Borsele ( pronunciation (help·info)) is a municipality in the southwestern Netherlands on Zuid-Beveland.
The name of the municipality is spelled with a single s; the name of the eponymous village is Borssele, spelled with double s.
The municipality is mainly known for the Borssele Nuclear Power Station and the Central Storage For Radioactive Waste.
Baarland, Borssele, Driewegen, Ellewoutsdijk, 's-Gravenpolder, 's-Heer Abtskerke, 's-Heerenhoek, Heinkenszand, Hoedekenskerke, Kwadendamme, Lewedorp, Nieuwdorp, Nisse, Oudelande and Ovezande.
The Western Scheldt Tunnel is from Ellewoutsdijk to Terneuzen in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.
Coordinates: 51°26′N 3°44′E / 51.433°N 3.733°E / 51.433; 3.733
ah ah ah ah ah ah
ah ah ah ah ah ah
Qui fait quoi
Pour qui et pour quoi,
Trois p'tit points d'interrogation
Lequel et comment
Combien à qui où et quand,
Et pour répondre à nos questions,
Rien de mieux de plus sérieux,
Que deux ou trois vieux monsieurs,
Mais pour finir,
C'est toujours bla bla bla,
Pas d'quoi rire,
c'est encore bla bla bla,
Bla bla bla.
S'ils sont fous
c'est bien fait pour nous,
Ou fallait pas
Ou y'avait qu'à,
Assez assez de beaux discours,
Ou bien au moin faite-les plus courts,
On en a des cahiers,
Des livres entiers,
Et des montagnes de papier,
Et sans mentir,
C'est toujours bla bla bla,
Pas d'quoi rire,
c'est encore bla bla bla,
Bla bla bla.
Qui de la poule, qui de l'oeuf,
Toute une foule de philosophes,
Et des savants mieux qu'avant,
Et des experts mieux qu'hier {x2}
Aaaah Aaaah Aaaah Aaaah
Mais pour finir,
C'est toujours bla bla bla,
Pas d'quoi rire,
c'est encore bla bla bla,
Bla bla bla.
Et sans mentir
C'est toujours bla bla bla,
Pas d'quoi rire,
c'est encore bla bla bla,
Bla bla bla.
Qui de la poule, qui de l'oeuf,
Toute une foule de philosophes,
Et des savants mieux qu'avant,
Et des experts mieux qu'hier.
Depuis qu'je suis gosse, on me raconte des drôles de choses,
Un tas d'histoires louches, des trucs qui me semblent suspects.
C'est certainement parce leurs vies doivent être moroses
Que les grands inventent des histoires bêtes comme leurs pieds.
Sornettes, inepsies, balivernes, sottises,
Mon oeil voit bien dans vos bêtises.
C'est pas qu'j'veux pas croire au Père Noël dans la ch'minée,
Mais permettez-moi juste d'exprimer mon point de vue:
Dans toutes les BD ou même les dessins animés,
Tout l'monde l'a capté, le Père Noël a un gros cul!
Il ne passera pas!
Sornettes, inepsies, balivernes, sottises,
Mon oeil voit bien dans vos bêtises.
Tous les ans à Pâques, les cloches amènent les chocolats.
Elles les planquent un peu partout autour de la maison.
Il faut croire que je n'me trouve jamais au bon endroit,
Ces satanés cloches commencent à m'casser les bonbons!
Je n'les entends pas!
Sornettes, inepsies, balivernes, sottises,
Bah faut pas prendre le cul d'pèpère pour une tasse à café.
Saperlipopettes, messieurs, arrêtez vos bêtises:
Tous les gosses connaissent la vérité.
Et si ce n'est pas encore le cas, peut-être vaudrait-il mieux préserver les plus jeunes d'entre nous des paroles qui vont suivre. Olé!
Les carottes ne rendent pas aimable et la soupe ne fait pas grandir!
J'suis sage, j'ai pas d'image, et j'dois l'accepter sans rien dire!
Vingt ans qu'on s'moque de moi, qu'on m'fait passer pour un cul-cul!
Tu sais où tu t'la mets, mon pote, ta chasse au dahu!
En mai, fais c'qu'il te plaît. J'dois rester chez moi, j'suis puni.
Et quand j'perds mes dents d'lait, j'dois dormir avec une souris.
Le poisson n'rend pas intelligent. Mesdames, messieurs,
Pour faire dodo maintenant, faut qu'j'compte les moutons deux par deux.
