Archive for October, 2011

UNITE Letter of Support to Occupy Melbourne

Friday, October 14th, 2011

Occupy MelbourneDear friends,

UNITE would like to extend its warm support to Occupy Melbourne.

Our members are low-paid workers in retail and hospitality, who feel the destructive force of capitalism on a daily basis. Retail bosses, despite high profits, recently began campaigning for the legal minimum wage to be even further reduced to keep profits soaring.


Knight report changes welcome but insufficient

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

michael-knightThe government has softened some of the harshest aspects of legislation relating to international students at work. The recent Knight report, which criticised the mandatory cancellation of visas for students who work more than 20 hours in a week, clearly put some pressure on the government to clean up its treatment of foreign students.

The proposed changes, however, are completely insufficient, and still paint international students as little more than cash cows.
