Blaubeer-Zitronen-Torte ohne Backen / no bake Lemoncake / Murats 5 Min
❤ Zum Rezept:
📝Zutaten für das Rezept:
250 g Schoko-Butterkekse
75 g Butter
500 g Milch
1 Zitrone (Abrieb und Saft)
2 Eigelb
45 g Stärke
40 g Zucker
100 g Blaubeeren
500 g Magerquark
40 g Puderzucker
1 TL Vanilleextrakt
6 TL Sanapart
400 g Sahne
4 TL Sanapart
50 g Butterkekse
🎤❤ Neu: Mein eigener Podcast 😍:
Meine kostenlose Sally App für iOS und Android 😍 ❤
Zum Download:
iOS: http://sallys.link/ios
Android: http://sallys.link/android
Originale Sally Produkte:
Meine Küchenmaschinen Top Angebote Kitchenaid & Kenwood: http://sallys.link/kuechenmaschinen
Meine Back- und Kochbücher:
Mein ...
published: 11 Aug 2021
T-Rex - Sally (Vídeo Oficial)
T-Rex - Sally
DLL: http://www.mediafire.com/file/uwnunrkdcpaslhq/T-Rex_-_Sally.mp3/file
Eu tou na estrada rally
Tou com o Mcqueen e a Sally
A procura do meu wassabi
Olha para o swagg, tou pálido
A minha volta só mami's mami's
Problemas a me empurrarem
Mas eu vivo tipo é uma party, tipo que isso é uma party2x
Enche o meu copo
Tou vivo então eu nasci no topo
So preciso de ir buscar só mais um pouco
Cabeça na estrada tipo cai de moto
E eles continuam com bocas but im givin no fucks
Eu me movo com a fé, lhes tiro o sono tipo sou café
A minha roupa tá cheio de kicks, juro essa bula luta karaté
Enquanto eu produzo a minha cacete, tou com o pé na bota do Mbappe
Tou com a team a beber um sake, todo fresh tipo sou um Ac
ahh vê!?
Mesmo com problemas eu tou-me a rir n...
published: 10 Sep 2019
Bring Sally Up - Push Up Challenge with Timer
To help us get better, this version of Bring Sally Up includes a timer and also a beep every 30 seconds.
I will be happy to see your progress in the comments!!!
published: 10 Sep 2018
Sally (That Girl)
Gucci Crew II
published: 12 May 2008
Hardwell feat. Harrison - Sally (Official Music Video)
Hardwell - United We Are (Album) → http://bit.ly/UNITEDWEARE
Following the worldwide release of his debut artist album United We Are and two sold-out launch shows at Amsterdam’s Ziggo Dome for his new world tour concept; I AM HARDWELL – United We Are, the two time World #1 DJ, Hardwell, completed a landmark weekend and set the precedent for his year ahead.
The second night of the Amsterdam launch party weekend saw Hardwell broadcast live and direct from the Ziggo Dome show across 30 national FM stations worldwide, with total figures exceeding 5 million listeners. Whilst the video livestream saw in excess of 14.000 viewers tuned in from America to Australia to watch the show, reaffirming Hardwell’s presence has ‘the most clicked on’ artists in the electronic scene today.
Already topping...
published: 28 Jan 2015
Rita Bellanza commuove con “Sally” di Vasco Rossi | Bootcamp 2
Rita alle Audizioni di #XF11 aveva conquistato i sì dei quattro giudici con Baby Can I Hold You di Tracy Chapman. Questa sera, nonostante l'emozione, è determinata a prendersi una sedia del Bootcamp nella categoria delle Under Donne e lo fa cantando Sally di Vasco Rossi, una canzone che, Rita stessa dice, sembra essere stata scritta per lei. Levante è già innamorata di lei: una sedia è sua!
X Factor è in onda tutti i giovedì alle 21.15 su Sky Uno HD e in streaming su http://www.nowtv.it/! Seguici anche su:
Sito Ufficiale: http://xfactor.sky.it/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xfactoritalia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XFactor_Italia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xfactoritalia/
Snapchat: xfactoritalia
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/xfactoritalia/
published: 12 Oct 2017
vasco rossi - sally
una delle canzoni più belle di vasco
published: 02 Aug 2009
The Boo Boo Song story! with Deema and Sally for Kids
The Boo Boo Song story! with Deema and Sally for Kids
Deema help Sally with her boo boo!!!!
published: 01 Jun 2019
¡La fiesta de cumpleaños de SALLY cumple 4 años!
¡La fiesta de cumpleaños de SALLY cumple 4 años!
🔔 SUSCRÍBETE https://bit.ly/33gKtDC
birthday party
published: 16 Feb 2021
Hochzeitstorte Dreistöckig / Motivtorte Tom & Jerry / Wedding Cake / Sallys Welt
❤ Zum Rezept:
Diese Torte besteht aus drei verschiedenen Torten in unterschiedlichen Geschmacksrichtungen. Die größte Torte ist Schokolade pur, eine nussiger Schokoteig ist mit Mississippi Mud Pie und Zartbitterganache gefüllt. Die mittlere Torte besteht aus einem luftigen Biskuit, fruchtiger Buttercreme und einer Beeren-Fruchteinlage. Die kleinste Torte ist für die Kleinsten gedacht und hat sowohl im Teig als auch der Creme Süßigkeiten. Bei der Dekoration haben ich mich für die gesamte Torte für eine Swiss Meringue Buttercreme und selbstgemachte Blüten aus Oblaten entschieden. Falls ihr die Torte mit dem Tom und Jerry Motiv machen möchtet könnt ihr noch den Kater Tom aus Rice Crispies und Fondant dazu modellieren. Die Rezepte der einzelne...
