400 carros de luxo na Águas de Portugal. Só para chefes?
Mais uma despesa vampiresca do erário público.(2011)
400 viaturas, topo de gama, usadas para os luxos dos que gerem as Águas de Portugal.
E ainda há que juntar as despesas colossais de combustível. Só um dos funcionários gasta 7 mil euros por ano o que perfaz uma bela média de 20 euros por dia, segundo o video!!!! Escandalizem-se!!! Partilhem sejam cidadãos activos e protectores do que é nosso.
Águas de Portugal - Duas décadas que perspetivam o futuro
Portugal teve uma forte evolução no setor ambiental nas últimas duas décadas.Em apenas 20 anos testemunhámos importantes transformações que se traduzem hoje em mais qualidade de vida. Lembra-se como era o ambiente em Portugal há 20 anos?
Águas de Portugal - Filme Institucional
Realizado por Bruno Neil
Eurovision Portugal 2008 - Vânia Fernandes - Senhora do Mar (Negras Águas) HD
"Senhora do mar (Negras águas)" ("Lady of the sea (Dark waters)") is a song performed by Portuguese singer Vânia Fernandes, which was chosen to represent Portugal at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 in Belgrade, Serbia. It was voted the winner of the 2008 edition of Festival da Canção, the national selection final, after receiving a total of 17,650 votes (35%), more than the double of votes receiv
Águas dançantes do Circo Portugal
As águas dançantes do Circo Portugal em Salvador 24/03/2012.
Águas de Portugal. Consigo para a vida.
Mais de 80% dos portugueses quando abre a torneira recebe água que foi captada e tratada por uma empresa do Grupo Águas de Portugal. Água que depois de usada pelas populações e atividades produtivas é devolvida ao meio hídrico em condições ambientalmente seguras e sem comprometer a qualidade dos ecossistemas.Há mais de 20 anos que trabalhamos na valorização do ambiente natural e humano projetando
Aguas de Março - Jobim - Silvia Nazario - RTP1
Composição de Ton Jobim, Interpretação de Silvia Nazário, Violão e arranjo - Claudio Kumar
Programa Portugal no Coração - RTP1. 21.09.2012
Águas de Portugal - Campanha de Sensibilização para Consumo Humano da Água da Torneira
Berta Cabral questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
Berta Cabral questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
Manuel Frexes questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
Manuel Frexes questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
Deputado José Junqueiro denuncia nomeações nas Águas de Portugal
Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
Presidente do grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
Presidente do grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
Video original com Charlie Sheen e Katheryn Winnick cantando Águas de Março.
Do filme "A glimpse inside the mind of Charles Swan III"
chamada anónima águas de portugal
Privatização Águas de Portugal - Fala Portugal
Presidente da Águas de Portugal destaca "equidade, sustentabilidade e eficiência
Subscrever o canal e descobrir tudo o mais frescos primeiro
Afonso Lobato Faria destaca que "equidade, sustentabilidade e eficiência" são os principais conceitos do plano de reestruturação do setor das águas. O presidente da Águas de Portugal destacou o papel importante das tarifas sociais, como forma de combate ao aumento dos preços. .
Presidente da Águas de Portugal não vê privatização no horizonte
Afonso Lobato de Faria nega que a reforma do sector água possa abrir caminho a uma privatização, afirmando mesmo que que tal cenário não faz qualquer sentido. Já o presidente da Associação Nacional de Municípios diz que a harmonização de preços da água entre litoral e interior deve ser assegurada pelo Estado.
Eurovision 2008 Semi Final 2 19 Portugal *Vânia Fernandes* *Senhora do mar (Negras águas)*16:9 HQ
Batizado nas aguas de Portugal
Dia inesquecível!! O dia em que fomos batizados nas aguas como manda palavra de Deus! Pastor Orlando Júnior e Pastora Deise Costa. Ovelhas: Giuliano, Rafaella, Sarah, Neto e Sérgio. Convidados: Marlene, João e Albany. Dia 18 de setembro de 2010, Portugal.
José Gascão, Águas de Portugal
José Gascão, Águas de Portugal
Rapadura - Além das Águas do Atlântico @ Espaço Brasil - Lisboa, Portugal 2013
RAPadura chegou disposto a "embolar" e "movimentar" o cenário musical brasileiro. Considerado pelo Prêmio Hutúz 2009 o melhor artista Norte/Nordeste do século XXI, o cearense Francisco Igor Almeida do Santos, mais conhecido como RAPadura Xique-Chico, é uma das maiores revelações da música brasileira nos últimos anos.
Xique Chico desembarca pela primeira vez na Europa para apresentação em Lisboa n
Presidente do Conselho de Administração das Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato Faria
Presidente do Conselho de Administração das Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato Faria, LNEC, Ambiente Online, 18 de Novembro 2014
400 carros de luxo na Águas de Portugal. Só para chefes?
Mais uma despesa vampiresca do erário público.(2011)
400 viaturas, topo de gama, usadas para os luxos dos que gerem as Águas de Portugal.
E ainda há que juntar ...
Mais uma despesa vampiresca do erário público.(2011)
400 viaturas, topo de gama, usadas para os luxos dos que gerem as Águas de Portugal.
E ainda há que juntar as despesas colossais de combustível. Só um dos funcionários gasta 7 mil euros por ano o que perfaz uma bela média de 20 euros por dia, segundo o video!!!! Escandalizem-se!!! Partilhem sejam cidadãos activos e protectores do que é nosso.
Mais... há ainda que perceber que a empresa tem uma frota que totaliza 1.190 viaturas!!
Como justificação para este abuso descarado, a AP afirma que precisam de muitas viaturas porque têm funções de Norte a Sul de Portugal... Como somos um país de atrasados mentais eles podem dar-se ao luxo de explicar as coisas assim? E safam-se?
Alguém acreditará que isso justifique tamanha má gestão e o excesso de carrinhos pagos por todos nós? Como é óbvio, todas as grandes empresas (públicas ou privadas) que fornecem o país de Norte a Sul certamente têm funcionários residentes e departamentos em diversas zonas de norte a sul... ou vivem todos em Lisboa e deslocam-se diariamente para o serviço, a norte e sul??? Que ridículo.
É vergonhoso todo este panorama, e incoerente a justificação. Até porque as 400 viaturas referidas são apenas as viaturas de LUXO DE técnicos superiores e não dos piquetes.
Esta quinta-feira, o CDS-PP considerou «inaceitável» as práticas de aluguer de viaturas daquela empresa pública que, segundo recorda a deputada Cecília Meireles, «já ultrapassou» o limite de endividamento estipulado pelo Governo para este ano. O Governo ordena a suspensão imediata do plano de renovação da frota automóvel de todas as empresas do Grupo Águas de Portugal. A decisão do Governo surge na mesma semana em que o jornal «Correio da Manhã» noticiou que no presente ano já foram substituídas 34 viaturas de alta cilindrada. fonte, Mais...
Para finalizar, repare-se bem na frase realçada na citação "já ultrapassou o limite de endividamento", ou seja as empresas públicas não tem metas para atingir o lucro, a poupança ou a sustentabilidade, têm metas de endividamento... podem desorganizar-se, esbanjar comprar muitos e muitos carros, porque AFINAL, PODEM ENDIVIDAR-SE E ATÉ ULTRAPASSAR O LIMITE, QUE NINGUÉM SE ESPANTA... é a meta.
Depois ainda nos espantamos com os buracos das empresas públicas...
Já podemos imaginar o chefe a falar de metas:
- Pessoal ainda estamos longe de atingir as nossas metas, o endividamento ainda não foi alcançado, vamos fazer um esforço conjunto e comprar mais uns carros...
Gestores destes, em países decentes, estavam no desemprego ou até presos... em Portugal são os maiores, com cargos importantes em empresas vitais para o país, milhões de euros do país, com carros topo de gama, salários topo de gama e metas para dar prejuízo. FONTE ... http://goo.gl/FEM5Qb
--O Tribunal de Contas detectou irregularidades nas ÁGUAS DE PORTUGAL, com prejuízos de 75 milhões distribui 2,3 em prémios.
O TC estranha que numa situação económico-financeira débil se façam gastos de 4,8 milhões de euros com viaturas de serviço, prémios de incentivo, 478 mil dos quais respeitantes a combustível
ARTIGO COMPLETO: http://goo.gl/n04Dx7
--Águas de Portugal gastam mais de 1 milhão em computadores, tablets e afins. FONTE: http://goo.gl/0ycspQ
--.OS PLANOS MACABROS DA UE, PELAS ÁGUAS... http://goo.gl/2T8un5
wn.com/400 Carros De Luxo Na Águas De Portugal. Só Para Chefes
Mais uma despesa vampiresca do erário público.(2011)
400 viaturas, topo de gama, usadas para os luxos dos que gerem as Águas de Portugal.
E ainda há que juntar as despesas colossais de combustível. Só um dos funcionários gasta 7 mil euros por ano o que perfaz uma bela média de 20 euros por dia, segundo o video!!!! Escandalizem-se!!! Partilhem sejam cidadãos activos e protectores do que é nosso.
Mais... há ainda que perceber que a empresa tem uma frota que totaliza 1.190 viaturas!!
Como justificação para este abuso descarado, a AP afirma que precisam de muitas viaturas porque têm funções de Norte a Sul de Portugal... Como somos um país de atrasados mentais eles podem dar-se ao luxo de explicar as coisas assim? E safam-se?
Alguém acreditará que isso justifique tamanha má gestão e o excesso de carrinhos pagos por todos nós? Como é óbvio, todas as grandes empresas (públicas ou privadas) que fornecem o país de Norte a Sul certamente têm funcionários residentes e departamentos em diversas zonas de norte a sul... ou vivem todos em Lisboa e deslocam-se diariamente para o serviço, a norte e sul??? Que ridículo.
É vergonhoso todo este panorama, e incoerente a justificação. Até porque as 400 viaturas referidas são apenas as viaturas de LUXO DE técnicos superiores e não dos piquetes.
Esta quinta-feira, o CDS-PP considerou «inaceitável» as práticas de aluguer de viaturas daquela empresa pública que, segundo recorda a deputada Cecília Meireles, «já ultrapassou» o limite de endividamento estipulado pelo Governo para este ano. O Governo ordena a suspensão imediata do plano de renovação da frota automóvel de todas as empresas do Grupo Águas de Portugal. A decisão do Governo surge na mesma semana em que o jornal «Correio da Manhã» noticiou que no presente ano já foram substituídas 34 viaturas de alta cilindrada. fonte, Mais...
Para finalizar, repare-se bem na frase realçada na citação "já ultrapassou o limite de endividamento", ou seja as empresas públicas não tem metas para atingir o lucro, a poupança ou a sustentabilidade, têm metas de endividamento... podem desorganizar-se, esbanjar comprar muitos e muitos carros, porque AFINAL, PODEM ENDIVIDAR-SE E ATÉ ULTRAPASSAR O LIMITE, QUE NINGUÉM SE ESPANTA... é a meta.
Depois ainda nos espantamos com os buracos das empresas públicas...
Já podemos imaginar o chefe a falar de metas:
- Pessoal ainda estamos longe de atingir as nossas metas, o endividamento ainda não foi alcançado, vamos fazer um esforço conjunto e comprar mais uns carros...
Gestores destes, em países decentes, estavam no desemprego ou até presos... em Portugal são os maiores, com cargos importantes em empresas vitais para o país, milhões de euros do país, com carros topo de gama, salários topo de gama e metas para dar prejuízo. FONTE ... http://goo.gl/FEM5Qb
--O Tribunal de Contas detectou irregularidades nas ÁGUAS DE PORTUGAL, com prejuízos de 75 milhões distribui 2,3 em prémios.
O TC estranha que numa situação económico-financeira débil se façam gastos de 4,8 milhões de euros com viaturas de serviço, prémios de incentivo, 478 mil dos quais respeitantes a combustível
ARTIGO COMPLETO: http://goo.gl/n04Dx7
--Águas de Portugal gastam mais de 1 milhão em computadores, tablets e afins. FONTE: http://goo.gl/0ycspQ
--.OS PLANOS MACABROS DA UE, PELAS ÁGUAS... http://goo.gl/2T8un5
- published: 09 Oct 2014
- views: 12111
Águas de Portugal - Duas décadas que perspetivam o futuro
Portugal teve uma forte evolução no setor ambiental nas últimas duas décadas.Em apenas 20 anos testemunhámos importantes transformações que se traduzem hoje em ...
Portugal teve uma forte evolução no setor ambiental nas últimas duas décadas.Em apenas 20 anos testemunhámos importantes transformações que se traduzem hoje em mais qualidade de vida. Lembra-se como era o ambiente em Portugal há 20 anos?
wn.com/Águas De Portugal Duas Décadas Que Perspetivam O Futuro
Portugal teve uma forte evolução no setor ambiental nas últimas duas décadas.Em apenas 20 anos testemunhámos importantes transformações que se traduzem hoje em mais qualidade de vida. Lembra-se como era o ambiente em Portugal há 20 anos?
- published: 01 Jun 2015
- views: 162
Eurovision Portugal 2008 - Vânia Fernandes - Senhora do Mar (Negras Águas) HD
"Senhora do mar (Negras águas)" ("Lady of the sea (Dark waters)") is a song performed by Portuguese singer Vânia Fernandes, which was chosen to represent Portug...
"Senhora do mar (Negras águas)" ("Lady of the sea (Dark waters)") is a song performed by Portuguese singer Vânia Fernandes, which was chosen to represent Portugal at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 in Belgrade, Serbia. It was voted the winner of the 2008 edition of Festival da Canção, the national selection final, after receiving a total of 17,650 votes (35%), more than the double of votes received by the runner-up.
The song was composed by Andrej Babić, who also wrote Croatia's entry in 2003, "Više nisam tvoja" by Claudia Beni; Bosnia & Herzegovina's in 2005, "Call Me" by Feminnem, and Slovenia's in 2007, "Cvet z juga" by Alenka Gotar.
An English version of the song, called "Lady of the Sea", as well as the song's instrumental and an official remix by DJ Rui da Silva, were created and provided as part of the song's pre-contest promotion. A new version in Portuguese and Serbian languages, featuring Beauty Queens, the backing singers of Marija Šerifović at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007, was also made just before the contest. Vânia Fernandes and the Beauty Queens also recorded new versions of "Molitva" and "Zavet", the song that the Serbian group entered in Beovizija 2008 and came third in the competition.
A music video promoting the Portuguese isle of Madeira featured Vânia in a studio recording the song along with promotional shots of the island.
Vânia and her backing group performed last (19th) in the contest's second semi-final, on May 22, 2008, and qualified to the final with a 2nd place (120 points), only behind Ukraine's Ani Lorak and "Shady Lady". In the final, "Senhora do Mar" was the 13th song to be performed and finish in 13th, as well, with 69 points.
This song, along with Norway's "Hold On Be Strong", Sweden's "Hero", Ukraine's "Shady Lady" and Switzerland's "Era Stupendo" continually fare well in post-contest fan-based scoreboards.
wn.com/Eurovision Portugal 2008 Vânia Fernandes Senhora Do Mar (Negras Águas) Hd
"Senhora do mar (Negras águas)" ("Lady of the sea (Dark waters)") is a song performed by Portuguese singer Vânia Fernandes, which was chosen to represent Portugal at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 in Belgrade, Serbia. It was voted the winner of the 2008 edition of Festival da Canção, the national selection final, after receiving a total of 17,650 votes (35%), more than the double of votes received by the runner-up.
The song was composed by Andrej Babić, who also wrote Croatia's entry in 2003, "Više nisam tvoja" by Claudia Beni; Bosnia & Herzegovina's in 2005, "Call Me" by Feminnem, and Slovenia's in 2007, "Cvet z juga" by Alenka Gotar.
