
Intelligence & security report a dream come true for the Five Eyes

The release of the Independent review of intelligence and security recommends a range of changes that are dangerous to ordinary people, both within NZ and elsewhere, and represents a massive concentration of state power.


Beware of Capitalists Bearing Gifts

Economic policy changes over the last few decades have led to the super-rich being able to increase the concentration of their wealth to an outstanding degree.


Intelligence Review out on Monday

The Intelligence Review will be tabled on Monday and there will be yet more rhetoric around the dangers of terrorism and how we can keep 'ourselves' safe. The reality is though, it is the Five-Eyes and surveillance that we should fear.


The deadline for the Intelligence Review Looms

It is only two weeks until the far from independent Intelligence Review needs to table their report at parliament. Many see it only as heralding more legal changes to legalise what they currently do and it will also strengthen ties with the Five-Eyes

State Repression

Unleashing GCSB To Spy On Kiwis One More Step On Road To Police State

The Anti-Bases Campaign is appalled by the recommendations made in the newly-released Intelligence Agencies review.

State Repression

Terrorism? No, Ganja: The Military siege of another Māori community

Two Light Armoured Vehicles (LAVs) were at the scene of a police stand-off near the community of Kawerau this morning.

Maori & Tino Rangatiratanga

Don’t mess with my survey pegs

For almost 200 years, survey pegs have been the cause of trouble.

State Repression

ISC received People’s Review of the Intelligence Services

The People's Review of the intelligence services was presented by Stop the Spies to the ISC on 29 February. It was a 'blue sky' approach: nothing was off the table. It is apparent that people want fundamental change to the intelligence community


11 March 2016
9 March 2016
8 March 2016
7 March 2016
5 March 2016
4 March 2016
3 March 2016
2 March 2016
1 March 2016

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The True Cost of Coal

Wellington, Tomorrow, 6pm

Zine Trading Picnic

Wellington, 1pm, Saturday 19th March

Peaceful civil disobedience for real climate action

Tamaki Makarau Auckland, 12am, Monday 21st March

Surveillance Film Festival_Wellington

Wellington, 6pm, Friday 25th March

Space, Race, Bodies II: Sovereignty and Migration in a Carceral Age

Otepoti | Dunedin , 12am, Friday 6th May

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