Article by Correspondent Dallas DarlingEven now, a new WikiLeaks dump revealed how CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper not only sought political advice from Democratic operatives, but what questions to draft for the party’s Republican opponents Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz... To be sure, the real power behind this election – and us – is the Megacomputer and Worldwide Web and its blogospheres and technocratic gadgets ... W. W ... 188-189. ....
NEW DELHI. Using just 138 characters, famous - or infamous - US whistleblower EdwardSnowden late yesterday demonstrated how the FBI could so quickly analyze 650,000 emails to prove US Presidential candidateHillary Clinton did no wrong. Jeff Jarvis, a journalist, tweeted the NSA whistleblower about whether such an analysis could be done so quickly, because US RepublicanDonald Trump has been insinuating that it can't ... RELATED....
photo: AP / Ramman Kenoun/Santa Clara Country Registrar of Voters via AP
(Washington) — After nearly two years of bitterness and rancor, America will elect its 45th president Tuesday, making Hillary Clinton the nation’s first female commander in chief or choosing billionaire businessman Donald Trump, whose volatile campaign has upended U.S. politics. The winner will inherit an anxious nation, angry and distrustful of leaders in Washington ...EST ... “It’s been a long journey.” ... ___....
A giant sinkhole appeared in the middle of a busy Japanese city today, swallowing part of a five-lane street near the main railway station ... TV footage showed two separate holes steadily expanding as they sucked in asphalt and soil in front of the city's Hakata Station ... ....
Board elects executive committee, sets CommunityBenefit Shares and funds projects at recent meetings ... NSEDC Board approves $150,000Community Benefit ShareWith another strong financial report from Chief Financial OfficerRick Walicki, the NSEDC Board of Directors continued the tradition of sharing success with its 15 member communities....
The board-matching program will expand its reach to include all women and the LGBTQ+ communities... 'I am delighted that DiverseCity onBoard, building on its success in addressing the under-representation of visible minorities and immigrant communities on governance boards, is leading this conversation by collaborating with all communities to build a more inclusive and stronger Canada.'....
"When you selected me to be superintendent of the Jacksonville/North Pulaski School District fifteen months ago, I was often asked how long I intended to serve," Wood, 66, said in the letter that he distributed to SchoolBoard members ... "I have great respect for you as the Board of Education and individually as motivated people striving to make a positive contribution to education and the children of this community," he continued....
With the approval of the representative advisory bodies, the UvA Supervisory Board has decided on the basic profile and the procedure for the recruitment of a new member for the UvA ExecutiveBoard responsible for the Finance & OperationalManagement portfolio ...Following his or her appointment, the new board member will present him or herself to the academic community at a public meeting....
The Rocky Mount Planning Board will discuss the site plan of the DowntownCommunity Facility’s development during its 5.30 meeting Wednesday. The board will consider the Planned BuildingGroup Preliminary Plan for the center at its meeting in the city council chambers on the third floor of the Frederick E ... The board also will ......
The University of New MexicoBoard of RegentsPresidentRobert Doughty has announced an advisory committee to assist and advise the Board in the selection of UNM's next President ... The committee is charged with making a recommendation of semi-finalists to the Board of Regents ... They will be joined by the following UNM faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members from around New Mexico.....
Prokopanko have been appointed to the company's Board of Directors, effective immediately ... Prokopanko, Regions' 13-member board consists of 12 independent outside directors ... Active in the community, he is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Mayo Clinic, serves on the Executive Council of the Inner-City Scholarship Fund in New York City, and serves on the Boards of the National September 11Memorial & Museum and the St....
CommunityCapitalGrant...AlbertSeniorsAssociation with a 2016 Community Capital Grant in the amount to assist with the purchase of a new bus, under CouncilPolicy C-CS-06 Community Capital Program Grant ... Administration looked at other Albertacommunities to explore potential frameworks developed but did not find any example of a municipality which has one overarching framework. The communities operate as per St....
PARMA, Ohio – It didn't take long for the Parma City School DistrictSchoolBoard to appoint a replacement for Lynn Halloran, who resigned Oct ... After replacing Kathleen Petro who resigned a month before with Michael Johns, the board appointed Dr ... Longtimeboard member Karen S. Dendorfer replaced Halloran as board president....