An English version of the song, called "Lady of the Sea", as well as the song's instrumental and an official remix by DJ Rui da Silva, were created and provided as part of the song's pre-contest promotion. A new version in Portuguese and Serbian languages, featuring Beauty Queens, the backing singers of Marija Šerifović at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007, was also made just before the contest. Vânia Fernandes and the Beauty Queens also recorded new versions of "Molitva" and "Zavet", the song that the Serbian group entered in Beovizija 2008 and came third in the competition.
A music video promoting the Portuguese isle of Madeira featured Vânia in a studio recording the song along with promotional shots of the island.
Vânia and her backing group performed last (19th) in the contest's second semi-final, on May 22, 2008, and qualified to the final with a 2nd place (120 points), only behind Ukraine's Ani Lorak and "Shady Lady". In the final, "Senhora do Mar" was the 13th song to be performed and finish in 13th, as well, with 69 points.
This song, along with Norway's "Hold On Be Strong", Sweden's "Hero", Ukraine's "Shady Lady" and Switzerland's "Era Stupendo" continually fare well in post-contest fan-based scoreboards.
- published: 29 Jan 2010
- views: 41985
Águas dançantes do Circo Portugal
As águas dançantes do Circo Portugal em Salvador 24/03/2012....
As águas dançantes do Circo Portugal em Salvador 24/03/2012.
wn.com/Águas Dançantes Do Circo Portugal
As águas dançantes do Circo Portugal em Salvador 24/03/2012.
- published: 26 Mar 2012
- views: 2065
Águas de Portugal. Consigo para a vida.
Mais de 80% dos portugueses quando abre a torneira recebe água que foi captada e tratada por uma empresa do Grupo Águas de Portugal. Água que depois de usada pe...
Mais de 80% dos portugueses quando abre a torneira recebe água que foi captada e tratada por uma empresa do Grupo Águas de Portugal. Água que depois de usada pelas populações e atividades produtivas é devolvida ao meio hídrico em condições ambientalmente seguras e sem comprometer a qualidade dos ecossistemas.Há mais de 20 anos que trabalhamos na valorização do ambiente natural e humano projetando um futuro com mais qualidade. Mesmo quando não nos vê.
Produtora: B'lizzard
Realizador: Bruno Niel
Produtor: Pedro Canavilhas
Edição: Miguel Figueiredo
Música (original): Pedro Batista Santo
wn.com/Águas De Portugal. Consigo Para A Vida.
Mais de 80% dos portugueses quando abre a torneira recebe água que foi captada e tratada por uma empresa do Grupo Águas de Portugal. Água que depois de usada pelas populações e atividades produtivas é devolvida ao meio hídrico em condições ambientalmente seguras e sem comprometer a qualidade dos ecossistemas.Há mais de 20 anos que trabalhamos na valorização do ambiente natural e humano projetando um futuro com mais qualidade. Mesmo quando não nos vê.
Produtora: B'lizzard
Realizador: Bruno Niel
Produtor: Pedro Canavilhas
Edição: Miguel Figueiredo
Música (original): Pedro Batista Santo
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 196
Aguas de Março - Jobim - Silvia Nazario - RTP1
Composição de Ton Jobim, Interpretação de Silvia Nazário, Violão e arranjo - Claudio Kumar
Programa Portugal no Coração - RTP1. 21.09.2012...
Composição de Ton Jobim, Interpretação de Silvia Nazário, Violão e arranjo - Claudio Kumar
Programa Portugal no Coração - RTP1. 21.09.2012
wn.com/Aguas De Março Jobim Silvia Nazario Rtp1
Composição de Ton Jobim, Interpretação de Silvia Nazário, Violão e arranjo - Claudio Kumar
Programa Portugal no Coração - RTP1. 21.09.2012
- published: 01 Oct 2012
- views: 1058
Berta Cabral questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
Berta Cabral questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal...
Berta Cabral questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
wn.com/Berta Cabral Questiona Presidente Do Grupo Águas De Portugal
Berta Cabral questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 18
Manuel Frexes questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
Manuel Frexes questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal...
Manuel Frexes questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
wn.com/Manuel Frexes Questiona Presidente Do Grupo Águas De Portugal
Manuel Frexes questiona Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 18
Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria...
Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
wn.com/Presidente Do Grupo Águas De Portugal, Afonso Lobato De Faria
Presidente do Grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
- published: 11 Nov 2015
- views: 37
Presidente do grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
Presidente do grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria...
Presidente do grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
wn.com/Presidente Do Grupo Águas De Portugal, Afonso Lobato De Faria
Presidente do grupo Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato de Faria
- published: 25 Sep 2014
- views: 86
Presidente da Águas de Portugal destaca "equidade, sustentabilidade e eficiência
Subscrever o canal e descobrir tudo o mais frescos primeiro
Afonso Lobato Faria destaca que "equidade, sustentabilidade e eficiência" são os principais conceit...
Subscrever o canal e descobrir tudo o mais frescos primeiro
Afonso Lobato Faria destaca que "equidade, sustentabilidade e eficiência" são os principais conceitos do plano de reestruturação do setor das águas. O presidente da Águas de Portugal destacou o papel importante das tarifas sociais, como forma de combate ao aumento dos preços. .
wn.com/Presidente Da Águas De Portugal Destaca Equidade, Sustentabilidade E Eficiência
Subscrever o canal e descobrir tudo o mais frescos primeiro
Afonso Lobato Faria destaca que "equidade, sustentabilidade e eficiência" são os principais conceitos do plano de reestruturação do setor das águas. O presidente da Águas de Portugal destacou o papel importante das tarifas sociais, como forma de combate ao aumento dos preços. .
- published: 03 Oct 2014
- views: 31
Presidente da Águas de Portugal não vê privatização no horizonte
Afonso Lobato de Faria nega que a reforma do sector água possa abrir caminho a uma privatização, afirmando mesmo que que tal cenário não faz qualquer sentido. J...
Afonso Lobato de Faria nega que a reforma do sector água possa abrir caminho a uma privatização, afirmando mesmo que que tal cenário não faz qualquer sentido. Já o presidente da Associação Nacional de Municípios diz que a harmonização de preços da água entre litoral e interior deve ser assegurada pelo Estado.
wn.com/Presidente Da Águas De Portugal Não Vê Privatização No Horizonte
Afonso Lobato de Faria nega que a reforma do sector água possa abrir caminho a uma privatização, afirmando mesmo que que tal cenário não faz qualquer sentido. Já o presidente da Associação Nacional de Municípios diz que a harmonização de preços da água entre litoral e interior deve ser assegurada pelo Estado.
- published: 22 Apr 2015
- views: 20
Batizado nas aguas de Portugal
Dia inesquecível!! O dia em que fomos batizados nas aguas como manda palavra de Deus! Pastor Orlando Júnior e Pastora Deise Costa. Ovelhas: Giuliano, Rafaella, ...
Dia inesquecível!! O dia em que fomos batizados nas aguas como manda palavra de Deus! Pastor Orlando Júnior e Pastora Deise Costa. Ovelhas: Giuliano, Rafaella, Sarah, Neto e Sérgio. Convidados: Marlene, João e Albany. Dia 18 de setembro de 2010, Portugal.
wn.com/Batizado Nas Aguas De Portugal
Dia inesquecível!! O dia em que fomos batizados nas aguas como manda palavra de Deus! Pastor Orlando Júnior e Pastora Deise Costa. Ovelhas: Giuliano, Rafaella, Sarah, Neto e Sérgio. Convidados: Marlene, João e Albany. Dia 18 de setembro de 2010, Portugal.
- published: 10 May 2011
- views: 132
José Gascão, Águas de Portugal
José Gascão, Águas de Portugal...
José Gascão, Águas de Portugal
wn.com/José Gascão, Águas De Portugal
José Gascão, Águas de Portugal
- published: 19 Nov 2014
- views: 19
Rapadura - Além das Águas do Atlântico @ Espaço Brasil - Lisboa, Portugal 2013
RAPadura chegou disposto a "embolar" e "movimentar" o cenário musical brasileiro. Considerado pelo Prêmio Hutúz 2009 o melhor artista Norte/Nordeste do século X...
RAPadura chegou disposto a "embolar" e "movimentar" o cenário musical brasileiro. Considerado pelo Prêmio Hutúz 2009 o melhor artista Norte/Nordeste do século XXI, o cearense Francisco Igor Almeida do Santos, mais conhecido como RAPadura Xique-Chico, é uma das maiores revelações da música brasileira nos últimos anos.
Xique Chico desembarca pela primeira vez na Europa para apresentação em Lisboa no dia 30 de maio à partir das 22hs. O show faz parte da programação do Festival Ano do Brasil em Portugal e integra a Semana da Palavra. Ao lado do DJ RM e do sanfoneiro André Tagliatti RAPadura promete colocar os portugueses para dançar um Fórrap!
"Nossa intenção é fazer com que este intercâmbio ganhe uma estrutura mais definida lá em Portugal e aqui, que deixe frutos. Há um desconhecimento muito grande, por nossa parte, e em todas as áreas, do Portugal contemporâneo. A música portuguesa não é só o fado. A gente pode conhecer este Portugal e mostrar um Brasil que tem uma diversidade cultural muito ampla, que não é só o Brasil das novelas", diz.
Pânico Ataque Filmes
wn.com/Rapadura Além Das Águas Do Atlântico Espaço Brasil Lisboa, Portugal 2013
RAPadura chegou disposto a "embolar" e "movimentar" o cenário musical brasileiro. Considerado pelo Prêmio Hutúz 2009 o melhor artista Norte/Nordeste do século XXI, o cearense Francisco Igor Almeida do Santos, mais conhecido como RAPadura Xique-Chico, é uma das maiores revelações da música brasileira nos últimos anos.
Xique Chico desembarca pela primeira vez na Europa para apresentação em Lisboa no dia 30 de maio à partir das 22hs. O show faz parte da programação do Festival Ano do Brasil em Portugal e integra a Semana da Palavra. Ao lado do DJ RM e do sanfoneiro André Tagliatti RAPadura promete colocar os portugueses para dançar um Fórrap!
"Nossa intenção é fazer com que este intercâmbio ganhe uma estrutura mais definida lá em Portugal e aqui, que deixe frutos. Há um desconhecimento muito grande, por nossa parte, e em todas as áreas, do Portugal contemporâneo. A música portuguesa não é só o fado. A gente pode conhecer este Portugal e mostrar um Brasil que tem uma diversidade cultural muito ampla, que não é só o Brasil das novelas", diz.
Pânico Ataque Filmes
- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 15152
Presidente do Conselho de Administração das Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato Faria
Presidente do Conselho de Administração das Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato Faria, LNEC, Ambiente Online, 18 de Novembro 2014...
Presidente do Conselho de Administração das Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato Faria, LNEC, Ambiente Online, 18 de Novembro 2014
wn.com/Presidente Do Conselho De Administração Das Águas De Portugal, Afonso Lobato Faria
Presidente do Conselho de Administração das Águas de Portugal, Afonso Lobato Faria, LNEC, Ambiente Online, 18 de Novembro 2014
- published: 18 Nov 2014
- views: 51
Portugal (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 10.958 Hotels in Portugal - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/quRxDW
Travel video about destination Portugal.
In the south of the country, the Algarve is the mainstay of Portuguese tourism with golden sandy beaches, bright red rocky coasts and a profusion of castles built by the Christian kings during the Moorish Wars. Faro is the capital of the Algarve and today its huge old city wall ind
Lisbon, Portugal Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Lisbon is the capital city and largest city of Portugal. Lisbon is the westernmost large city located in Europe, as well as its westernmost capital city and the only one along the Atlantic coast. It lies in the western Iberian Peninsula on the Atlantic Ocean and the Tagus River.
The most important places to visit in Lisbon are: Jeronimo's Monastery (this is one attractio
Porto, Portugal Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Porto, also known as Oporto in English, is the second-largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, and one of the major urban areas in Southern Europe and the capital of the second major great urban area in Portugal. Located along the Douro river estuary in northern Portugal, Porto is one of the oldest European centres, and registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996
Algarve, Portugal. Top attractions and places to visit
Algarve Travel Guide and Travel Information on this website
Algarve. Wherever you look, the colours of the mountains and sea are always with you, creating the impression of a water-colour dotted with highlights of gold, green and blue.
Algarve hotels
Algarve things to do
Algarve tour
Algarve tourist attractions
Algarve travel guide
Things to do i
What to Do in Lisbon, Portugal | 36 Hours Travel Videos | The New York Times
Throughout this hilly city on the Tagus River, structures and spaces are being stylishly reborn, harboring chic boutiques, galleries and new spots for eating and drinking.
Produced by: Fritzie Andrade
Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1MBbRzm
Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: http://bit.ly/tim
Sintra Portugal Travel Guide Video
If you’re planning a trip to Lisbon, I strongly suggest that you make every effort possible to include an extra day in your itinerary for Sintra. Missing this place would be a huge shame and I don’t want you to have regrets!
Full post : http://www.gettingcloseto.com/sintra-portugal-lisbon-daytrip/
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Coimbra Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old university town of Coimbra in Portugal. Coimbra's biggest attraction is the University of Coimbra, founded in 1290 and one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world.
You might enjoy some of my other videos from Portugal:
Nazare Travel Guide: https://youtu.be/sF_2MPzscjM
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTra
Porto Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Porto in Portugal.
Situated in the north of Portugal, Porto is a cultural capital of Europe and birthplace of the nation.
The Torre Dos Clerigos is the symbol of the city and was built in the middle of the 18th century on a rock at the city's most elevated point. Two hundred twenty-five steps lead to a stunning view across the picturesque old harbor town and its car
Albufeira (Portugal) - Ren Travel Guide Travel Video
Filmed with the Sony NEX 5n in AVCHD, 16mm 18mm lens, Kelda x0.45 lens adapter, Varavon Follow Focus, Hague Mini Motion Cam and a 5 Way Photographic Reflector. Edited and colour graded with Final Cut Pro X.
Location: Albufeira /Algarve /Portugal
Also watch: Albufeira Coastal Walk http://youtu.be/xMEIIUY4Zgo
ALBUFEIRA is a city in Portugal. It is the seat of Albufeira Municipality. It is a main
20 things to do in Lisbon Travel Guide
Lisbon was the final stop of our European tour and we couldn't have chosen a better destination. The city immediately won us over with it's cheery pastel buildings, delicious fresh seafood, and it's unique mix of attractions. It also didn't hurt that we had clear blue skies the whole week we were there! The following video will highlight 20 things to do in Lisbon and we hope it will give you a few
Madeira (Portugal) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Madeira in Portugal.
Funchal is the capital of the Atlantic island of Madeira and is situated in a natural, picturesque bay, surrounded by steep mountain slopes. With churches, palaces, mansions, museums and magnificent gardens, it is a city of both character and history. The Museum Of Religious Art is to be found in the former bishop’s palace. The sugar t
Madeira (Portugal) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Madeira in Portugal.
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Top 5 Attractions Lisbon - Portugal Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Lisbon, Portugal - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions in Lisbon, Portugal.
#5: St. George's Castle. When you are in Lisbon it's hard to miss this massive castle. The earliest origins dates back 1500 years.
#4: Commerce Square, a grand square s
Sintra Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the castle town of Sintra in Portugal. Sintra is an easy day-trip from Lisbon to explore the historic castles and palaces. Highlights include: Pena National Palace, Castle of the Moors, and the Palace of Sintra.
