Mihai Morar cade in bot
Aflat pe o scară, Mihai Morar trebuia să fie susţinut de cele două asistente ale sale. Doar că socoteala de acasă nu s-a potrivit cu cea din târg şi prezentatorul a avut nevoie de intervenţia medicilor, scrie Click.ro.
Cele două tinere nu au putut să susţină scara, aşa că Mihai Morar a căzut şi s-a lovit la frunte. În cădere, moderatorul a accidentat-o şi pe una dintre asistente.
Deşi a crezut i
VAMOS MORAR JUNTAS? - Pergunte Às Bee 110
INSCREVA-SE! http://goo.gl/bMhK8L
Curta nossa página para muito mais conteúdo! http://goo.gl/VCdxwg
Dê joinha no vídeo para ajudar o Canal!
Será que é a hora de morar junto com sua namorada ou namorado?
Conheça o canal da Tati https://goo.gl/7524pu
No Pergunte Às Bee rolam conversas sobre o mundo LGBT, histórias de vida, besteirices e badalos. Vira e mexe aparecem novos convidados para co
Léo Moreira - Vou Morar na Joana (clipe oficial)
Contatos: (62) 3996-2333 | (62) 9800-5443 | (34)99144-0507
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeoMoreiraReal
E-mail: cantorleomoreiraoficial@gmail.com
Site: http://leomoreiraoficial.com.br/
Clique aqui e baixe o MP3: http://goo.gl/vpAC8e
Minha mulher brigou comigo
Foi prato pra todo lado
Beliscão, pescoção
Fez um roxo no meu braço
Mandou embora de casa
Eu só levei minha sanf
Radio ZU - Morar ii face o farsa lui Buzdugan
Asculta Radio ZU http://www.facebook.com/radiozu http://www.radiozu.ro http://live.radiozu.ro.
Parintii lui Morar ii fac o vizita surpriza de ziua lui
De ziua lui, colegii de la ZU i-au facut o surpriza lui Mihai Morar. I-au adus parintii in vizita in direct la Morning ZU.
Radio ZU pe net:
FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/radiozu
INSTAGRAM - http://www.instagram.com/radiozuoficial
WEB - http://www.radiozu.ro
Hiturile se ascultă la ZU - http://live.radiozu.ro
ZUbscribe la ZUtube :P - http://bit.ly/yt_zubscribe
Morar - 'Tis Night (New Track - 2016)
Country: Unknown | Year: 2016 | Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Track from the upcoming album 'Wahlheim'. To be released by Nebular Winter Productions & Apocalyptic Art on January 15th, 2016.
- Morar -
Website: https://www.blackmorar.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BLACKMORAR
Metal Archives: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Morar/3540365715
- Nebular Winter Productions -
Website: https
Bob Zoom - Fui Morar Numa Casinha
Aproveite e conheça os produtos especiais do Bob Zoom na nossa lojinha virtual: http://loja.bobzoom.com.br/
Ouça mais sucessos do Bob Zoom aqui: http://smarturl.it/BobZoom2
Assista aos vídeos do Bob Zoom: http://smarturl.it/BobZoomVEVOPort
Siga Bob Zoom nas redes sociais!
Site oficial: http://www.bobzoom.com.br/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BobZoom
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bobzoom
Morar - Thee to Scorn (New Track - 2016)
Country: Unknown | Year: 2016 | Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Track from the upcoming album 'Wahlheim'. To be released by Nebular Winter Productions & Apocalyptic Art on January 15th, 2016.
- Morar -
Website: https://www.blackmorar.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BLACKMORAR
Metal Archives: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Morar/3540365715
- Nebular Winter Productions -
Website: https
MORANDO SOZINHO | Manual de Introdução à Introdução | 031
Mora sozinho? Já morou? Quer morar?
Porque muita gente sonha em morar sozinho e não sabe que a parada é séria! Deixa de ser Gustavo e saiba que a comida não fica pronta sozinha, pia fica cheia de louça, roupa fica suja... Morar sozinho é ruim. Mas é "bão"! Não entendeu? Então....Veja o vídeo!
Galinha Pintadinha 3 - Fui Morar Numa Casinha
Galinha Pintadinha 3 ♢ Dona Aranha Fui Morar Numa Casinha ♢ Roda, Roda, Roda ♢ Mamama Papapa ♢ Dó Ré Mi Fá ♢ Pirulito que Bate Bate ♢ Lava Mão ♢ Ciranda, Cir...
BORA MORAR JUNTO? | Manual de Introdução à Introdução | 037
Tá namorando? Tá pegando alguém? Tão se gostando? ahhhh! Tão pensando em juntar os trapos, as escovas de dente? Querem morar juntinhos? Coisa goxxtoooosa! Ou não! Morar junto é foda, mas falta foda, é o paraíso e o inferno na terra. Sabe por quê? quer saber? Então... veja o vídeo!
Uma nova fase da minha vida - Minha casa própria + Vou morar sozinha
10 Coisas BOAS de Morar no Japão
INSCREVA-SE - http://goo.gl/vVnIq2
Assista 10 Coisas Ruins de Morar no Japão - http://youtu.be/estqlJuHWX4
Todo país tem seus lados positivos e seus lados negativos. Aqui eu listo 10 coisas bem bacanas de viver no Japão Claro que estas são minhas opiniões sobre a minha experiência, e pode ser diferente para outras pessoas. Se você mora no Japão também, não esqueça de falar as coisas que você ma
Eu vou morar no Céu
Esse clipe faz parte do DVD volume 2 da Turma do Cristãozinho.
Redes Sociais:
● Instagram: http://instagram.com/nioblogamesyt
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/NioBloGamesYT
● Contacto profissional: niobloprofissional@gmail.com
Rezende: https://goo.gl/KLXUnL
Pokey: https://goo.gl/vk1h17
Wolff: https://goo.gl/kzOIti
Kazzio: https://goo.gl/dzu1H3
Wii: https://goo.gl/qSL6hd
Luiz: https://goo.gl/OUWpSU
Bibi: https://goo.gl/C9UQZQ
Miss: https://goo.g
Paul Morar - Canta cucu bata-l vina , de rasuna Bucovina 2015
Contact : 0740490188
Paul Morar - Canta cucu bata-l vina , de rasuna Bucovina 2015
5inco Minutos - MORAR SOZINHA
• FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/christian.figueiredo
• TWITTER: http://twitter.com/christian_fig
• INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/christian_fig
• Se inscreva no canal dois para assistir os vídeos diários!
Caixa Postal: 57072
CEP: 04089-972
São Paulo - SP
Lado BOM e lado RUIM de morar SOZINHA!