published: 08 Aug 2021
Blaubeer-Zitronen-Torte ohne Backen / no bake Lemoncake / Murats 5 Min
❤ Zum Rezept:
📝Zutaten für das Rezept:
250 g Schoko-Butterkekse
75 g Butter
500 g Milch
1 Zitr...
❤ Zum Rezept:
📝Zutaten für das Rezept:
250 g Schoko-Butterkekse
75 g Butter
500 g Milch
1 Zitrone (Abrieb und Saft)
2 Eigelb
45 g Stärke
40 g Zucker
100 g Blaubeeren
500 g Magerquark
40 g Puderzucker
1 TL Vanilleextrakt
6 TL Sanapart
400 g Sahne
4 TL Sanapart
50 g Butterkekse
🎤❤ Neu: Mein eigener Podcast 😍:
Meine kostenlose Sally App für iOS und Android 😍 ❤
Zum Download:
iOS: http://sallys.link/ios
Android: http://sallys.link/android
Originale Sally Produkte:
Meine Küchenmaschinen Top Angebote Kitchenaid & Kenwood: http://sallys.link/kuechenmaschinen
Meine Back- und Kochbücher:
Mein Name ist Sally und ich bin von Beruf Lehrerin. In meiner Freizeit liebe ich es zu kochen und zu backen. Ich drehe Koch- und Backvideos und gebe nützliche Tipps für den Haushalt. Mindestens jeden Mittwoch und Sonntag dürft ihr euch über ein neues Video von mir freuen! Auch Do it Yourself Videos, Sally On Tour und weitere Videos findet ihr bei mir.
Werbung / Unterstützt durch Produktplatzierung
Shop: http://www.sallys-shop.de
Blog: http://www.sallys-blog.de
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sallywelt
Instagram: http://instagram.com/sallyswelt
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/sallyswelt
Impressum: http://sallys.link/impressum
Kontakt: http://sallys.link/kontakt
#lemoncake #cake #blueberries
❤ Zum Rezept:
📝Zutaten für das Rezept:
250 g Schoko-Butterkekse
75 g Butter
500 g Milch
1 Zitrone (Abrieb und Saft)
2 Eigelb
45 g Stärke
40 g Zucker
100 g Blaubeeren
500 g Magerquark
40 g Puderzucker
1 TL Vanilleextrakt
6 TL Sanapart
400 g Sahne
4 TL Sanapart
50 g Butterkekse
🎤❤ Neu: Mein eigener Podcast 😍:
Meine kostenlose Sally App für iOS und Android 😍 ❤
Zum Download:
iOS: http://sallys.link/ios
Android: http://sallys.link/android
Originale Sally Produkte:
Meine Küchenmaschinen Top Angebote Kitchenaid & Kenwood: http://sallys.link/kuechenmaschinen
Meine Back- und Kochbücher:
Mein Name ist Sally und ich bin von Beruf Lehrerin. In meiner Freizeit liebe ich es zu kochen und zu backen. Ich drehe Koch- und Backvideos und gebe nützliche Tipps für den Haushalt. Mindestens jeden Mittwoch und Sonntag dürft ihr euch über ein neues Video von mir freuen! Auch Do it Yourself Videos, Sally On Tour und weitere Videos findet ihr bei mir.
Werbung / Unterstützt durch Produktplatzierung
Shop: http://www.sallys-shop.de
Blog: http://www.sallys-blog.de
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sallywelt
Instagram: http://instagram.com/sallyswelt
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/sallyswelt
Impressum: http://sallys.link/impressum
Kontakt: http://sallys.link/kontakt
#lemoncake #cake #blueberries
- published: 11 Aug 2021
- views: 51732
T-Rex - Sally (Vídeo Oficial)
T-Rex - Sally
DLL: http://www.mediafire.com/file/uwnunrkdcpaslhq/T-Rex_-_Sally.mp3/file
Eu tou na estrada rally
Tou com o Mcqueen e a Sally
T-Rex - Sally
DLL: http://www.mediafire.com/file/uwnunrkdcpaslhq/T-Rex_-_Sally.mp3/file
Eu tou na estrada rally
Tou com o Mcqueen e a Sally
A procura do meu wassabi
Olha para o swagg, tou pálido
A minha volta só mami's mami's
Problemas a me empurrarem
Mas eu vivo tipo é uma party, tipo que isso é uma party2x
Enche o meu copo
Tou vivo então eu nasci no topo
So preciso de ir buscar só mais um pouco
Cabeça na estrada tipo cai de moto
E eles continuam com bocas but im givin no fucks
Eu me movo com a fé, lhes tiro o sono tipo sou café
A minha roupa tá cheio de kicks, juro essa bula luta karaté
Enquanto eu produzo a minha cacete, tou com o pé na bota do Mbappe
Tou com a team a beber um sake, todo fresh tipo sou um Ac
ahh vê!?
