Indymedia's hardware is returned, but many questions remain

On Wednesday, October 13th, Indymedia's seized hardware was mysteriously returned in the same way it disappeared -- without any information provided as to who took it or why, and on whose orders. An employee at Rackspace, the U.S.-based web hosting company that handed over Indymedia's disks to the U.S. government on 7 October, emailed an Indymedia volunteer to say that the disks were returned and that "the court order is being complied with... I will pass along any more information that becomes available and that I am allowed to." read the entire statement

background information | solidarity statement

Today, October 14th, Italy Indymedia learned that an investigation in Bologna could have precipitated the U.S.' order for the seizure of Indymedia's hard drives from the U.K.

Marina Plazzi, a public prosecutor for Bologna investigating the "Informal Anarchist Federation," reportedly issued a request for information (RFI) to U.S. authorities concerning posts published on, one of the 20 odd Indymedia sites hosted on the U.K. server. The U.S. authorities, going beyond the requirements of the RFI, then issued an order to seize the drives.

Despite this new information and the return of the hardware many questions remain.

"The fact that the authorities' actions are shrouded in mystery leaves Indymedia in the Kafkaesque position of not knowing the identity of its accusers or the nature of their claim," says David Dadge, editor for the International Press Institute.

Indymedia volunteers are now calling for supporters to sign a solidarity declaration at denouncing the hard drive seizure as an unacceptable attack on press freedom, freedom of expression, and privacy. They are demanding a full disclosure of the names of organizations and individuals involved in the seizure, a copy of the court order, and an independent investigation into any violations of due process.

"We have serious concerns about the use of international co-operation frameworks to obscure legal process, undermine civil liberties, and erode communication rights," said an Indymedia volunteer.

Numerous organizations have already expressed their solidarity with Indymedia. "I would say that this is an indication of the successfulness of the Indymedia network," says Peter Phillips, Ph.D., director of Project Censored. "Freedom of information is a radical idea when applied in a fair manner, and radical ideas will always be suppressed by the transnational corporate elites whenever possible."

For more information, visit, email, or call:

Tomasso at +39 3383903806 (Italy)
Hep Sano at +1-415-867-9472 (San Francisco)
David Meieran at +1-412-996-4986 (Pittsburgh)

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Compliance and cowardice

Collin Baber 15.Oct.2004 06:34

The level of fear in the populace today is truly amazing. All one must do is read up on how people lived under Nazi dictatorship and the parallels of words and actions then and now will be blatantly evident.

If you are served a gag order warrant, why not just fax it to Indymedia? That way you can at least keep your mouth closed and let the media do the rough work of informing the public about what is happening.

Advice: Mirrored servers/Switch Companies

Nostritch Rellpappyshmack 15.Oct.2004 08:22

might well be time to switch server companies? maybe go independant? just an idea.

KOBE is Behind all of this.

Stephen Devoy 15.Oct.2004 09:07

Efforts of KOBE succesful in shutting down Indy Media


FBI shuts down 20 antiwar web sites: an unprecedented act of Internet censorship

Great work guys!
The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

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10-13-2004, 04:27 PM #2
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Posts: 27 Awesome


Great news!


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10-13-2004, 08:13 PM #3
Professional Cunnalinguist

Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,297 Wiping out liberals is a good thing


The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

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10-13-2004, 11:49 PM #4
KOBE Maggot

Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 245 L.A. Indymedia is still online!


Looks like we missed one. Oh well, there's always another time.

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Yesterday, 06:12 AM #5
Professional Cunnalinguist

Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 2,297 Was only 20 sites How many do you think Indy has


LA will go poof
The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.

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Yesterday, 08:52 AM #6
The Power
Senior Member

Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: USA asshole
Posts: 101 That IS great news!!!!


Just finished another message to LA, yea I hope it goes BOOOOMMM!!! I'm on the search for the rest of these cesspools on the net. We win.