POST NO BLOG SOBRE MORAR SOZINHA: http://www.keepcalmdiy.com/lifestyle/lado-bom-e-lado-ruim-de-morar-sozinha/
Siga-me no Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JessicaBelcost
Curta o blog no Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KeepCalmDIY
Siga-me no Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JessicaBelcost
*Jessica Belcost é uma blogueira de Curitiba que adora compartilhar dicas de customização, viagem, moda, be
Se inscreva no Canal :D: http://goo.gl/5Wfglq
Contato: afreimtaafuuck@gmail.com
★Instagram: http://goo.gl/4cwWzW
★Twistter: http://goo.gl/MhL48j
★FanPage: http://goo.gl/VBYcxY
★Meu Facebook: http://goo.gl/0CAlb2
★Meu Ask: http://ask.fm/afreim
★SnapChat: Afreim99
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░░█░░ █▀▀ █▄▄█ █░▀░█ █░░█ ▀
░░▀░░ ▀
10 Coisas RUINS de Morar no Japão
INSCREVA-SE - http://goo.gl/vVnIq2
Assista 10 Coisas Boas de Morar no Japão - http://youtu.be/TbcdhsinvDI
Todo país tem seus lados positivos e seus lados negativos. Aqui eu listo 10 coisas que podem acabar incomodando um estrangeiro que vive no Japão. Claro que estas são minhas opiniões sobre a minha experiência, e pode ser diferente para outras pessoas. Se você mora no Japão também, não esqueç
agenda de eventos: http://goo.gl/0yIWK1
canal 2: http://goo.gl/1Ah7w3
bodega | minha loja: http://goo.gl/0EI4G7
instagram: http://goo.gl/pT62Y0
twitter: http://goo.gl/MkTwHb
snapchat: kaioxafurdaria
facebook: http://goo.gl/ry8nUh
página xafurdaria: http://goo.gl/Qxg3b4
| Papoca esse Like |
*as trilhas usadas neste vídeo são retiradas dos sites:
Mihai Morar cade in bot
Aflat pe o scară, Mihai Morar trebuia să fie susţinut de cele două asistente ale sale. Doar că socoteala de acasă nu s-a potrivit cu cea din târg şi prezentator...
Aflat pe o scară, Mihai Morar trebuia să fie susţinut de cele două asistente ale sale. Doar că socoteala de acasă nu s-a potrivit cu cea din târg şi prezentatorul a avut nevoie de intervenţia medicilor, scrie Click.ro.
Cele două tinere nu au putut să susţină scara, aşa că Mihai Morar a căzut şi s-a lovit la frunte. În cădere, moderatorul a accidentat-o şi pe una dintre asistente.
Deşi a crezut iniţial că va trece uşor peste momentul stânjenitor, prezentatorul a trebuit să plece de urgenţă la spital. În timpul pauzei publicitare, moderatorul care avea o rană cu hemoragie a ajuns pe mâna cadrelelor medicale.
Mai multe clipuri funny pe www.amuza-ma.ro
Sa nu va aud cu drepturile de autor. A fost transmis pe un post public de TV.
wn.com/Mihai Morar Cade In Bot
Aflat pe o scară, Mihai Morar trebuia să fie susţinut de cele două asistente ale sale. Doar că socoteala de acasă nu s-a potrivit cu cea din târg şi prezentatorul a avut nevoie de intervenţia medicilor, scrie Click.ro.
Cele două tinere nu au putut să susţină scara, aşa că Mihai Morar a căzut şi s-a lovit la frunte. În cădere, moderatorul a accidentat-o şi pe una dintre asistente.
Deşi a crezut iniţial că va trece uşor peste momentul stânjenitor, prezentatorul a trebuit să plece de urgenţă la spital. În timpul pauzei publicitare, moderatorul care avea o rană cu hemoragie a ajuns pe mâna cadrelelor medicale.
Mai multe clipuri funny pe www.amuza-ma.ro
Sa nu va aud cu drepturile de autor. A fost transmis pe un post public de TV.
- published: 05 Nov 2014
- views: 8698
VAMOS MORAR JUNTAS? - Pergunte Às Bee 110
INSCREVA-SE! http://goo.gl/bMhK8L
Curta nossa página para muito mais conteúdo! http://goo.gl/VCdxwg
Dê joinha no vídeo para ajudar o Canal!
Será que é a hora...
INSCREVA-SE! http://goo.gl/bMhK8L
Curta nossa página para muito mais conteúdo! http://goo.gl/VCdxwg
Dê joinha no vídeo para ajudar o Canal!
Será que é a hora de morar junto com sua namorada ou namorado?
Conheça o canal da Tati https://goo.gl/7524pu
No Pergunte Às Bee rolam conversas sobre o mundo LGBT, histórias de vida, besteirices e badalos. Vira e mexe aparecem novos convidados para contar um pouco da sua história e compartilhar suas visões de mundo. Já passaram por esses banquinhos bissexuais, mulheres transexuais, homens trans, pansexuais, assexuais, não-monogâmicos, gays negros, lésbicas negras da periferia e muito mais!
Tem alguma dúvida? Quer saber mais sobre algum assunto do meio LGBT*s pela visão de quem vive isso todos os dias? Então mande seu comentário ou sugestão de tema pelo youtube, facebook, e-mail, e ele poderá ser tratado no próximo episódio do Pergunte Às Bee!
Curta, comente e compartilhe esse vídeo! Isso ajuda muito o Canal!!!
Nos siga nas redes sociais:
Instagram: @canaldasbee
Música tema do Canal das Bee:
Requiem For A Fish - The Freak Fandango Orchestra
wn.com/Vamos Morar Juntas Pergunte Às Bee 110
INSCREVA-SE! http://goo.gl/bMhK8L
Curta nossa página para muito mais conteúdo! http://goo.gl/VCdxwg
Dê joinha no vídeo para ajudar o Canal!
Será que é a hora de morar junto com sua namorada ou namorado?
Conheça o canal da Tati https://goo.gl/7524pu
No Pergunte Às Bee rolam conversas sobre o mundo LGBT, histórias de vida, besteirices e badalos. Vira e mexe aparecem novos convidados para contar um pouco da sua história e compartilhar suas visões de mundo. Já passaram por esses banquinhos bissexuais, mulheres transexuais, homens trans, pansexuais, assexuais, não-monogâmicos, gays negros, lésbicas negras da periferia e muito mais!
Tem alguma dúvida? Quer saber mais sobre algum assunto do meio LGBT*s pela visão de quem vive isso todos os dias? Então mande seu comentário ou sugestão de tema pelo youtube, facebook, e-mail, e ele poderá ser tratado no próximo episódio do Pergunte Às Bee!