C'est une voiture de ville, elle peut pas traverser la France!
Vérifie l'niveau d'huile ou tu vas croiser la dame Blanche!
La branlette, ça rend sourd! Comment j'vais faire ma puberté?
T'approche pas trop du four ou il va imploser!
Tu t'es cassé la jambe? Bah souffle dessus, t'auras moins mal.
Ca t'f'ra une jolie langue si on t'arrache les amygdales.
Tiens-toi bien au resto ou j'appelle le Père Fouettard!
Tu veux devenir costaud, garçon? Termine tes épinards!
La coupe au bol, c'est chouette! Ecoute un peu c'que dis ta mère.
Reste sur ta serviette, y a des requins au lac du Der. Qu'est-ce qu'il faut pas entendre?
Le hamster n'est pas mort, s'il n'bouge plus, c'est qu'il s'embête.
Et si tu mens encore, ton nez va prendre en centimètres.
Sornettes, inepsies, balivernes, sottises,
J'suis sûr que c'est même pas vrai tout ce que racontent les grands.
Je vous le dis net, la vérité à pour devise
Comme tout un chacun, il m'est bien arrivé de mesurer la bête;
Le soir dans mon lit, lorsque j'avais huit ans avec mon décimètre.
Impatient de savoir si Dame Nature m'avait bien gâté!
A mon grand désespoir, je me suis aperçu qu'elle m'avait oublié.
Il est des choses qui font que la vie est parfois difficile et cruelle.
Lorsqu'on est un garçon, on prend bien mal pour soi de n'être pas en règle.
Moi j'aurais bien aimé un cigare de Havane et deux gros abricots,
Mais la réalité m'a donné une gitane et deux petits noyaux.
C'est pas grave. Je le vis bien.
Je n'en ai pas honte.
C'est ma vie, mon quotidien,
Que je vous raconte.
Quelques années plus tard, le duvet au menton et les années collège,
A l'âge où l'on compare aux cours de natation nos petits bouts de liège,
Je me suis vu, à poil, les gamins de la classe qui face à mon moineau
Se sont moqués de moi en débalant tous cash leurs énormes corbeaux!
Je prétextais alors que la taille n'était due
Qu'à la teneur en chlore ou la température mais j'n'ais pas convaincu.
Depuis ce triste jour, on me colle un surnom:
"Petit zizi tout court", comprenez qu'avec ça, je passe pour un con. Miséricorde.
C'est pas grave. Je le vis bien.
Je n'en ai pas honte.
C'est ma vie, mon quotidien,
Mes belles rencontres.
Et voici mon record: le baccalauréat, soirée de fin d'année,
Je me revois encore, jeune garçon maladroit, timide et réservé,
Assis sur une chaise, attendant, tête baissée, la fin du quart d'heure slow,
Moi je crûs à un rêve en voyant Miss Lycée m'adresser quelques mots.
Salut! Comment tu vas? Bah moi c'est Miss Lycée!
Surtout ne t'emballe pas, je te le dis direct, je n'viens pas pour danser!
C'est qu'avec mes copines, on se pose une question:
Est-il vrai que tu as une minuscule épine au fond de ton caleçon? Trop la hirchma!
C'est pas grave. Je le vis bien.
Je n'en ai pas honte.
Mais bon, là, tu vas trop loin,
Laisse-moi te répondre.
Mais enfin, t'es-tu vue, espèce de petite conne?
La beauté de ton cul est inégale au reste et ta connerie m'étonne.
Quand tu souris, on voit ton appareil dentaire.
J'n'ai pas voté pour toi, je préfère le nature aux centrales nucléaires!
Et vas-y, chiale, maintenant! Fais couler ton fond d'teint!
Je te le dis franchement, toi, tu la joues Miss France, mais tu fais Miss Putain!
Vas dire à tes copines que la réponse est oui!
La taille de mon sexe reflète sensiblement leur niveau de QI. Quoi, tu veux un mouchoir?
C'est pas grave, hein? Surtout, qu'elle le vive bien.
J'veux dire: qu'elle n'en ait pas honte.
Puisque c'est ma vie, mon quotidien,
Que ces petites langues de vipère racontent.
Mais voici qu'aujourd'hui, j'ai une vie publique et quelques comptes à rendre.
A tous ceux qui ont nuit à ma réputation colportant sur mon membre.