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Yesterday, 10:39 AM #7

Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Palos Verdes, California
Posts: 311 LA Indymedia was our first Indy target in 2003


We are the ones responsible for their change in format, and my IP from my office is still blocked. You guys should go into the archives there and search using the keyword KOBE. You'll get a few great laughs!

BTW, Vancouver IMC is now POOF. We took down Alberta IMC two months ago, and now there are only 10 more IMC sites left open in Canada. They will have to go.

KOBE has a major operation brewing which will send the whole IMC network into a tailspin.

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Yesterday, 09:16 PM #8
KOBE Maggot

Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 245 I'll check out those archives after I get off here.


Should be hilarious.

KOBE Maggot
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Hard drive seizures

Smileyeye 15.Oct.2004 14:50

Indymedia volunteers are now calling for supporters to sign a solidarity declaration at denouncing the hard drive seizure as an unacceptable attack on press freedom, freedom of expression, and privacy. They are demanding a full disclosure of the names of organizations and individuals involved in the seizure, a copy of the court order, and an independent investigation into any violations of due process.

I would not automatically denounce a seizure, as I, like indymedia have no clue as to why certain hard drives were seized. For example if there were pages about how to make bombs or tactics about how to be involved in violent protest then I would not be willing to support such information. That is a very extreme example but I think it makes my point. I am in no way insuating that this was the reason, just stating why I wouldn't blindly support the first half of the above statement "denouncing the hard drive seizure as an unacceptable attack on press freedom, freedom of expression, and privacy." However I whole heartedly support the following statemnet "demanding a full disclosure of the names of organizations and individuals involved in the seizure, a copy of the court order, and an independent investigation into any violations of due process." If a policeman wants to enter a persons house they must have an arrest warrrant explaining why they must enter and what they are looking for, this circumstance should be no difference, they must state, what the proclaimed offensive material is, and secondly state whomm is confiscating it. I read in my local paper that it was the FBI, and they had acted on information from the Italian and Swiss authorities.
No doubt someone now has a list of every single ip address that has logged on to the site.

Seized servers should be reinstalled: consider this matter as a hack

hjrx 15.Oct.2004 19:49

many of us might know there is a golden rule when a server is hacked and it is: reinstall the system. as a rootkit/trojan might have been hidden in it, and usually it is hard to clean the system. this might be the case.

I hope it is already considered between the imc's sysadmins.

best luck! and keep the thing up.

Boycott Rackspace

anonymous 15.Oct.2004 22:56

Indymedia too fragile

Anonymous Coward 16.Oct.2004 00:16

OK, so take this as a wakeup call.

Indymedia is a bunch of loosely affiliated sites. Fine, good. However, it's not robust. Your infrastructure is inadequate. I saw the suggestion for going to an independant server, and I don't think that's the answer. You need lots of severs and lots of backups in multiple jurisdictions. Some of those jurisdictions will not be a safe haven for *some* of your content, but you can pick and choose wisely (for example, host China content in the US and Brazil, host Chinese content in the US and Sweden, etc...). Make sure redundant copies of your content are staged, online, ready to go, in jurisdictions that are not signatories to the same legal assistance treaties.

Then, if something bad happens, whether it's a natural or political event, all you need to do is update the index, change the DNS records, or whatever, and you're off. By the way, make sure your DNS infrastructure is redundant as well. You might want to set up a totally separate domain like "" as well, with a separate primary DNS server (not advertised in your SOA records) that can update the official DNS servers as well.

It's time to grow up and fix the house of cards that you've created. Relying on each entity to create and keep informal backups clearly doesn't work well. It's taken over a week to restore "some" of your content, and it's still not up all the way.

Ignore kobe

dr spoons 16.Oct.2004 08:56

KOBE from most observation are a small group of possibly teenagers who spend alot of time bragging about stuff that doesnt involve them.

The takedown of Vancouver was done by vancouver imc itself, not these pimply little punks.

Unfortunately for Kobe, when it comes to indy, they are outgunned and outmanned. Indy is a large operation that maintains the services of some of the best open source hackers on the planet, and the legal protections of the EFF and ACLU.