Curta, comente e compartilhe esse vídeo! Isso ajuda muito o Canal!!!
Nos siga nas redes sociais:
Instagram: @canaldasbee
Música tema do Canal das Bee:
Requiem For A Fish - The Freak Fandango Orchestra
- published: 19 Jan 2016
- views: 27490
Léo Moreira - Vou Morar na Joana (clipe oficial)
Contatos: (62) 3996-2333 | (62) 9800-5443 | (34)99144-0507
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeoMoreiraReal
E-mail: cantorleomoreiraoficial@gmail.com
Site: http://le...
Contatos: (62) 3996-2333 | (62) 9800-5443 | (34)99144-0507
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeoMoreiraReal
E-mail: cantorleomoreiraoficial@gmail.com
Site: http://leomoreiraoficial.com.br/
Clique aqui e baixe o MP3: http://goo.gl/vpAC8e
Minha mulher brigou comigo
Foi prato pra todo lado
Beliscão, pescoção
Fez um roxo no meu braço
Mandou embora de casa
Eu só levei minha sanfona
Sorte que eu tenho uma amiga
Fui lá pra casa da joana
Na casa da joana é tudo de bom
Whisky importado, mulher e garçom
Na casa na joana eu fico a vontade
Na casa da joana a mulher não me bate
A mulher me mandou embora
Eu só levei minha sanfona
Eu vou morar na joana
Eu vou morar na joana
É lá que o bicho pega
Todo final de semana
Eu vou morar na joana
Eu vou morar na joana
wn.com/Léo Moreira Vou Morar Na Joana (Clipe Oficial)
Contatos: (62) 3996-2333 | (62) 9800-5443 | (34)99144-0507
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeoMoreiraReal
E-mail: cantorleomoreiraoficial@gmail.com
Site: http://leomoreiraoficial.com.br/
Clique aqui e baixe o MP3: http://goo.gl/vpAC8e
Minha mulher brigou comigo
Foi prato pra todo lado
Beliscão, pescoção
Fez um roxo no meu braço
Mandou embora de casa
Eu só levei minha sanfona
Sorte que eu tenho uma amiga
Fui lá pra casa da joana
Na casa da joana é tudo de bom
Whisky importado, mulher e garçom
Na casa na joana eu fico a vontade
Na casa da joana a mulher não me bate
A mulher me mandou embora
Eu só levei minha sanfona
Eu vou morar na joana
Eu vou morar na joana
É lá que o bicho pega
Todo final de semana
Eu vou morar na joana
Eu vou morar na joana
- published: 18 Jan 2016
- views: 32607
Radio ZU - Morar ii face o farsa lui Buzdugan
Asculta Radio ZU http://www.facebook.com/radiozu http://www.radiozu.ro http://live.radiozu.ro....
Asculta Radio ZU http://www.facebook.com/radiozu http://www.radiozu.ro http://live.radiozu.ro.
wn.com/Radio Zu Morar Ii Face O Farsa Lui Buzdugan
Asculta Radio ZU http://www.facebook.com/radiozu http://www.radiozu.ro http://live.radiozu.ro.
- published: 28 Jul 2013
- views: 77367
author: Radio ZU
Parintii lui Morar ii fac o vizita surpriza de ziua lui
De ziua lui, colegii de la ZU i-au facut o surpriza lui Mihai Morar. I-au adus parintii in vizita in direct la Morning ZU.
Radio ZU pe net:
FACEBOOK - http://w...
De ziua lui, colegii de la ZU i-au facut o surpriza lui Mihai Morar. I-au adus parintii in vizita in direct la Morning ZU.
Radio ZU pe net:
FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/radiozu
INSTAGRAM - http://www.instagram.com/radiozuoficial
WEB - http://www.radiozu.ro
Hiturile se ascultă la ZU - http://live.radiozu.ro
ZUbscribe la ZUtube :P - http://bit.ly/yt_zubscribe
wn.com/Parintii Lui Morar Ii Fac O Vizita Surpriza De Ziua Lui
De ziua lui, colegii de la ZU i-au facut o surpriza lui Mihai Morar. I-au adus parintii in vizita in direct la Morning ZU.
Radio ZU pe net:
FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/radiozu
INSTAGRAM - http://www.instagram.com/radiozuoficial
WEB - http://www.radiozu.ro
Hiturile se ascultă la ZU - http://live.radiozu.ro
ZUbscribe la ZUtube :P - http://bit.ly/yt_zubscribe
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 16498
Morar - 'Tis Night (New Track - 2016)
Country: Unknown | Year: 2016 | Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Track from the upcoming album 'Wahlheim'. To be released by Nebular Winter Productions & Apocaly...
Country: Unknown | Year: 2016 | Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Track from the upcoming album 'Wahlheim'. To be released by Nebular Winter Productions & Apocalyptic Art on January 15th, 2016.
- Morar -
Website: https://www.blackmorar.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BLACKMORAR
Metal Archives: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Morar/3540365715
- Nebular Winter Productions -
Website: https://www.nebularwinter.blogspot.com
Bandcamp: https://www.nebularwinter.bandcamp.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nebularwinterproductions
- Apocalyptic Art -
Website: https://www.apocalyptic-art.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Apocalyptic-Art-285866018208066
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/NorthernHell666
This video is for promotional use only!
wn.com/Morar 'Tis Night (New Track 2016)
Country: Unknown | Year: 2016 | Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Track from the upcoming album 'Wahlheim'. To be released by Nebular Winter Productions & Apocalyptic Art on January 15th, 2016.
- Morar -
Website: https://www.blackmorar.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BLACKMORAR
Metal Archives: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Morar/3540365715
- Nebular Winter Productions -
Website: https://www.nebularwinter.blogspot.com
Bandcamp: https://www.nebularwinter.bandcamp.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nebularwinterproductions
- Apocalyptic Art -
Website: https://www.apocalyptic-art.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Apocalyptic-Art-285866018208066
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/NorthernHell666
This video is for promotional use only!
- published: 11 Jan 2016
- views: 449
wn.com/Vale A Pena Sair Do Brasil E Morar Nos Eua
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 3043
Bob Zoom - Fui Morar Numa Casinha
Aproveite e conheça os produtos especiais do Bob Zoom na nossa lojinha virtual: http://loja.bobzoom.com.br/
Ouça mais sucessos do Bob Zoom aqui: http://smartur...
Aproveite e conheça os produtos especiais do Bob Zoom na nossa lojinha virtual: http://loja.bobzoom.com.br/
Ouça mais sucessos do Bob Zoom aqui: http://smarturl.it/BobZoom2
Assista aos vídeos do Bob Zoom: http://smarturl.it/BobZoomVEVOPort
Siga Bob Zoom nas redes sociais!