Mesmo com problemas eu tou-me a rir nigguh como é costume
Pos' nigga que gostam de miúda de signo de peixes, eu tou a vender um cardume
Namorar não posso baby tou no lume
Eu disse a família que queria ser vegan, mas isso só vai acontecer quando o meu bolso tiver cheio de legume uhmm
Nós tamos perto do sol isso é vitamina D vitamina D
Miúda criticava hoje nos vê bem porque eu tou a lhe dar com um cabo HDMI
Hoje eu tou com o GoDemme e Smyle, Judler, PiMP, Ku$h
Dvrkiee yeaahh Clic de hoje, da para ver que eu vim de longe
Eu tou na estrada rally
Tou com o Mcqueen e a Sally
A procura do meu wassabi
Olha para o swagg, tou pálido
A minha volta só mami's mami's
Problemas a me empurrarem
mas eu vivo tipo é uma party, tipo que isso é uma party
toytoytrex instagram: https://www.instagram.com/toytoytrex/?hl=pt-br
toytoytrex facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kingrexod/
Atlas Agency
Contacto: 911 597 728
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atlas.agency/
Email: Atlasagency@hotmail.com
Video By: Atlas Vídeos
Câmara: Rui Ricardo
Direcção Artistica/Criativa: T-Rex , Rui Ricardo
Cor : Rui Ricardo
Capa: Mikeaknot
Mix & Master: T-Rex
Captação: Bandomusic
Produção: JayRewind
T-Rex - Sally
DLL: http://www.mediafire.com/file/uwnunrkdcpaslhq/T-Rex_-_Sally.mp3/file
Eu tou na estrada rally
Tou com o Mcqueen e a Sally
A procura do meu wassabi
Olha para o swagg, tou pálido
A minha volta só mami's mami's
Problemas a me empurrarem
Mas eu vivo tipo é uma party, tipo que isso é uma party2x
Enche o meu copo
Tou vivo então eu nasci no topo
So preciso de ir buscar só mais um pouco
Cabeça na estrada tipo cai de moto
E eles continuam com bocas but im givin no fucks
Eu me movo com a fé, lhes tiro o sono tipo sou café
A minha roupa tá cheio de kicks, juro essa bula luta karaté
Enquanto eu produzo a minha cacete, tou com o pé na bota do Mbappe
Tou com a team a beber um sake, todo fresh tipo sou um Ac
ahh vê!?
Mesmo com problemas eu tou-me a rir nigguh como é costume
Pos' nigga que gostam de miúda de signo de peixes, eu tou a vender um cardume
Namorar não posso baby tou no lume
Eu disse a família que queria ser vegan, mas isso só vai acontecer quando o meu bolso tiver cheio de legume uhmm
Nós tamos perto do sol isso é vitamina D vitamina D
Miúda criticava hoje nos vê bem porque eu tou a lhe dar com um cabo HDMI
Hoje eu tou com o GoDemme e Smyle, Judler, PiMP, Ku$h
Dvrkiee yeaahh Clic de hoje, da para ver que eu vim de longe
Eu tou na estrada rally
Tou com o Mcqueen e a Sally
A procura do meu wassabi
Olha para o swagg, tou pálido
A minha volta só mami's mami's
Problemas a me empurrarem
mas eu vivo tipo é uma party, tipo que isso é uma party
toytoytrex instagram: https://www.instagram.com/toytoytrex/?hl=pt-br
toytoytrex facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kingrexod/
Atlas Agency
Contacto: 911 597 728
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/atlas.agency/
Email: Atlasagency@hotmail.com
Video By: Atlas Vídeos
Câmara: Rui Ricardo
Direcção Artistica/Criativa: T-Rex , Rui Ricardo
Cor : Rui Ricardo
Capa: Mikeaknot
Mix & Master: T-Rex
Captação: Bandomusic
Produção: JayRewind
- published: 10 Sep 2019
- views: 413708
Bring Sally Up - Push Up Challenge with Timer
To help us get better, this version of Bring Sally Up includes a timer and also a beep every 30 seconds.
I will be happy to see your progress in the comments!...
To help us get better, this version of Bring Sally Up includes a timer and also a beep every 30 seconds.
I will be happy to see your progress in the comments!!!
To help us get better, this version of Bring Sally Up includes a timer and also a beep every 30 seconds.
I will be happy to see your progress in the comments!!!
- published: 10 Sep 2018
- views: 10576931
Hardwell feat. Harrison - Sally (Official Music Video)
Hardwell - United We Are (Album) → http://bit.ly/UNITEDWEARE
Following the worldwide release of his debut artist album United We Are and two sold-out launch sh...
Hardwell - United We Are (Album) → http://bit.ly/UNITEDWEARE
Following the worldwide release of his debut artist album United We Are and two sold-out launch shows at Amsterdam’s Ziggo Dome for his new world tour concept; I AM HARDWELL – United We Are, the two time World #1 DJ, Hardwell, completed a landmark weekend and set the precedent for his year ahead.
The second night of the Amsterdam launch party weekend saw Hardwell broadcast live and direct from the Ziggo Dome show across 30 national FM stations worldwide, with total figures exceeding 5 million listeners. Whilst the video livestream saw in excess of 14.000 viewers tuned in from America to Australia to watch the show, reaffirming Hardwell’s presence has ‘the most clicked on’ artists in the electronic scene today.
Already topping the iTunes singles chart at #1 in Hardwell’s native home of The Netherlands, ‘United We Are’ also swept in at #2 on iTunes’s worldwide album chart during its release weekend, showcasing a defining collection of tracks. Including an additional line-up of collaborators that cites Tiësto, Fatman Scoop, W&W;, Andreas Moe, Bright Lights, Jonathan Mendelsohn, Haris, Funkerman feat I-Fan and DallsasK, Headhunterz and Jason Derulo, ‘United We Are’ is an album primed with club-ready hits that will no doubt become the soundtrack to the summer festival season. Following the album’s release Hardwell has now released the official music video for his latest single ‘Sally’.