Or to put it another way, If they made a serious attempt at taking down indymedia, they would find them selves in a legal hell storm of which they'd never recover from.

maybe they didn't manage to read data :)

brehy 16.Oct.2004 11:22

What file system are the hard rives using? Maybe it was some kind of unix and cops didn't manage to mount it on their windows machines :)


Jerard 16.Oct.2004 15:39

Hello My friends

I am giving my name just for sport you ,I just say we are more, and we dont let you be alon in your strugle.
Inependent Media Center must be respected for all and it must be INDEPENDENT. thats all jerard

the media

Alfredo bremont 16.Oct.2004 17:55

the media music
the media music

the reality might seem eluding, but it is not the activities of indymedia that create a threat, it is more its reach, that deranges the multinational corporations, like Sky news, CBS, ABC, or VENEVISION. the media barons are losing the control of the audience and minds are getting liberated, it is as simple as that. in order to achieve their aims the media barons used the government who will implement the laws ( P2P, terrorism and the lot) the government has no choice as it is not independent per say, corporations have more a say than the president. we can see how the money flows in the American elections and how there are only two candidates. ( giving a restricted choice to the voters) this eventual dubious scheme is worldwide and most ONG, and world organisations are accomplice of it.
but indymedia happened to get on the scene and it is waking people up and liberating minds.
the media barons and their technological partners, are in deep trouble, as it is the people who do change things, only they have being put to sleep by the corporate media.
indymedia is the wake up call.
so it is easy to see why its got so many enemies, which are the same enemies that democracy is finding this days.
Alfredo bremont

the coming of the messiah part 1

Alfredo Bremont 16.Oct.2004 18:04

the coming of the messiah
the coming of the messiah

If the messiah was to come to earth now, would he be label as a new comer or as a resurrection? As the same messiah is twice born, he them is the one we are all waiting for rather than the resurrection of an on one occasion born. In practice it means that the messiah has arrived to earth, and he was not Christ, but the innovative messiah.
More or less the messiah was due to be alive in year 2004.
In equal value that the Christian Christ but reversed. A total of the reverse historical events, as this extreme of acceptance was what Christ meant to say; and is what validates his existence; moreover he did not overlook the other religions, their philosophy and their different conclusions.
Indeed the last messiah is the Jewish one. It completes the circle of god.
As at this particular moment, all belief can embrace each others, and become one.
Which as we know is the easies route to understanding one another?
The born again messiah, but on the spirit of the father rather than the son.
This time is not the son who’s coming to save the planet but the father.
In this case he does multiply the bred but on his invisible way, using circumstances as his voice, he corrects the wrong and beatifies the correct. He gives meaning to words, and denies it to men. He lets nature guide, mould the consciousness of men, before becoming the son. The spirit who is the guide of men is as well the guide of the father keeping a harmonious understanding between the laws of the spirit, the laws of the father, and the laws of the spirit in tune. Moving, creating sounds to the conscious mind, exploring the limit mind, understanding the laws of the son the messiah was born.
Therefore the peace on the Middle East does not depend on the Palestinian quarrel but on the coming of god.
The thing is god is already here, and he probably understands the situation as well as most humans, the quantity of them is so vast that for god to speak to all minds at a point in time, he communicates by nature. Nature being the most gentle and subtle wisdom consciousness can perceive at the present instance, speaks the words of god.
From the tables of Moses to the Mayan pyramid, the messiah has always being represented by nature.
To be represent by men he was, he is the son.
And a son takes in this case the human form, from his father’s image.
The father image ruled by the laws of the spirit, and behaving by the laws of the father image, becomes the son as a three dimensional form. The laws of the son are the same laws every human endures on planet earth, the laws of the father are more or less good behaviour. And the laws of the spirit are what you call eternal life.
Divinity becomes immortal.
Sanctity, an attempt to achieve eternal life, fanatics them is a fear of dyeing.
One thing both have in common is eternal life, rather than consciousness.
Consciousness can only come from the spirit.
And the messiah being the father this time around is invisible.
We can conclude that something we can’t perceive does not exist, while admitting that we can’t ourselves understand consciousness.
As perception is, to a conscious mind, what reality is to men?
An unconscious mind, does not perceive the whole three dimensional enclosing human, it is closer to the father’s behaviour and the spirits realm.
Consciousness feeds on the three dimensional form to construct matter, the spirits bonds and dissolves the form to keep it alive.
And show it to the mind once more.
And this way he can return to the land of Israel.
Embracing all religions the new Jewish Christ symbolizes the re born Christ of the Catholic Church
The concrete messiah of the Jewish religion as a three dimensional being, Christ accomplishing to things at once, he expanded, believe in one unique god and consolidated believe in the coming unique god.
More or less and inverted historical version of the passion of Christ.
A total circle of time, a measurement, quantity among unity, develop believes in unity. As unity is achieve, its meaning changes into equilibrium, recreating a new real to the conscious mind. Reaffirming the existence of eternal life by symbolising a rebirth of the three dimensional form.
A clever foot on the past and the here the circumstances play on the life of Christ and his miracles, at that time he was only the son of the father and the Holy Ghost, today he has become the father himself. Ready to pound the infidels, with his new three dimensional armour we call nature, he is giving humans the warning welcome, all religions and faiths must be ware of the rapt of nature.
Too many people dying and to many suffering in the world, who can measure but nature, the ways to balance the quantities with the real. Only god can enclose the absolute into the infinite.
Shall we designate the new painters painting the new churches in this inverted version of the passion of Christ?

