Emma Stone And Steve Carell To Play Tennis Greats

Edit Inquisitr 14 Apr 2016
Battle of the Sexes” isn’t just a term, it is also a film. Fox Searchlight Pictures announced today that production of a new movie starring Emma Stone and Steve Carell has begun. In Battle of the Sexes, Stone and Carell play 1970’s tennis greats Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs ... Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs in 1973 ... “What the women got out of when I beat Riggs was self-confidence and higher self-esteem....

This Is Murder in the West Bank

Edit Huffington Post 13 Apr 2016
This is murder. Or it is an execution. Whatever it is, it is illegal, and most profoundly, inhumane. Yes. This is a Palestinian insurgent that attacked Israeli soldiers with knives in the West Bank. But when you are a soldier in a conflict zone, this is to be expected ... Or maybe... And anyone saying otherwise is either blind or has lost any last ounce of humanity and connection to his higher self ... I was born and raised in Israel ... ....

3 Secrets for Being More Confident, Backed by Research

Edit Time Magazine 12 Apr 2016
If you’re self-compassionate, you’ll tend to have higher self-esteem than if you’re endlessly self-critical ... A lot of people assume that self-compassion means being weak and wimpy when, in fact, one study found that those veterans who had higher levels of self-compassion were much less likely to develop PTSD ... I assumed that people who were higher in self-compassion would also be higher in compassion for others....

Marriage is not important for a happy relationship

Edit The Times of India 11 Apr 2016
A 2012 study found that couples who lived together but were not married had higher self-esteem and were happier overall than their counterparts who were married ... For another 2012 study (this one a survey of American couples), researchers found that couples who lived together but were not married had higher self-esteem and were happier overall than their married counterparts....

Good will hunting in metaphysical grounding

Edit The Examiner 10 Apr 2016
Where it’s at ... Because our consciousness is better suited to self-development and the practice of good will than in our own outer desires and happiness. Your morally right action come from your sense of duty to yourself and others, and being so makes it easy to overcome any selfishness or self-interest motives ... You are grounding yourself in higher vibration of God Energy or universal energy or higher self-energy ... They are remembering ... ....

Happy, lasting relationships rely on something more important than marriage

Edit The Independent 08 Apr 2016
Thinking about tying the knot? You're probably wondering if — and how — such a big commitment will impact your relationship ... Probably not ... A 2012 study found that couples who lived together but were not married had higher self-esteem and were happier overall than their counterparts who were married ... They found that couples who were married tended to have higher happiness levels than couples who were not. ....

3 Ways Emotions Affect Our Health and Action Steps to Change

Edit Huffington Post 08 Apr 2016
Awareness of Your Self-Talk ... When you are saying it for yourself, imagine your third dimensional self saying it to your soul or Higher Self....

There's something far more important than marriage for happy, lasting relationships

Edit Business Insider 07 Apr 2016
A 2012 study found that couples who lived together but were not married had higher self-esteem and were happier overall than their counterparts who were married ... For another 2012 study (this one a survey of American couples), researchers found that couples who lived together but were not married had higher self-esteem and were happier overall than their married counterparts....

25 questions to ask your grandpa before it’s too late

Edit The Oklahoman 07 Apr 2016
When a loved one passes away, it’s not just their presence you miss. Along with their smile, their kindness, generosity and voice, the individual stories and memories that make up that individual are lost as well ... A study found that “the more children knew about their family’s history, the stronger their sense of control over their lives, the higher their self-esteem and the more successfully they believed their families functioned.” ... ....

Wimberly, Oliver & Holley Bill to Encourage Construction of Rental Housing for Veterans Released by Assembly Panel (NJ Assembly Democrats)

Edit Public Technologies 06 Apr 2016
(Source. NJ Assembly Democrats) Wimberly, Oliver & Holley Bill to Encourage Construction of Rental Housing for Veterans Released by Assembly Panel ... The bill (A-2212) would establish a tax credit for New Jersey housing developers who construct homes for New Jersey veterans ... 'Veterans have served our country in times of war and peace, sharing a common belief in a cause higher than self. We must help them with this basic need.' ... (noodl....

35 Body-Positive Mantras to Say in Your Mirror Every Morning

Edit Palm Beach Post 05 Apr 2016
The researchers found that the people with self-compassion slimmed down, even under stressful circumstances (and serving in the military gives plenty of those), while those who had a negative self-image gained weight ... A 2015 study found that people who had higher self-esteem had less depression, better relationships, and more job satisfaction.1 Oh yeah....

Those little masters of welcome positivity

Edit The Hindu 04 Apr 2016
If you are someone like me, planning a vacation would be lot easier than visiting grandparents. First, because your parenting style comes under deep scrutiny from relatives far and wide; in my case, my mother would be ready with a detailed critique on my parenting skills ... Which leads to my last point, on predictability and control ... December 1, 2015 ... Together, they challenge me to confront my fears and reach my higher self ... ....

15 Ways to Manifest Your Desires

Edit Huffington Post 02 Apr 2016
You are a powerful creator and you can create your dreams by mapping out a vision for your life and deliberately choosing beliefs, feelings and actions that support that vision. If you need some inspiration, here are 15 ways to manifest your desires. 1. Adopt an attitude of gratitude ... 2. Visualize living your dreams with feeling ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... Your soul or higher self can see beyond what your physical self and rational mind can see ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... ....