To Understand Donald Trump is to Not Explain Donald Trump

There is something very strange about this US presidential election. There is an air of stress, with bursts of odd comic relief, sliding uncontrollably from the grimly serious to the hysterically hilarious. The last time I personally witnessed such behaviour was at a funeral. And there is something about this election that smells and sounds… Read More To Understand Donald Trump is to Not Explain Donald Trump

Crisis, ISIS, Synthesis: Where is Libya Going?

Just as the pace of subjecting Libya to a new phase of international discipline quickens, the elites of the small club of recolonizing powers that nominate themselves “the international community” have offered painfully little when it comes to explaining Libyan dynamics. The suggestion is that, with a new “unity government,” Libya can acquire “stability,” especially… Read More Crisis, ISIS, Synthesis: Where is Libya Going?

The Shape of Things to Come in Libya (Part 2 of 2)

A New World Recolonization Hillary Rodham Clinton, US Secretary of State, March 20, 2011, to Jeffrey D. Feltman: “Can we get a statement from the Libyan opposition…w [with] thx [thanks] for helping them and request for their Arab brothers to help as well?” RT, December 25, 2015: “ ‘Thanks for destroying our country’: Angry Libyans… Read More The Shape of Things to Come in Libya (Part 2 of 2)