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When Google Meets the Pentagon

What Happens When You Merge a Psychopath with a Killer?

The United States is, indisputably, the world’s foremost killing entity, and it has been since its genocidal inception., The killing is relentless — in more recent times wreaking destruction in Iraq ((Abdul Haq al-Ani and Tarik …

How Defamation Law has Developed and is Applied in Canada

Canadian Defamation Law is Noncompliant with International Law (Part Two of a Two Part Series)

This article was prepared for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA). It is also posted on

Overall Summary

Part 1: Defamation law in Canada is contrary to international law, in both design and practice. Under international law, the right to hold an opinion is absolute, and the right of freedom of expression can be restricted “for respect of the rights or reputations of others” solely using written laws that must conform to the “strict tests of necessity and proportionality”. With Canadian civil defamation law, the state has unfettered discretion from an unwritten common law that provides presumed falsity, presumed malice, …

Trump-Sanders 2016? In the Last Election Cycle Pre-TPP, Only Pariahs Will Do

With the TPP cell-door slamming shut, it’s curious how Fox and MSNBC take turns deriding the only two guys prepared to stand in its way.

America this is the impression I get from looking in the television set.

— Allen Ginsberg, America

Critical thinking in America politics has been edged out by meme-factory conveyor belts and Facebook repeater towers eager to share the latest red-blue molehill with five hundred of their closest friends.

One bit of unexamined kookiness (a favored Fox News trope) is that there’s still such a thing as operative liberals in America. Another, emanating from both sides, is that the country will go down the tubes should Party X prevail against Party Y. Despite decades of tag-team, blue-red empire wars, many still swallow the channelized …

Syria Dispatch: Most Syrians Support Assad, Reject Phony Foreign “Revolution”

In April 2014 I first visited Syria, going to Homs and Latakia, in addition to Damascus. On each of my three subsequent trips to Syria, speaking moderate colloquial Arabic, I have been able to interact one-on-one with Syrians there, whether in markets, taxis, on the streets or in areas I visited.

In Latakia, many of the over 1 million Internally Displaced Persons from Idlib, Aleppo and surrounding areas who are being housed and supported by the Syrian government spoke of the same heinous kidnappings, beheadings, and other crimes that most media currently only associate with …

Disarmament or Bust

Nations Meet to Discuss International Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons

With the debate going on about whether the UK should renew the Trident missile programme or get rid of it, hardly anything is said about what is happening internationally to rid the world of nuclear weapons – which shows how inward-looking Britain can be, despite claiming a prime position on the world stage.

While national media reported on the Stop Trident demonstration in London, it ignored the discussions taking place in Geneva, or their background including:

three international, government-level conferences, the last in Vienna, on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, which produced
the signing and endorsing of the Humanitarian

Pluto-Zionists Support for Hillary Clinton

Pluto-Zionism is the three-way marriage of plutocracy, right=wing Zionism and US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, a serial war criminal, racist and servant of Wall Street. How did this deadly ménage-a-trois come about? The answer is that a stratospherically wealthy donor group, dedicated to promoting Israel’s dominance in the Middle East and deepening US military intervention in the region, has secured Clinton’s unconditional support for Tel Aviv’s ambitions and, in exchange, Hilary receives scores of millions to finance her Democratic Party foot soldiers and voters for her campaign.

Pluto-Zionism and Clinton

Is This the Age of American Fascism?

Politics Not As Usual

Regardless of the outcome of the American presidential primaries, or even the result of the general elections next November, a frightening phenomenon is under way. The US has decidedly moved to the Right, in fact the Ultra-Right; class differences are more pronounced than ever before, thanks to decades of neoliberal policies, the kind of capitalism that has concentrated the wealth in even fewer hands; racism is on the rise and the unmistakable signs of fascism are evident whenever Donald Trump holds a campaign rally.

Not that Trump’s opponents are any less frightening in their rhetoric, but …

Court Order Fails to Halt Protests over $9bn Canadian Dam Project

Indigenous women and Treaty 8 First Nations are spearheading the fight against BC Hydro’s Site C mega-dam, which is being aggressively pushed by province.

Fukushima’s Mini-Me

Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant New York continually leaks radioactivity into the Hudson River. This has been going on for years. Seriously!

Meanwhile, New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo agrees with advocacy groups such as Riverkeeper, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and The Sierra Club to close Indian Point. Why? Environmentalists claim the radioactive leaks are “just the tip of the iceberg.”

According to CBS News, water at one of the monitoring wells for Indian Point showed a 65,000% increase in tritium, which, according to nuclear industry specialists, …

The Financial System Is a Larger Threat than Terrorism

In the 21st century Americans have been distracted by the hyper-expensive “war on terror.” Trillions of dollars have been added to the taxpayers’ burden and many billions of dollars in profits to the military/security complex in order to combat insignificant foreign “threats,” such as the Taliban, that remain undefeated after 15 years. All this time the financial system, working hand-in-hand with policymakers, has done more damage to Americans than terrorists could possibly inflict.

The purpose of the Federal Reserve and US Treasury’s policy of zero interest rates is to support the prices of the over-leveraged and fraudalent financial instruments that unregulated …

The Coddling of the Capitalist, White-Supremacist, Patriarchal American Mind

[This is an edited version of a talk given to Common Ground for Texans in Austin, TX, March 5, 2016.]