Out since January 16th, ‘Sally’ stands out because of the presence of guitar riffs and the pop-punk influences, both clearly noticeable on Hardwells first release of 2015. Fusing a rock’n’roll approach with Harrison’s edgy vocal delivery and Hardwell’s drop-inducing talent, the ‘Sally’ video brings a provocative look at the green-eyed femme fatale in question, complete with rib-snapping riff action and a hip-shooting amount of attitude.
Other special guests, alongside Harrison, who joined Hardwell onstage during the first I Am Harwell – United We Are shows of 2015, included Mr. Probz and Chris Jones.
United We Are is available now both digitally and physically
Director: Robin Piree
Producer: Nadjim Tsouli
D.O.P.: Nanko Goeting
1st A.D.: Nadjim Tsouli
1st Assistant camera: Lena de Boer
2nd Assistant camera: Alexander Nedyalkov
Gaffer: Rolf Roodhart
Best boy: Coen Meerman
Editor: Robin Piree
2nd Editor: Tom van den Berg
Boom Operator: Tom Jansen
Sound design: Robin Piree, Tom van den Berg
Colorgrading: Quanwei Tong
Production design: Rivka Koops
Styling: Rivka Koops
Leather Jackets provided by Froccella
Make up artist: Klai Rung , Roberto Dresia
Runner: Bori Slav
Casting agency: TIV productions
Cast: Roos Rumpff, Vincent Groenenberg
Scenario: Robin Piree, Nadjim Tsouli, Ashar Medina
For more info:
Hardwell - United We Are (Album) → http://bit.ly/UNITEDWEARE
Following the worldwide release of his debut artist album United We Are and two sold-out launch shows at Amsterdam’s Ziggo Dome for his new world tour concept; I AM HARDWELL – United We Are, the two time World #1 DJ, Hardwell, completed a landmark weekend and set the precedent for his year ahead.
The second night of the Amsterdam launch party weekend saw Hardwell broadcast live and direct from the Ziggo Dome show across 30 national FM stations worldwide, with total figures exceeding 5 million listeners. Whilst the video livestream saw in excess of 14.000 viewers tuned in from America to Australia to watch the show, reaffirming Hardwell’s presence has ‘the most clicked on’ artists in the electronic scene today.
Already topping the iTunes singles chart at #1 in Hardwell’s native home of The Netherlands, ‘United We Are’ also swept in at #2 on iTunes’s worldwide album chart during its release weekend, showcasing a defining collection of tracks. Including an additional line-up of collaborators that cites Tiësto, Fatman Scoop, W&W;, Andreas Moe, Bright Lights, Jonathan Mendelsohn, Haris, Funkerman feat I-Fan and DallsasK, Headhunterz and Jason Derulo, ‘United We Are’ is an album primed with club-ready hits that will no doubt become the soundtrack to the summer festival season. Following the album’s release Hardwell has now released the official music video for his latest single ‘Sally’.
Out since January 16th, ‘Sally’ stands out because of the presence of guitar riffs and the pop-punk influences, both clearly noticeable on Hardwells first release of 2015. Fusing a rock’n’roll approach with Harrison’s edgy vocal delivery and Hardwell’s drop-inducing talent, the ‘Sally’ video brings a provocative look at the green-eyed femme fatale in question, complete with rib-snapping riff action and a hip-shooting amount of attitude.
Other special guests, alongside Harrison, who joined Hardwell onstage during the first I Am Harwell – United We Are shows of 2015, included Mr. Probz and Chris Jones.
United We Are is available now both digitally and physically
Director: Robin Piree
Producer: Nadjim Tsouli
D.O.P.: Nanko Goeting
1st A.D.: Nadjim Tsouli
1st Assistant camera: Lena de Boer
2nd Assistant camera: Alexander Nedyalkov
Gaffer: Rolf Roodhart
Best boy: Coen Meerman
Editor: Robin Piree
2nd Editor: Tom van den Berg
Boom Operator: Tom Jansen
Sound design: Robin Piree, Tom van den Berg
Colorgrading: Quanwei Tong
Production design: Rivka Koops
Styling: Rivka Koops
Leather Jackets provided by Froccella
Make up artist: Klai Rung , Roberto Dresia
Runner: Bori Slav
Casting agency: TIV productions
Cast: Roos Rumpff, Vincent Groenenberg
Scenario: Robin Piree, Nadjim Tsouli, Ashar Medina
For more info:
- published: 28 Jan 2015
- views: 10700727
Rita Bellanza commuove con “Sally” di Vasco Rossi | Bootcamp 2
Rita alle Audizioni di #XF11 aveva conquistato i sì dei quattro giudici con Baby Can I Hold You di Tracy Chapman. Questa sera, nonostante l'emozione, è determin...
Rita alle Audizioni di #XF11 aveva conquistato i sì dei quattro giudici con Baby Can I Hold You di Tracy Chapman. Questa sera, nonostante l'emozione, è determinata a prendersi una sedia del Bootcamp nella categoria delle Under Donne e lo fa cantando Sally di Vasco Rossi, una canzone che, Rita stessa dice, sembra essere stata scritta per lei. Levante è già innamorata di lei: una sedia è sua!