Offer of free legal assistance to Indymedia

John Rhys-Burgess 16.Oct.2004 21:15

I would be pleased and honoured to represent Indymedia (without charge) in legal proceedings before the High Court in London and the European Court of Human Rights, since what has been done to it, is wholly contrary to EU law and must not be allowed to pass unchallenged.

I have tried to send a message to this effect, three times, but oddly, the message though sent, does not get recorded in my "sent items" box and the first attempt to post this message, resulted in an "error" message. I would be interested to see if this attempt gets through.

I agree with alfredo bremont

mr agreement 17.Oct.2004 15:24

mr alfredo is right....
all of you should go to
Just the same as that lawyer whenever I post messages about truth they keep mysteriously dissapearing
george bush richard cheney madelein allbright are all rapists of children .....for the proof

"The takedown of Vancouver was done by vancouver imc itself"

pointer 17.Oct.2004 15:53


vielleicht versteht ihr jetzt...

ein freund 17.Oct.2004 23:02

... wie sehr ihr überwacht werdet! mensch leute wacht endlich auf und seht den gemeinsamen feind ins gesicht!
bei euch ist es momentan so, wie bei uns nationalen vor 6 jahren, bevor wir die spitzel in die wüste geschickt haben!
anstatt uns gegenseitig zubekämpfen und somit unsere schlagkraft zuschwächen, sollten wir lieber gemeinsam genen die mächtigen herrschaften vorgehen.
ihr seht ja, wer die macht hat und diese ausnützt!


Boycott tourism.-

El Hombre de Palo.- 18.Oct.2004 00:26

What actually happens with Indymedia servers, makes it clear, that its opposition to neoliberalism and neoconservatism is the winning side.- As the countries involved are strongly biased towards un-democratic, & fascist actions I personally reccomend people who plan to travel, vacation or do bussiness with these countries, to think over carefully their plans, because the silencing of free speech is only the foreword of illegal arrests, and invasion of privacy, even in bussiness.- Therefore, these countries are not sure for visiting or working.- Just bee careful and think things over before acting.-

Love & kisses:

El Hombre de Palo.-

p.s.My regards to the CIA boys who are looking at me.-

keinen fussbreit den faschistInnen

kein freund von nazis 18.Oct.2004 08:20

wenn sich da einer als den nationalen zugehoeriger zu wort meldet, dann kann ich nur lachen: gemeinsamer feind? was denn - gibts da wohl irgendwo eine verschwoerung und die leute haben nix damit zu tun? indymedia steht auch dafuer, diskriminierungen wie rassismen, sexismen, antisemitismus, usw zu gekaempfen. und wenn es darum geht, dann geht es mit sicherheit auch darum, die "nationalen" zu bekaempfen, denn deren weltbild baut mit sicherheit auf diskriminierung auf. also: den nazis keine chance, denn sie sind feinde - und stehen meist auf der seite jener staatlichen stellen, die repression ausueben.

confiscation of servers from Indymedia

phatmatt (UK) 19.Oct.2004 11:52

I to do not know how an Internal American investigation agency (FBI)has any powers regarding ownership/content of a websie that is for all intence and purposes is out of their jurisdiction. My only thoughts/guess on this are that at some point (no doubt under the international anti-terrorist laws)David Blunkett the British Home Secretary has acquiesced with the U.S government over this matter and given permission to allow for the confiscation from the Rackspace office in London. No doubt many questions will remain un-answered as the FBI move from investigation bureau to secret service.

social forum

alfredo bremont 21.Oct.2004 21:20


The world forum goes beyond the imagination, of those who attended; it is more the characteristic of a globalisation that is misunderstood, than a failure or a success. The social forum cannot, be measured by a particular event. As it is not the designation of the substance that changes but the meaning of those substance, how they are perceive, not quite a new civilisation, that is reaping the old one apart, more a civilisations converging into one.
How and whom shall shape this converging civilisation is the query, should it be the Anglo American model, or the European, should it be the euro or the dollar. We could say should be Christina or Jewish, or Muslim or agnostic. The globalisation simmers down religions as parts of a culture, the west in this case might be closer to the Christian faith while the Middle East to Mohammad, or the South American Indians to their god, converging these individual gods into one is one of the consequences of globalisation, which it seems is unavoidable. The adversities will bow to the wills of globalisation, different viewpoints do understand each other’s and likewise disagreed, this particular phenomenon, repellence and magnetism is one of the cryptogram of globalisation.
Something that is global cannot be look at on a microscopic perspective, neither on a macroscopic exclusively; it must be look at in balance of the two forms, the very large, and the very small.
The very small is the event that took place a few days ago; the very large is how the world evolves in consequence to that event.
The individual small event grows gradually in importance as the larger globalisation event expands in a harmonious balance.
It is globalisation in this case the shaper and creator of civilisation, the inspiration of the indefinite, and the thirst for knowledge placed on the individual Garden of Eden. Facing the transgression the individual mind desires, to discern, control this globe and its globalisation. The historical book of knowledge telling his tale, reviving the creation of men and women, confusing memory questioning the past goes and step forward into his synthesis and globalises religions and races into a understanding of one self and the other.
The Garden of Eden indeed looks the same, as the old remembered picture, shadowy and imaginative, re-educating the mind, and reintroducing the verve on a different perspective. History lets the mind experience the past and prepares it for the future, as the future is a globalisation of the past in an appropriate perspective.
Alfredo Bremont

international hosting solutions

Scott Korgan 22.Oct.2004 01:14

Some people are calling for a jurisdictionally seperated setup.

I will keep it short and simple.

our company provides just this type of service and is an ardent supporter of freedom and privacy as we built our entire company around the concept.

Currently there is a court case pending decision in which court orders must be disclosed to the subject in question.
Please understand that our company understands the legal aspects of this type of situation better than most providers and indymedia would benefit from that type of legal support considering the realities of the current situation.

In a case like this, we would have appealed the seizure and not just blindly complied and this would mean that the court order would have to be justified before a judge and proven jurisdictionally relevant. Rackspace should have considered the legal options when dealing with something so serious for such a large organization.

The poster that said to reformat your drives is totally right. You cannot be assured that your drives are clean. I would probably reformat them multiple times and then pass them through a woodchipper and put the pieces in all 50 states and start fresh.

