Belfast Telegraph

Thursday 10 March 2016

Roy 'Chubby' Brown gig 'inappropriate', says council

Published 09/03/2016

Roy 'Chubby' Brown was due to play at the Ashfield District Council-owned Festival Hall in Kirkby in October
Roy 'Chubby' Brown was due to play at the Ashfield District Council-owned Festival Hall in Kirkby in October

Controversial comedian Roy "Chubby" Brown has been forced to cancel a Nottinghamshire gig - after a council deemed his brand of humour "inappropriate".

The comic was due to play at the Ashfield District Council-owned Festival Hall in Kirkby in October, but the authority pulled the plug on the gig before tickets went on sale.

But some councillors have said Brown, real name Royston Vasey, should be allowed to perform.

Councillor Tom Hollis, leader of the Ashfield Independent Group, said: "It's not the council's job to control what people can and cannot see.

"We want big events in Ashfield, and people wouldn't buy tickets to a Roy 'Chubby' Brown gig if they didn't want to see him.

"It's an act, and I know it's not what everyone finds funny but it's ridiculous to stop him playing here."

A spokeswoman for Ashfield District Council said: "The council does not feel that the booking was appropriate for a council venue and not one that it wished to be associated with.

"Roy 'Chubby' Brown is quite able to perform in a non-council venue in Ashfield."

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