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Summary Generating printable view of ArgoUML models
Category design
License Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
Owner(s) abbeman, anderso, linus, matda701, matsi902


ArgoPrint is the result of a project of a course at Linköping Institute of Technology, Sweden. The initiative behind this project is Linus Tolke, one of the main developers of ArgoUML.

During 2006 Ion Savin will rework ArgoPrint. He is participating one of the Google Summer of Code students working with ArgoUML. You can follow up on his progress on the summary page.

In 2010 & 2011, the module was completely rewritten by Mark Fortner to support pluggable templating engines (both Velocity and XSLT are now supported), and the user interface was also rewritten. Default templates were created for requirements and design documents. These templates can be cloned and customized to suit individual needs. Diagrams can be exported as either embedded base64 encoded images, or embedded SVG images (examples of both are in the default templates). More templates to follow.

  • User documentation for the project can be found here.
  • Downloads can be found here.

ArgoPrint will be included in ArgoUML releases beginning with 0.34 and before that development releases starting from 0.33.2.

The Mission

The aim of this project is to produce a module for ArgoUML that can generate reports of the data contained in an ArgoUML project. The module will read from a template that is written by the document author in an XML-format defined by the project. The template defines the content and format (for example DocBook) of the output document and makes it possible to extract information from the ArgoUML model to be included in the document. Eventually, the content could also come from other tools.

The reason for doing this is that it will enable a completely automatic way of generating the documentation for a project modeled in ArgoUML and it will make it much easier to maintain the documentation even when changes are made to the ArgoUML model. All you need to do to keep the documentation up to date is to run the templates through ArgoPrint and the changes will be reflected in the documents.

You can browse the design documentation of ArgoPrint.

This page was last updated on $Date: 2006-06-10 07:39:45 -0700 (Sat, 10 Jun 2006) $.