operation was attacked by police on October 17. Clashes erupted, and 40 arrests resulted. With fracking becoming the go-to energy extraction method across all parts of northeastern North America, blockades and encampments such as this are emerging as one of the most effective ways to halt it. For background on the fight check out Submedia’s Mi’kmaq Blockade video. […]

  • […] also see related article with video – mikmaq_blockade […]

  • […] support at this critical time. Watch these videos for background on the blockade and the call out: http://www.submedia.tv/stimulator/2013/10/16/mikmaq_blockade/ http://reclaimturtleisland.com/news/ Updates and live feeds: […]

  • […] raided a 2 week old blockade of some fracking equipment owned by SWN. If you need some background watch my report about the blockade before the raid or read my twitter feed for my updates from today. A video report should be up early […]

  • […] Warrior Suzanne Patles speaks at the SWN blockade site (background) just two days after a violent raid by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Even though the SWN […]

  • […] police lines, subMedia.tv witnessed the brutal raid by the Royal Colonial Mounted Police on the Mi’kmaq blockade of fracking equipment. But the fierce response of the community in defense of the warriors was also […]

  • […] police lines, subMedia.tv witnessed the brutal raid by the Royal Colonial Mounted Police on the Mi’kmaq blockade of fracking equipment. But the fierce response of the community in defense of the warriors was also […]

  • […] police lines, subMedia.tv witnessed the brutal raid by the Royal Colonial Mounted Police on the Mi’kmaq blockade of fracking equipment. But the fierce response of the community in defense of the warriors was also […]

  • […] police lines, subMedia.tv witnessed the brutal raid by the Royal Colonial Mounted Police on the Mi’kmaq blockade of fracking equipment. But the fierce response of the community in defense of the warriors was also […]

  • […] police lines, subMedia.tv witnessed the brutal raid by the Royal Colonial Mounted Police on the Mi’kmaq blockade of fracking […]

  • […] started with some background, and then got into the more recent […]

  • Louise Thundercloud says:

    We had a vigil in support of the Mi’kmaq warrior society, here is the link

  • […] who are surrounded by an industrial army , our friends fighting desertification in Nigeria, and Indigenous communities in Canada who are constantly facing the attacks of colonization , are all fighting with all they have to take back what is theirs. It is our responsibility to […]

  • […] who are surrounded by an industrial army , our friends fighting desertification in Nigeria, and Indigenous communities in Canada who are constantly facing the attacks of colonization , are all fighting with all they have for their lives and to take back what is theirs. It is our […]

  • Stan Squires says:

    I am from vancouver and i supports the Mi’Kmaq Blockade.This is the kind of action that is needed to prevent fracking on Native Land.Idle No More and its allies can put an end to fracking on Native Land.Victory to the Mi’Kmaq Nation of New Brunswick.

  • […] (Maliseet) and settlers against fracking. Mi’kmaq erect rolling blockades (3 separate highways), seize seismic testing equipment, and continue anti-fracking resistance. Oct. 17th RCMPigs raid the site, video here. Court Updates: […]

  • […] and exercise of nationhood, and the repression they face from police and courts. A months-long blockade in opposition to shale gas fracking by SWN at Elsipogtog First Nation (located in Kent County, New […]

  • […] and settlers against fracking. Mi’kmaq erect rolling blockades (3 separate highways), seize seismic testing equipment, and continue anti-fracking resistance. Oct. 17th RCMPigs raid the site, video here. Court […]

  • […] and settlers against fracking. Mi’kmaq erect rolling blockades (3 separate highways), seize seismic testing equipment, and continue anti-fracking resistance. October 17, RCMPigs raid the site: video […]

  • […] their lands, for instance, with the Indigenous Nationhood Movement. With direct actions, such as blockades against fracking, they practice an insurgent politics toward abolishing the flows of commodified resources that […]

  • […] police lines, subMedia.tv witnessed the brutal raid by the Royal Colonial Mounted Police on the Mi’kmaq blockade of fracking equipment. But the fierce response of the community in defense of the warriors was also […]

  • […] their lands, for instance, with the Indigenous Nationhood Movement. With direct actions, such as blockades against fracking, they practice an insurgent politics toward abolishing the flows of commodified resources that […]

  • […] as in Turkey at Gezi Park, throughout the Rojava Revolution in the autonomous region of Kurdistan, indigenous blockades of pipelines such as across Canada, and at the ZAD in […]

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