Je menace publiquement de donner leur adresse et leur mensuration
in the dark, i've gone too far, i take another drink
shooting stars, i'm tearing cards
never could have seen the shadow in my ahead
the words i never said.
had it all, lost it all, made a few mistakes
misery must call for me, is calling on my name
tonight i won't regret the things i might forget
back to zero, i thought you should know, i'm letting you go!
back to zero, i'm living my life, i'm starting tonight
and wash it all away, and make it go
gonna berry all these memories of you
back to zero, i'm living my life, i'm starting tonight!
i touch the night, and supervise freedom in my veins
i broke the spell, so what the hell?
i'm turning off my brain you know i need really,
it hunts me in my sleep
back to zero, i thought you should know, i'm letting you go!
back to zero, i'm living my life, i'm starting tonight
and wash it all away, and make it go
gonna berry all these memories of you
back to zero, i'm living my life, i'm starting tonight!
na,na, na, na
na,na, na, na
back to zero
back to zero, i thought you should know, i'm letting you go!
back to zero, i'm living my life, i'm starting tonight
and wash it all away, and make it go
gonna berry all these memories of you
Nous avons grandi ensemble
Dans des lits superposés
Partageant nos pots de chambres
Et nos belles années
Au rythme de l'enfance
Au 7 rue de la belle Provence
Tu es venu me défendre
Pour quelques billes égarées
Face à Gaspard et sa bande en cour de récré
Et tu as su t'y prendre tu as su me faire respecter
Si c'est vrai, tu peux me croire toi tu me donnes des ailes
Nul ne sert de te dire que je t'aime
Tu es ma soeur de bohème
Si c'est vrai sache que ça n'a rien de confidentiel
Le monde entier s'accorde tu es belle
Oh toi ma soeur de bohème
Autant que je m'en souvienne
De toi j'ai tout hérité
Tes pyjamas, tes mitaines
Et tes chaussettes trouées
Sont devenues les miennes
Je me les suis appropriés
Que le temps ai fait des sienne
Mes souvenirs restent figés
Batailles de tarte à la crème
Polochons brisés
Tu connais la rengaine
Cherche moi tu vas me trouver
Si c'est vrai, tu peux me croire je vais briser tes ailes
Nul ne sert de te dire que je t'aime
Tu es ma soeur de bohème
Si c'est vrai sache que ça n'a rien de confidentiel
Le monde entier sait bien que les petites sauterelles
Face aux criquets font moins les belles
On se chamaille, on se teste
On se fait la guerre
Moi la canaille, toi la peste
Drôle de misère
Du meilleur comme du pire
Moi je sais ce qu'il me reste
Puisqu'on s'aime plus qu'on ne se déteste
Si c'est vrai, tu peux me croire toi tu es mon arc-en-ciel
Nul ne sert de te dire que je t'aime
Tu es ma soeur de bohème
Si c'est vrai tu peux me croire petite coccinelle
Ton prénom résonne à l'universel
Tombe la nuit l'amour murmure au creux des oreillers. Qu'il est temps de trouver chaussure pour aller à nos pieds. Patins de soie, chaussons de verre, babouche ou bien ballerine rose clair. Sabot de bois modèle divers. Il nous faut trouver notre paire.
Ouii les amours durent peut de temps, rouler tambour, profitez-en.
ouii les amours prennent le vent, trois petits tours, et au suivant.
Une fois trouver la chaussure à pointure adapté il nous faut lui faire bonne augure, l'emmener voyager. Autour du monde, partir à deux chaussons de bottes de milles et lieux. La Terre est ronde, le ciel est bleu, prenons notre pied comme on peut
ouii les amours durent peut de temps, rouler tambour, profitez-en.
ouii les amours prennent le vent, trois petits tour et au suivant.
Lorsque le couple vient à casser comme un vieux lacet usagé, lorsque les équerres sont usées, on fait appelle au coeurdonnier, mais même les plus belles chaussures, meurent du temps, meurent de l'usure. Et les hommes qui marchent pieds nus ont des gerssures.
Ouii les amours durent peut de temps, rouler tambour, profitez-en.
ouii les amours prennent le vent, trois petits tours, et au suivant.
J'veux être obligatoire au bac
Pour que les gens parle de moi
Comment était-il Barcella?
