Breaking News Associated Press Officials confirm 2nd
USA case of
Middle East MERS being reported
May 2014 Breaking News Associated Press
CDC confirms first case of Middle East MERS infection in USA http://news.yahoo.com/cdc-confirms-first-case-mers-infection-us-182925029.html
April 2014 Breaking News
President Barack Obama's arrival was closed to the public.
Obama did not address the media as he goes to tour
MBI a biotechnology facility then goes straight to open to public and media signs farm bill you do the math http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/article/20140207/NEWS01/302070053/Obama-visit-President-tours-MBI-ahead-Farm-Bill-signing
Biotechnology Summary
Biotechnology, or the genetic modification of living materials, has ignited heated debates over trade policy.
Innovations in the manipulation of microbes, plants, and animals raises serious ethical questions related to the commoditization and exchange of living organisms
. In the arena of trade policy, these ethical questions pose a unique economic dilemma: to what extent should trade policy reflect moral and ethical judgments about the fruits of biotechnology? Debate on
Genetically Modified Foods - http://www.cid.harvard.edu/cidtrade/issues/biotechnology.html
February 8 2014
Biological Warfare part 2 - Just
220 pounds of powdered anthrax material, seeded into the air of a city, could kill more than 1 million people, one study estimated. In contrast, 80,
000 would die in the explosion of a 12.5-kiloton atomic bomb http://rense.com/health3/anthrax
Biological Warfare part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ_TKuBeXa8
Plum Island,
Lyme Disease And
Operation Paperclip - A
Deadly Triangle http://www.rense.com/general67/plumislandlyme.htm
Military biological warfare is the norm in the day and age we live and is not only being researched and developed in the USA rather worldwide
This information is not meant to frighten you, only to enlighten you on the day and age you live in.
Anthrax is one of the most preferred biological warfare agents for many highly identified reasons.
First, anthrax is extremely lethal. Anthrax can contain up to
100 million lethal doses in just one gram of anthrax spores, which is
100,000 times more lethal than any other biological warfare agent. It is also known that inhalation anthrax is almost always fatal if the symptoms are allowed to progress without any treatment. Anthrax is also the silent and invisible killer. On top of the fatality rate of anthrax, there are also very low barriers to produce the biological weapon.
Anthrax spores are very easy to produce in large quantities, and the process of production is very inexpensive. Also, there is plenty of available information on how to weaponize anthrax and not a whole lot of technology is needed to be able to produce anthrax. Anthrax is also easy to weaponize because it is extremely stable as a dry powder in the form of spores. These spores can live for decades and still be very lethal to the human body. Anthrax can be put into an aerosol form disseminated into a spray can, and it can also be freeze-dried into a bomb. Presently anthrax is the most preferred biological agent is because we have no accurate detection capability http://www.123helpme.com/bioterrorism-with-anthrax-view
In Russia an explosion in a secret biological weapons laboratory caused thousands of deaths -
Research team arrives in the new post-Soviet
Russia We are in the first stage of a trip to investigate the cause of the worst anthrax epidemic recorded in a modern industrial nation. The outbreak occurred in April and May
1979 in Sverdlovsk, an industrial city in the
Ural Mountains, nine hundred miles east of
Moscow. According to
Soviet reports, by the time it was over, at least sixty-four people had died from this rare disease http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/g/guillemin-anthrax.html
February 2014 Breaking News
Labs Mixing Human DNA Animal DNA 1 of 5 -
Last days news prophecy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBDG3-bXcxQ
February 2014 Breaking News - Human DNA mixed Animal DNA 5 of 5 - Last days final hour news prophecy update http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amAXfL8LTUs
February 2014
Trans Humanism Mixing Human DNA with Animal DNA - Last days final hour news prophecy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn04CwZU8Rw
February 2014 BREAKING
NEWS labs Mixing Human DNA Animal DNA - Last days final hour news prophecy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4uOfPq3w0I
February 2014 Breaking News What do U know about Transhumans - Last days final hour news prophecy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csxy2CAg_jE
February 2014 Breaking News
Hybrid human animal
Genetic Hybrid
Engineering 4 of 5
Last Days News http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEMIh1i2ia0
- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 15575