Site oficial: http://www.bobzoom.com.br/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BobZoom
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bobzoomclub/
wn.com/Bob Zoom Fui Morar Numa Casinha
Aproveite e conheça os produtos especiais do Bob Zoom na nossa lojinha virtual: http://loja.bobzoom.com.br/
Ouça mais sucessos do Bob Zoom aqui: http://smarturl.it/BobZoom2
Assista aos vídeos do Bob Zoom: http://smarturl.it/BobZoomVEVOPort
Siga Bob Zoom nas redes sociais!
Site oficial: http://www.bobzoom.com.br/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BobZoom
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bobzoomclub/
- published: 04 Sep 2015
- views: 25507
Morar - Thee to Scorn (New Track - 2016)
Country: Unknown | Year: 2016 | Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Track from the upcoming album 'Wahlheim'. To be released by Nebular Winter Productions & Apocaly...
Country: Unknown | Year: 2016 | Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Track from the upcoming album 'Wahlheim'. To be released by Nebular Winter Productions & Apocalyptic Art on January 15th, 2016.
- Morar -
Website: https://www.blackmorar.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BLACKMORAR
Metal Archives: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Morar/3540365715
- Nebular Winter Productions -
Website: https://www.nebularwinter.blogspot.com
Bandcamp: https://www.nebularwinter.bandcamp.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nebularwinterproductions
- Apocalyptic Art -
Website: https://www.apocalyptic-art.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Apocalyptic-Art-285866018208066
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/NorthernHell666
This video is for promotional use only!
wn.com/Morar Thee To Scorn (New Track 2016)
Country: Unknown | Year: 2016 | Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Track from the upcoming album 'Wahlheim'. To be released by Nebular Winter Productions & Apocalyptic Art on January 15th, 2016.
- Morar -
Website: https://www.blackmorar.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BLACKMORAR
Metal Archives: http://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Morar/3540365715
- Nebular Winter Productions -
Website: https://www.nebularwinter.blogspot.com
Bandcamp: https://www.nebularwinter.bandcamp.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nebularwinterproductions
- Apocalyptic Art -
Website: https://www.apocalyptic-art.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Apocalyptic-Art-285866018208066
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/NorthernHell666
This video is for promotional use only!
- published: 11 Jan 2016
- views: 941
MORANDO SOZINHO | Manual de Introdução à Introdução | 031
Mora sozinho? Já morou? Quer morar?
Porque muita gente sonha em morar sozinho e não sabe que a parada é séria! Deixa de ser Gustavo e saiba que a comida não fic...
Mora sozinho? Já morou? Quer morar?
Porque muita gente sonha em morar sozinho e não sabe que a parada é séria! Deixa de ser Gustavo e saiba que a comida não fica pronta sozinha, pia fica cheia de louça, roupa fica suja... Morar sozinho é ruim. Mas é "bão"! Não entendeu? Então....Veja o vídeo!
Música da vinheta da abertura composta por Anselmo Santos
"Musics Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
Download at: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free
The license terms can be found here:
wn.com/Morando Sozinho | Manual De Introdução À Introdução | 031
Mora sozinho? Já morou? Quer morar?
Porque muita gente sonha em morar sozinho e não sabe que a parada é séria! Deixa de ser Gustavo e saiba que a comida não fica pronta sozinha, pia fica cheia de louça, roupa fica suja... Morar sozinho é ruim. Mas é "bão"! Não entendeu? Então....Veja o vídeo!
Música da vinheta da abertura composta por Anselmo Santos
"Musics Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
Download at: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free
The license terms can be found here:
- published: 11 May 2015
- views: 20306
Galinha Pintadinha 3 - Fui Morar Numa Casinha
Galinha Pintadinha 3 ♢ Dona Aranha Fui Morar Numa Casinha ♢ Roda, Roda, Roda ♢ Mamama Papapa ♢ Dó Ré Mi Fá ♢ Pirulito que Bate Bate ♢ Lava Mão ♢ Ciranda, Cir......
Galinha Pintadinha 3 ♢ Dona Aranha Fui Morar Numa Casinha ♢ Roda, Roda, Roda ♢ Mamama Papapa ♢ Dó Ré Mi Fá ♢ Pirulito que Bate Bate ♢ Lava Mão ♢ Ciranda, Cir...
wn.com/Galinha Pintadinha 3 Fui Morar Numa Casinha
Galinha Pintadinha 3 ♢ Dona Aranha Fui Morar Numa Casinha ♢ Roda, Roda, Roda ♢ Mamama Papapa ♢ Dó Ré Mi Fá ♢ Pirulito que Bate Bate ♢ Lava Mão ♢ Ciranda, Cir...
BORA MORAR JUNTO? | Manual de Introdução à Introdução | 037
Tá namorando? Tá pegando alguém? Tão se gostando? ahhhh! Tão pensando em juntar os trapos, as escovas de dente? Querem morar juntinhos? Coisa goxxtoooosa! Ou nã...
Tá namorando? Tá pegando alguém? Tão se gostando? ahhhh! Tão pensando em juntar os trapos, as escovas de dente? Querem morar juntinhos? Coisa goxxtoooosa! Ou não! Morar junto é foda, mas falta foda, é o paraíso e o inferno na terra. Sabe por quê? quer saber? Então... veja o vídeo!
Música da vinheta da abertura composta por Anselmo Santos
"Musics Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
Download at: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free
The license terms can be found here:
wn.com/Bora Morar Junto | Manual De Introdução À Introdução | 037
Tá namorando? Tá pegando alguém? Tão se gostando? ahhhh! Tão pensando em juntar os trapos, as escovas de dente? Querem morar juntinhos? Coisa goxxtoooosa! Ou não! Morar junto é foda, mas falta foda, é o paraíso e o inferno na terra. Sabe por quê? quer saber? Então... veja o vídeo!
Música da vinheta da abertura composta por Anselmo Santos
"Musics Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"
Download at: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free
The license terms can be found here:
- published: 05 Jul 2015
- views: 3671
10 Coisas BOAS de Morar no Japão
INSCREVA-SE - http://goo.gl/vVnIq2
Assista 10 Coisas Ruins de Morar no Japão - http://youtu.be/estqlJuHWX4
Todo país tem seus lados positivos e seus lados ne...
INSCREVA-SE - http://goo.gl/vVnIq2
Assista 10 Coisas Ruins de Morar no Japão - http://youtu.be/estqlJuHWX4
Todo país tem seus lados positivos e seus lados negativos. Aqui eu listo 10 coisas bem bacanas de viver no Japão Claro que estas são minhas opiniões sobre a minha experiência, e pode ser diferente para outras pessoas. Se você mora no Japão também, não esqueça de falar as coisas que você mais gosta aí nos comentários.