Et qu'ils analysent méthodiquement
Ma vie, mon oeuvre, mon endiguement
Et qu'ils apprennent par coeur, bêtement
Qu'ils me comprennent s'ils en ont le temps
J'veux qu'ils se plaignent des heures durant
Car il est vrai c'est chiant d'apprendre ma vie
J'veux être obligatoire au bac
Un sujet d'quatre heures à l'écrit
Coefficient indéfini
Les notes ne pourront qu'être bonnes
Et j'ferais parti des grands hommes
Qui sont obligatoires au bac
J'prouverais au monde que j'suis quelqu'un
Tu vois maman je m'en sors bien
Preuve que l'entêtement peut payer
Et (?) maman j'ai gagné
Et les sales moments sont passés
Et le sale môme maman à jamais
(?) mon rêve maman, s'achever
Sujet au bac à lauréat
Parce que je le vaux bien
Un sujet bâclé bien trop d'fois
J'aime écrire des poèmes
Aux jolies demoiselles
Qui rêvent de doux mots d'amour,
Moi je leur porte secours.
Dans mon balûchon de laine,
Des rimes samaritaines
S'attachent la nuit, comme le jour
A faire rougir le pourtour
De leurs paumettes.
Filles de dentelles,
Vendeuses d'allumettes
Au parfum de canelle.
Je ne suis qu'un poète
Et de ma fenêtre,
Je ne peux voir la vie en prose.
Acceptez-vous, ma belle,
Que ma plume nous promène?
Venez, allons faire un tour,
Je lance le compte à rebours.
Activez la manivelle,
Et dans deux, trois, étincelles
Nous nous envolerons pour
L'Andalousie de vos courbes
De fille en dentelles,
Vendeuse d'allumettes
Au parfum de canelle.
Je ne suis qu'un poète
Et de ma fenêtre,
Je ne peux voir la vie en prose.
Ne trouvez-vous pas ça chouette,
Ma petite fée Clochette,
D'écrire des mots pour les sourds
Et les rêveurs alentours.
Moi, qui suis souffleur de vers,
Je cherche une partenaire,
Ca n'est pas qu'un beau discours
Pour effleurer le contour
De vos gambettes
De fille en dentelles,
Vendeuse d'allumettes
Au parfum de canelle.
Je ne suis qu'un poète
Et de ma comète,
Je suis un homme à tout faire
Qui prend soin de sa maison
Je fais la guerre aux poussières
A toutes les infections
C'est moi qui fait la vaisselle
Moi qui règle le loyer
Moi qui sors les poubelles
Je suis un homme au foyer
Moi qui dort chez la gamine
Qui lui fait faire ses devoirs
C'est moi qui fait la cuisine
Inspecte les couloirs
Je suis un produit ménage
Je fais briller le plancher
Je m'occupe du repassage
Je javélise les WC
Peut m'importe les obstacles
Je maîtrise le chiffon
J'astique, je nettoie, je racle
Les tuyaux et les siphons
Je débouche la baignoire
Le bidet et les éviers
Quand c'est cassé
Ben je répare
C'est ça un homme au foyer
C'est aussi moi qui jardine
Qui arrose le potager
Les jonquilles se dandinent
Et les roses sont taillées
Je décore la demeure
Pour le plaisir de mes hôtes
J'offre des colliers de fleur
Cet intérieur est le vôtre
Ma fille m'appelle monsieur propre
Car du sous-sol au grenier
Les bactéries je décrotte
A la sueur du poignet
Toujours avec le sourire
Jamais je ne prends de congé
Je n'ai pas honte de la dire
Je suis un homme au foyer
On me dit que j'ai du goût
On en vient à me flatter
Jeune homme vous êtes un bijou
D'une incroyable rareté
Les hommes pensent que je suis fou
Les filles que je suis au top
Moi je n'y peux rien du tout
Take a breath
Random streaks of light prevade
The petrol perfume that I breathe
Taken at the witching hour
Missle launch and fuselage
Rivets from a row of eyes
Factory glass state of mind
Thus matching begets machine
1 is 10 is 423
Affectionate utility
The death of time
Replaces the need
For age
I think I tried to steal a kiss
Amind hollow shriek and hiss
Building's blacker then the sea
The sky a wash of acid pain's
The air is thick and oil slick
The architecture breathes anf it's breath
Soon I'll not want to go away
Black and silver
Soot stained eyes see fire and steel
How can I tell if it's for real?
