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March 9, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Myung J. Chun / AP

The People v. Simpson: What One of America’s Most Famous Trials Taught Us About Our Racial Divide

The case against football hero O.J. Simpson was, yes, about murder. But, more important, it was about the long abuse of African-Americans in the system of justice and the black community's deep distrust of police and courts.


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Carlos Osorio / AP

Bernie Sanders Lands Michigan in Primary Upset, Ted Cruz Takes Idaho (Updated)

Meanwhile, Mississippi voters hand victories to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and Trump also adds Hawaii and Michigan to his growing chain of wins.
Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock

Donald Trump, the American Fascist

The GOP front-runner has finally reached a point where parallels between his presidential campaign and the fascists of the first half of the 20th century—lurid figures such as Benito Mussolini, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Oswald Mosley and Francisco Franco—are too evident to overlook.
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What on earth are special districts and why are they being paid for with $100 billion in taxes? The “Last Week Tonight” host aims to find out.

In this week’s “Scheer Intelligence”—the Truthdig editor-in-chief’s podcast on KCRW—author, professor and activist D. Watkins discusses his book about life in Baltimore and why he has chosen to stay in the struggling city.

Well, I guess the Republicans are done saying that Trump is just a novelty who will fade once the voting starts.
Well, I guess the Republicans are done saying that Trump is just a novelty who will fade once the voting starts.
Snowden Calls Out FBI’s Claim That It Needs Apple to Unlock iPhone

National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden says the “global technological consensus is against the FBI.”

Reader: ‘Bernie Sanders Knows Politics Can Save Lives’

In a letter to The Guardian, a reader looks at the dark legacies of “economic hardship and social deprivation” and sees in Bernie Sanders, who lost several family members in the Holocaust, a presidential candidate who grasps that social security and empowerment can protect a population from the potentially deadly “seduction of scapegoating” minorities and the underrepresented.

Civil Rights Activists Say Encryption Is a Racial Justice Issue

An association of activists, including a founder of Black Lives Matter, published a letter claiming that the civil rights of minorities could be abused if the FBI gains the power to force a technology company such as Apple to undermine its users’ activities.

Nearly Half of Israeli Jews Want to Expel Palestinian-Israelis From the Country (Video)

A just-released Pew Forum poll reports a startling statistic about the current state of affairs in Israel.



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VIDEO: Noam Chomsky: 5 Reasons the ‘Human Species Is in Very Deep Trouble’ If Trump Wins

The renowned activist and linguist warns of the systematic threat Donald Trump would pose, from human rights to the environment.

Filmmaker Lilly Wachowski Preempts Tabloid by Coming Out as Transgender Woman

She has a successful career, a supportive wife and a transgender sister, but when it came to going public about her own transition, Lilly Wachowski didn’t have a choice.

VIDEO: ‘Days of Revolt’: Mexican Activists Are Rewriting Destroyed Constitution

NAFTA did not increase opportunities in Mexico. Instead, the agreement imposed neoliberal policies on the Mexican people. In this week’s edition of teleSUR’s “Days of Revolt,” Chris Hedges and Mexican activists discuss what is being done to counter NAFTA’s repressive impact.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch Opts Out of Obama’s Search for a Supreme Court Recruit

President Obama has vowed to present his pick to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia before leaving office, but one of the rumored candidates on Obama’s short list—Attorney General Loretta Lynch—has taken herself out of the running.

With ‘Fierce Love and Conviction,’ Women Take Stand for Mother Earth

On International Women’s Day, activists honor the assassinated Berta Cáceres and other females fighting against oppression and global capitalism.

VIDEO: Samantha Bee Mourns the Loss of the GOP, ‘a Great Institution, Gone Before Its Time’

“This week, the Republican Party, home to more than a century of great statesmen, died ... violently, tearing itself in half,” the “Full Frontal” host announces.

WashPo’s Obvious Bias: 16 Negative Stories About Bernie Sanders Published in Just 16 Hours

The Washington Post’s March 6 onslaught advances the narrative that the Vermont senator is a clueless white man incapable of winning over people of color or speaking to women, according to the progressive media watchdog Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. Perhaps the paper is going through the “7 Stages of Establishment Backlash.”

Ailing Vietnam Vets Hunt Through Ships’ Logs to Prove They Should Get Benefits

Neither the Navy nor the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has a comprehensive list of which ships went where during the Vietnam War. As a result, veterans themselves often have to prove their ships served in areas where Agent Orange was sprayed.

Netanyahu’s GOP Policy in Tatters, He Snubs White House Invitation (Video)

The fact that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu functions as a U.S. Republican even as he heads a foreign state disturbs many prominent Democrats, including strong Israel supporters.

Will Latinos Wall Off Trump?

How’s this for poetic justice? Donald Trump’s favorite scapegoats could end up having the satisfaction of blocking him from the White House.

As a Bomb Kills 60, Is the Iraq Army Preparing for Armageddon With Islamic State? (Video)

Islamic State has claimed credit for a truck bombing in the largely Shiite city of Hilla that killed 60 people on Sunday and is considered one of the worst terrorist attacks in that city.


The good doctor’s foreign policy gaffes made for some great political satire, but his ignorance on the Middle East made him a frightening presidential candidate.

Bloomberg Won’t Run for President, Fearing He Would Help Elect Trump or Cruz If He Did

Vote for Bloomberg? Not in 2016. He doesn’t want to give Donald Trump an advantage in the general election, so the former New York City mayor won’t enter this year’s presidential race.

AUDIO: ‘Black Lives Matter Is a Re-Humanizing Project’

A cross-generational conversation with a Black Lives Matter founder and a trauma doctor, who is trying to redefine public health in terms of human wholeness, deals with the culture and society the movement is trying to create.

VIDEO: Remembering the Slain Honduran Activist Berta Caceres

A nephew and a longtime friend of Berta Caceres tell “Democracy Now!” about the Honduran environmental and indigenous activist, who was assassinated Thursday.

Paychecks Shrink Even as U.S. Economy Adds Jobs

U.S. industry added 242,000 jobs in February—but the major gains were in low-wage industries, and average hourly earnings dropped 3 cents. And unemployment rates remained far higher for minorities than for whites.

Killing Someone Else’s Beloved: The American Way of War in Campaign 2016

The crowd that gathered in an airplane hangar in the desert roared with excitement when the man on stage vowed to murder women and children.

A Warming World Would Rob From the Poor and Give to the Rich

As temperatures rise with climate change, the earth’s natural capital will change too—but there may be few winners, even among the wealthy.