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Communists gear up for federal election

It’s been a few years since Communists stood as candidates at a federal election. Running in an election is a big commitment of time and money but those aren’t the only obstacles to be overcome. The bureaucratic requirements of the electoral authorities have made the task that much harder. The major parties of capital – the Liberals, Nationals and Labor – have combined in federal and state jurisdictions to make it harder for smaller parties to take their place on the ballot paper.  more ...

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Current Issue of The Guardian

March 2, 2016 - click here for index of articles.

Defence White Paper – Making Australia poorer not safer

The United States is driving to contain and control China and maintain its domination of the fast growing Asian region. The new Australian Defence White Paper (DWP) obediently adds to US military pressure and provocation designed to achieve this goal, all carried out in the context of a dangerous, growing regional arms race.  more ...


Editorial – Nuke industry targets SA

South Australians are being bombarded with media messages boosting the “benefits” of nuclear industries and ridiculing their opponents. People with concerns over the controversial proposals being bandied about are accused of promoting the “rainbow warrior mythologies of the hard left” and engaging in “Midnight Oil-style gesture politics”, according to the Australian Financial Review. Sledging from the pro-nuclear sector has kicked up since the release of the “tentative recommendations” of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission headed by former SA Governor and retired Rear Admiral, Kevin Scarce.  more ...

CPA Greetings on IWD

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Communist Party of Australia expresses its solidarity with those fighting for the rights of women as part of the struggle for the liberation of humanity from capitalism.  more ...

Diplomats mocked reports of rape and murder

The Sydney Morning Herald listed an article that revealed that Australian diplomats had ridiculed the rape and torture of East Timorese at the hands of the invading Indonesian military as something that “sounds like fun”.  more ...

Time for a renewed Stop Deaths in Custody campaign

On Saturday August 2, 2014 Julieka Dhu, a young Yamatji woman from Geraldton WA, was arrested for unpaid parking fines and locked up in the South Hedland watchhouse. This was not unusual – in Western Australia it has become a habit to lock up those too poor to pay their fines.  more ...

The homeless are still homeless

Last December, the most recent figures from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare underlined that more Australians had received assistance from homelessness services this year than last.  more ...

Open letter to Obama

Dear Mr Obama, Greetings from Australia. I am writing to you about an issue that I consider very important and very close to my heart, the situation of quite a few long-term prisoners being held in the USA.  more ...

Culture & Life – “Illegal, immoral, indefensible”

As Britain continues to supply weapons and related items to Saudi Arabia for the prosecution of the Arab kingdom’s murderous military campaign against Yemen, a group of legal experts have warned that Britain’s action is in breach of national, EU and international law.  more ...

Pete's Corner

Over 10 years worth of sharp humour from The Guardian's very own cartoonist Pete Andrew can be accessed from the main menu – or just click here.


Half A Century of Pain

50 Years of Agent Orange Disaster in Vietnam

A selection of images from the book Half a Century of Pain – 50 Years of Agent Orange Disaster in Vietnam – 1961-2011, published by the Ministry of Information and Communication of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.  more ...

Maritime Bulletins and leaflets from the CPA Maritime Branch

This web page was last updated: Wednesday, March 2, 2016

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