X Factor è in onda tutti i giovedì alle 21.15 su Sky Uno HD e in streaming su http://www.nowtv.it/! Seguici anche su:
Sito Ufficiale: http://xfactor.sky.it/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xfactoritalia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XFactor_Italia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xfactoritalia/
Snapchat: xfactoritalia
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/xfactoritalia/
Rita alle Audizioni di #XF11 aveva conquistato i sì dei quattro giudici con Baby Can I Hold You di Tracy Chapman. Questa sera, nonostante l'emozione, è determinata a prendersi una sedia del Bootcamp nella categoria delle Under Donne e lo fa cantando Sally di Vasco Rossi, una canzone che, Rita stessa dice, sembra essere stata scritta per lei. Levante è già innamorata di lei: una sedia è sua!
X Factor è in onda tutti i giovedì alle 21.15 su Sky Uno HD e in streaming su http://www.nowtv.it/! Seguici anche su:
Sito Ufficiale: http://xfactor.sky.it/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xfactoritalia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/XFactor_Italia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xfactoritalia/
Snapchat: xfactoritalia
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/xfactoritalia/
- published: 12 Oct 2017
- views: 14412188
vasco rossi - sally
una delle canzoni più belle di vasco
una delle canzoni più belle di vasco
una delle canzoni più belle di vasco
- published: 02 Aug 2009
- views: 15096728
The Boo Boo Song story! with Deema and Sally for Kids
The Boo Boo Song story! with Deema and Sally for Kids
Deema help Sally with her boo boo!!!!
The Boo Boo Song story! with Deema and Sally for Kids
Deema help Sally with her boo boo!!!!
The Boo Boo Song story! with Deema and Sally for Kids
Deema help Sally with her boo boo!!!!
- published: 01 Jun 2019
- views: 145905200
¡La fiesta de cumpleaños de SALLY cumple 4 años!
¡La fiesta de cumpleaños de SALLY cumple 4 años!
🔔 SUSCRÍBETE https://bit.ly/33gKtDC
birthday party
¡La fiesta de cumpleaños de SALLY cumple 4 años!
🔔 SUSCRÍBETE https://bit.ly/33gKtDC
birthday party
¡La fiesta de cumpleaños de SALLY cumple 4 años!
🔔 SUSCRÍBETE https://bit.ly/33gKtDC
birthday party
- published: 16 Feb 2021
- views: 174061
Hochzeitstorte Dreistöckig / Motivtorte Tom & Jerry / Wedding Cake / Sallys Welt
❤ Zum Rezept:
Diese Torte besteht aus drei verschiedenen Torten in unterschiedlichen Geschmacksrichtungen. Di...
❤ Zum Rezept:
Diese Torte besteht aus drei verschiedenen Torten in unterschiedlichen Geschmacksrichtungen. Die größte Torte ist Schokolade pur, eine nussiger Schokoteig ist mit Mississippi Mud Pie und Zartbitterganache gefüllt. Die mittlere Torte besteht aus einem luftigen Biskuit, fruchtiger Buttercreme und einer Beeren-Fruchteinlage. Die kleinste Torte ist für die Kleinsten gedacht und hat sowohl im Teig als auch der Creme Süßigkeiten. Bei der Dekoration haben ich mich für die gesamte Torte für eine Swiss Meringue Buttercreme und selbstgemachte Blüten aus Oblaten entschieden. Falls ihr die Torte mit dem Tom und Jerry Motiv machen möchtet könnt ihr noch den Kater Tom aus Rice Crispies und Fondant dazu modellieren. Die Rezepte der einzelnen Torten findet ihr auch nochmal auf meinem Blog und in meiner App, dort könnt ihr die auch auf andere Größen umrechnen.
0:00 Intro
6:36 Haselnuss-Schokoladenböden
8:47 Biskuit
9:54 Rührteig
10:50 Mississippi Mud Pie
12:17 Fruchteinlagen
16:15 Zartbitterganache zum Füllen
17:16 Französische Buttercreme Basic
20:36 Französische Frucht-Buttercreme
22:55 Füllen der Hitschler Torte
24:38 Füllen der Fruchttorte
27:46 Füllen der Schokotorte
33:06 Swiss Meringue Buttercream
34:59 Torten bestreichen
46:27 essbare Blumen
53:05 Zusammensetzten der Hochzeitstorte
56:52 Torten Crash
58:54 Tasting / Anschnitt
01:02:20 Tom Figur
🎤❤ Neu: Mein eigener Podcast 😍:
Meine kostenlose Sally App für iOS und Android 😍 ❤
Zum Download:
iOS: http://sallys.link/ios
Android: http://sallys.link/android
Originale Sally Produkte:
Meine Küchenmaschinen Top Angebote Kitchenaid & Kenwood: http://sallys.link/kuechenmaschinen
Meine Back- und Kochbücher:
Mein Name ist Sally und ich bin von Beruf Lehrerin. In meiner Freizeit liebe ich es zu kochen und zu backen. Ich drehe Koch- und Backvideos und gebe nützliche Tipps für den Haushalt. Mindestens jeden Mittwoch und Sonntag dürft ihr euch über ein neues Video von mir freuen! Auch Do it Yourself Videos, Sally On Tour und weitere Videos findet ihr bei mir.
