
The Paris Commune: Revolution and Counterrevolution in Paris in 1870-1871

This is a draft translation in English of the book "La Commune de Paris – Révolution et contre-révolution à Paris en 1870-1871" in its first publication in French in 2011 under the name "Des Communards".

The Rebel Chronicles #5: Sergei Nechayev

This episode of the radical history series focuses on Sergei Nechayev and his tumultuous friendship with Mikhail Bakunin. For more episodes, please go to: https://soundcloud.com/paul-case-245440601/sets/the-rebel-chronicles

Revolution in Central America- Daniel Fogel

FMLN Guerrillas

A contemporary and critical account of the 20th century history of Central America, in particular the conflicts between Leftist rebels and US backed right wing dictatorships in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

The Petropavlovsk resolution

Rally on board the Petropavlovsk

The 15 point resolution approved by meetings of revolutionary sailors aboard the Petropavlovsk and Sevastopol battleships on 28 February, 1921, following Bolshevik repression of strikes in Petrograd. It marked the start of the Kronstadt revolt.

Racial matters: the FBI's secret file on black America - Kenneth O'Reilly

Black Panthers in Philadelphia being arrested

A meticulously researched study into how the FBI attempted to disrupt and repress the civil rights movement in the US in the 1960s and 70s.

The Detroit riot, 1967

Rioters in a barricaded street, Detroit 1967

A short account of the Detroit anti-police rebellion, one of the biggest uprisings in American history, which ended with more than 40 dead, 7000 arrested and 2000 buildings destroyed.

Laguarda Batet, Pepita (1919-1936)

Pepita Laguarda

A short biography of the Spanish anarchist militia woman Pepita Laguarda

Olday, John (1905- 1977) aka Arthur William Oldag aka Fredrick Frostick aka Frank Allen aka Willi Freimann, aka Michael Peterson

John Olday

A short biography of Scots-German anarchist John Olday

A strike like no other strike: Pittston strike holds lessons for today

Female supporters of the strikers

Article by the United Mine Workers of America, 20 years on from the 10-month-long Pittston Coal strike in Virginia. As you would expect from an official union account it omits to mention the wildcat strikers and violent acts of sabotage but contains interesting historical information.

Coalminers strike against Pittston Company in Virginia, 1989-1990

Striking miners rally

A short history of the successful 10 month long strike at Pittston Coal against cuts to retirement and health benefits, which included mass sit-ins and sabotage.