I think sometimes today
I'll rescue you away
Andromeda can wait
Je suis desole
Nirvana encoded in concrete
My life is daigonal lines
A satellite leaving earth behind
To outer space
Without any tether
I see the sun
But i'm getting frostbike
Drifting past the empty vast
And my head is getting light
Gravity keeps pulling me downward
Radio radio radio
Give my best regards
In this world of brokwn dreams
And broken voices
Keep singing to be free
It's all behind my eyes
To find a way
To get away
From my own demise
My truth in an age of question
You can tell my father
The very least I tried
It's been a long long trip now
Comming from the other side
We are born
from one institution
into another
falling asleep
listening to the poetry
of steel
and we are chained
arm to arm
pulling each other down
the irony of quitting time
can you really stop?
inhale deeply because it's your last breath
so enjoy what's left
and we are chained
arm to arm
pulling each other
seasons change
from green to red
seasons change
Your sky falls forever
A black heart endeavor
The game of laissez-faire
Aces in the air
Your eyes stare forever
In the cold dry hereafter
Hiding an affair
I swore was never there
It's over and under and over and under
In the city that never sleeps
You're the creature that never wakes
I thought you were someone else
Scent of attraction
Lean in to listen
"Resurrect the dead on Jupiter" she said
Time's game is wasting
Worldwide lambasting
A billion miles away
A deadly bird of prey
Flies over and under and over
Force fed everytime
My tongue everytime
J'ai une ame solitaire
Feels the same
Can you not see it?
Our lips are trailing poison
The feeling will last forever
The fighting is over
Won without a sound
Alone in a white room
Alone with no one
One, Two, Three
And if I get the chance
To lead one sheep astray
I'll pull the rope with bleeding teeth
There's something in his eyes
An angel can't tell lies
The war torn streets of Paradise
How hard the code to break
Depends on what's at stake
It's a story about
A street named “Decision”
Lays open the skin
With it's painful incision
It's time to rest
Erase your
Complicated mess
A sharp dressed narcotic
That drips dark red
Keeps you smiling
When you say it's ok
It's breaking me
With breathtaking ease
Rub me out
Erase your
Panic anxiety
Truth be told
I never liked her around
But she kept coming around between us
I can hear you
Pioneer you
Whisper near you
Fire and virtue
Got to keep a light burning all day
Happened to
Face value
Straight talking
Went out with
June brides and fashion queens
It's a story about a street named “Decision”
Lays open the skin with it's painful incision
Your words are guns
Watch me and stay close beside
So helplessly waiting close my eyes
And hold me now because it's after me
Just waiting for my last breath
Vague distant holes in my history
The nightside I'm drifting so far away
The words that I'm speaking come haltingly
The air that I'm breathing taste sulfuric
Deep inside me
Deep inside my fortress
Feeling is lost with my memory
I'll work my way back to what it means
It's far to late to trace my steps back again
The thoughts petrifying me because
The spider man is after me
Fading hoping of familiar recognition
I built a castle made of arms cross and breathless
Watch me turn things around
Turn them on their head
This nightside where I'm drifting
This place is a lie I'm believing
To live with myself
To ease the strain
Release the brain
It's all I want
Run run away
And don't remain
Running on the data track
And don't look back
Surprise attack
Conscience tells me I am right
Burning lungs, suffocate
Scream with every breath I take
Wondering, 1-2-3
Will I ever see my...
Run away, run so far away
The monolith stands in a darkening shadow
If I should die before I wake
Never see the shores
With foreign waves
Memory fades to black
Under crushing marble slab cool me off
Rinse me clean
Let me please come with you
Porcelain ivory
Look at you now look at me
Run away, run so far away
The monolith is beckoning every day
One time for me
Is too late for you
Their plastic gaze
Would melt for you
My passive face
Keeps me away
Cold, stark, and pale
Our sobriquet
Sending a wire transmission
Falling into submission
Are you real or are you a vain imagination
It's not for nothing
Breathe the air
Eye the eye
Reach out and grab the hand that beckons
The Great Divide
Is in our minds
You'll see some things are bound to happen
Drink the wine
Touch the ice
Enter the ruined and fallen city
Dead by design
Complete the line
I know some things are bound to happen
Send the match and send the flame
And send the heat
One more white the other dressed in red
One invincible and the other fell down and bled
One to touch your face the other to wipe the sweat
One to know your name and the other not just yet
One day calm broke the silence
I heard my voice in the audience
And it said, "Look at my face"
One day calm broke the silence
I wear my nerves on the outside
Hide them under, hide them under
Hide them under my
There's no one out there, I know
Her eyes were gleaming in I.O.