Acompanhe também o meu Canal de Games - http://www.youtube.com/velberan
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/japaopoo
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/velberan
Instagram - https://instagram.com/velberan
wn.com/10 Coisas Boas De Morar No Japão
INSCREVA-SE - http://goo.gl/vVnIq2
Assista 10 Coisas Ruins de Morar no Japão - http://youtu.be/estqlJuHWX4
Todo país tem seus lados positivos e seus lados negativos. Aqui eu listo 10 coisas bem bacanas de viver no Japão Claro que estas são minhas opiniões sobre a minha experiência, e pode ser diferente para outras pessoas. Se você mora no Japão também, não esqueça de falar as coisas que você mais gosta aí nos comentários.
Acompanhe também o meu Canal de Games - http://www.youtube.com/velberan
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/japaopoo
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/velberan
Instagram - https://instagram.com/velberan
- published: 22 Apr 2015
- views: 3875
Eu vou morar no Céu
Esse clipe faz parte do DVD volume 2 da Turma do Cristãozinho.
Esse clipe faz parte do DVD volume 2 da Turma do Cristãozinho.
wn.com/Eu Vou Morar No Céu
Esse clipe faz parte do DVD volume 2 da Turma do Cristãozinho.
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 5030
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Total: https://goo.gl/oO66Wu
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wn.com/Minecraft Exploradores 3 Vou Morar Com O Kazzio, Pokey E Wolf
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Pokey: https://goo.gl/vk1h17
Wolff: https://goo.gl/kzOIti
Kazzio: https://goo.gl/dzu1H3
Wii: https://goo.gl/qSL6hd
Luiz: https://goo.gl/OUWpSU
Bibi: https://goo.gl/C9UQZQ
Miss: https://goo.gl/bXjP1T
Coelha: https://goo.gl/27URH3
Pig: https://goo.gl/1mkjN3
Nioblo: https://goo.gl/WPtPtf
Italo: https://goo.gl/CcZmOi
Montalvão: https://goo.gl/Sy5Y26
Kibox: https://goo.gl/AAYpXD
Mateus Monteiro: https://goo.gl/DeQvOR
Brozz: https://goo.gl/Mf8p5U
Multi: https://goo.gl/9pGqiM
Flokiis: https://goo.gl/ojLva8
Total: https://goo.gl/oO66Wu
Orion: https://goo.gl/PjZkb9
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 7872
Paul Morar - Canta cucu bata-l vina , de rasuna Bucovina 2015
Contact : 0740490188
Paul Morar - Canta cucu bata-l vina , de rasuna Bucovina 2015...
Contact : 0740490188
Paul Morar - Canta cucu bata-l vina , de rasuna Bucovina 2015
wn.com/Paul Morar Canta Cucu Bata L Vina , De Rasuna Bucovina 2015
Contact : 0740490188
Paul Morar - Canta cucu bata-l vina , de rasuna Bucovina 2015
- published: 04 Jan 2015
- views: 2817
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wn.com/Morar Sozinho É Ostentação
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• Se inscreva no canal dois para assistir os vídeos diários!
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São Paulo - SP
- published: 27 Oct 2014
- views: 222678
Lado BOM e lado RUIM de morar SOZINHA!
POST NO BLOG SOBRE MORAR SOZINHA: http://www.keepcalmdiy.com/lifestyle/lado-bom-e-lado-ruim-de-morar-sozinha/
Siga-me no Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Jes...
POST NO BLOG SOBRE MORAR SOZINHA: http://www.keepcalmdiy.com/lifestyle/lado-bom-e-lado-ruim-de-morar-sozinha/
Siga-me no Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JessicaBelcost
Curta o blog no Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KeepCalmDIY
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*Jessica Belcost é uma blogueira de Curitiba que adora compartilhar dicas de customização, viagem, moda, beleza e comportamento!
Se você é uma empresa, entre em contato através do e-mail comunicacao@keepcalmdiy.com
wn.com/Lado Bom E Lado Ruim De Morar Sozinha
POST NO BLOG SOBRE MORAR SOZINHA: http://www.keepcalmdiy.com/lifestyle/lado-bom-e-lado-ruim-de-morar-sozinha/
Siga-me no Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JessicaBelcost
Curta o blog no Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KeepCalmDIY
Siga-me no Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JessicaBelcost
*Jessica Belcost é uma blogueira de Curitiba que adora compartilhar dicas de customização, viagem, moda, beleza e comportamento!
Se você é uma empresa, entre em contato através do e-mail comunicacao@keepcalmdiy.com
- published: 29 Jan 2015
- views: 13757
Se inscreva no Canal :D: http://goo.gl/5Wfglq
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Se inscreva no Canal :D: http://goo.gl/5Wfglq
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wn.com/Como É Morar Sozinho
Se inscreva no Canal :D: http://goo.gl/5Wfglq
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- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 109916
10 Coisas RUINS de Morar no Japão
INSCREVA-SE - http://goo.gl/vVnIq2
Assista 10 Coisas Boas de Morar no Japão - http://youtu.be/TbcdhsinvDI
Todo país tem seus lados positivos e seus lados neg...
INSCREVA-SE - http://goo.gl/vVnIq2
Assista 10 Coisas Boas de Morar no Japão - http://youtu.be/TbcdhsinvDI
Todo país tem seus lados positivos e seus lados negativos. Aqui eu listo 10 coisas que podem acabar incomodando um estrangeiro que vive no Japão. Claro que estas são minhas opiniões sobre a minha experiência, e pode ser diferente para outras pessoas. Se você mora no Japão também, não esqueça de falar as coisas que te incomodam nos comentários.
Acompanhe também o meu Canal de Games - http://www.youtube.com/velberan
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/japaopoo
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/velberan
Instagram - https://instagram.com/velberan
wn.com/10 Coisas Ruins De Morar No Japão
INSCREVA-SE - http://goo.gl/vVnIq2
Assista 10 Coisas Boas de Morar no Japão - http://youtu.be/TbcdhsinvDI
Todo país tem seus lados positivos e seus lados negativos. Aqui eu listo 10 coisas que podem acabar incomodando um estrangeiro que vive no Japão. Claro que estas são minhas opiniões sobre a minha experiência, e pode ser diferente para outras pessoas. Se você mora no Japão também, não esqueça de falar as coisas que te incomodam nos comentários.