You might enjoy watching one of these other videos:
Nazare Portugal: https://youtu.be/sF_2MPzscjM
Coimbra Portugal: https://youtu.be/1XGbRq5aLIA
Quintas Da
Nazare Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old fishing town of Nazare in Portugal. Nazare is famous for beautiful wide sandy beaches, white tiled narrow streets, and a neat funicular that travels to the upper town of Sitio.
You might enjoy watching one of these other videos:
Coimbra Portugal: https://youtu.be/1XGbRq5aLIA
Quintas Das Lagrimas Hotel Review: https://youtu.be/UYH4bHlWsto
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Lisbon Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Lisbon in Portugal.
Lisbon is a white city located on Portugal’s River Tejo and is flamboyantly beautiful and full of melancholy, and also lively and bursting with colourful joie de vivre. The Praca Dom Pedro is more commonly known as the Rossio. At the northern end of the square is a former palace that has been transformed into a national theatre. The main square wa
Travel Guide: Portugal
This country is known as "the Gentle Land." http://www.WatchMojo.com continues our travel series with a look at Portugal.
Lisbon Portugal HD | Travel Guide
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Algarve Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Portugal. The 5 and half thousand square meters large southern part of the once proud colonial empire is Algarve, bathing all year in the sun. From the hilltops, moor forts look down on to the surroundings. In the old towns narrow roads lead up to the magnificent Manuel-style temples. The buildings are ornamented by Azulejos, moor painted tiles. The monuments and statues summon adventurers and exp
Algarve Top 4 | Portugal | Travel guide
Our theTravellers travel guide "Algarve Top 4" in Portugal out now! Top beaches, interesting caves and the cities Lagos, Olhao and Portimao. A documentary to plan your holiday. Travel starts here.
Here is our theTravellers Extra:
Behind Closed Doors - Otis McDonald
Roller Blades - Otis McDonald
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One More Chance - Otis McDon
Travel Guide to Faro, Portugal
http://bestflights.co.za/europe/portugal/faro - Visit for more information
Not only is Faro the capital city of the Algarve region but also the southernmost city in Portugal. The Ria Formosa lagoon, which is located next to Faro, is a nature reserve and boast with hundreds of different species for birds during the spring and autumn migratory period. Faro also has a beach, which is located about 7
Things to do in Porto, Portugal in 24h (Porto Guide & Budget)
Let me show you the things to do in Porto, Portugal in 24h by having a look at the budget to give you an orientation.
Check out my eBook "Europe on a Budget" for more:
Portugal is a cheap country to travel to if you compare the prices with other western european destinations. But how much is a stay in Porto? Here is my bill.
Rich history, Nic
Acores (Portugal) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Acores in Portugal.
The Azores islands are located between America and Europe and set amid the Atlantic Ocean, nine islands each with its own special landscape. São Miguel is Gateway to the Azores and the largest and most densely populated island of the Azores archipelago with steaming geysers, the opulent green of the tropics as well as numerous monasteries
Portugal (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 10.958 Hotels in Portugal - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/quRxDW
Travel video about destination Portugal.
In the south of the country, the Algarve i...
✱ 10.958 Hotels in Portugal - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/quRxDW
Travel video about destination Portugal.
In the south of the country, the Algarve is the mainstay of Portuguese tourism with golden sandy beaches, bright red rocky coasts and a profusion of castles built by the Christian kings during the Moorish Wars. Faro is the capital of the Algarve and today its huge old city wall indicates its past importance. Close to the Baroque cathedral, the attractive centre of the old town has been well preserved and indicates the town’s historic and dazzling past. Lisbon is the heart of Portugal and is located on the massive Tejo Bay. The Marques De Pombal rebuilt the city after it experienced the most devastating earthquake ever to hit a European town when only the plain, pointed arches of the Carmo Monastery’s distinctive roof withstood the catastrophic earthquake. Baixa is the name of the lower city from which a lift ascends to the heights of Bairro Alto from where there are amazing views across the rooftops of the old town of Alfama. ‘Electricos’ are Lisbon’s quaint and unique trams which squeak and roar through the old town, travelling along the narrow streets and up and down the hills. The Torre De Belem once guarded the approaches to Lisbon’s harbour. Shimmering white like a fantastic mirage, the city’s most famous landmark is located on the shores of the Tejo. It was from here that ships crews were bid farewell as they set out on their long voyages of discovery. The town of Sintra is situated on a forest slope on the Sierra De Sintra. Its mild climate and proximity to the capital city led the kings of Portugal to build their summer palaces here and there is an abundance of grand residences and palaces each surrounded by beautiful gardens and tropical plants. Located atop a tall rock is the Palacio Da Pena, a pseudo-fantasy castle which dates from the Middle Ages. The long bridge over the River Douro was built by Gustave Eiffel and is in the form of a huge arch constructed solely of iron and from which, on two levels, it connects the town of Porto with Vila Nova De Gaia. Portugal is a country of churches and cathedrals, massive fortresses, magnificent castles and prosperous towns. The sunshine and glorious coastline are mere bonuses!
wn.com/Portugal (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 10.958 Hotels in Portugal - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/quRxDW
Travel video about destination Portugal.
In the south of the country, the Algarve is the mainstay of Portuguese tourism with golden sandy beaches, bright red rocky coasts and a profusion of castles built by the Christian kings during the Moorish Wars. Faro is the capital of the Algarve and today its huge old city wall indicates its past importance. Close to the Baroque cathedral, the attractive centre of the old town has been well preserved and indicates the town’s historic and dazzling past. Lisbon is the heart of Portugal and is located on the massive Tejo Bay. The Marques De Pombal rebuilt the city after it experienced the most devastating earthquake ever to hit a European town when only the plain, pointed arches of the Carmo Monastery’s distinctive roof withstood the catastrophic earthquake. Baixa is the name of the lower city from which a lift ascends to the heights of Bairro Alto from where there are amazing views across the rooftops of the old town of Alfama. ‘Electricos’ are Lisbon’s quaint and unique trams which squeak and roar through the old town, travelling along the narrow streets and up and down the hills. The Torre De Belem once guarded the approaches to Lisbon’s harbour. Shimmering white like a fantastic mirage, the city’s most famous landmark is located on the shores of the Tejo. It was from here that ships crews were bid farewell as they set out on their long voyages of discovery. The town of Sintra is situated on a forest slope on the Sierra De Sintra. Its mild climate and proximity to the capital city led the kings of Portugal to build their summer palaces here and there is an abundance of grand residences and palaces each surrounded by beautiful gardens and tropical plants. Located atop a tall rock is the Palacio Da Pena, a pseudo-fantasy castle which dates from the Middle Ages. The long bridge over the River Douro was built by Gustave Eiffel and is in the form of a huge arch constructed solely of iron and from which, on two levels, it connects the town of Porto with Vila Nova De Gaia. Portugal is a country of churches and cathedrals, massive fortresses, magnificent castles and prosperous towns. The sunshine and glorious coastline are mere bonuses!
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 136506
Lisbon, Portugal Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Lisbon is the capital city and largest city of Portugal. Lisbon is the westernmost large city located in Europe, as well as its wester...
Lisbon is the capital city and largest city of Portugal. Lisbon is the westernmost large city located in Europe, as well as its westernmost capital city and the only one along the Atlantic coast. It lies in the western Iberian Peninsula on the Atlantic Ocean and the Tagus River.
The most important places to visit in Lisbon are: Jeronimo's Monastery (this is one attraction you must not miss in Lisbon. Constructed in the 16th century, it's simply an amazing site), Pena Palace (located in the town of Sintra, close to Lisbon, among the world's most beautiful palaces. A fine example of Portuguese architecture), Belem Tower (a 16th century UNESCO world heritage site. Initially a fortress to protect the city, it symbolizes the Age of Discoveries), Commerce Square (a grand square situated by the river Tages. Before the 1755 earthquake, it was the site of a palace), St. George's Castle (when you are in Lisbon it's hard to miss this massive castle. The earliest origins dates back 1500 years) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Lisbon travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Lisbon, Portugal Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Lisbon is the capital city and largest city of Portugal. Lisbon is the westernmost large city located in Europe, as well as its westernmost capital city and the only one along the Atlantic coast. It lies in the western Iberian Peninsula on the Atlantic Ocean and the Tagus River.
The most important places to visit in Lisbon are: Jeronimo's Monastery (this is one attraction you must not miss in Lisbon. Constructed in the 16th century, it's simply an amazing site), Pena Palace (located in the town of Sintra, close to Lisbon, among the world's most beautiful palaces. A fine example of Portuguese architecture), Belem Tower (a 16th century UNESCO world heritage site. Initially a fortress to protect the city, it symbolizes the Age of Discoveries), Commerce Square (a grand square situated by the river Tages. Before the 1755 earthquake, it was the site of a palace), St. George's Castle (when you are in Lisbon it's hard to miss this massive castle. The earliest origins dates back 1500 years) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Lisbon travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 01 Aug 2013
- views: 112400
Porto, Portugal Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Porto, also known as Oporto in English, is the second-largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, and one of the major urban areas in Sout...
Porto, also known as Oporto in English, is the second-largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, and one of the major urban areas in Southern Europe and the capital of the second major great urban area in Portugal. Located along the Douro river estuary in northern Portugal, Porto is one of the oldest European centres, and registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996.
The most important places to visit in Porto are: Casa da Musica, Estadio do Dragao, Foz do Douro, Serralves Foundation and Museum, Igreja de Sao Francisco, National Museum Soares dos Reis, Palacio da Bolsa, Porto Cathedral, Teatro Nacional Sao Joao, Port Wine Caves and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Porto travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Porto, Portugal Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Porto, also known as Oporto in English, is the second-largest city in Portugal, after Lisbon, and one of the major urban areas in Southern Europe and the capital of the second major great urban area in Portugal. Located along the Douro river estuary in northern Portugal, Porto is one of the oldest European centres, and registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996.
The most important places to visit in Porto are: Casa da Musica, Estadio do Dragao, Foz do Douro, Serralves Foundation and Museum, Igreja de Sao Francisco, National Museum Soares dos Reis, Palacio da Bolsa, Porto Cathedral, Teatro Nacional Sao Joao, Port Wine Caves and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Porto travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 15 Aug 2013
- views: 84972
Algarve, Portugal. Top attractions and places to visit
Algarve Travel Guide and Travel Information on this website
Algarve. Wherever you look, the colours of the mountains ...
Algarve Travel Guide and Travel Information on this website
Algarve. Wherever you look, the colours of the mountains and sea are always with you, creating the impression of a water-colour dotted with highlights of gold, green and blue.
Algarve hotels
Algarve things to do
Algarve tour
Algarve tourist attractions
Algarve travel guide
Things to do in algarve
Hotels in algarve
Algarve hotel
Algarve tours
Algarve weather
Where to stay in algarve
Algarve holidays
Flights to algarve
Algarve tourism
Hotels algarve
What to do in algarve
Hotels in algarve
Hostels in algarve
wn.com/Algarve, Portugal. Top Attractions And Places To Visit
Algarve Travel Guide and Travel Information on this website
Algarve. Wherever you look, the colours of the mountains and sea are always with you, creating the impression of a water-colour dotted with highlights of gold, green and blue.
Algarve hotels
Algarve things to do
Algarve tour
Algarve tourist attractions
Algarve travel guide
Things to do in algarve
Hotels in algarve
Algarve hotel
Algarve tours
Algarve weather
Where to stay in algarve
Algarve holidays
Flights to algarve
Algarve tourism
Hotels algarve
What to do in algarve
Hotels in algarve
Hostels in algarve
- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 7260
What to Do in Lisbon, Portugal | 36 Hours Travel Videos | The New York Times
Throughout this hilly city on the Tagus River, structures and spaces are being stylishly reborn, harboring chic boutiques, galleries and new spots for eating an...
Throughout this hilly city on the Tagus River, structures and spaces are being stylishly reborn, harboring chic boutiques, galleries and new spots for eating and drinking.
Produced by: Fritzie Andrade
Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1MBbRzm
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Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube.
What to Do in Lisbon, Portugal | 36 Hours Travel Videos | The New York Times
wn.com/What To Do In Lisbon, Portugal | 36 Hours Travel Videos | The New York Times
Throughout this hilly city on the Tagus River, structures and spaces are being stylishly reborn, harboring chic boutiques, galleries and new spots for eating and drinking.
Produced by: Fritzie Andrade
Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1MBbRzm
Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: http://bit.ly/timesvideonewsletter
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Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube.
What to Do in Lisbon, Portugal | 36 Hours Travel Videos | The New York Times
- published: 02 Apr 2015
- views: 78349
Sintra Portugal Travel Guide Video
If you’re planning a trip to Lisbon, I strongly suggest that you make every effort possible to include an extra...
If you’re planning a trip to Lisbon, I strongly suggest that you make every effort possible to include an extra day in your itinerary for Sintra. Missing this place would be a huge shame and I don’t want you to have regrets!
Full post : http://www.gettingcloseto.com/sintra-portugal-lisbon-daytrip/
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For more info, travel inspiration and adventure, my travel blog!
P.S. If you liked this video, please consider sending a donation so I can keep on producing them: http://paypal.me/gettingcloseto
wn.com/Sintra Portugal Travel Guide Video
If you’re planning a trip to Lisbon, I strongly suggest that you make every effort possible to include an extra day in your itinerary for Sintra. Missing this place would be a huge shame and I don’t want you to have regrets!
Full post : http://www.gettingcloseto.com/sintra-portugal-lisbon-daytrip/
Never miss a travel video - Subscribe!
For more info, travel inspiration and adventure, my travel blog!
P.S. If you liked this video, please consider sending a donation so I can keep on producing them: http://paypal.me/gettingcloseto
- published: 13 Aug 2015
- views: 780
Coimbra Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old university town of Coimbra in Portugal. Coimbra's biggest attraction is the University of Coimbra, founded in 1290 and one ...
A travel guide for visiting the old university town of Coimbra in Portugal. Coimbra's biggest attraction is the University of Coimbra, founded in 1290 and one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world.
You might enjoy some of my other videos from Portugal:
Nazare Travel Guide: https://youtu.be/sF_2MPzscjM
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
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wn.com/Coimbra Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old university town of Coimbra in Portugal. Coimbra's biggest attraction is the University of Coimbra, founded in 1290 and one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world.
You might enjoy some of my other videos from Portugal:
Nazare Travel Guide: https://youtu.be/sF_2MPzscjM
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
Check out my blog at:
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 3387
Porto Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Porto in Portugal.
Situated in the north of Portugal, Porto is a cultural capital of Europe and birthplace of the nation.
The To...
Travel video about destination Porto in Portugal.
Situated in the north of Portugal, Porto is a cultural capital of Europe and birthplace of the nation.
The Torre Dos Clerigos is the symbol of the city and was built in the middle of the 18th century on a rock at the city's most elevated point. Two hundred twenty-five steps lead to a stunning view across the picturesque old harbor town and its carpet of red rooftops that nestle against the city's hills.
Porto has one of the most beautiful markets in Europe that contains a large inner courtyard completely encircled by arcades.
The narrow, deep river valley of the Douro is spanned by 5 bridges of which the most impressive is the Ponte Dom Louis. The Frenchman, Gustave Eiffel, constructed the gigantic two level bridge that connects Porto with its sister town, Vila Nova De Gaia.
Five bridges connect the banks of the River Douro where 2 of them are monuments that date back to the Industrial Revolution. The river has always been the city's lifeline and a trading route to the whole world. The entire river valley was designated as a vine growing area because it is where the world famous port wine is grown.
With all of its picturesque districts, including its Baroque splendor and the palatial houses of its elite, Porto has truly survived the march of time.
wn.com/Porto Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Porto in Portugal.
Situated in the north of Portugal, Porto is a cultural capital of Europe and birthplace of the nation.