Werbung / Unterstützt durch Produktplatzierung
Shop: http://www.sallys-shop.de
Blog: http://www.sallys-blog.de
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sallywelt
Instagram: http://instagram.com/sallyswelt
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/sallyswelt
Impressum: http://sallys.link/impressum
Kontakt: http://sallys.link/kontakt
#TomUndJerry #hochzeitstorte #weddingcake
❤ Zum Rezept:
Diese Torte besteht aus drei verschiedenen Torten in unterschiedlichen Geschmacksrichtungen. Die größte Torte ist Schokolade pur, eine nussiger Schokoteig ist mit Mississippi Mud Pie und Zartbitterganache gefüllt. Die mittlere Torte besteht aus einem luftigen Biskuit, fruchtiger Buttercreme und einer Beeren-Fruchteinlage. Die kleinste Torte ist für die Kleinsten gedacht und hat sowohl im Teig als auch der Creme Süßigkeiten. Bei der Dekoration haben ich mich für die gesamte Torte für eine Swiss Meringue Buttercreme und selbstgemachte Blüten aus Oblaten entschieden. Falls ihr die Torte mit dem Tom und Jerry Motiv machen möchtet könnt ihr noch den Kater Tom aus Rice Crispies und Fondant dazu modellieren. Die Rezepte der einzelnen Torten findet ihr auch nochmal auf meinem Blog und in meiner App, dort könnt ihr die auch auf andere Größen umrechnen.
0:00 Intro
6:36 Haselnuss-Schokoladenböden
8:47 Biskuit
9:54 Rührteig
10:50 Mississippi Mud Pie
12:17 Fruchteinlagen
16:15 Zartbitterganache zum Füllen
17:16 Französische Buttercreme Basic
20:36 Französische Frucht-Buttercreme
22:55 Füllen der Hitschler Torte
24:38 Füllen der Fruchttorte
27:46 Füllen der Schokotorte
33:06 Swiss Meringue Buttercream
34:59 Torten bestreichen
46:27 essbare Blumen
53:05 Zusammensetzten der Hochzeitstorte
56:52 Torten Crash
58:54 Tasting / Anschnitt
01:02:20 Tom Figur
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#TomUndJerry #hochzeitstorte #weddingcake
- published: 08 Aug 2021
- views: 235268
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published: 18 Jan 2020
Sally Carrera(Cars)
Sally Carrera (or simply known as "Sally") is a major character in the Disney/Pixar Cars franchise. She is the attorney of Radiator Springs, and Lightning McQueen's girlfriend.
1. Cars(2006)
2. Mater and the Ghostlight(2006)
3. Cars 2(2011)
4. Hiccups(2013)
5. Cars 3(2017)
published: 19 Nov 2020
Best of Sally and Lightning | Pixar Cars
Sally and Lightning may have had a bumpy start in court, but later became the best of friends. Which one of these moments was your favorite?
© Disney/Pixar; rights in underlying vehicles are the property of third parties, as applicable: AMC™; Andretti™; Ape™; Bentley™; BMW™; Cadillac™; Chevrolet™; Corvette™; Dodge®; El Dorado™; Fairlane™; Ferrari®; FIAT™; Gremlin™; Hudson Hornet™; Hummer™; IVECO®; Jeep®; Kenworth®; Land Rover™;©TM 2012 LTI LTD; Mack™; Majesta™; Maserati™; Mazda Miata™; Mercury™; MINI Cooper™; Model T™; Ford, Mondeo™; Monte Carlo™; Mustang™; Pacer™; OPEL, VAUXHALL, ASTRA, CORSA, MERIVA and ZAFIRA are registered TM of Opel Eisenach or affiliates; Peterbilt®; Petty™; Peugeot™; Plymouth Superbird™; Pontiac™; Porsche™; Range Rover™; Tatra™; Topolino™; ©Volkswagen AG.
published: 18 Jan 2020
Cars Lightning McQueen and Sally Memorable Moments
published: 14 Sep 2020
Sally Carrera makes out with Lightning McQueen HD
One of the few romantic moments between McQueen and Sally.
published: 20 Jan 2017
Cars. Lightning McQueen + Sally Carrera Music Video.
Maked this lovely music video, hope you likes it! :)
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRCsZ5a3aCM
published: 18 Jul 2018
CARS SALLY CARRERA As Horror Version | Drawing Art Creation
CARS SALLY CARRERA As Horror Version | Drawing Art Creation
Hallo Everyone!!!
This Videos Just Entertaiment :D
Let's Enjoy For Watching My Videos Guys :D
published: 25 Feb 2021
Is Sally a Fan of Francesco Bernoulli? | Pixar Cars
Everyone knows the international Formula Racer champion, Francesco Bernoulli. But did you know Sally Carrera is one of his biggest fans? Who knew Francesco's name could be pronounced with 10 syllables!
© Disney/Pixar; rights in underlying vehicles are the property of third parties, as applicable: AMCTM; AndrettiTM; ApeTM; BentleyTM; BMWTM; CadillacTM; ChevroletTM; CorvetteTM; Dodge®; El DoradoTM; FairlaneTM; Ferrari®; FIATTM; GremlinTM; Hudson HornetTM; HummerTM; IVECO®; Jeep®; Kenworth®; Land RoverTM;©TM 2012 LTI LTD; MackTM; MajestaTM; MaseratiTM; Mazda MiataTM; MercuryTM; MINI CooperTM; Model TTM; Ford, MondeoTM; Monte CarloTM; MustangTM; PacerTM; OPEL, VAUXHALL, ASTRA, CORSA, MERIVA and ZAFIRA are registered TM of Opel Eisenach or affiliates; Peterbilt®; PettyTM; PeugeotTM; Plymouth S...
published: 03 Mar 2021
Cars Adventures: Lap Two-7-21-Sally's Training
Opening Narration By Crazy Cars Canada!
Check Out My Blog For More!
published: 23 Dec 2020
Lightning McQueen and Sally Go for a Drive | Pixar Cars
You don't always need a route or destination before going for a drive. Take a drive with Sally and Lightning McQueen to discover more of Radiator Springs.