Acompanhe também o meu Canal de Games - http://www.youtube.com/velberan
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/japaopoo
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/velberan
Instagram - https://instagram.com/velberan
- published: 22 Apr 2015
- views: 26979
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*as trilhas usadas neste vídeo são retiradas dos sites:
wn.com/5 Vantagens De Morar Sozinho
agenda de eventos: http://goo.gl/0yIWK1
canal 2: http://goo.gl/1Ah7w3
bodega | minha loja: http://goo.gl/0EI4G7
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página xafurdaria: http://goo.gl/Qxg3b4
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*as trilhas usadas neste vídeo são retiradas dos sites:
- published: 27 Apr 2015
- views: 122570
Atlanta Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Atlanta, Georgia, is home to 5.5 million people. When you venture into the lush foliage that engulfs much of Atlanta and frames its many skyscrapers, you’ll immediately understand why it’s referred to as “The City in a Forest.”
An Atlanta tour must include the Atlanta History Center. Learn about the city’s roots as a railways terminal, as well as its role in the Civil War, when it was nearly bur
Como vim morar em Hong Kong!
Mais um vlog sem muita edição para não deixar o dia passar em branco haha,
Seja um MAROTO(A) - https://goo.gl/NGTrQz
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A 'round-the-clock' walking travel tour around the city of Tel Aviv Israel. Shot in December 2010.
Tel Aviv is the second most populous city in Israel, located on the Mediterranean coast in central-west Israel, within Gush Dan, Israel's largest metropolitan area.
Tel Aviv is an economic hub, home to corporate offices and research and development centers. It is the country's financial capital a
Outlets da Itália - Conheça o Mantova Outlet Village e veja tambem as comprinhas que fizemos na Guess, Benetton, Carpisa, Cotton & Silk e muito mais. - Visit Italy.
Beijinhos Lidiane a Marcus!
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É caro morar na Áustria? Episódio 2 #Trabalho l Trabalho em Graz
Oi pessoal,
No vídeo de hoje dou continuidade ao assunto "vida na Áustria".
Os links que disse no vídeo são:
AMS Arbeitsmarktservice Steiermark ou em inglês (Public Employment Service Austria ).
Para alegria de muitos, agora o website tem a opção em inglês, contudo muitos não falam inglês lá e sempre gera um estresse se você não fala alemão muito bem.
Europass CV:
Ville de Quebec
Conhecendo o Canada, precos , estilo de vida, imoveis,idiomas e dicas para quem quer viver no Canada.
Perth - City Video Guide
Perth, the capital of Western Australia, follows the Swan River from the port of Fremantle to its source in the Darling Range. Sunny and clean, Perth is cons...
#2 - A busca por um bairro em Montreal
Neste vídeo começamos uma tarefa quase impossível de ser concluída. Descobrir os bairros de Montreal para te ajudar a decidir onde morar, mesmo sem conhecer a cidade.. Um trabalhinho assim que pode demorar alguns anos ....
Então acompanhe conosco o início do desafio. Não se esqueça. As informações completas você encontra no www.montrealnareal.com
Fizemos um texto complementar ao video na coluna
Coimbra Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old university town of Coimbra in Portugal. Coimbra's biggest attraction is the University of Coimbra, founded in 1290 and one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world.
You might enjoy some of my other videos from Portugal:
Nazare Travel Guide: https://youtu.be/sF_2MPzscjM
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTra
O lado bom e ruim de morar em Massachusetts Estados Unidos
E ai pessoal tudo bem? Neste vídeo falo bem rápido o lado bom e Ruim de Morar no estado de Massachusetts,como a segurança,saúde e também custo de vida caro.Também falo sobre o lado ruim que é família longe e o frio.Espero que gostem!
Brazuca Office - O lado ruim de morar em Buenos Aires
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Scotland Local Hero HD 1080
Glencoe, Glenfinnan, Loch Eilt, Morar, Mallaig, Skye, Loch Coriusk, Plockton, Shieldaig, Torridon, Gairloch, Poolewe, Stac Pollaidh, Cul Mor, Stoer lighthous...
Netflix liberado em Portugal - Séries e filmes online - Morar em Lisboa | Hoje tô Aqui
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Canal de Gam
Travel Guide to Quebec City
In this travel video guide to Quebec City, I travel around Quebec City including its historic Old Town (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), stop in at the famed I...
Gold Coast, Australia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Gold Coast is a coastal city in southeastern Queensland on the east coast of Australia. It is the second most populous city in the state, the sixth most populous city in the country, and the most populous non-capital city in Australia. The Gold Coast has the largest cross-state metropolitan area population in Australia, due to the inclusion of Tweed Heads, New South Wales
Boston, Massachusetts Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Boston is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Massachusetts, officially the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. One of the oldest cities in the United States, Boston was founded on the Shawmut Peninsula in 1630 by Puritan colonists from England.
The most important places to visit in Boston are: Boston Common (starting point for Freedom Trail, dating back to 1634
Brisbane, Australia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Brisbane is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Queensland and the third most populous city in Australia. Brisbane's metropolitan area has a population of 2.2 million. The city is centred along the Brisbane River, and its eastern suburbs line the shores of Moreton Bay. The greater Brisbane region is on the coastal plain east of the Great Dividing
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Fort Lauderdale is a city in the State of Florida, on the Atlantic coast 23 miles (37 km) north of Miami. It is the county seat of Broward Count. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 165,521. It is a principal city of the South Florida metropolitan area, which was home to 5,564,635 people at the 2010 census.
The most important places to visit in Fort Laude
Beautiful Abu Dhabi Top 5 Attractions City Tour *HD*
Fast and Furious Abu Dhabi Attractions U.A.E - The video shows the highlights of the city, the key attractions, from Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque to $3 Billion Emirates Palace Hotel to Corniche and Marina Area.
The video is shot by GoPro Hero 3 in 1080p, 2.7k, and 4k mode.
Music Creative Commons License Arabic by Mirek Krawcyzk and Arabic Rap by Mazy
Insider Travel Tips for Rio de Janeiro
http://braziliangringo.com/trip-rio-de-janeiro/ We're tired of stereotyped and unhelpful information being spread about Rio de Janeiro so we decided to sit d...
San Diego Travel Guide - Things to do in San Diego
Planning a vacation in San Diego? Check out our videos at Vidtur.com to learn about family attractions, day tours, nightlife and much more. Here is our list of the 5 tips you need to know about the city.
First let's talk about the weather. San Diego is considered to be the city with the mildest climate in the US, so you can visit it 12 months a year
Bogotá Colombia Travel Guide Best Places to Visit: Monserrate, Zipaquirá, Museo del Oro...
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a population of eight million people from all corners of Colombia; a city as diverse as the entire country.