The Torre Dos Clerigos is the symbol of the city and was built in the middle of the 18th century on a rock at the city's most elevated point. Two hundred twenty-five steps lead to a stunning view across the picturesque old harbor town and its carpet of red rooftops that nestle against the city's hills.
Porto has one of the most beautiful markets in Europe that contains a large inner courtyard completely encircled by arcades.
The narrow, deep river valley of the Douro is spanned by 5 bridges of which the most impressive is the Ponte Dom Louis. The Frenchman, Gustave Eiffel, constructed the gigantic two level bridge that connects Porto with its sister town, Vila Nova De Gaia.
Five bridges connect the banks of the River Douro where 2 of them are monuments that date back to the Industrial Revolution. The river has always been the city's lifeline and a trading route to the whole world. The entire river valley was designated as a vine growing area because it is where the world famous port wine is grown.
With all of its picturesque districts, including its Baroque splendor and the palatial houses of its elite, Porto has truly survived the march of time.
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 59609
Albufeira (Portugal) - Ren Travel Guide Travel Video
Filmed with the Sony NEX 5n in AVCHD, 16mm 18mm lens, Kelda x0.45 lens adapter, Varavon Follow Focus, Hague Mini Motion Cam and a 5 Way Photographic Reflector. ...
Filmed with the Sony NEX 5n in AVCHD, 16mm 18mm lens, Kelda x0.45 lens adapter, Varavon Follow Focus, Hague Mini Motion Cam and a 5 Way Photographic Reflector. Edited and colour graded with Final Cut Pro X.
Location: Albufeira /Algarve /Portugal
Also watch: Albufeira Coastal Walk http://youtu.be/xMEIIUY4Zgo
ALBUFEIRA is a city in Portugal. It is the seat of Albufeira Municipality. It is a main tourist destination, due to its coastal location. The city has a population of 22,000. It is 250 kilometres (160 mi) from Lisbon, and is within close proximity of Paderne Castle. Lagos is located 30 kilometres (19 mi) to the west, and Faro 45 kilometres (28 mi) to the south-east. Facilities include a marina, golf courses plus innumerable hotels, apartment blocks, restaurants and bars for the annual flood of visitors.
Also watch: Albufeira Coastal Walk http://youtu.be/xMEIIUY4Zgo
wn.com/Albufeira (Portugal) Ren Travel Guide Travel Video
Filmed with the Sony NEX 5n in AVCHD, 16mm 18mm lens, Kelda x0.45 lens adapter, Varavon Follow Focus, Hague Mini Motion Cam and a 5 Way Photographic Reflector. Edited and colour graded with Final Cut Pro X.
Location: Albufeira /Algarve /Portugal
Also watch: Albufeira Coastal Walk http://youtu.be/xMEIIUY4Zgo
ALBUFEIRA is a city in Portugal. It is the seat of Albufeira Municipality. It is a main tourist destination, due to its coastal location. The city has a population of 22,000. It is 250 kilometres (160 mi) from Lisbon, and is within close proximity of Paderne Castle. Lagos is located 30 kilometres (19 mi) to the west, and Faro 45 kilometres (28 mi) to the south-east. Facilities include a marina, golf courses plus innumerable hotels, apartment blocks, restaurants and bars for the annual flood of visitors.
Also watch: Albufeira Coastal Walk http://youtu.be/xMEIIUY4Zgo
- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 74757
20 things to do in Lisbon Travel Guide
Lisbon was the final stop of our European tour and we couldn't have chosen a better destination. The city immediately won us over with it's cheery pastel buildi...
Lisbon was the final stop of our European tour and we couldn't have chosen a better destination. The city immediately won us over with it's cheery pastel buildings, delicious fresh seafood, and it's unique mix of attractions. It also didn't hurt that we had clear blue skies the whole week we were there! The following video will highlight 20 things to do in Lisbon and we hope it will give you a few ideas of some of the sights this beautiful city has to offer.
1) São Jorge Castle (Portuguese: Castelo de São Jorge)
2) Miradouro das Portas do Sol observation deck
3) Carmo Convent (Portuguese: Convento da Ordem do Carmo)
4) Portuguese egg tart pastry - Pastel de nata (Portuguese: pastéis de nata)
5) Belém Tower (Portuguese: Torre de Belém
6) Padrão dos Descobrimentos (Portuguese: Monument to the Discoveries)
7) Jerónimos Monastery or Hieronymites Monastery (Portuguese: Mosteiro dos Jerónimos
8) Kiosk - Quiosque
9) Tagus River Ferry - (Portuguese: Tejo)
10) Salmão Grelhado - Portuguese Grilled Fish (Salmon Steaks)
11) Visiting Cacilhas Island
12) Lisbon tramway network (Portuguese: Rede de eléctricos de Lisboa)
13) Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara Observation Views
14) Shopping (Rua Augusta)
15) Praça do Comércio - Commerce Square)
16) Santa Justa Lift (Portuguese: Elevador de Santa Justa
17) Bacalhau - Portuguese dried & salted cod
18) Tropical Botanical Garden (Portuguese: Jardim Agricola Tropical)
19) Lisbon Cathedral: Patriarchal Cathedral of St. Mary Major (Portuguese: Santa Maria Maior de Lisboa or Sé de Lisboa)
20) Lisbon night views
Our visit Lisbon travel guide covers some of the top attractions including the best in arts, entertainment, museums, nightlife and restaurants. We also cover off-the-beaten-path activities that you won't find in your typical tourism brochure or Lisbon city guide.
20 things to do in Lisbon, Portugal | Top Attractions Travel Guide:
Our first stop of the day was Sao Jorge Castle, which is an old Moorish fortification that sits on a hill overlooking Lisbon and the Tagus River. You can get some nice panoramic views of the city from here, and they also have peacocks roaming the grounds.
Miradouro das Portas do Sol is one of the many look out points in Lisbon that offers postcard-perfect views of the city. This particular terrace overlooks the Alfama district and it is always popular with tourists.
Carmo is a mediaeval convent that was ruined during the 1755 earthquake, and today it is used as an archaeological museum. It's a strange feeling walking down the ruined nave of the church and seeing blue skies above your head, but that's exactly what makes it worth a visit.
Another place to visit is Belem Tower. The tower was built on the banks of the Tagus River, and it was meant to act as both a defense system and a ceremonial gateway into Lisbon.
The Jeronimos Monastery is one of the most visited sights in Lisbon. It's one of the best examples of Late Gothic Manueline architecture, so have a close look at the intricate detailing when you visit.
A fun way to get around Lisbon's hilly streets is by riding the trams. There are different lines across the city, but #28 is the most popular one with visitors.
The Santa Justa lift is an elevator that connects the lower streets of Baixa with Carmo Square, and it is the only remaining vertical elevator in Lisbon. Though it is meant to serve a functional role, it is also quite popular with visitors who find the elevator a novel idea.
And that's a wrap for our week in the Portuguese capital! We hope you enjoyed this video and that it gave you some ideas of things to do in Lisbon. As always, if you have any other suggestion for travellers of places to visit and things to do around town, feel free to share them in the comments below. Wishing you happy travels!
This is part of our Travel in Portugal series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Portuguese culture, Portuguese arts, Portuguese foods, Portuguese religion, Portuguese cuisine and Portuguese people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/20 Things To Do In Lisbon Travel Guide
Lisbon was the final stop of our European tour and we couldn't have chosen a better destination. The city immediately won us over with it's cheery pastel buildings, delicious fresh seafood, and it's unique mix of attractions. It also didn't hurt that we had clear blue skies the whole week we were there! The following video will highlight 20 things to do in Lisbon and we hope it will give you a few ideas of some of the sights this beautiful city has to offer.
1) São Jorge Castle (Portuguese: Castelo de São Jorge)
2) Miradouro das Portas do Sol observation deck
3) Carmo Convent (Portuguese: Convento da Ordem do Carmo)
4) Portuguese egg tart pastry - Pastel de nata (Portuguese: pastéis de nata)
5) Belém Tower (Portuguese: Torre de Belém
6) Padrão dos Descobrimentos (Portuguese: Monument to the Discoveries)
7) Jerónimos Monastery or Hieronymites Monastery (Portuguese: Mosteiro dos Jerónimos
8) Kiosk - Quiosque
9) Tagus River Ferry - (Portuguese: Tejo)
10) Salmão Grelhado - Portuguese Grilled Fish (Salmon Steaks)
11) Visiting Cacilhas Island
12) Lisbon tramway network (Portuguese: Rede de eléctricos de Lisboa)
13) Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara Observation Views
14) Shopping (Rua Augusta)
15) Praça do Comércio - Commerce Square)
16) Santa Justa Lift (Portuguese: Elevador de Santa Justa
17) Bacalhau - Portuguese dried & salted cod
18) Tropical Botanical Garden (Portuguese: Jardim Agricola Tropical)
19) Lisbon Cathedral: Patriarchal Cathedral of St. Mary Major (Portuguese: Santa Maria Maior de Lisboa or Sé de Lisboa)
20) Lisbon night views
Our visit Lisbon travel guide covers some of the top attractions including the best in arts, entertainment, museums, nightlife and restaurants. We also cover off-the-beaten-path activities that you won't find in your typical tourism brochure or Lisbon city guide.
20 things to do in Lisbon, Portugal | Top Attractions Travel Guide:
Our first stop of the day was Sao Jorge Castle, which is an old Moorish fortification that sits on a hill overlooking Lisbon and the Tagus River. You can get some nice panoramic views of the city from here, and they also have peacocks roaming the grounds.
Miradouro das Portas do Sol is one of the many look out points in Lisbon that offers postcard-perfect views of the city. This particular terrace overlooks the Alfama district and it is always popular with tourists.
Carmo is a mediaeval convent that was ruined during the 1755 earthquake, and today it is used as an archaeological museum. It's a strange feeling walking down the ruined nave of the church and seeing blue skies above your head, but that's exactly what makes it worth a visit.
Another place to visit is Belem Tower. The tower was built on the banks of the Tagus River, and it was meant to act as both a defense system and a ceremonial gateway into Lisbon.
The Jeronimos Monastery is one of the most visited sights in Lisbon. It's one of the best examples of Late Gothic Manueline architecture, so have a close look at the intricate detailing when you visit.
A fun way to get around Lisbon's hilly streets is by riding the trams. There are different lines across the city, but #28 is the most popular one with visitors.
The Santa Justa lift is an elevator that connects the lower streets of Baixa with Carmo Square, and it is the only remaining vertical elevator in Lisbon. Though it is meant to serve a functional role, it is also quite popular with visitors who find the elevator a novel idea.
And that's a wrap for our week in the Portuguese capital! We hope you enjoyed this video and that it gave you some ideas of things to do in Lisbon. As always, if you have any other suggestion for travellers of places to visit and things to do around town, feel free to share them in the comments below. Wishing you happy travels!
This is part of our Travel in Portugal series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Portuguese culture, Portuguese arts, Portuguese foods, Portuguese religion, Portuguese cuisine and Portuguese people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 28 Dec 2015
- views: 6632
Madeira (Portugal) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Madeira in Portugal.
Funchal is the capital of the Atlantic island of Madeira and is situated in a natural, picturesque ...
Vacation travel video about destination Madeira in Portugal.
Funchal is the capital of the Atlantic island of Madeira and is situated in a natural, picturesque bay, surrounded by steep mountain slopes. With churches, palaces, mansions, museums and magnificent gardens, it is a city of both character and history. The Museum Of Religious Art is to be found in the former bishop’s palace. The sugar trade with Antwerp meant that paintings and other works of art could be used as payment. Madeira has long been famous for its wine, stored in wooden barrels to mature and then exported all over the world. In the old rooms of a former monastery, it is pressed, matured and celebrated. At the beginning of a valley, São Vicente lies hidden beyond the steep slopes of the northern coastline. The tastefully restored centre of the village contains a seventeenth century church with a Baroque interior. There are gilded carvings, tile pictures and paintings on the altar. At an amazing acute angle, the gondola from the mountain station below the village of Achadas Da Cruz travels three hundred metres down to the coast and back. This most beautiful Baroque church on the north coast was established in São Jorge. Its external simplicity gives little hint of its internal beauty: gilded wood carvings and illusionist paintings adorn the church and its altar. To the east of Madeira is the natural bay of Machico, the oldest settlement on the island. Today, Madeira’s third largest city extends from the coast to the hills of the wide and fertile valley of the Machico River whose inhabitants live from the cultivation of fruit, vineyards and fishing. Its extraordinary landscapes and exotic fragrances have been captivating visitors for centuries. Madeira, wild beauty amid the Atlantic Ocean!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Madeira (Portugal) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Madeira in Portugal.
Funchal is the capital of the Atlantic island of Madeira and is situated in a natural, picturesque bay, surrounded by steep mountain slopes. With churches, palaces, mansions, museums and magnificent gardens, it is a city of both character and history. The Museum Of Religious Art is to be found in the former bishop’s palace. The sugar trade with Antwerp meant that paintings and other works of art could be used as payment. Madeira has long been famous for its wine, stored in wooden barrels to mature and then exported all over the world. In the old rooms of a former monastery, it is pressed, matured and celebrated. At the beginning of a valley, São Vicente lies hidden beyond the steep slopes of the northern coastline. The tastefully restored centre of the village contains a seventeenth century church with a Baroque interior. There are gilded carvings, tile pictures and paintings on the altar. At an amazing acute angle, the gondola from the mountain station below the village of Achadas Da Cruz travels three hundred metres down to the coast and back. This most beautiful Baroque church on the north coast was established in São Jorge. Its external simplicity gives little hint of its internal beauty: gilded wood carvings and illusionist paintings adorn the church and its altar. To the east of Madeira is the natural bay of Machico, the oldest settlement on the island. Today, Madeira’s third largest city extends from the coast to the hills of the wide and fertile valley of the Machico River whose inhabitants live from the cultivation of fruit, vineyards and fishing. Its extraordinary landscapes and exotic fragrances have been captivating visitors for centuries. Madeira, wild beauty amid the Atlantic Ocean!
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 17 Jan 2016
- views: 1483
Madeira (Portugal) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Madeira in Portugal.
PLANET TERRA takes you to each corner of the planet and helps you to discover the world with fascinating des...
Travel video about destination Madeira in Portugal.
PLANET TERRA takes you to each corner of the planet and helps you to discover the world with fascinating destinations, beautiful locations, great sound and colourful scenery.
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Madeira (Portugal) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Madeira in Portugal.
PLANET TERRA takes you to each corner of the planet and helps you to discover the world with fascinating destinations, beautiful locations, great sound and colourful scenery.
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 25 Jan 2016
- views: 1412
Top 5 Attractions Lisbon - Portugal Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Lisbon, Portugal - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi...
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Lisbon, Portugal - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions in Lisbon, Portugal.
#5: St. George's Castle. When you are in Lisbon it's hard to miss this massive castle. The earliest origins dates back 1500 years.
#4: Commerce Square, a grand square situated by the river Tages. Before the 1755 earthquake, it was the site of a palace.
#3: Belem Tower, a 16th century UNESCO world heritage site. Initially a fortress to protect the city, it symbolizes the Age of Discoveries.
#2: Pena Palace, located in the town of Sintra, close to Lisbon, among the world's most beautiful palaces. A fine example of Portuguese architecture.
#1: Jeronimo's Monastery. This is one attraction you must not miss in Lisbon. Constructed in the 16th century, it's simply an amazing site.
Thank you for watching our travel video series. See you next time.
wn.com/Top 5 Attractions Lisbon Portugal Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Lisbon, Portugal - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hey, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions in Lisbon, Portugal.
#5: St. George's Castle. When you are in Lisbon it's hard to miss this massive castle. The earliest origins dates back 1500 years.
#4: Commerce Square, a grand square situated by the river Tages. Before the 1755 earthquake, it was the site of a palace.