© Disney/Pixar; rights in underlying vehicles are the property of third parties, as applicable: AMCTM; AndrettiTM; ApeTM; BentleyTM; BMWTM; CadillacTM; ChevroletTM; CorvetteTM; Dodge®; El DoradoTM; FairlaneTM; Ferrari®; FIATTM; GremlinTM; Hudson HornetTM; HummerTM; IVECO®; Jeep®; Kenworth®; Land RoverTM;©TM 2012 LTI LTD; MackTM; MajestaTM; MaseratiTM; Mazda MiataTM; MercuryTM; MINI CooperTM; Model TTM; Ford, MondeoTM; Monte CarloTM; MustangTM; PacerTM; OPEL, VAUXHALL, ASTRA, CORSA, MERIVA and ZAFIRA are registered TM of Opel Eisenach or affiliates; Peterbilt®; PettyTM; PeugeotTM; Plymouth SuperbirdTM; PontiacTM; PorscheTM; Range RoverTM...
published: 05 Dec 2020
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disney pixar characters
- published: 18 Jan 2020
- views: 20981
Sally Carrera(Cars)
Sally Carrera (or simply known as "Sally") is a major character in the Disney/Pixar Cars franchise. She is the attorney of Radiator Springs, and Lightning McQue...
Sally Carrera (or simply known as "Sally") is a major character in the Disney/Pixar Cars franchise. She is the attorney of Radiator Springs, and Lightning McQueen's girlfriend.
1. Cars(2006)
2. Mater and the Ghostlight(2006)
3. Cars 2(2011)
4. Hiccups(2013)
5. Cars 3(2017)
Sally Carrera (or simply known as "Sally") is a major character in the Disney/Pixar Cars franchise. She is the attorney of Radiator Springs, and Lightning McQueen's girlfriend.
1. Cars(2006)
2. Mater and the Ghostlight(2006)
3. Cars 2(2011)
4. Hiccups(2013)
5. Cars 3(2017)
- published: 19 Nov 2020
- views: 250844
Best of Sally and Lightning | Pixar Cars
Sally and Lightning may have had a bumpy start in court, but later became the best of friends. Which one of these moments was your favorite?
© Disney/Pixar; ri...
Sally and Lightning may have had a bumpy start in court, but later became the best of friends. Which one of these moments was your favorite?
© Disney/Pixar; rights in underlying vehicles are the property of third parties, as applicable: AMC™; Andretti™; Ape™; Bentley™; BMW™; Cadillac™; Chevrolet™; Corvette™; Dodge®; El Dorado™; Fairlane™; Ferrari®; FIAT™; Gremlin™; Hudson Hornet™; Hummer™; IVECO®; Jeep®; Kenworth®; Land Rover™;©TM 2012 LTI LTD; Mack™; Majesta™; Maserati™; Mazda Miata™; Mercury™; MINI Cooper™; Model T™; Ford, Mondeo™; Monte Carlo™; Mustang™; Pacer™; OPEL, VAUXHALL, ASTRA, CORSA, MERIVA and ZAFIRA are registered TM of Opel Eisenach or affiliates; Peterbilt®; Petty™; Peugeot™; Plymouth Superbird™; Pontiac™; Porsche™; Range Rover™; Tatra™; Topolino™; ©Volkswagen AG.
Sally and Lightning may have had a bumpy start in court, but later became the best of friends. Which one of these moments was your favorite?
© Disney/Pixar; rights in underlying vehicles are the property of third parties, as applicable: AMC™; Andretti™; Ape™; Bentley™; BMW™; Cadillac™; Chevrolet™; Corvette™; Dodge®; El Dorado™; Fairlane™; Ferrari®; FIAT™; Gremlin™; Hudson Hornet™; Hummer™; IVECO®; Jeep®; Kenworth®; Land Rover™;©TM 2012 LTI LTD; Mack™; Majesta™; Maserati™; Mazda Miata™; Mercury™; MINI Cooper™; Model T™; Ford, Mondeo™; Monte Carlo™; Mustang™; Pacer™; OPEL, VAUXHALL, ASTRA, CORSA, MERIVA and ZAFIRA are registered TM of Opel Eisenach or affiliates; Peterbilt®; Petty™; Peugeot™; Plymouth Superbird™; Pontiac™; Porsche™; Range Rover™; Tatra™; Topolino™; ©Volkswagen AG.
- published: 18 Jan 2020
- views: 2344325
Cars. Lightning McQueen + Sally Carrera Music Video.
Maked this lovely music video, hope you likes it! :)
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRCsZ5a3aCM
Maked this lovely music video, hope you likes it! :)
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRCsZ5a3aCM
Maked this lovely music video, hope you likes it! :)
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRCsZ5a3aCM
- published: 18 Jul 2018
- views: 490365
CARS SALLY CARRERA As Horror Version | Drawing Art Creation
CARS SALLY CARRERA As Horror Version | Drawing Art Creation
Hallo Everyone!!!
This Videos Just Entertaiment :D
Let's Enjoy For Watc...
CARS SALLY CARRERA As Horror Version | Drawing Art Creation
Hallo Everyone!!!
This Videos Just Entertaiment :D
Let's Enjoy For Watching My Videos Guys :D
CARS SALLY CARRERA As Horror Version | Drawing Art Creation
Hallo Everyone!!!
This Videos Just Entertaiment :D
Let's Enjoy For Watching My Videos Guys :D
- published: 25 Feb 2021
- views: 3562
Is Sally a Fan of Francesco Bernoulli? | Pixar Cars
Everyone knows the international Formula Racer champion, Francesco Bernoulli. But did you know Sally Carrera is one of his biggest fans? Who knew Francesco's na...