Declared World Book Capital by UNESCO and Iberoamerican Capital of Culture by the UCCI, Bogotá has become one of the most important citie
Atlanta Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Atlanta, Georgia, is home to 5.5 million people. When you venture into the lush foliage that engulfs much of Atlanta and frames its many skyscrapers, you’ll imm...
Atlanta, Georgia, is home to 5.5 million people. When you venture into the lush foliage that engulfs much of Atlanta and frames its many skyscrapers, you’ll immediately understand why it’s referred to as “The City in a Forest.”
An Atlanta tour must include the Atlanta History Center. Learn about the city’s roots as a railways terminal, as well as its role in the Civil War, when it was nearly burned to the ground. Fact became fiction when Margaret Mitchell featured Atlanta as a major setting in her novel, “Gone With the Wind,” and you can learn about the author and the book at the Margaret Mitchell House and Museum.
Stop by the Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site to learn about the Civil Rights leader, and pay your respects at his final resting place. From there, your Atlanta sightseeing should continue at the Georgia Aquarium, where you can meet some beluga whales, swim with whale-sharks, and get up close and personal with sealife in the touch tanks.
Cap off a beautiful day with a trip to Stone Mountain Park. If you take the Summit Skyride, you’ll get an outstanding view of the city.
Visit our Atlanta travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Atlanta Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Atlanta, Georgia, is home to 5.5 million people. When you venture into the lush foliage that engulfs much of Atlanta and frames its many skyscrapers, you’ll immediately understand why it’s referred to as “The City in a Forest.”
An Atlanta tour must include the Atlanta History Center. Learn about the city’s roots as a railways terminal, as well as its role in the Civil War, when it was nearly burned to the ground. Fact became fiction when Margaret Mitchell featured Atlanta as a major setting in her novel, “Gone With the Wind,” and you can learn about the author and the book at the Margaret Mitchell House and Museum.
Stop by the Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site to learn about the Civil Rights leader, and pay your respects at his final resting place. From there, your Atlanta sightseeing should continue at the Georgia Aquarium, where you can meet some beluga whales, swim with whale-sharks, and get up close and personal with sealife in the touch tanks.
Cap off a beautiful day with a trip to Stone Mountain Park. If you take the Summit Skyride, you’ll get an outstanding view of the city.
Visit our Atlanta travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 21 May 2013
- views: 226942
Como vim morar em Hong Kong!
Mais um vlog sem muita edição para não deixar o dia passar em branco haha,
Seja um MAROTO(A) - https://goo.gl/NGTrQz
Mais um vlog sem muita edição para não deixar o dia passar em branco haha,
Seja um MAROTO(A) - https://goo.gl/NGTrQz
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wn.com/Como Vim Morar Em Hong Kong
Mais um vlog sem muita edição para não deixar o dia passar em branco haha,
Seja um MAROTO(A) - https://goo.gl/NGTrQz
vamos ser amigos fora do youtube?
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● E-mail: contatomandycandy@gmail.com
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 3004
A 'round-the-clock' walking travel tour around the city of Tel Aviv Israel. Shot in December 2010.
Tel Aviv is the second most populous city in Israel, locat...
A 'round-the-clock' walking travel tour around the city of Tel Aviv Israel. Shot in December 2010.
Tel Aviv is the second most populous city in Israel, located on the Mediterranean coast in central-west Israel, within Gush Dan, Israel's largest metropolitan area.
Tel Aviv is an economic hub, home to corporate offices and research and development centers. It is the country's financial capital and a major performing arts and business center. Tel Aviv has the second-largest economy in the Middle East. With 2.5 million international visitors annually, Tel Aviv is the fifth-most-visited city in the Middle East. It is known as 'the city that never sleeps' and a 'party capital' due to its lively nightlife, dynamic atmosphere and famous 24-hour culture. Travel to Tel Aviv today and experience all that she has to offer. Enjoy your stay!
Camera equipment:
- Sony HDR AX2000 HD video camera (Night)
- Sony Nex VG10 HD video camera (Day)
Camera Accessories:
- Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held camera stabilization (Nex VG10)
- Glidecam HD-4000 hand-held camera stabilization (HDR AX2000)
- Glidecam 'Smooth Shooter' body mounted camera stabilization system. (HDR AX2000)
- Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
wn.com/Tel Aviv , Israel A Walking Travel Tour Hd 1080P
A 'round-the-clock' walking travel tour around the city of Tel Aviv Israel. Shot in December 2010.
Tel Aviv is the second most populous city in Israel, located on the Mediterranean coast in central-west Israel, within Gush Dan, Israel's largest metropolitan area.
Tel Aviv is an economic hub, home to corporate offices and research and development centers. It is the country's financial capital and a major performing arts and business center. Tel Aviv has the second-largest economy in the Middle East. With 2.5 million international visitors annually, Tel Aviv is the fifth-most-visited city in the Middle East. It is known as 'the city that never sleeps' and a 'party capital' due to its lively nightlife, dynamic atmosphere and famous 24-hour culture. Travel to Tel Aviv today and experience all that she has to offer. Enjoy your stay!
Camera equipment:
- Sony HDR AX2000 HD video camera (Night)
- Sony Nex VG10 HD video camera (Day)
Camera Accessories:
- Glidecam HD-2000 hand-held camera stabilization (Nex VG10)
- Glidecam HD-4000 hand-held camera stabilization (HDR AX2000)
- Glidecam 'Smooth Shooter' body mounted camera stabilization system. (HDR AX2000)
- Sennheiser K6 module + ME66 shotgun microphone capsule.
- published: 27 Mar 2011
- views: 993605
Outlets da Itália - Conheça o Mantova Outlet Village e veja tambem as comprinhas que fizemos na Guess, Benetton, Carpisa, Cotton & Silk e muito mais. - Visit It...
Outlets da Itália - Conheça o Mantova Outlet Village e veja tambem as comprinhas que fizemos na Guess, Benetton, Carpisa, Cotton & Silk e muito mais. - Visit Italy.
Beijinhos Lidiane a Marcus!