And I'm still breathing on my own
The thoughts are leaving one by one
One stood by while the other came and went
The other flew away so she couldn't fall out again
One to let you know the other to make you wait
Worlds across the fence and they're traveled every day
One day calm broke the silence
I heard my voice in the audience
And it said, "Look at my face"
One day calm broke the silence
I wear my nerves on the outside
Hide them under, hide them under
Hide them under my
One day calm broke the silence
I heard my voice in the audience
Hide them under, hide them under
One day calm broke the silence
I heard my voice in the audience
Hide them under, hide them under
One day calm broke the silence
I wear my nerves on the outside
Hide them under, hide them under
Hide them under my
There's no one out there, I know
Her eyes were gleaming in I.O.
And I'm still breathing on my own
Yesterday morning upon my waking
Inside my pocket, I found a calling card
It said in cursive "Meta-detective"
And had a number I didn't recognize
It rang all morning and in the evening
I heard an answer. It sounded like a sigh.
It was a woman on the receiver
(she was a breather)
I said i'd see her because you never know
She said she'd meet me under the marquee
Of a theater that was abandoned
She ran up to me and leaned in closely
Whispering softly, she told me how I would die
She spoke in cipher and coy conundrums
Her hair was like lightning and smelled like thunder
Ending our rendez-vous, she said "Rappelea-vous?"
And with a pirouette, she disappeared and I said,
"You never know"
I'll let you be my eyes if we fly
I'll let you be my eyes because I'm blind
Automation is a subtractive process
Do you remember it?
We had a data date
You tried to turn it back
Now you're a bit too late
Stand in the light again
Open your mouth speak
Give me a sign of life
Touch me
Make peace with your right brain
Sense of security
Logic cuts pure and deep
Logic all you need
A line dividing us
Cold stark reality
In logic you will find transformation
We have all the strengths of genius
And all the signs of weakness
You'd better go on believing
Interface cannot come between
Deep down I believe
Solemn revery
Too lost
Link in a broken chain
Eyes are open
Only they don't see
Colour, shape, and terminal velocity
Run away when I feel danger
Danger hides in every stranger
Stranger things haves happened
So I feel like being stranger, laughing
All is lost
And all is lost on me
Says it will set me free
No cold
No heat
Feeling has passed through me
Give me one thing
Escape is all I need
Breathing down my neck you see
Is someone else's destiny
It makes no difference to pretend
So give me all my garmonbozia
Pain and suffering
The right make a world of your own
Is it called a crime if I play with time?
All the shame it brings, it changes everything! (x2)
Time delay
Is all in disarray
From another tear under my duvet
It's antique and smells like Chantilly
The other day it took me far away
When we were young and so risque
You said to stay but I disobeyed
Now I've erased the mistake!
Is it called a crime if I play with time?
All the shame it brings, it changes everything!
Long ago
Someone that I know
Took all the torment I could throw
How would I know I couldn't let it go
Without a dose of a-d-o
And although it's been a year or so
I think I will never outgrow
I'm laying low, so in reverse I go
Because she's the one that I owe
Is it called a crime if I play with time?
All the shame it brings, it changes everything! (x2)
I have gone awry
Trying to defy the laws of time where they apply
And so I sigh that I am high and dry
It really took me by surprise
It caught my eye, I had to say good-bye
It seems I've lost my paradigm
And I could die, because I don't know why
But I forget the name I go by
Is it called a crime if I play with time?
All the shame it brings, it changes everything! (x2)
Underwater in a submarine
He smokes a cigarette and blows the steam
He navigates though the deep blue sea
All by his lonesome, no company
Mainwaring in his submarine
Rescued a lady from a sinking ship
Then let her go on an iceberg tip
Ferried a family from an island head
Brought them to cannibals on a beach instead
Mainwaring in his submarine
His eyes are hollow just like his cheeks
His faded uniform not washed in weeks
He had a daughter to call his own
Poseidon's water took her long ago
Mainwaring in his submarine
Out the portal late at night
A sailor might see a watery light
And if he sees it, he'll let it be
It's the lonely Captain in his submarine
Mainwaring, where's your queen?
Mainwaring, where's your queen?
Mass of rain scaling skyscrapers.
Point only to failed ambitions.
Alone in the city of millions he walks on the left.