To avoid being conned, politically and intellectually, it’s important to examine how a debate is framed and what ideology is advanced by that framing. What is the scope of the question? How was the direction of the inquiry decided? Who set the boundaries of the conversation?

Let’s ask those questions in regard to the contemporary conversation in the United States about allegedly dangerous trends on college campuses concerning “political correctness,” “microaggressions,” and “trigger warnings.”

A spirited public discussion of these issues was …

Revenge of the Fallists

This week we take a look at the nefarious capitalist mechanism called free trade agreements, with a focus on world wide resistance to the TPP or Trans Pacific Partnership plus an update of anti-fascist resistance in Anaheim California.

On the music break, class war hip hop MC’s Emicia bring us Boa Esperança.

We continue with an in depth look at the student movement that has been rocking South Africa #FeesMustFall. To listen to my entire interview with Alex Hotz click here (mp3 20mb)

To help pay for legal and medical fees for the brave anti-fascists in California click here.

This week …

U.S. Initiates Nuclear War against Syria

U.S. Airforce A-10 Warthogs struck Allepo on February 9 when Russian planes were out of the area. Instantly, western propaganda went to work framing Russia, both for wonton aerial bombing of civilians and for destroying two hospitals. There’s nothing new with this.

Blaming a third party to avert responsibility for clearly criminal behavior is not just psychological warfare but standard psychopathic behavior. Framing Russia to provide political cover for U.S. military aggression is standard fare at the Pentagon’s Department of Psychological Warfare, and it’s been going on since its inception way back in 1943.

Worse, the heavily militarized corporate media neglected …

The World of Make-Believe: Nancy Reagan in the White House

It’s true that Mrs. Reagan has an interest in astrology.

— Marlin Fitzwater, New York Times, May 4, 1988

What is expected of America’s first ladies?  Having deposed the king as a suitable head of state, the American Revolutionaries decided to go for a pseudo-aristocratic option with all the spousal trimmings. After a brief flirt with the idea that George Washington might himself be crowned, the Republican model was embraced.  The standard White American Male would come with a standard White American Female and inhabit what would, in due course, be the White House.

The curriculum vitae of such a first lady has …

Reverse Robin Hood: Six Billion Dollar Businesses Preying on Poor People

Many see families in poverty and seek to help.  Others see families in poverty and see opportunities for profit.

Here are six examples of billion dollar industries which are built on separating poor people, especially people of color, from their money, the reverse Robin Hood.

Check Cashing Businesses

Check cashing businesses. Cash a $100 check?  At Walmart that will be $3.  At TD bank non-customers pay $5 to cash a check from their bank.

Nearly 10 million households containing 25 million people do not have any bank account according to the FDIC.  Most because they did not have enough money …

Black Lives Matter, Just Not to Hillary

Black voters support a fantasy champion for black lives

Over 50 years ago, in a 1963 Chicago protest against school segregation, one of today’s Democratic candidates for president was chained to a black woman and then arrested for resisting arrest. Now that moment appears in an unofficial campaign poster emphasizing the candidate’s commitment to civil rights. That protestor for black rights in 1963 was not Chicago native Hillary Clinton, then a politically active …

Pink-Slipping Hillary

In March 2003, just before the US invasion of Iraq, about one hundred CODEPINK women dressed in pink slips weaved in and out of congressional offices demanding to meet with representatives. Those representatives who pledged to oppose going to war with Iraq were given hugs and pink badges of courage; those hell-bent on taking the US to war were given pink slips emblazoned with the words “YOU’RE FIRED.”

When we got to Hillary Clinton’s office, we sat down and refused to leave until we had a meeting with the Senator. Within an hour, Clinton appeared. “I like pink tulips around this …

Global Economic, Political, and Military Configurations

Mapping the emerging global economic, political and military configurations requires that we examine regions and countries along several dynamic policy axis:

   1. Capitalist versus anti-capitalist
   2. Neoliberal versus anti-neoliberal
   3. Austerity versus anti-austerity
   4. War command centers and war zones
   5. Political change and socio-economic continuity
   6. New Order and political decay

Though many of these dimensions overlap, they also highlight the complexity and influence of local and national versus global power relations.

We will first identify and classify the regimes and emerging movements, …

No Matter Your Skills, It All Comes Down to Wages: A 180-degree Turn Away from Debt Economy

The words after the Fire of 1889, “We Will Build Spokane Bigger and Better!”

Dog eat dog?

Think of any number of all-American axioms: Survival of the fittest? Winner takes all? Those who have, rule; those who do not have are the reason for their own destitution and undoing? The meek shall inherit the earth?

I have the luxury of being 59, having had dozens of jobs inside and outside my skills sets, experience, and educational background. This 35,000-foot view has also been honed by living abroad in such places as Azores, Paris, Edinburgh, Germany, Vietnam, Mexico, Central America, Canada, and England. The perspectives I have also have been shaped by a career military father, grandparents …

News from Bolivarian Gangland

A few days ago I talked to one of my best friends in Mérida, Venezuela. Jose, a former Chavista who, like most of the Chavistas I knew when I lived in that city, is now in opposition to the Bolivarian government without being in “the Opposition.” He’s quite clear the Bolivarian process was a failure, but he’s not sure the Opposition or the United Democratic Roundtable (MUD) is going to be able to do much better. Still, he also finds it a hopeful sign that three-quarters of Venezuela’s voters turned out December 6 last year to vote 2-1 to bring …