Cyprus IMCista Investigated by United States Intelligence Services

Last week we learned that the US Central Intelligence Agency directed the US Embassy in Cyprus to instruct the Criminal Investigation Division of the police in Cyprus to investigate an IMCista who is politically active both in the US and in Cyprus. Petros Evdokas has been living in Portland, Oregon, USA recently and is one of the volunteers and journalists for Cyprus Indymedia

The intelligence investigation is based on an article he wrote for Cyprus Indymedia documenting some of the manipulations by US intelligence operations using the United Nations to influence the recent referendum in Cyprus on the "Annan Plan" (the UN's plan to reunite the island in an apartheid-style arrangement). The article has just been republished by IndyMedia due to renewed interest by newspapers and other political organizations. [ read the article ]

We're trying to publicise this and let people know what's going on. The investigators questioned the author's parents and wanted them to state in writing whether he constitutes a "threat to US interests". The implications of this episode go beyond mere harassment of an activist's and journalist's family. This case illustrates the US policy of interference in even the most minute internal affairs of other countries and it shows the degree to which the local authorities jump when the US says to.

Following is a segment of a writtten dialogue between Petros and one of two independent filmmakers who are on the island right now doing documentaries on the situation there:
.... One benefit, is that our people can see a lot from the Empire's intervention ...through our case we are able to show that:

1. The Empire is threatened by exposure and documentation of its vile and despicable domination, its political, ideological and financial control of large sections of the BiCommunal Peace process. Even if our opposition is "only" words, these words seem to make a difference,

2. The spineless co-operation of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus with the directives of that "Certain Intelligence Agency" (who has ever heard of an independent Republic, simply following the directives of a foreign Embassy without question or protest?), reveal how much really, to what a terrible degree, Cyprus is still a colony of the global Empire. The academic term for is "neo-colony", but who wants to be splitting hairs over definitions?

3. The fact that there are at least 2 independent filmmakers who are aware of this situation, and who understand the meaning of this effort to silence us by intimidation, gives courage to our people to continue our work. Knowing that other independent media workers such as yourselves appreciate what we do, and are aware of and concerned about the risks of independent journalism on issues surrounding the BiCommunal Peace process and its manipulation by the US intelligence operations, and who appreciate the need for building unity between Turks and Hellenes in the region on the basis of *opposition*, not servitude, to the Empire, makes it all more worthwhile and less scary for us to continue our work.

A friend and comrade here in the States, remarked that this investigation against IndyMedia and me is really a very instructive case study of the whole process of how the US Empire has branched itself into the minutae of the administrative machinery of not only a tiny and defenseless country like Cyprus, but of an international project of the United Nations (note the recent revelations and public admission that even Kofi Annan's office at the UN Headquarters was under surveilance by the same "Certain Intelligence Agency"). The blending of diplomatic action, surveillance and covert operations machinery, computer administration systems, police intimidation and military force, and above all financial domination all radiating from the core of the global Empire and extending into the very fabric and tissue of every community on the planet, paints a good picture of a world "under the thumb" of the oppressor. Referring to the action of the US Embassy in this case against me, he said "with diplomats like this, who needs generals?"

Our case has been able to demonstrate:

a. total subversion and control of the United Nations administrative machinery (at least its Cyprus mission) by US intelligence operations,

b. total subservience of the Government of the "independent" Republic of Cyprus to a "Certain Intelligence Agency" of the US and to a foreign Embassy,

c. complicity by many of the "heroic" individuals who are active in the BiCommunal process, but who seem to be more accountable to that foreign Embassy than to our own peoples' mobilizations for freedom and democracy among our communities in both the north and the south (many BiCommunal activists have been notified of this intimidation, why are they silent now? For them, it's just the same as when they were silent about the invasion of Iraq, they don't want to bite the hand that feeds them),

d. the tiny and "insignificant" Cyprus IndyMedia has a real role to play in the unfolding historical process, that what we say and do makes a difference, and it does have something of an impact in the efforts to create a world free from domination by corporate influence and authoritarian state power.