Against the open floor of human traffic,
Hourly inflicting and literally pulling.
Wanting to connect to the source.
Hes too afraid to ask so he walks alone.
Hes the monolith.
Like limbs of a dismembered poet rippling vains of lengthy full scars.
Yet just above the internal wounds that never seem too mit completely,
A world of great matter house a city he calls his own.
Standing on a ledge he surveys the land between his feet and the horizon.
Seeking projectile eyes burnt in a flame retile dress of the mob.
The lithium change seems to sting his tongue.
He's the monolith.
They will break they will burn far,
It feels so missed.
It feels so missed.
Hey, they say you died in your sleep
From a poison vapour leak
In 1917
You were only 23
And the time I saw you last
Was in a piece of broken glass
When you moved across the room
And I smelled your cheap perfume
Late, the candles cast long shadows
No matter where you are
Shiver! In the apartment where I live
And the death that you relive
Is too close to my bed
And it replays in my head
You are the ghost in the machine
You are the ghost in my routine
And I find you quite obscene
'Cause the way that you make me fiend
Late, the candles cast long shadows
No matter where you are
The candles cast long shadows
I, I don't know what to do
'Cause your body, I see through
Though I could not see your face
Though I saw your breath on the mirror
And there's one thing that you should know
That's that I fell for you long ago
And everything that I do
It begins and ends with you
Late, the candles cast long shadows
No matter where you are
The candles cast long shadows
(Cameo... cameo)
There you are!
There again...
Staring through the screen when the lights are dim
I wonder why you are there
Oh wait, I saw you again!
Your gossamer skin
I saw your cameo
There goes a shadow behind the scene
An ingenue phantom on the screen
I wonder why it is there
Oh wait, I saw you again!
Your gossamer skin
I saw your cameo
Out on the sidewalk I see your grin
The truth in your eyes is closing in
I wonder why she is there
Oh wait, I saw you again!
Your gossamer skin
I saw you again
Your gossamer skin
I saw you again
Your gossamer skin
Breathe in breathe out your contradictions
Breathe in breathe out your words of fiction
"Breathe in breathe out," you say, "but not on my time."
Says I, "Good bye to Grace."
Breathe in breathe out your pale addiction
Breathe in breathe out without conviction
"Breathe in breathe out," you say, "but not on my time."
Says I, "Goodbye to Grace."
Says the look on my face
Says I, "Goodbye to Grace, but not on my time."
Says I, "Goodbye to Grace."
We may never be something better
We may be down but we're not afraid
We may never be something better
We may be down but we're not afraid
Breathe in breathe out without permission
Breathe in breathe out your final mission
"Breathe in breathe out," you say, "but not on my time."
Says I, "Goodbye to Grace."
Says I, "Goodbye to Grace."
Says I, "Goodbye to Grace."
Says I, "Goodbye to Grace."
Say goodbye to Grace. Say goodbye to Grace.
Say goodbye to Grace. Say goodbye to Grace.
Say goodbye to Grace. Say goodbye to Grace.
Mr. Mercury, (U.S. patent No. 55453xx54), a cast iron steam machine,
Made the morning tea for the Admiral Gabardine
Went out on an errand, but came back too late
The runabout was idling behind the gate
Mr. Mercury, his dials and his springs
Set out for Mr. Quick (U.S. patent No. 353480723x0894)
By following the oil slick
Mr. Mercury, why did they all leave?
Could it be I wonder, a strange disease?
Because everybody's gone
The house is empty and the silence is killing me
The was overheard
And the city streets were dead
They heard a soft alarm
That was set by Mr. Arm (patent pending)
Mr. Mercury, why did they all leave?
Could they be, I wonder, all overseas?
'Cause everybody's gone
The town is empty and the silence is killing me
"Follow me.
I will take you to the admiral.
He will tell us what to do."
You can tank Smythe and Tinker for your curious demeanor.
(He is a patented Marvel, He is a patented Marvel)
They no longer linger, but he knows he'll be alright
Are you getting existential in your clockwork differential?
(He's a patented Mechanical Marvel!)
Our serial numbers are etched in ours thumbs.
Send someone who could us a good Automaton!
We are, we are, we are, we are alone
We are, we are, we are, we are alone
We are, we are, we are, we are alone
We are, we are, we are, we are alone
We are, we are, we are, we are alone
We are, we are, we are, we are alone
We are, we are, we are, we are alone
We are, we are, we are, we are alone
And so it was.
