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Battle Cry
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Are Modern Bibles Built on a Faulty Foundation?
Issue Date: January/February 2016

Modern research techniques may have uncovered the unthinkable.

One of Satan’s prime strategies is counterfeiting. For 200 years a billion-dollar industry has been built upon trust in two foundational documents.

That industry is playing with the central information on the eternal destiny of all of mankind. Let’s make this simple. If you use (and trust in) a modern version Bible, it may not be exactly what you think it is.

Let’s look at a bit of history. Four hundred years ago, a war raged in Europe. One side forbade copies of God’s words to the people for centuries. But insurgents (believers) gathered an army of linguists, printers, and royalty, and pledged to place a commonly readable Book in the hands of every plowman.

In the midst of the battle, in 1604, the king of England authorized fifty-plus world-renown scholars to assemble and produce one common English Bible. He decreed that it would be the single source of God’s words for English speakers. After several years of complex deliberations, a final manuscript was agreed upon. In 1611 it was published and became simply, “The English Bible.”

Trust in this Book inspired the greatest revival and missionary effort the world has ever seen.

However, God’s sworn enemy had not been idle. About 200 years after its birth, a movement arose to “update” this Bible. Was it an honest effort to adapt to changes in the language? Or were nefarious forces determined to take down this lion of a book?

Regardless, this revision effort of 1870-1885 ignored thousands of manuscripts available —and settled on just two. These two became the foundation of all modern Bible versions, along with their Bible-doubting footnotes.

Now, along with other researchers, David W. Daniels is discovering the possibility that one of these two pillars supporting the modern, billion-dollar industry is a counterfeit, faked by Jesuits and other New World Order hacks.

Details are too complex for this writing, but there appears to be some dark historical mystery surrounding both the Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus. Daniels is viewing data recently posted on the internet to show suspicious alterations of Sinaiticus just before Westcott and Hort almost exclusively relied upon them to create their Greek New Testament, the foundation of all modern versions.

This calls into question the reason proponents gave to use them: that they were simply older —thus more likely better— than all the other thousands of manuscripts. Never mind the hundreds of omissions, alterations and discrepancies found in them.

Daniels has posted a playlist of vlogs on YouTube detailing these findings. If evidence continues to verify this view, how many will have the courage to stand against this monstrous fakery?

As Daniels points out: “All this confusion is completely unnecessary for anyone who chooses to stand on the proven reliability of the words of God preserved in the Bible that King James authorized.”