Our activities - yours and ours - as independent journalists and activists in the global liberation movement provide us with a unique, double benefit : - the occasional opportunity to experience that our work somehow, even in small ways, helps to empower our communities, build bridges toward international Peace, and help the movement to disarm (in some future day) the largest killing machine in the Solar System; - also provide us the opportunity to plunge into fear, despair, and helplessness (an emotional daily staple, for some of us), during most of the time that we spend doing this work, not knowing whether it is of any value ...until "the man" comes knocking.

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You're lucky I guess...

King Amdo 18.Jul.2004 10:05

Interviewing parents blows the game. MI6 (British overseas secret service) would never ever do that because of this. What game you may ask? The game of 'of course you're not under investigation, you are a paranoid scitzaphrenic'.

The mind/reality control aspects of secret services is the primary objective.

At least the american's are less deep 'players'....more open in their operations/game.

I once had a MI5 operative on my case around the time I was in a Protest court case. I sussed her out more or less straight away. She was ugly and tried to control the energy. (That's why I don't like eco fem nazi' cannot tell the difference between 'em.)

Jah sees you stupid scum.


Take legal advice before you sign anything

King Amdo 18.Jul.2004 10:08

Tell you parents this, and maybe have the name of a sound lawyer ready.

Blessed be,


King Amdo.

Special message to the CIA/FBI...

You and your people are FUCKED.


rufus 28.Jul.2004 23:53

At least the american's are less deep 'players'....more open in their operations/game.

I once had a MI5 operative on my case around the time I was in a Protest court case. I sussed her out more or less straight away. She was ugly and tried to control the energy. (That's why I don't like eco fem nazi' cannot tell the difference between 'em.)

Jah sees you stupid scum.

No, they have the same shit here in America, just doesn't sound like the people investigating this guy used it...Its interesting what you said about picking up on the MI5 operative. You said that operatives are like fem nazis? Don't use that as a guiding principle, because they are like ANYTHING. hippy, conservative, punk, mellow, uptight. That's what they do, and many of them are good at it. But I agree with you on picking up on the energy. The fact is that anybody who can stomach that type of work fits a certain psychological profile by definition, and you can always pick it up by talking with them enough.

Bush Administration Fears Truth

Joseph C. Stockett, USA 27.Oct.2005 17:57

It is obvious that the Bush Administration is afraid of the truth. The truth about Iraq, the truth about Tom Delay, the truth about Rove and Libby, and the truth about George Bush being a pawn of Israel are all truths the Bush folks would like to hide.

Don't worry friends. The day of calamity and downfall is coming for these tyrants, warmongers, and liars.

The Emperor Bush is naked and his boots are filled with innocent blood. The smirk on his cowboy face hides his fear of public exposure. He is a coward with a yellow ribbon that runs down his spine. His bravery is the bravery of a bullying despot and a powermad egoist.

Investigated, harassed, conspired against in NYC

Jess 21.Feb.2009 08:13


My name is Jess M, I live in NY, NY and have been extensively investigated do to a capitalist's fetish and have been played the game of being called a paranoid schizophrenic. It isn't funny, but just take the pills in your hands and go along with everything! Karma will be a bitch for them.



*** 12.Apr.2012 07:43

The clown who wrote this... Petros Evdokas.. is a STRATFOR subscriber, which seems to be the same thing as a "contributor". You can find one of his emails in the STRATFOR docs drop at dazzlepod

ID Email / Username Password
408068 ***

STRATFOR took over work for the CIA in 2004:

FW: CIA head of analysis fired

Date 2004-12-29 16:54:06

I wanted to forward these comments from George to the entire team so that
everyone at Stratfor is aware of the incredible opportunity/challenge we are
faced with.



The most likely answer is Evdokas is a FAKE and cyprus indymedia was set up as a honeypot to trap anarchists. English speaking IMC missed this bs going down in 2010:

Recently Evdokas was caught allowing a holocaust denier he knows personally, Tim Titrud, to post on a list Evdokas moderates. When confronted on cyprus indymedia, Evdokas vandalized the article with conspiracy bs and DISABLED OPEN PUBLISHING

Now he's trying to con a US free speech institute into funding him

Let the anarchist beware....