Mr. Mercury
There's not much use for us three
I'll turn your On switch Off
If you'll do the same for me
'Cause everybody's gone
"I'm thinking we're shrinking," said the lady to her darling.
"But the word is getting and my patience is getting thin.
I'm guessing it's pressing that we start progessing
Our ships are sinking so I would understand."
She indiscreetly mutters to herself
Where do we go?
Where do we go from here?
Where do we go?
Where do we go from a year in heaven?
"Chasing the rabbit was my habit," said the addict to the sidewalk
But he caught it with his wallet and the tracks upon his skin
And it follows that he swallowed the notion he was Apollo
But he lost it, exhausted, so he pushed the needle in
In the street he mutters to himself
Where do we go?
Where do we go from here?
Where do we go?
Where do we go from a year in heaven?
Where do we go from here?
Forsyth and Zebulon
Earhart and Komarov
Capucine and the cats that she left us
And all of the passengers on the Sultana
Were drinking their coffee and smoking havanas
"The Sky line is my line," said the rich man from his airplane
But he won't say that in his dreams that he crashes in the woods
In his sleep he mutter to himself
Where do we go?
Where do we go from here?
Where do we go?
Where do we go from a year in heaven?
Where do we go?
Where do we go from here?
Where do we go?
My head is floating like a rock in a riverbed
Today, the Vapours came and took my mind away, like an angel.
I look in the mirror and say
"Does anyone ever feel like I do?
Does anybody ever feel this way?
I never know how to explain it to you
I still wonder if it's all inside my head?"
My hands are aching like they're wrapped around a gun
Today, the Vapours put a rope around my tongue
And now my hands write down on paper what I say
"Does anyone ever feel like I do?
Does anybody ever feel this way?
I never know how to explain it to you
I still wonder if it's all inside my head?"
...I can never seem to some the same familiar beating drum...
My head is floating like a rock in a riverbed
Today, the Vapours came and took my mind away, like an angel
I look in the mirror
"Does anyone ever feel like I do?
Does anybody ever feel this way?
I never know how to explain it to you
I still wonder if it's all inside my head?" [x2]
I dream of airplanes crashing
Solemn beginnings daily
Everyday I grow old
And am born again
Bath in light that starts to darken when I emerge
I dream of airplanes crashing
Solemn beginnings daily
Dissolution is change
I see tongues of fire upon our heads
Turn off the lights to see the next room
The constant
Save a match for me
Run with me into the flames
Save a match for me
Play the game with me tonight
Will november lose its meaning
When your fingers lose their feeling?
Today make it shatter like glass
Today makes tomorrow unbecoming
November is what can change me
There's a room inside my finger
Where ghosts of authors linger
There's a little man who whispers
In a radio transmitter
There's a lady on a spider
With a baby's head beside her
There's a voice inside my earlobe
From a place the sidewalks don't go
These are strange days!
There's a man with an umbrella
Who is smoking citronella
And he sees fantastic visions
Of a world outside my prison
There's a fountain full of ashes
And a snake beneath the grasses
And he's asking everybody
What makes them melancholy
These are strange days!
These days are strange!
These are strange days!
These days are strange!
My language is patois
Philosophy is in my boudoir
My head's in Constantinople
And my body's in a bubble
I'm a Rosicrucian Lackey
In the ministry of Peculiar Things
I will tell you my secret
But only if you keep it
These are strange days!
These days are strange!
These are strange days!
These days are strange!
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
But enough about me, why don't you tell me about your day?
Blue water
Runs deep
Blue water
Brings sleep
In the valley
Sleep comes easy
In the valley
There is no fear of sharks
And since the battle's end
The river flows red with blood
The shark has swam upstream
The shark bites everyone
And no one seems to notice
This gaping wound
At my side
The shark bites deep and red
The shark bites until you're dead
Voices carry
And I hear you
Standing room
Curtain call
Pull it down
I don't want to
Have to need you
purse your lips until they're white
drag me kicking into night
didn't I want to be free
or do I want to be right
only you can deprogram
only you can understand
only you can take the blade
and cut [the gag] from my mouth
the dusty book on your endtable
taught you how to make a lethal
fragmentary detonator
from common household thoughts
you put a fistful of salt [in my eyes]
this is what it was like
my thoughts
my eyes
my face
my skin
my heart
my bones
are slowly