#3: Belem Tower, a 16th century UNESCO world heritage site. Initially a fortress to protect the city, it symbolizes the Age of Discoveries.
#2: Pena Palace, located in the town of Sintra, close to Lisbon, among the world's most beautiful palaces. A fine example of Portuguese architecture.
#1: Jeronimo's Monastery. This is one attraction you must not miss in Lisbon. Constructed in the 16th century, it's simply an amazing site.
Thank you for watching our travel video series. See you next time.
- published: 27 Jul 2010
- views: 49384
Sintra Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the castle town of Sintra in Portugal. Sintra is an easy day-trip from Lisbon to explore the historic castles and palaces. Highlig...
A travel guide for visiting the castle town of Sintra in Portugal. Sintra is an easy day-trip from Lisbon to explore the historic castles and palaces. Highlights include: Pena National Palace, Castle of the Moors, and the Palace of Sintra.
You might enjoy watching one of these other videos:
Nazare Portugal: https://youtu.be/sF_2MPzscjM
Coimbra Portugal: https://youtu.be/1XGbRq5aLIA
Quintas Das Lagrimas Hotel Review: https://youtu.be/UYH4bHlWsto
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
Check out my blog at:
wn.com/Sintra Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the castle town of Sintra in Portugal. Sintra is an easy day-trip from Lisbon to explore the historic castles and palaces. Highlights include: Pena National Palace, Castle of the Moors, and the Palace of Sintra.
You might enjoy watching one of these other videos:
Nazare Portugal: https://youtu.be/sF_2MPzscjM
Coimbra Portugal: https://youtu.be/1XGbRq5aLIA
Quintas Das Lagrimas Hotel Review: https://youtu.be/UYH4bHlWsto
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
Check out my blog at:
- published: 30 Aug 2015
- views: 2522
Nazare Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old fishing town of Nazare in Portugal. Nazare is famous for beautiful wide sandy beaches, white tiled narrow streets, and a ne...
A travel guide for visiting the old fishing town of Nazare in Portugal. Nazare is famous for beautiful wide sandy beaches, white tiled narrow streets, and a neat funicular that travels to the upper town of Sitio.
You might enjoy watching one of these other videos:
Coimbra Portugal: https://youtu.be/1XGbRq5aLIA
Quintas Das Lagrimas Hotel Review: https://youtu.be/UYH4bHlWsto
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
Check out my blog at:
wn.com/Nazare Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old fishing town of Nazare in Portugal. Nazare is famous for beautiful wide sandy beaches, white tiled narrow streets, and a neat funicular that travels to the upper town of Sitio.
You might enjoy watching one of these other videos:
Coimbra Portugal: https://youtu.be/1XGbRq5aLIA
Quintas Das Lagrimas Hotel Review: https://youtu.be/UYH4bHlWsto
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
Check out my blog at:
- published: 19 Jul 2015
- views: 1230
Lisbon Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Lisbon in Portugal.
Lisbon is a white city located on Portugal’s River Tejo and is flamboyantly beautiful and full of melancholy,...
Travel video about destination Lisbon in Portugal.
Lisbon is a white city located on Portugal’s River Tejo and is flamboyantly beautiful and full of melancholy, and also lively and bursting with colourful joie de vivre. The Praca Dom Pedro is more commonly known as the Rossio. At the northern end of the square is a former palace that has been transformed into a national theatre. The main square was once the setting of bull fights and up until 1820 and the Spanish Inquisition so called heretics were burned at the stake. The medieval Sé Patriacal Cathedral stands defiantly on a hillside. Following the Christian conquest the city’s bishops’ church was built on the foundations of a former mosque to commemorate victory over the Moors.On the city’s highest hill is the marvellous Castelo De Sao Jorge. Since times immemorial this fortified complex has stood guard above the mouth of the Tejo. Little remains of the former Moorish royal residence in which Vasco Da Gama´s journey to India was once celebrated. Electricos is the name of Lisbon’s unique trams that travel noisily through the old town They are an indelible feature of the city and negotiate the city’s twisting alleys like an ancient roller-coaster within streets so narrow that pedestrians are forced to seek refuge in the nearest doorway. On the banks of the Tejo on the outskirts of the Belem district is the Mosteiro Dos Jeronimos. This superb historical building with its snow-white façade and adornments and figures in playful Manuelistic style dominates the entire city. Lisbon continues to be Portugal’s unchanged treasure right up to the present day.
wn.com/Lisbon Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Lisbon in Portugal.
Lisbon is a white city located on Portugal’s River Tejo and is flamboyantly beautiful and full of melancholy, and also lively and bursting with colourful joie de vivre. The Praca Dom Pedro is more commonly known as the Rossio. At the northern end of the square is a former palace that has been transformed into a national theatre. The main square was once the setting of bull fights and up until 1820 and the Spanish Inquisition so called heretics were burned at the stake. The medieval Sé Patriacal Cathedral stands defiantly on a hillside. Following the Christian conquest the city’s bishops’ church was built on the foundations of a former mosque to commemorate victory over the Moors.On the city’s highest hill is the marvellous Castelo De Sao Jorge. Since times immemorial this fortified complex has stood guard above the mouth of the Tejo. Little remains of the former Moorish royal residence in which Vasco Da Gama´s journey to India was once celebrated. Electricos is the name of Lisbon’s unique trams that travel noisily through the old town They are an indelible feature of the city and negotiate the city’s twisting alleys like an ancient roller-coaster within streets so narrow that pedestrians are forced to seek refuge in the nearest doorway. On the banks of the Tejo on the outskirts of the Belem district is the Mosteiro Dos Jeronimos. This superb historical building with its snow-white façade and adornments and figures in playful Manuelistic style dominates the entire city. Lisbon continues to be Portugal’s unchanged treasure right up to the present day.
- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 15402
Travel Guide: Portugal
This country is known as "the Gentle Land." http://www.WatchMojo.com continues our travel series with a look at Portugal....
This country is known as "the Gentle Land." http://www.WatchMojo.com continues our travel series with a look at Portugal.
wn.com/Travel Guide Portugal
This country is known as "the Gentle Land." http://www.WatchMojo.com continues our travel series with a look at Portugal.
- published: 25 Jul 2012
- views: 10265
Lisbon Portugal HD | Travel Guide
''travel guide''
''world travel channel''
''work travel channel''
''travelocity work and travel''
''expoza travel''
''World Travel Guides''
''travel guide''
''world travel channel''
''work travel channel''
''travelocity work and travel''
''expoza travel''
''World Travel Guides''
wn.com/Lisbon Portugal Hd | Travel Guide
''travel guide''
''world travel channel''
''work travel channel''
''travelocity work and travel''
''expoza travel''
''World Travel Guides''
- published: 12 May 2014
- views: 5953
Algarve Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Portugal. The 5 and half thousand square meters large southern part of the once proud colonial empire is Algarve, bathing all year in the sun. From the hilltops...
Portugal. The 5 and half thousand square meters large southern part of the once proud colonial empire is Algarve, bathing all year in the sun. From the hilltops, moor forts look down on to the surroundings. In the old towns narrow roads lead up to the magnificent Manuel-style temples. The buildings are ornamented by Azulejos, moor painted tiles. The monuments and statues summon adventurers and explorers: Magellan and Vasco De Gama. The country is full of fishing villages, palm trees, vine arbours, olive tree orchards, and orange gardens. The Playa de Rocha and the other sandy beaches are surrounded by large cliffs, stone archs and lagoons. On the hill of Moniche we travel among pine trees and para oaks. From the lighthouse of the Saint Vincent cape we can only see the endless Atlantic Ocean, which the medieval man thought to be the end of the world.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
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wn.com/Algarve Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Portugal. The 5 and half thousand square meters large southern part of the once proud colonial empire is Algarve, bathing all year in the sun. From the hilltops, moor forts look down on to the surroundings. In the old towns narrow roads lead up to the magnificent Manuel-style temples. The buildings are ornamented by Azulejos, moor painted tiles. The monuments and statues summon adventurers and explorers: Magellan and Vasco De Gama. The country is full of fishing villages, palm trees, vine arbours, olive tree orchards, and orange gardens. The Playa de Rocha and the other sandy beaches are surrounded by large cliffs, stone archs and lagoons. On the hill of Moniche we travel among pine trees and para oaks. From the lighthouse of the Saint Vincent cape we can only see the endless Atlantic Ocean, which the medieval man thought to be the end of the world.
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 07 Mar 2015
- views: 32928
Algarve Top 4 | Portugal | Travel guide
Our theTravellers travel guide "Algarve Top 4" in Portugal out now! Top beaches, interesting caves and the cities Lagos, Olhao and Portimao. A documentary to pl...
Our theTravellers travel guide "Algarve Top 4" in Portugal out now! Top beaches, interesting caves and the cities Lagos, Olhao and Portimao. A documentary to plan your holiday. Travel starts here.
Here is our theTravellers Extra:
Behind Closed Doors - Otis McDonald
Roller Blades - Otis McDonald
Underdog - The 126ers
One More Chance - Otis McDonald
Malmo Sunrise - The 126ers
Secret Conversations - The 126ers
All music in this video are free for download with permission for commercial use.
wn.com/Algarve Top 4 | Portugal | Travel Guide
Our theTravellers travel guide "Algarve Top 4" in Portugal out now! Top beaches, interesting caves and the cities Lagos, Olhao and Portimao. A documentary to plan your holiday. Travel starts here.
Here is our theTravellers Extra:
Behind Closed Doors - Otis McDonald
Roller Blades - Otis McDonald
Underdog - The 126ers
One More Chance - Otis McDonald
Malmo Sunrise - The 126ers
Secret Conversations - The 126ers
All music in this video are free for download with permission for commercial use.
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 743
Travel Guide to Faro, Portugal
http://bestflights.co.za/europe/portugal/faro - Visit for more information
Not only is Faro the capital city of the Algarve region but also the southernmost ci...
http://bestflights.co.za/europe/portugal/faro - Visit for more information
Not only is Faro the capital city of the Algarve region but also the southernmost city in Portugal. The Ria Formosa lagoon, which is located next to Faro, is a nature reserve and boast with hundreds of different species for birds during the spring and autumn migratory period. Faro also has a beach, which is located about 7km's from the city. The beach consists of a long sandy spit, which can be reached through a bridge.
What to see / do
• Albufeira -- The tourist capital
• Aqualand -- Water Park
• Albufeira, Vilamoura and Quinta do Lago -- Beaches for windsurfing, waterskiing, jet-skiing
• Loule Market - A market with stalls selling everything from souvenirs, shoes, clothes, watches and bags to fake designer stuff
• Parque da Mina -- Theme Park
• Vila do Bispo -- Beach for surfing and bodyboarding
• Festival Med - A Mediterranean summer festival with music, dance and art.
• Festival do Marisco -- A seafood festival
• FIESA -- An International Sand sculpture festival
• Loule Carnival - A carnival with floats and a fancy dress parade
• Saint Irene's Fair -- 10 Day Festival with entertainment and exhibition
wn.com/Travel Guide To Faro, Portugal
http://bestflights.co.za/europe/portugal/faro - Visit for more information
Not only is Faro the capital city of the Algarve region but also the southernmost city in Portugal. The Ria Formosa lagoon, which is located next to Faro, is a nature reserve and boast with hundreds of different species for birds during the spring and autumn migratory period. Faro also has a beach, which is located about 7km's from the city. The beach consists of a long sandy spit, which can be reached through a bridge.
What to see / do
• Albufeira -- The tourist capital
• Aqualand -- Water Park
• Albufeira, Vilamoura and Quinta do Lago -- Beaches for windsurfing, waterskiing, jet-skiing
• Loule Market - A market with stalls selling everything from souvenirs, shoes, clothes, watches and bags to fake designer stuff
• Parque da Mina -- Theme Park
• Vila do Bispo -- Beach for surfing and bodyboarding
• Festival Med - A Mediterranean summer festival with music, dance and art.
• Festival do Marisco -- A seafood festival
• FIESA -- An International Sand sculpture festival
• Loule Carnival - A carnival with floats and a fancy dress parade
• Saint Irene's Fair -- 10 Day Festival with entertainment and exhibition
- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 14184
Things to do in Porto, Portugal in 24h (Porto Guide & Budget)
Let me show you the things to do in Porto, Portugal in 24h by having a look at the budget to give you an orientation.
Check out my eBook "Europe on a Budget" f...
Let me show you the things to do in Porto, Portugal in 24h by having a look at the budget to give you an orientation.
Check out my eBook "Europe on a Budget" for more:
Portugal is a cheap country to travel to if you compare the prices with other western european destinations. But how much is a stay in Porto? Here is my bill.
Rich history, Nice location on the sea & the Douro river estuary, Port wine and a fun nightlife -- this is Porto! With around 240.000 inhabitants it is the second largest city in Portugal but still nice & charming with semi-Mediterranean climate and medieval as well as modern living side by side.
"Anymore" by Sony Comb & Kitty Kat Rodeo -
This "Things to do in Porto, Portugal" is part of a series - make sure to subscribe to my channel and don't miss upcoming episodes.
Follow me:
wn.com/Things To Do In Porto, Portugal In 24H (Porto Guide Budget)
Let me show you the things to do in Porto, Portugal in 24h by having a look at the budget to give you an orientation.
Check out my eBook "Europe on a Budget" for more:
Portugal is a cheap country to travel to if you compare the prices with other western european destinations. But how much is a stay in Porto? Here is my bill.
Rich history, Nice location on the sea & the Douro river estuary, Port wine and a fun nightlife -- this is Porto! With around 240.000 inhabitants it is the second largest city in Portugal but still nice & charming with semi-Mediterranean climate and medieval as well as modern living side by side.
"Anymore" by Sony Comb & Kitty Kat Rodeo -
This "Things to do in Porto, Portugal" is part of a series - make sure to subscribe to my channel and don't miss upcoming episodes.
Follow me:
- published: 15 Sep 2012
- views: 9233
Acores (Portugal) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Acores in Portugal.
The Azores islands are located between America and Europe and set amid the Atlantic Ocean, nine isla...
Vacation travel video about destination Acores in Portugal.
The Azores islands are located between America and Europe and set amid the Atlantic Ocean, nine islands each with its own special landscape. São Miguel is Gateway to the Azores and the largest and most densely populated island of the Azores archipelago with steaming geysers, the opulent green of the tropics as well as numerous monasteries and settlements. Terceira is located in the middle of the archipelago. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries its natural harbour was an important port of call for numerous trading ships and Pacos Do Concelho, City Hall, indicates the city’s former prosperity. To the east of the island of Terceira is Serra Do Cume, a giant crater about ten kilometres wide. The interior of the crater consists of fields and pastures in which dairy cows graze peacefully. São Sebastião is probably the oldest settlement on the island and was where the first Portuguese settlers set foot ashore. Threatened by pirate attack, the people built fortified churches, decorated in Gothic splendour. Faial, the Blue Island, is one of the most visited islands in the archipelago and whose marina is well known throughout the world. It offers spectacular nature with a rocky coastline and volcanoes. Horta is the island’s capital and since 1976 has also been the seat of the Azores’ parliament. With their authentic nature and harmony, the Azores islands are still waiting to be discovered. A paradise set in eternal blue with islands that hold the secrets of nature and an abundance of local pride. Evergreen jewels set amid the Atlantic Ocean!
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Acores (Portugal) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Vacation travel video about destination Acores in Portugal.
