Convergence In Support of Eco-Prisoners & Against Toxic Prisons June 11 – 13, 2016 in Washington D.C. International Days of Action Everywhere


FOR OVER A DECADE, June 11th has been a day of action in solidarity with environmentalists and anarchists imprisoned for their actions in defense of the Earth. The day has its origins in an international outcry over the extreme and unprecedented sentencing of Jeffrey Luers to 22 years in prison for damaging several SUV’s at a car dealership. Since its inception in 2004, the June 11th day of action and other acts of solidarity have been instrumental in winning shorter sentences or early release for eco-prisoners, including Luers himself as well as Eric McDavid, who was entrapped by an informant. Yet committed earth defenders such as Marius Mason, targeted in the FBI’s “Green Scare,” are still serving harsh sentences in maximum security prisons for taking direct action against earth destroying industries.
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Interview with Eric McDavid


Jeffrey Luers

Jeff Luers set fire to three SUVs at a car dealership in Eugene, OR during the summer of 2000 in response to the environmental devastation that he saw occurring on a global scale. The court levied an egregious sentence to make an example out of him, to send a clear message to others who might share Jeff’s outrage and will. In 2004 Jeff was three years into his 22+ sentence. That year his support crew announced that June 11th was the International Day of Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoner Jeff “Free” Luers.
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Lettera di Jeff Luers


tratto da
11 agosto 2007

Pubblichiamo l’ultimo dispaccio dal carcere di Free, con un doveroso commento che spinga alla riflessione.
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Interview with Eric McDavid


 Jeffrey Luers


Jeff Luers set fire to three SUVs at a car dealership in Eugene, OR during the summer of 2000 in response to the environmental devastation that he saw occurring on a global scale.
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