Latest News for: nervous breakdown lake


Zeese Papanikolas: Wallace Thurman, from Salt Lake City to the Harlem Renaissance

The Salt Lake Tribune 15 Feb 2020
16, 1902, in Salt Lake City ... He managed to get a diploma from West High School and, in 1920, enrolled as a pre-med student at the University of Utah, but suffered a nervous breakdown. Thurman’s thoughts on Salt Lake in a 1926 piece would not exactly thrill the Utah Booster’s Club.

A Colorado student's murder went unsolved for decades. Then investigators got hold of a beer mug.

McDowell News 18 Dec 2019
Inside a dimly lit dive bar in the small Florida city of Lake Butler, a detective watched as James Curtis Clanton ordered bottles of beer and poured them, one by one, into a mug to sip ... By talking to relatives, Jensen learned the family had splintered after the woman "had a nervous breakdown" and the boys were sent to live with an uncle.

Russian Soldier Kills 8 In Mass Shooting at Siberian Military Base

Time Magazine 25 Oct 2019
... town of Gorny in the Baikal Lake region. The Defense Ministry said the soldier apparently opened fire in a “nervous breakdown over personal problems unrelated to his military duties.” A deputy defense minister was heading to the base to conduct an investigation.
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