The Azores islands are located between America and Europe and set amid the Atlantic Ocean, nine islands each with its own special landscape. São Miguel is Gateway to the Azores and the largest and most densely populated island of the Azores archipelago with steaming geysers, the opulent green of the tropics as well as numerous monasteries and settlements. Terceira is located in the middle of the archipelago. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries its natural harbour was an important port of call for numerous trading ships and Pacos Do Concelho, City Hall, indicates the city’s former prosperity. To the east of the island of Terceira is Serra Do Cume, a giant crater about ten kilometres wide. The interior of the crater consists of fields and pastures in which dairy cows graze peacefully. São Sebastião is probably the oldest settlement on the island and was where the first Portuguese settlers set foot ashore. Threatened by pirate attack, the people built fortified churches, decorated in Gothic splendour. Faial, the Blue Island, is one of the most visited islands in the archipelago and whose marina is well known throughout the world. It offers spectacular nature with a rocky coastline and volcanoes. Horta is the island’s capital and since 1976 has also been the seat of the Azores’ parliament. With their authentic nature and harmony, the Azores islands are still waiting to be discovered. A paradise set in eternal blue with islands that hold the secrets of nature and an abundance of local pride. Evergreen jewels set amid the Atlantic Ocean!
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 18 Jan 2016
- views: 873
Águas de Carvalhelhos | Somos Portugal - TVI | 2016 | BOTICAS
Castelo de Monforte de Rio Livre (Águas Frias, Chaves - Portugal)
A mais antiga referência ao castelo medieval remonta ao século XII. O julgado de Rio Livre foi instituído em 1267. Em 1273 a povoação recebeu foral de D. Afonso III (1248-1279), quando devem ter-se iniciado as obras de reforma do conjunto que, em sua maior parte, chegou até aos nossos dias.
Os trabalhos de edificação prosseguiram no reinado de seu filho e sucessor, D. Dinis (1279-1325), vindo a e
GoPro MTB - Aqueduto Aguas de Prata, Portugal
First attempt at editing some GoPro Hero4 Silver footage. Dark day but awesome trail!
Settings: 1080p, Medium View, 60fps
Chesty Mount, Tripod, Seat Post Mount
Aguas Frias - Vista do castelo e da aldeia por um drone
Agosto 2015
Aguas Frias (Chaves, Portugal)
Vista do castelo e da aldeia por um drone
Opening To Foz Do Iguaçu: Festival Das Águas(Brazilian Portuguese Copy) VHS(1988)
Here Are The Brazilian Portuguese VHS Openings For Foz Do Iguaçu: Festival Das Águas, And In Order:
1. Color Bars Of Death
2. Portuguese Warning Screen
3. Objetiva Video Filmes Logo
NOTE: Even Though That VHS Is In Portuguese, This VHS Must Be Narrated In English, But Likely With Portuguese Accent.
P.S., Everything Belongs To Their Original Copyright Holders. I Do Not Own Anything. So No Copyri
Nega Jaci no aqui portugal em Lousa com o tema aguas de março
Já conhece o Xilocano?
O Xilocano é um instrumento musical original, construído a partir de canos como os utilizados no transporte das águas residuais. A sua participação em concerto e outras iniciativas faz parte do projeto de sensibilização ambiental “O Cano é que Paga” dinamizado pela Águas do Centro Litoral, cujo objetivo é sensibilizar a população para a importância da atividade de tratamento das águas residuais e
Águas de Portugal. With you in life.
When over 80% of Portuguese households turn on their taps, out comes water captured and treated by an Águas de Portugal group company. This water, following its respective consumption whether by the population or by productive activities, then gets returned to the hydric environment in appropriately safe conditions and without ever jeopardising the quality of the respective ecosystems. For over tw
AdP - Águas de Portugal 2015
Somos um dos grandes grupos empresariais do setor do ambiente em Portugal e temos por missão contribuir para a resolução dos problemas nacionais nos domínios de abastecimento de água, de saneamento de águas residuais e de tratamento e valorização de resíduos, num quadro de sustentabilidade económica, financeira, técnica, social e ambiental.
L. TINOCO | O curso das Águas - Stattico
I Encontro de Flauta do Porto;
Associação de Flautistas de Portugal (AFLAUP) - Conservatório de Música do Porto
Quarteto Assai (Marco Pereira - Flauta, Hugo Ribeiro - Oboé, Lurdes Carneiro - Fagote, Cândida Oliveira - Clarinete);
Gravado por Emiliano Toste;
10 de Setembro de 2015.
L. TINOCO | O curso das águas - Brutale
I Encontro de Flauta do Porto;
Associação de Flautistas de Portugal (AFLAUP) - Conservatório de Música do Porto
Quarteto Assai (Marco Pereira - Flauta, Hugo Ribeiro - Oboé, Lurdes Carneiro - Fagote, Cândida Oliveira - Clarinete);
Gravado por Emiliano Toste;
10 de Setembro de 2015.
This film shows the essentials of the Aqueduct of the Free Waters, this interesting Portuguese building located in Lisbon, Portugal.
Este filme mostra o essencial do Aqueduto das Águas Livres, essa interessante construção portuguesa localizada em Lisboa, Portugal.
Susana Jordão Senhora do mar Negras águas Eurovision Live concert Portugal 2015
Aguas servidas en el Barrio Las Americas (Guanare-Portuguesa)
Video 06-2015-1. Producido por Carlos Ortiz, Andrés García y Andrés Ramírez quienes entrevistaron al Sr. Jesús Morillo, él explicó la problemárica del bombeo de aguas servidas en el sector aporta algunas soluciones. Problemas en el sonido sobre todo a partir del minuto 4.
Águas de Coimbra com melhor índice de satisfação dos consumidores em Portugal
MEO Kanal 899300
Olam Ein Sof - Murmúrio das Águas (Ponte da Barca/Portugal 2015)
Olam Ein Sof na 8ª edição do Festival Folk Celta Ponte da Barca em Portugal, no dia 24/07/2015.
Música: Murmurio das Águas
Empresa dedicada al diseño, fabricación y montaje de estructuras metálicas y construcción civil en general. Contamos con personal altamente calificado y procesos ajustados a los plazos. Asimismo, contamos con una amplia experiencia en el mercado (nivel nacional), lo cual nos convierte en una empresa altamente competitiva. Entre nuestros servicios ofrecemos
Habitantes del sector Portugal en Barcelona denuncian tener problemas con aguas negras
Reporte de Félix Millán
Anzoátegui Noticias
Batismo nas Águas - Distrito do Porto -Portugal 2015
Igreja do Ministério de Taubaté - SP - Brasil
Castelo de Monforte de Rio Livre (Águas Frias, Chaves - Portugal)
A mais antiga referência ao castelo medieval remonta ao século XII. O julgado de Rio Livre foi instituído em 1267. Em 1273 a povoação recebeu foral de D. Afonso...
A mais antiga referência ao castelo medieval remonta ao século XII. O julgado de Rio Livre foi instituído em 1267. Em 1273 a povoação recebeu foral de D. Afonso III (1248-1279), quando devem ter-se iniciado as obras de reforma do conjunto que, em sua maior parte, chegou até aos nossos dias.
Os trabalhos de edificação prosseguiram no reinado de seu filho e sucessor, D. Dinis (1279-1325), vindo a estar concluídos em 1312, quando apresentava uma sólida torre de menagem e muros reforçados por três torres. Nesse período documenta-se a presença de um alcaide na localidade e verifica-se um forte crescimento do espaço urbano da vila, com a ampliação da cerca da vila.
A vila recebeu foral passado por D. Afonso IV (1325-1357).
wn.com/Castelo De Monforte De Rio Livre (Águas Frias, Chaves Portugal)
A mais antiga referência ao castelo medieval remonta ao século XII. O julgado de Rio Livre foi instituído em 1267. Em 1273 a povoação recebeu foral de D. Afonso III (1248-1279), quando devem ter-se iniciado as obras de reforma do conjunto que, em sua maior parte, chegou até aos nossos dias.
Os trabalhos de edificação prosseguiram no reinado de seu filho e sucessor, D. Dinis (1279-1325), vindo a estar concluídos em 1312, quando apresentava uma sólida torre de menagem e muros reforçados por três torres. Nesse período documenta-se a presença de um alcaide na localidade e verifica-se um forte crescimento do espaço urbano da vila, com a ampliação da cerca da vila.
A vila recebeu foral passado por D. Afonso IV (1325-1357).
- published: 24 Dec 2015
- views: 77
GoPro MTB - Aqueduto Aguas de Prata, Portugal
First attempt at editing some GoPro Hero4 Silver footage. Dark day but awesome trail!
Settings: 1080p, Medium View, 60fps
Chesty Mount, Tripod, Seat Post Mount...
First attempt at editing some GoPro Hero4 Silver footage. Dark day but awesome trail!
Settings: 1080p, Medium View, 60fps
Chesty Mount, Tripod, Seat Post Mount
wn.com/Gopro Mtb Aqueduto Aguas De Prata, Portugal
First attempt at editing some GoPro Hero4 Silver footage. Dark day but awesome trail!
Settings: 1080p, Medium View, 60fps
Chesty Mount, Tripod, Seat Post Mount
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 9
Aguas Frias - Vista do castelo e da aldeia por um drone
Agosto 2015
Aguas Frias (Chaves, Portugal)
Vista do castelo e da aldeia por um drone...
Agosto 2015
Aguas Frias (Chaves, Portugal)
Vista do castelo e da aldeia por um drone
wn.com/Aguas Frias Vista Do Castelo E Da Aldeia Por Um Drone
Agosto 2015
Aguas Frias (Chaves, Portugal)
Vista do castelo e da aldeia por um drone
- published: 06 Dec 2015
- views: 37
Opening To Foz Do Iguaçu: Festival Das Águas(Brazilian Portuguese Copy) VHS(1988)
Here Are The Brazilian Portuguese VHS Openings For Foz Do Iguaçu: Festival Das Águas, And In Order:
1. Color Bars Of Death
2. Portuguese Warning Screen
3. Obje...
Here Are The Brazilian Portuguese VHS Openings For Foz Do Iguaçu: Festival Das Águas, And In Order:
1. Color Bars Of Death
2. Portuguese Warning Screen
3. Objetiva Video Filmes Logo
NOTE: Even Though That VHS Is In Portuguese, This VHS Must Be Narrated In English, But Likely With Portuguese Accent.
P.S., Everything Belongs To Their Original Copyright Holders. I Do Not Own Anything. So No Copyright Intended What So Ever.
wn.com/Opening To Foz Do Iguaçu Festival Das Águas(Brazilian Portuguese Copy) Vhs(1988)
Here Are The Brazilian Portuguese VHS Openings For Foz Do Iguaçu: Festival Das Águas, And In Order:
1. Color Bars Of Death
2. Portuguese Warning Screen
3. Objetiva Video Filmes Logo
NOTE: Even Though That VHS Is In Portuguese, This VHS Must Be Narrated In English, But Likely With Portuguese Accent.
P.S., Everything Belongs To Their Original Copyright Holders. I Do Not Own Anything. So No Copyright Intended What So Ever.
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 300
Já conhece o Xilocano?
O Xilocano é um instrumento musical original, construído a partir de canos como os utilizados no transporte das águas residuais. A sua participação em concerto ...
O Xilocano é um instrumento musical original, construído a partir de canos como os utilizados no transporte das águas residuais. A sua participação em concerto e outras iniciativas faz parte do projeto de sensibilização ambiental “O Cano é que Paga” dinamizado pela Águas do Centro Litoral, cujo objetivo é sensibilizar a população para a importância da atividade de tratamento das águas residuais e esclarecer sobre as consequências da colocação de resíduos sólidos no esgoto. Essas consequências, embora não visíveis para a população em geral, são negativas, em particular por gerarem entupimentos e danificarem as infraestruturas que tratam os esgotos e asseguram a sua devolução à natureza em condições ambientalmente seguras.
wn.com/Já Conhece O Xilocano
O Xilocano é um instrumento musical original, construído a partir de canos como os utilizados no transporte das águas residuais. A sua participação em concerto e outras iniciativas faz parte do projeto de sensibilização ambiental “O Cano é que Paga” dinamizado pela Águas do Centro Litoral, cujo objetivo é sensibilizar a população para a importância da atividade de tratamento das águas residuais e esclarecer sobre as consequências da colocação de resíduos sólidos no esgoto. Essas consequências, embora não visíveis para a população em geral, são negativas, em particular por gerarem entupimentos e danificarem as infraestruturas que tratam os esgotos e asseguram a sua devolução à natureza em condições ambientalmente seguras.
- published: 18 Nov 2015
- views: 103
Águas de Portugal. With you in life.
When over 80% of Portuguese households turn on their taps, out comes water captured and treated by an Águas de Portugal group company. This water, following its...
When over 80% of Portuguese households turn on their taps, out comes water captured and treated by an Águas de Portugal group company. This water, following its respective consumption whether by the population or by productive activities, then gets returned to the hydric environment in appropriately safe conditions and without ever jeopardising the quality of the respective ecosystems. For over two decades, we have been working to improve the natural and human environment and planning a future with still greater quality. And even when we cannot be seen.
Produced by: B'lizzard
Director: Bruno Niel
Producer: Pedro Canavilhas
Editor: Miguel Figueiredo
Music (original): Pedro Batista Santo
wn.com/Águas De Portugal. With You In Life.
When over 80% of Portuguese households turn on their taps, out comes water captured and treated by an Águas de Portugal group company. This water, following its respective consumption whether by the population or by productive activities, then gets returned to the hydric environment in appropriately safe conditions and without ever jeopardising the quality of the respective ecosystems. For over two decades, we have been working to improve the natural and human environment and planning a future with still greater quality. And even when we cannot be seen.
Produced by: B'lizzard
Director: Bruno Niel
Producer: Pedro Canavilhas
Editor: Miguel Figueiredo
Music (original): Pedro Batista Santo
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 150
AdP - Águas de Portugal 2015
Somos um dos grandes grupos empresariais do setor do ambiente em Portugal e temos por missão contribuir para a resolução dos problemas nacionais nos domínios de...
Somos um dos grandes grupos empresariais do setor do ambiente em Portugal e temos por missão contribuir para a resolução dos problemas nacionais nos domínios de abastecimento de água, de saneamento de águas residuais e de tratamento e valorização de resíduos, num quadro de sustentabilidade económica, financeira, técnica, social e ambiental.
wn.com/Adp Águas De Portugal 2015
Somos um dos grandes grupos empresariais do setor do ambiente em Portugal e temos por missão contribuir para a resolução dos problemas nacionais nos domínios de abastecimento de água, de saneamento de águas residuais e de tratamento e valorização de resíduos, num quadro de sustentabilidade económica, financeira, técnica, social e ambiental.
- published: 19 Oct 2015
- views: 12
L. TINOCO | O curso das Águas - Stattico
I Encontro de Flauta do Porto;
Associação de Flautistas de Portugal (AFLAUP) - Conservatório de Música do Porto
Quarteto Assai (Marco Pereira - Flauta, Hugo Rib...
I Encontro de Flauta do Porto;
Associação de Flautistas de Portugal (AFLAUP) - Conservatório de Música do Porto
Quarteto Assai (Marco Pereira - Flauta, Hugo Ribeiro - Oboé, Lurdes Carneiro - Fagote, Cândida Oliveira - Clarinete);
Gravado por Emiliano Toste;
10 de Setembro de 2015.
wn.com/L. Tinoco | O Curso Das Águas Stattico
I Encontro de Flauta do Porto;
Associação de Flautistas de Portugal (AFLAUP) - Conservatório de Música do Porto
Quarteto Assai (Marco Pereira - Flauta, Hugo Ribeiro - Oboé, Lurdes Carneiro - Fagote, Cândida Oliveira - Clarinete);
Gravado por Emiliano Toste;
10 de Setembro de 2015.
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 131
L. TINOCO | O curso das águas - Brutale
I Encontro de Flauta do Porto;
Associação de Flautistas de Portugal (AFLAUP) - Conservatório de Música do Porto
Quarteto Assai (Marco Pereira - Flauta, Hugo Rib...
