
Revenge of the Fallists

This week we take a look at the nefarious capitalist mechanism called free trade agreements, with a focus on world wide resistance to the TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership plus an update of anti-fascist resistance in Anaheim California. If you love what we do, consider supporting us! On the music...



Last week indigenous environmental activist Berta Cáceres was gunned down in her home in Honduras. Her friend and eco-activist Gustavo Castro was also shot but survived the attack. Now the Honduran government is detaining him and his friends and colleagues fear for his safety, and are demanding his immediate return...



Activists disrupted the world’s largest mining convention to hold a vigil for the people killed for opposing Canadian mining projects around the world, including Bertha Cáceras – an Indigenous leader from Honduras who was assassinated in her home four days ago. Update Otros Mundos Coordinator and Other Worlds’ board member...


Let’s visit the Minister of Justice

Today several masked up Warriors visited the office of Canadian Minister of Justice, Jody Wilson-Raybould. They demanded that she open an inquiry into the Gustanfsen Lake stand off while spreading earth on the office. This is taking place within the context of climate talks happening in so called “Vancouver” this...


San Fancisco Rent Strike

New doc from our comrades from Global Uprisings: This is the story of the Midtown rent strike, the largest rent strike in San Francisco since 1978. New doc from our comrades from Global Uprisings: This is the story of the Midtown rent strike, the largest rent strike in San Francisco...


White Canada has a Black History

In this sedition of ITEOTWAWKIAIFF we look at the growing class unrest in Hong Kong that kicked off a massive rebellion in the lunar new year. Also street battles   in Athens, where anarchists and farmers stormed the Greek capital in reaction to Syriza’s structural adjustment policies. On the music break...


New Rebel Beat: #BernAgainstTheMachine

Once again, we link up with DJ Aaron Maiden for another riotus playlist of the Rebel Beat Radio Click here to download this podcast Welcome back for another weekly edition of The Rebel Beat! This week it’s our favourite time of the month, that time when Frank from comes...


Montreal Projection: A Winter of Resistance

SubMedia TV is proud to present: 2016 so far; a winter of resistance FB Event page As part of a series of screenings to bring to the francophone community On Thursday February 25th 2016 @ Café l’Exode ; the student union run café in Cégep du Vieux Montréal 255...


How to De-Arrest a comrade

A group of Secwpemc women shut down a treaty vote being held by the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council (NStQ) in Williams Lake,  i so called British Columbia, “Canada”.  One person was briefly detained by police but released after the women surrounded the cop car. For more info visit: Download...


Return our stolen sisters

Since 1980 Approximately 3,000 women have been murdered or gone missing in so called “Canada” Of those, over 1500 are indigenous women. Every year on Valentines day thousands of people across Turtle Island, brave freezing temperatures to remember our stolen sisters. For more information visit Since 1980 Approximately 3,000...



Last week indigenous environmental activist Berta Cáceres was gunned down in her home in Honduras. Her friend and eco-activist Gustavo Castro was also shot but survived the attack. Now the...



Activists disrupted the world’s largest mining convention to hold a vigil for the people killed for opposing Canadian mining projects around the world, including Bertha Cáceras – an Indigenous leader...


Let’s visit the Minister of Justice

Today several masked up Warriors visited the office of Canadian Minister of Justice, Jody Wilson-Raybould. They demanded that she open an inquiry into the Gustanfsen Lake stand off while spreading...


How to De-Arrest a comrade

A group of Secwpemc women shut down a treaty vote being held by the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council (NStQ) in Williams Lake,  i so called British Columbia, “Canada”.  One person...


Return our stolen sisters

Since 1980 Approximately 3,000 women have been murdered or gone missing in so called “Canada” Of those, over 1500 are indigenous women. Every year on Valentines day thousands of people...


Line 9, scarier than jail

Yesterday marked the first day in court for three brave women who shut down Enbridge’s Line 9 tar sands pipeline. Since December, Line 9 and Line 7 have been shutdown...


Communique: Enbridge pipeline & valve site sabotaged – again

We received a communique via email, claiming responsibility for a sabotage action against Enbridge’s “Line 9” tar sands pipeline. This would be mark the fourth time in less than two...


Its going down magazine

Click here to support this project! The idea for It’s Going Down started over a year ago and developed out of conversations about the need for a high quality news...



On Sunday January 17th, Coast Salish Territories, 7 activists boarded a Kinder Morgan rig, drilling test holes for a proposed oil terminal for their Trans Mountain tar sands pipeline. The...


Enbridge pipeline & valve sabotaged

We received this anonymous commuiqué this morning. Spelling, capitalization and punctuation unedited. what better way to start a new year than by shutting down some fucking oil pipelines? sometime in...

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