Everyone knows the international Formula Racer champion, Francesco Bernoulli. But did you know Sally Carrera is one of his biggest fans? Who knew Francesco's name could be pronounced with 10 syllables!
© Disney/Pixar; rights in underlying vehicles are the property of third parties, as applicable: AMCTM; AndrettiTM; ApeTM; BentleyTM; BMWTM; CadillacTM; ChevroletTM; CorvetteTM; Dodge®; El DoradoTM; FairlaneTM; Ferrari®; FIATTM; GremlinTM; Hudson HornetTM; HummerTM; IVECO®; Jeep®; Kenworth®; Land RoverTM;©TM 2012 LTI LTD; MackTM; MajestaTM; MaseratiTM; Mazda MiataTM; MercuryTM; MINI CooperTM; Model TTM; Ford, MondeoTM; Monte CarloTM; MustangTM; PacerTM; OPEL, VAUXHALL, ASTRA, CORSA, MERIVA and ZAFIRA are registered TM of Opel Eisenach or affiliates; Peterbilt®; PettyTM; PeugeotTM; Plymouth SuperbirdTM; PontiacTM; PorscheTM; Range RoverTM; TatraTM; TopolinoTM; ©Volkswagen AG
Everyone knows the international Formula Racer champion, Francesco Bernoulli. But did you know Sally Carrera is one of his biggest fans? Who knew Francesco's name could be pronounced with 10 syllables!
© Disney/Pixar; rights in underlying vehicles are the property of third parties, as applicable: AMCTM; AndrettiTM; ApeTM; BentleyTM; BMWTM; CadillacTM; ChevroletTM; CorvetteTM; Dodge®; El DoradoTM; FairlaneTM; Ferrari®; FIATTM; GremlinTM; Hudson HornetTM; HummerTM; IVECO®; Jeep®; Kenworth®; Land RoverTM;©TM 2012 LTI LTD; MackTM; MajestaTM; MaseratiTM; Mazda MiataTM; MercuryTM; MINI CooperTM; Model TTM; Ford, MondeoTM; Monte CarloTM; MustangTM; PacerTM; OPEL, VAUXHALL, ASTRA, CORSA, MERIVA and ZAFIRA are registered TM of Opel Eisenach or affiliates; Peterbilt®; PettyTM; PeugeotTM; Plymouth SuperbirdTM; PontiacTM; PorscheTM; Range RoverTM; TatraTM; TopolinoTM; ©Volkswagen AG
- published: 03 Mar 2021
- views: 241537
Cars Adventures: Lap Two-7-21-Sally's Training
Opening Narration By Crazy Cars Canada!
Check Out My Blog For More!
Opening Narration By Crazy Cars Canada!
Check Out My Blog For More!
Opening Narration By Crazy Cars Canada!
Check Out My Blog For More!
- published: 23 Dec 2020
- views: 495
Lightning McQueen and Sally Go for a Drive | Pixar Cars
You don't always need a route or destination before going for a drive. Take a drive with Sally and Lightning McQueen to discover more of Radiator Springs.
© Di...
You don't always need a route or destination before going for a drive. Take a drive with Sally and Lightning McQueen to discover more of Radiator Springs.
© Disney/Pixar; rights in underlying vehicles are the property of third parties, as applicable: AMCTM; AndrettiTM; ApeTM; BentleyTM; BMWTM; CadillacTM; ChevroletTM; CorvetteTM; Dodge®; El DoradoTM; FairlaneTM; Ferrari®; FIATTM; GremlinTM; Hudson HornetTM; HummerTM; IVECO®; Jeep®; Kenworth®; Land RoverTM;©TM 2012 LTI LTD; MackTM; MajestaTM; MaseratiTM; Mazda MiataTM; MercuryTM; MINI CooperTM; Model TTM; Ford, MondeoTM; Monte CarloTM; MustangTM; PacerTM; OPEL, VAUXHALL, ASTRA, CORSA, MERIVA and ZAFIRA are registered TM of Opel Eisenach or affiliates; Peterbilt®; PettyTM; PeugeotTM; Plymouth SuperbirdTM; PontiacTM; PorscheTM; Range RoverTM; TatraTM; TopolinoTM; ©Volkswagen AG.
You don't always need a route or destination before going for a drive. Take a drive with Sally and Lightning McQueen to discover more of Radiator Springs.
© Disney/Pixar; rights in underlying vehicles are the property of third parties, as applicable: AMCTM; AndrettiTM; ApeTM; BentleyTM; BMWTM; CadillacTM; ChevroletTM; CorvetteTM; Dodge®; El DoradoTM; FairlaneTM; Ferrari®; FIATTM; GremlinTM; Hudson HornetTM; HummerTM; IVECO®; Jeep®; Kenworth®; Land RoverTM;©TM 2012 LTI LTD; MackTM; MajestaTM; MaseratiTM; Mazda MiataTM; MercuryTM; MINI CooperTM; Model TTM; Ford, MondeoTM; Monte CarloTM; MustangTM; PacerTM; OPEL, VAUXHALL, ASTRA, CORSA, MERIVA and ZAFIRA are registered TM of Opel Eisenach or affiliates; Peterbilt®; PettyTM; PeugeotTM; Plymouth SuperbirdTM; PontiacTM; PorscheTM; Range RoverTM; TatraTM; TopolinoTM; ©Volkswagen AG.
- published: 05 Dec 2020
- views: 1968144