I Encontro de Flauta do Porto;
Associação de Flautistas de Portugal (AFLAUP) - Conservatório de Música do Porto
Quarteto Assai (Marco Pereira - Flauta, Hugo Ribeiro - Oboé, Lurdes Carneiro - Fagote, Cândida Oliveira - Clarinete);
Gravado por Emiliano Toste;
10 de Setembro de 2015.
wn.com/L. Tinoco | O Curso Das Águas Brutale
I Encontro de Flauta do Porto;
Associação de Flautistas de Portugal (AFLAUP) - Conservatório de Música do Porto
Quarteto Assai (Marco Pereira - Flauta, Hugo Ribeiro - Oboé, Lurdes Carneiro - Fagote, Cândida Oliveira - Clarinete);
Gravado por Emiliano Toste;
10 de Setembro de 2015.
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 89
This film shows the essentials of the Aqueduct of the Free Waters, this interesting Portuguese building located in Lisbon, Portugal.
Este filme mostra o essen...
This film shows the essentials of the Aqueduct of the Free Waters, this interesting Portuguese building located in Lisbon, Portugal.
Este filme mostra o essencial do Aqueduto das Águas Livres, essa interessante construção portuguesa localizada em Lisboa, Portugal.
wn.com/Aqueduct Of The Free Waters, Lisbon, Portugal Aqueduto Das Águas Livres, Lisboa, Portugal
This film shows the essentials of the Aqueduct of the Free Waters, this interesting Portuguese building located in Lisbon, Portugal.
Este filme mostra o essencial do Aqueduto das Águas Livres, essa interessante construção portuguesa localizada em Lisboa, Portugal.
- published: 27 Sep 2015
- views: 22
Aguas servidas en el Barrio Las Americas (Guanare-Portuguesa)
Video 06-2015-1. Producido por Carlos Ortiz, Andrés García y Andrés Ramírez quienes entrevistaron al Sr. Jesús Morillo, él explicó la problemárica del bombeo de...
Video 06-2015-1. Producido por Carlos Ortiz, Andrés García y Andrés Ramírez quienes entrevistaron al Sr. Jesús Morillo, él explicó la problemárica del bombeo de aguas servidas en el sector aporta algunas soluciones. Problemas en el sonido sobre todo a partir del minuto 4.
wn.com/Aguas Servidas En El Barrio Las Americas (Guanare Portuguesa)
Video 06-2015-1. Producido por Carlos Ortiz, Andrés García y Andrés Ramírez quienes entrevistaron al Sr. Jesús Morillo, él explicó la problemárica del bombeo de aguas servidas en el sector aporta algunas soluciones. Problemas en el sonido sobre todo a partir del minuto 4.
- published: 22 Sep 2015
- views: 27
Olam Ein Sof - Murmúrio das Águas (Ponte da Barca/Portugal 2015)
Olam Ein Sof na 8ª edição do Festival Folk Celta Ponte da Barca em Portugal, no dia 24/07/2015.
Música: Murmurio das Águas...
Olam Ein Sof na 8ª edição do Festival Folk Celta Ponte da Barca em Portugal, no dia 24/07/2015.
Música: Murmurio das Águas
wn.com/Olam Ein Sof Murmúrio Das Águas (Ponte Da Barca Portugal 2015)
Olam Ein Sof na 8ª edição do Festival Folk Celta Ponte da Barca em Portugal, no dia 24/07/2015.
Música: Murmurio das Águas
- published: 02 Sep 2015
- views: 104
Empresa dedicada al diseño, fabricación y montaje de estructuras metálicas y construcción civil en general. Contamos c...
Empresa dedicada al diseño, fabricación y montaje de estructuras metálicas y construcción civil en general. Contamos con personal altamente calificado y procesos ajustados a los plazos. Asimismo, contamos con una amplia experiencia en el mercado (nivel nacional), lo cual nos convierte en una empresa altamente competitiva. Entre nuestros servicios ofrecemos las siguientes construcciones:
• Techos metálicos
• Techos parabólicos
• Techos a 2 aguas
• Techos a diente de sierra o industriales
• Naves industriales
• Tanques cisternas para agua y combustibles
• Tolvas, carrocerías, ranflas
• Paneles publicitarios
• Cercos perimetricos,
• Estructuras metálicas en general.
Atendemos a nivel nacional.
Puede ubicarnos en los telf. 981746983 / RPM *299832 / (01)2689512
“hacemos las cosas bien hechas”
wn.com/Techos Parabolicos, Techos Metalicos, Naves Industriales, Techos A Dos Aguas, Estructuras Metalicas
Empresa dedicada al diseño, fabricación y montaje de estructuras metálicas y construcción civil en general. Contamos con personal altamente calificado y procesos ajustados a los plazos. Asimismo, contamos con una amplia experiencia en el mercado (nivel nacional), lo cual nos convierte en una empresa altamente competitiva. Entre nuestros servicios ofrecemos las siguientes construcciones:
• Techos metálicos
• Techos parabólicos
• Techos a 2 aguas
• Techos a diente de sierra o industriales
• Naves industriales
• Tanques cisternas para agua y combustibles
• Tolvas, carrocerías, ranflas
• Paneles publicitarios
• Cercos perimetricos,
• Estructuras metálicas en general.
Atendemos a nivel nacional.
Puede ubicarnos en los telf. 981746983 / RPM *299832 / (01)2689512
“hacemos las cosas bien hechas”
- published: 28 Aug 2015
- views: 748
Batismo nas Águas - Distrito do Porto -Portugal 2015
Igreja do Ministério de Taubaté - SP - Brasil...
Igreja do Ministério de Taubaté - SP - Brasil
wn.com/Batismo Nas Águas Distrito Do Porto Portugal 2015
Igreja do Ministério de Taubaté - SP - Brasil
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 53
Águas Frias (Chaves) - Portugal
Kizoa Video Maker - http://www.kizoa.com
Águas Frias (Chaves) - Portugal
By Mário Silva
Reportagem Taça do Mundo Águas Abertas - Setúbal 2015
Reportagem sobre a etapa de Setúbal da Taça do Mundo de Águas Abertas, realizada no dia 27 de Junho de 2015, na Baía do Sado.
Portugal, um retrato ambiental - 3. Águas
Autoria: Luísa Schmidt
Realização: Francisco Manso
O ambiente é hoje uma uma questão maior da sociedade portuguesa, não apenas como uma preocupação dos governos, mas principalmente como um tema protagonista na opinião pública nacional. Se este protagonismo do tema é recente nas preocupações públicas, os problemas que lhe deram origem têm uma longa história. Uma história que nasce de modo diferente
Go Cup 2014 - Categoria Sub 11 - Benfica (Portugal) 4 x 1 Águas Claras-DF (Parte 1)
Jogo da Fase Classificatória. Gol: Gú.
Go Cup 2014 - Categoria Sub 11 - Benfica (Portugal) 4 x 1 Águas Claras-DF (Parte 2)
Jogo da Fase Classificatória. Gol: Gú.
Portugal - As Águas: Episódio 3
Água fonte de vida, mesmo em Portugal.
Igreja Pentecostal Monte Sinai
Descobrir Portugal, Águas do Alentejo
Episódio 1 Água de Mar
Episódio 1 Água de Mar
Jogo completo entre o ÁGUAS SANTAS/MILANEZA e o SPORT LISBOA E BENFICA dos 1/4 Final da Taça de Portugal Masculina.
ÁGUAS SANTAS/MILANEZA - SL BENFICA (1/4 Final Taça de Portugal)
Águas Frias Plantas e Flores
Plantas e flores que se podem observar em Águas Frias - Chaves - Portugal
PIRAIBA 215 KG maior peixe de couro de água doce do Brasil
Dot.Com (2007) [FILME COMPLETO]
Mais filmes e séries disponíveis no nosso 1º e 2º canal!
1º CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/user/FILMESdePORTUGAL/videos
2º CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeo5i3Y5Pi2kPZA4mhS4f_w/videos
Jogo completo entre o LIBERTY ABC UMINHO e o ÁGUAS SANTAS MILANEZA, dos 1/4 de Final, da Taça de Portugal Fidelidade.
Águas Frias - XIII Encontro de Blogues e Fotógrafos - LUMBUDUS
Águas Frias - freguesia do concelho de Chaves - Portugal
by Mário Silva
Batismo na praia fluvial de Valada do Ribatejo na Azambuja-Portugal
Dia 11-4-2015
Discipulo- Jaime
Latidos de Agua. Hidroterapia. Balnearios Termales.Leonardo Ferrera.
La importancia del agua en la vida y en la salud. Una breve muestra de los Recursos Termales de Galicia, España, Chávez en Portugal y México. Una riqueza Termal desde tiempos ancestrales. Desde épocas prehispánicas el agua ha sido fuente de salud hasta nuestros días. Actualmente la Industria Termal, gana terreno y se irá incluyendo dentro de las prácticas y servicios del Turismo de Salud o de Bie
Criaturas Tenebrosas Discovery Channel www.locutor.pro
Este es un especial de casi una hora que lleva a los televidentes en un viaje a las inconmensurables profundidades oceánicas, las cuevas subterráneas y los lagos más profundos del mundo, para explicar cómo las criaturas intrépidas.
Narrado por el locutor chileno Néstor Lupcke, aqui tienen la web de este chaval http://www.locutor.cc
A Alma E A Gente - Santa Clara Salva Das Águas
História de Portugal contada a partir das grandes personalidades que fizeram a história do nosso pais, pelo prof. José Hermano Saraiva.
Madrileños por el mundo: Algarve (Portugal)
Más de 9 millones de turistas llegan cada año al Algarve, la región más al sur de Portugal. Clima, playas y unas puestas de sol increíbles a sólo unos pocos kilómetros.
En las playas de Vilamoura encontramos a Ana, que nos enseña el principal puerto deportivo del país, donde se reúne lo más selecto de la sociedad portuguesa. La tienda de Cristiano Ronaldo o el bar de Luis Figo son dos de las atra
Reporterox: Tierra de aguas
De todos es sabido que Extremadura es la comunidad autónoma con mayor costa litoral de España. 14.000 KILÓMETROS. El equivalente de Huelva a Alicante por mar. Además de atravesarnos dos grandes ríos, Tajo y Guadiana, gran parte de nuestras tierras están sumergidas por embalses, pantanos y canales, algunos construidos en época romana. Somos tierra de aguas, un tesoro natural del que viven muchos e
Águas Frias (Chaves) - Portugal
Kizoa Video Maker - http://www.kizoa.com...
Kizoa Video Maker - http://www.kizoa.com
wn.com/Águas Frias (Chaves) Portugal
Kizoa Video Maker - http://www.kizoa.com
- published: 14 Mar 2015
- views: 238
Águas Frias (Chaves) - Portugal
By Mário Silva
By Mário Silva
wn.com/Águas Frias (Chaves) Portugal
By Mário Silva
- published: 13 May 2015
- views: 101
Reportagem Taça do Mundo Águas Abertas - Setúbal 2015
Reportagem sobre a etapa de Setúbal da Taça do Mundo de Águas Abertas, realizada no dia 27 de Junho de 2015, na Baía do Sado....
Reportagem sobre a etapa de Setúbal da Taça do Mundo de Águas Abertas, realizada no dia 27 de Junho de 2015, na Baía do Sado.
wn.com/Reportagem Taça Do Mundo Águas Abertas Setúbal 2015
Reportagem sobre a etapa de Setúbal da Taça do Mundo de Águas Abertas, realizada no dia 27 de Junho de 2015, na Baía do Sado.
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 68
Portugal, um retrato ambiental - 3. Águas
Autoria: Luísa Schmidt
Realização: Francisco Manso
O ambiente é hoje uma uma questão maior da sociedade portuguesa, não apenas como uma preocupação dos governos...
Autoria: Luísa Schmidt
Realização: Francisco Manso
O ambiente é hoje uma uma questão maior da sociedade portuguesa, não apenas como uma preocupação dos governos, mas principalmente como um tema protagonista na opinião pública nacional. Se este protagonismo do tema é recente nas preocupações públicas, os problemas que lhe deram origem têm uma longa história. Uma história que nasce de modo diferente em sectores diferentes da sociedade portuguesa e que revela os contornos de um tema que toca todas as dimensões da nossa vida.
Em 4 episódios, com a ajuda de imagens captadas pela RTP durante mais de 40 anos, actualizadas por imagens de hoje, Luísa Schmidt entrevista os protagonistas e faz o retrato ambiental do país a degradar-se. Um retrato também de uma consciência ambiental cada vez mais forte. Degradação da paisagem, poluição dos rios, ares irrespiráveis, lixeiras, incêndios, cheias, etc. Mas também um povo cada vez mais empenhado em recuperar a sua herança.
wn.com/Portugal, Um Retrato Ambiental 3. Águas
Autoria: Luísa Schmidt
Realização: Francisco Manso
O ambiente é hoje uma uma questão maior da sociedade portuguesa, não apenas como uma preocupação dos governos, mas principalmente como um tema protagonista na opinião pública nacional. Se este protagonismo do tema é recente nas preocupações públicas, os problemas que lhe deram origem têm uma longa história. Uma história que nasce de modo diferente em sectores diferentes da sociedade portuguesa e que revela os contornos de um tema que toca todas as dimensões da nossa vida.
Em 4 episódios, com a ajuda de imagens captadas pela RTP durante mais de 40 anos, actualizadas por imagens de hoje, Luísa Schmidt entrevista os protagonistas e faz o retrato ambiental do país a degradar-se. Um retrato também de uma consciência ambiental cada vez mais forte. Degradação da paisagem, poluição dos rios, ares irrespiráveis, lixeiras, incêndios, cheias, etc. Mas também um povo cada vez mais empenhado em recuperar a sua herança.
- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 789
Portugal - As Águas: Episódio 3
Água fonte de vida, mesmo em Portugal....
Água fonte de vida, mesmo em Portugal.
wn.com/Portugal As Águas Episódio 3
Água fonte de vida, mesmo em Portugal.
- published: 09 Mar 2012
- views: 1187
Igreja Pentecostal Monte Sinai...
Igreja Pentecostal Monte Sinai
wn.com/Batismo Em Águas Correntes Portugal Pr.Diogo Nascimento
Igreja Pentecostal Monte Sinai
- published: 26 Aug 2014
- views: 66
Episódio 1 Água de Mar
Episódio 1 Água de Mar...
Episódio 1 Água de Mar
wn.com/Episódio 1 Água De Mar
Episódio 1 Água de Mar
- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 27111
Jogo completo entre o ÁGUAS SANTAS/MILANEZA e o SPORT LISBOA E BENFICA dos 1/4 Final da Taça de Portugal Masculina.
Jogo completo entre o ÁGUAS SANTAS/MILANEZA e o SPORT LISBOA E BENFICA dos 1/4 Final da Taça de Portugal Masculina.
ÁGUAS SANTAS/MILANEZA - SL BENFICA (1/4 Final Taça de Portugal)
wn.com/Águas Santas Milaneza Sl Benfica (Jogo Completo)
Jogo completo entre o ÁGUAS SANTAS/MILANEZA e o SPORT LISBOA E BENFICA dos 1/4 Final da Taça de Portugal Masculina.
ÁGUAS SANTAS/MILANEZA - SL BENFICA (1/4 Final Taça de Portugal)
- published: 01 Mar 2014
- views: 1639
Águas Frias Plantas e Flores
Plantas e flores que se podem observar em Águas Frias - Chaves - Portugal
Plantas e flores que se podem observar em Águas Frias - Chaves - Portugal
wn.com/Águas Frias Plantas E Flores
Plantas e flores que se podem observar em Águas Frias - Chaves - Portugal
- published: 09 Jul 2015
- views: 113
Dot.Com (2007) [FILME COMPLETO]
Mais filmes e séries disponíveis no nosso 1º e 2º canal!