If you want to discuss an alternative solution in depth please contact us anytime via phone or email. We have facilities in 8 countries including usa, panama, china, singapore, india, autralia, malaysia and hong kong.

thank you

Scott Morgan
Katz Global Media

hosting provider

Scott Morgan 22.Oct.2004 01:17

Some people are calling for a jurisdictionally seperated setup.

I will keep it short and simple.

our company provides just this type of service and is an ardent supporter of freedom and privacy as we built our entire company around the concept.

Currently there is a court case pending decision in which court orders must be disclosed to the subject in question.
Please understand that our company understands the legal aspects of this type of situation better than most providers and indymedia would benefit from that type of legal support considering the realities of the current situation.

In a case like this, we would have appealed the seizure and not just blindly complied and this would mean that the court order would have to be justified before a judge and proven jurisdictionally relevant. Rackspace should have considered the legal options when dealing with something so serious for such a large organization.

The poster that said to reformat your drives is totally right. You cannot be assured that your drives are clean. I would probably reformat them multiple times and then pass them through a woodchipper and put the pieces in all 50 states and start fresh.

If you want to discuss an alternative solution in depth please contact us anytime via phone or email. We have facilities in 8 countries including usa, panama, china, singapore, india, autralia, malaysia and hong kong.

thank you

Scott Morgan
Katz Global Media

patriot act provision repealled

Scott Morgan 22.Oct.2004 01:51,1759,1676361,00.asp

Ruling Clarifies ISP Patriot Act Obligations
By Caron Carlson
October 18, 2004

An ISP gets a call from an FBI agent demanding the delivery of sensitive customer information and ordering the ISP not to tell anyone anything about the transaction—ever. Soon after, the same demand follows in the form of a letter on official FBI stationery, even though the FBI has no subpoena or judicial authorization to request the data.

Does the ISP have to turn over the data?

No, according to a federal court, which recently struck down as unconstitutional a provision of the USA Patriot Act that allows the FBI to compel delivery of sensitive customer data from ISPs and other telecommunications companies without first getting a subpoena from a grand jury.

It isn't likely that such a letter "phrased in tones sounding virtually as biblical commandment" would not make an ordinary person apprehensive and ready to obey, wrote Judge Victor Marrero of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, upon throwing out the provision.

Because such an "ominous writ" essentially coerces the recipient into complying immediately without any opportunity to challenge its validity, Marrero ruled that it violates the Fourth Amendment safeguard against unreasonable search and seizure and the First Amendment right to free speech.

Scott Morgan

'Free Legal Advice' and representation. Who are you kidding ?

Joe Hall 26.Dec.2005 13:01

Once again John Rhys Burgess has stuck his foot in his mouth up to the Hip. I really protest at his offering 'free legal advice and representation' to indymedia or anyone else for that matter. This man is simply not qualified to practice Law in this country, or any other, to the best of my knowledge. This has recently been under-lined when he failed to turn up at Birmingham Chancery Division, 18th November2005, to prosecute a case for The Plater College Foundation whom he had convinced he was able to do. The result being that the loss of £15.000 of this worthwhile institutions assets were wasted. John Rhys Burgess, who was also the PCF's secretary, offered to resign the post but then re-canted the offer forcing his dismissal by the Directors. As far as the European Court of Human Rights he has no automatic 'Right of Audience' and could only assist a legally qualified Human Rights Lawyer but NOT appear on behalf of anyone in his own right. John Rhys Burgess is full of it I'm afraid !

Your other petition

Martha 03.Mar.2006 07:15

Stancel, I need to get a hold of you regarding your petition to get Esperanto recognized by the UN, please email me at: ASAP.

offshore companies 25.Nov.2006 17:10

The Patriot Act is by defenition a piece of legislation that regulates only US entities. With this in mind anonymous offshore companies that are located out the US territory are by no means required to comply with the Patriot Act. These offshore companies like are self regulated hosting providers and if they do not want to issue some info to the FBI or anty other enforcement agency there is no means to force them to do it.