1º CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/user/FILMESdePORTUGAL/videos
2º CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/chann...
Mais filmes e séries disponíveis no nosso 1º e 2º canal!
1º CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/user/FILMESdePORTUGAL/videos
2º CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeo5i3Y5Pi2kPZA4mhS4f_w/videos
Todas as semanas vamos meter um filme ou um episódio de uma série. Se o feedback (comentários, etc) começar a ser bom iremos meter com mais regularidade. Se queres ver algum filme ou série que ainda não esteja no canal basta enviares por mensagem privada para o nosso youtube ou facebook ou deixares nos comentários de algum filme ou série (não garantimos se é possível arranjar o filme ou a série em questão). Não te esqueças de subscrever e ficar atento ao nosso canal! Se não tiveres conta no youtube segue-nos no facebook e assim ficas sempre a saber quando sai alguma coisa nova!
Género: Comédia
Águas Altas. Este é o nome de uma pequena e bela aldeia portuguesa do interior. Composta por gente humilde, Águas Altas está prestes a ser o centro do mundo. Tudo porque uma multinacional sediada em Madrid quer reclamar o nome do seu site para lançar uma água com o mesmo nome. Mas no interior da aldeia há quem queira vender o site à multinacional e quem, por outro lado, se mostre irredutível. Um diferendo que cai nas bocas do mundo e que arrasta uma enorme tempestade mediática e uma intervenção directa do Primeiro-ministro português. Está nas mãos dos aldeões gerir uma questão de identidade nacional perante a «invasão» espanhola.
wn.com/Dot.Com (2007) Filme Completo
Mais filmes e séries disponíveis no nosso 1º e 2º canal!
1º CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/user/FILMESdePORTUGAL/videos
2º CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeo5i3Y5Pi2kPZA4mhS4f_w/videos
Todas as semanas vamos meter um filme ou um episódio de uma série. Se o feedback (comentários, etc) começar a ser bom iremos meter com mais regularidade. Se queres ver algum filme ou série que ainda não esteja no canal basta enviares por mensagem privada para o nosso youtube ou facebook ou deixares nos comentários de algum filme ou série (não garantimos se é possível arranjar o filme ou a série em questão). Não te esqueças de subscrever e ficar atento ao nosso canal! Se não tiveres conta no youtube segue-nos no facebook e assim ficas sempre a saber quando sai alguma coisa nova!
Género: Comédia
Águas Altas. Este é o nome de uma pequena e bela aldeia portuguesa do interior. Composta por gente humilde, Águas Altas está prestes a ser o centro do mundo. Tudo porque uma multinacional sediada em Madrid quer reclamar o nome do seu site para lançar uma água com o mesmo nome. Mas no interior da aldeia há quem queira vender o site à multinacional e quem, por outro lado, se mostre irredutível. Um diferendo que cai nas bocas do mundo e que arrasta uma enorme tempestade mediática e uma intervenção directa do Primeiro-ministro português. Está nas mãos dos aldeões gerir uma questão de identidade nacional perante a «invasão» espanhola.
- published: 18 Dec 2014
- views: 5843
Jogo completo entre o LIBERTY ABC UMINHO e o ÁGUAS SANTAS MILANEZA, dos 1/4 de Final, da Taça de Portugal Fidelidade.
Jogo completo entre o LIBERTY ABC UMINHO e o ÁGUAS SANTAS MILANEZA, dos 1/4 de Final, da Taça de Portugal Fidelidade.
wn.com/Liberty Abc Uminho Águas Santas Milaneza
Jogo completo entre o LIBERTY ABC UMINHO e o ÁGUAS SANTAS MILANEZA, dos 1/4 de Final, da Taça de Portugal Fidelidade.
- published: 28 Feb 2015
- views: 1389
Águas Frias - XIII Encontro de Blogues e Fotógrafos - LUMBUDUS
Águas Frias - freguesia do concelho de Chaves - Portugal
by Mário Silva...
Águas Frias - freguesia do concelho de Chaves - Portugal
by Mário Silva
wn.com/Águas Frias Xiii Encontro De Blogues E Fotógrafos Lumbudus
Águas Frias - freguesia do concelho de Chaves - Portugal
by Mário Silva
- published: 04 Jul 2015
- views: 79
Batismo na praia fluvial de Valada do Ribatejo na Azambuja-Portugal
Dia 11-4-2015
Discipulo- Jaime
Batismo na praia fluvial de Valada do Ribatejo na Azambuja-Portugal
Dia 11-4-2015
Discipulo- Jaime
wn.com/Batismo Em Águas Correntes Igreja Pentecostal Monte Sinai
Batismo na praia fluvial de Valada do Ribatejo na Azambuja-Portugal
Dia 11-4-2015
Discipulo- Jaime
- published: 20 Apr 2015
- views: 799
Latidos de Agua. Hidroterapia. Balnearios Termales.Leonardo Ferrera.
La importancia del agua en la vida y en la salud. Una breve muestra de los Recursos Termales de Galicia, España, Chávez en Portugal y México. Una riqueza Termal...
La importancia del agua en la vida y en la salud. Una breve muestra de los Recursos Termales de Galicia, España, Chávez en Portugal y México. Una riqueza Termal desde tiempos ancestrales. Desde épocas prehispánicas el agua ha sido fuente de salud hasta nuestros días. Actualmente la Industria Termal, gana terreno y se irá incluyendo dentro de las prácticas y servicios del Turismo de Salud o de Bienestar..Expertos académicos hablan de la importancia de profesionalizar las actividades termales para normar y llegar a tener una certificación que garantice las practicas terapéuticas. Medicina preventiva de tiempos remotos hasta la época moderna con grandes Balnearios lujosos y llenos de glamour al estilo de los Griegos y los Romanos.Expertos en temas termales y de Hidrología Médica e Hidroterapia, exponen la importancia y dan valor a los recursos hídricos de México y España. Dr. Francisco Maraver Director de la Escuela de Hidrologia Médica e Hidroterapia de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. La Bióloga Marianela Peña experta en Talasoterapia y Termalismo, hace reflexiones sobre la cantidad de agua en nuestro planeta y la importancia de su preservación. Dr. Alberto Cerrada Director Médico del Balneario Villa Padierna nos explica como sacar el máximo provecho a las Curas Termales.
wn.com/Latidos De Agua. Hidroterapia. Balnearios Termales.Leonardo Ferrera.
La importancia del agua en la vida y en la salud. Una breve muestra de los Recursos Termales de Galicia, España, Chávez en Portugal y México. Una riqueza Termal desde tiempos ancestrales. Desde épocas prehispánicas el agua ha sido fuente de salud hasta nuestros días. Actualmente la Industria Termal, gana terreno y se irá incluyendo dentro de las prácticas y servicios del Turismo de Salud o de Bienestar..Expertos académicos hablan de la importancia de profesionalizar las actividades termales para normar y llegar a tener una certificación que garantice las practicas terapéuticas. Medicina preventiva de tiempos remotos hasta la época moderna con grandes Balnearios lujosos y llenos de glamour al estilo de los Griegos y los Romanos.Expertos en temas termales y de Hidrología Médica e Hidroterapia, exponen la importancia y dan valor a los recursos hídricos de México y España. Dr. Francisco Maraver Director de la Escuela de Hidrologia Médica e Hidroterapia de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. La Bióloga Marianela Peña experta en Talasoterapia y Termalismo, hace reflexiones sobre la cantidad de agua en nuestro planeta y la importancia de su preservación. Dr. Alberto Cerrada Director Médico del Balneario Villa Padierna nos explica como sacar el máximo provecho a las Curas Termales.
- published: 07 Aug 2014
- views: 1060
Criaturas Tenebrosas Discovery Channel www.locutor.pro
Este es un especial de casi una hora que lleva a los televidentes en un viaje a las inconmensurables profundidades oceánicas, las cuevas subterráneas y los lago...
Este es un especial de casi una hora que lleva a los televidentes en un viaje a las inconmensurables profundidades oceánicas, las cuevas subterráneas y los lagos más profundos del mundo, para explicar cómo las criaturas intrépidas.
Narrado por el locutor chileno Néstor Lupcke, aqui tienen la web de este chaval http://www.locutor.cc
wn.com/Criaturas Tenebrosas Discovery Channel Www.Locutor.Pro
Este es un especial de casi una hora que lleva a los televidentes en un viaje a las inconmensurables profundidades oceánicas, las cuevas subterráneas y los lagos más profundos del mundo, para explicar cómo las criaturas intrépidas.
Narrado por el locutor chileno Néstor Lupcke, aqui tienen la web de este chaval http://www.locutor.cc
- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 1617353
A Alma E A Gente - Santa Clara Salva Das Águas
História de Portugal contada a partir das grandes personalidades que fizeram a história do nosso pais, pelo prof. José Hermano Saraiva....
História de Portugal contada a partir das grandes personalidades que fizeram a história do nosso pais, pelo prof. José Hermano Saraiva.
wn.com/A Alma E A Gente Santa Clara Salva Das Águas
História de Portugal contada a partir das grandes personalidades que fizeram a história do nosso pais, pelo prof. José Hermano Saraiva.
- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 1555
Madrileños por el mundo: Algarve (Portugal)
Más de 9 millones de turistas llegan cada año al Algarve, la región más al sur de Portugal. Clima, playas y unas puestas de sol increíbles a sólo unos pocos kil...
Más de 9 millones de turistas llegan cada año al Algarve, la región más al sur de Portugal. Clima, playas y unas puestas de sol increíbles a sólo unos pocos kilómetros.
En las playas de Vilamoura encontramos a Ana, que nos enseña el principal puerto deportivo del país, donde se reúne lo más selecto de la sociedad portuguesa. La tienda de Cristiano Ronaldo o el bar de Luis Figo son dos de las atracciones más visitadas. Encontramos el contraste en el pintoresco pueblito pesquero de Hoyos de Agua.
Portimao nos recibe entre nubes, lo que no es obstáculo para que Carlos nos muestre la belleza de playas, acantilados y grutas de la zona de Lagos. Y un lugar curioso: el considerado fin del mundo, el cabo de San Vicente, hasta la época de los descubridores.
Quedamos en la bella e histórica Faro con Javier, que nos enseña la ciudad antigua y el gran humedal de la Ría Formosa, donde se encuentra la isla desierta. Al vuelta conocemos la principal atracción turística del Algarve, el parque acuático Zoomarine, muy frecuentado por famosos.
Seguimos disfrutando de sol y playa en Quarteira con Carlos, un madrileño que llegó de pequeño a Portugal. Conocemos las grutas de San Rafael, aprendemos qué es el parasailing y nos vamos de fiesta al chiringuito más famoso del Algarve.
Adrián, por último, nos cuenta su peculiar historia; él, jugador profesional de póker; su novia, nieta de los condes de Romanones. Ambos, enamorados del Algarve, nos enseñan lugares muy curiosos como la Capilla de los Huesos o las escondidas cataratas de Pego do Inferno.
Más en http://www.telemadrid.es/mxm
wn.com/Madrileños Por El Mundo Algarve (Portugal)
Más de 9 millones de turistas llegan cada año al Algarve, la región más al sur de Portugal. Clima, playas y unas puestas de sol increíbles a sólo unos pocos kilómetros.
En las playas de Vilamoura encontramos a Ana, que nos enseña el principal puerto deportivo del país, donde se reúne lo más selecto de la sociedad portuguesa. La tienda de Cristiano Ronaldo o el bar de Luis Figo son dos de las atracciones más visitadas. Encontramos el contraste en el pintoresco pueblito pesquero de Hoyos de Agua.
Portimao nos recibe entre nubes, lo que no es obstáculo para que Carlos nos muestre la belleza de playas, acantilados y grutas de la zona de Lagos. Y un lugar curioso: el considerado fin del mundo, el cabo de San Vicente, hasta la época de los descubridores.
Quedamos en la bella e histórica Faro con Javier, que nos enseña la ciudad antigua y el gran humedal de la Ría Formosa, donde se encuentra la isla desierta. Al vuelta conocemos la principal atracción turística del Algarve, el parque acuático Zoomarine, muy frecuentado por famosos.
Seguimos disfrutando de sol y playa en Quarteira con Carlos, un madrileño que llegó de pequeño a Portugal. Conocemos las grutas de San Rafael, aprendemos qué es el parasailing y nos vamos de fiesta al chiringuito más famoso del Algarve.
Adrián, por último, nos cuenta su peculiar historia; él, jugador profesional de póker; su novia, nieta de los condes de Romanones. Ambos, enamorados del Algarve, nos enseñan lugares muy curiosos como la Capilla de los Huesos o las escondidas cataratas de Pego do Inferno.
Más en http://www.telemadrid.es/mxm
- published: 09 Sep 2014
- views: 82616
Reporterox: Tierra de aguas
De todos es sabido que Extremadura es la comunidad autónoma con mayor costa litoral de España. 14.000 KILÓMETROS. El equivalente de Huelva a Alicante por mar. ...
De todos es sabido que Extremadura es la comunidad autónoma con mayor costa litoral de España. 14.000 KILÓMETROS. El equivalente de Huelva a Alicante por mar. Además de atravesarnos dos grandes ríos, Tajo y Guadiana, gran parte de nuestras tierras están sumergidas por embalses, pantanos y canales, algunos construidos en época romana. Somos tierra de aguas, un tesoro natural del que viven muchos extremeños. En esta nueva entrega de Reporterox vamos a conocer personas que viven volcadas al agua dulce, oficios relacionados con el líquido elemento. Ocio, placer, medio ambiente o negocio....
Reporterox estará con Mario Asensio, que vive de la pesca y desde su negocio en Villanueva de la Serena vende todo lo necesario para esta actividad acuática. También visitamos el Centro de Salmónidos del Jerte es un criadero natural de este apreciado pez de río y conocemos la depuradora de fecales de Zafra para saber cómo funciona el ciclo del agua. Por último, nos vamos de crucero sin salir de Extremadura. Un barco de recreo nos paseará con un grupo de jubilados por el Parque Natural Tajo Internacional. Un trayecto que atraviesa España y Portugal y con un patrón de barco que conoce cada rincón de la travesía.
Más en http://www.canalextremadura.es/tv/entretenimiento/reporterox
wn.com/Reporterox Tierra De Aguas
De todos es sabido que Extremadura es la comunidad autónoma con mayor costa litoral de España. 14.000 KILÓMETROS. El equivalente de Huelva a Alicante por mar. Además de atravesarnos dos grandes ríos, Tajo y Guadiana, gran parte de nuestras tierras están sumergidas por embalses, pantanos y canales, algunos construidos en época romana. Somos tierra de aguas, un tesoro natural del que viven muchos extremeños. En esta nueva entrega de Reporterox vamos a conocer personas que viven volcadas al agua dulce, oficios relacionados con el líquido elemento. Ocio, placer, medio ambiente o negocio....
Reporterox estará con Mario Asensio, que vive de la pesca y desde su negocio en Villanueva de la Serena vende todo lo necesario para esta actividad acuática. También visitamos el Centro de Salmónidos del Jerte es un criadero natural de este apreciado pez de río y conocemos la depuradora de fecales de Zafra para saber cómo funciona el ciclo del agua. Por último, nos vamos de crucero sin salir de Extremadura. Un barco de recreo nos paseará con un grupo de jubilados por el Parque Natural Tajo Internacional. Un trayecto que atraviesa España y Portugal y con un patrón de barco que conoce cada rincón de la travesía.
Más en http://www.canalextremadura.es/tv/entretenimiento/reporterox
- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 8074