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Você também encontrará dicas de compras em Orlando onde mostramos varias lojas como: Ross, Burlington, Best Buy, GameStop, Premium Outlet, Florida Mall, Millenia Mall, TJ Maxx, Forever 21, Ulta, Sawgrass, Sephora, Michael Kors, Polo Ralf Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Toys R us, Walmart, Dollar Tree, Target, Walgreens, Five Below, DDs Discounts, OGG, Marshalls, Party City, lego, Loja da Frozen, Petco, Basin, Disney Store, Altamonte Mall, Race Trac, Seven Eleven, Sedanos, Aldo, West Oaks
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No Visto e Aprovado voce encontrará tambem dicas de locais para diversão como: International Drive, Orlando Eye, Madame Tussauds, Parques da Disney, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Downtown Disney, Disney Springs, Parques da Universal, Universal Studios, Island of Adventure, SeaWord, Bush Gardens, Legoland, Gatorland, Parks Review, Theme Park Rides, Theme Park Documentary, Amusement Park, roller coaster, Old Town kissimmee, Celebration, Saint Augustine, Beco Diagonal, Harry Potter, Mount Dora, Miami, Orlando, Italia, Milão, Milan, Milano, Mantova, Mantua e toda Europa.
Além de tudo isso você também vai encontrar dicas e sugestões de restaurantes e locais para lanches como: Joe's Crab Shack, Panera Bread, Pollos A La Brasa Mario, Cold Stone Creamery, Steak 'n Shake, BRAVO! Cucina Italiana, McDonald's, Buca di Beppo, Sal's Market Deli e muito mais.
wn.com/Outlet Na Itália Comprinhas | Morar Na Itália Visit Italy Shopping In Italy
Outlets da Itália - Conheça o Mantova Outlet Village e veja tambem as comprinhas que fizemos na Guess, Benetton, Carpisa, Cotton & Silk e muito mais. - Visit Italy.
Beijinhos Lidiane a Marcus!
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Assista nossos outros vídeos.
Aqui no Visto e Aprovado você verá dicas de Viagens e Turismo, o que fazer em vários destinos como Orlando, Miami, Winter Park, Florida, Florianópolis, Europa, Itália e muito mais.
Você também encontrará dicas de compras em Orlando onde mostramos varias lojas como: Ross, Burlington, Best Buy, GameStop, Premium Outlet, Florida Mall, Millenia Mall, TJ Maxx, Forever 21, Ulta, Sawgrass, Sephora, Michael Kors, Polo Ralf Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Toys R us, Walmart, Dollar Tree, Target, Walgreens, Five Below, DDs Discounts, OGG, Marshalls, Party City, lego, Loja da Frozen, Petco, Basin, Disney Store, Altamonte Mall, Race Trac, Seven Eleven, Sedanos, Aldo, West Oaks
Mall, GAP, Hollister, Abercrombie, Aeropostale, Nike, Adidas e muito mais.
No Visto e Aprovado voce encontrará tambem dicas de locais para diversão como: International Drive, Orlando Eye, Madame Tussauds, Parques da Disney, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Downtown Disney, Disney Springs, Parques da Universal, Universal Studios, Island of Adventure, SeaWord, Bush Gardens, Legoland, Gatorland, Parks Review, Theme Park Rides, Theme Park Documentary, Amusement Park, roller coaster, Old Town kissimmee, Celebration, Saint Augustine, Beco Diagonal, Harry Potter, Mount Dora, Miami, Orlando, Italia, Milão, Milan, Milano, Mantova, Mantua e toda Europa.
Além de tudo isso você também vai encontrar dicas e sugestões de restaurantes e locais para lanches como: Joe's Crab Shack, Panera Bread, Pollos A La Brasa Mario, Cold Stone Creamery, Steak 'n Shake, BRAVO! Cucina Italiana, McDonald's, Buca di Beppo, Sal's Market Deli e muito mais.
- published: 14 Jan 2016
- views: 195
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Patristeria-...
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Instagran: PatrickCouttine...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Patristeria-...
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wn.com/Vale A Pena Morar Em Portugal Nº2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Patristeria-...
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Instagran: PatrickCouttine
- published: 13 Jan 2016
- views: 329
É caro morar na Áustria? Episódio 2 #Trabalho l Trabalho em Graz
Oi pessoal,
No vídeo de hoje dou continuidade ao assunto "vida na Áustria".
Os links que disse no vídeo são:
AMS Arbeitsmarktservice Steiermark ou em inglês...
Oi pessoal,
No vídeo de hoje dou continuidade ao assunto "vida na Áustria".
Os links que disse no vídeo são:
AMS Arbeitsmarktservice Steiermark ou em inglês (Public Employment Service Austria ).
Para alegria de muitos, agora o website tem a opção em inglês, contudo muitos não falam inglês lá e sempre gera um estresse se você não fala alemão muito bem.
Europass CV:
Plataformas de emprego:
Obrigada por assistir :D
wn.com/É Caro Morar Na Áustria Episódio 2 Trabalho L Trabalho Em Graz
Oi pessoal,
No vídeo de hoje dou continuidade ao assunto "vida na Áustria".
Os links que disse no vídeo são:
AMS Arbeitsmarktservice Steiermark ou em inglês (Public Employment Service Austria ).
Para alegria de muitos, agora o website tem a opção em inglês, contudo muitos não falam inglês lá e sempre gera um estresse se você não fala alemão muito bem.
Europass CV:
Plataformas de emprego:
Obrigada por assistir :D
- published: 24 Oct 2015
- views: 115
Ville de Quebec
Conhecendo o Canada, precos , estilo de vida, imoveis,idiomas e dicas para quem quer viver no Canada.
Conhecendo o Canada, precos , estilo de vida, imoveis,idiomas e dicas para quem quer viver no Canada.
wn.com/Ville De Quebec
Conhecendo o Canada, precos , estilo de vida, imoveis,idiomas e dicas para quem quer viver no Canada.
- published: 12 Oct 2014
- views: 137
Perth - City Video Guide
Perth, the capital of Western Australia, follows the Swan River from the port of Fremantle to its source in the Darling Range. Sunny and clean, Perth is cons......
Perth, the capital of Western Australia, follows the Swan River from the port of Fremantle to its source in the Darling Range. Sunny and clean, Perth is cons...
wn.com/Perth City Video Guide
Perth, the capital of Western Australia, follows the Swan River from the port of Fremantle to its source in the Darling Range. Sunny and clean, Perth is cons...
#2 - A busca por um bairro em Montreal
Neste vídeo começamos uma tarefa quase impossível de ser concluída. Descobrir os bairros de Montreal para te ajudar a decidir onde morar, mesmo sem conhecer a c...
Neste vídeo começamos uma tarefa quase impossível de ser concluída. Descobrir os bairros de Montreal para te ajudar a decidir onde morar, mesmo sem conhecer a cidade.. Um trabalhinho assim que pode demorar alguns anos ....
Então acompanhe conosco o início do desafio. Não se esqueça. As informações completas você encontra no www.montrealnareal.com
Fizemos um texto complementar ao video na coluna Rumo ao Sonho.
Entre em contato conosco para dicas, criticas e pautas montrealnareal@gmail.com
Músicas da reportagem.
Soulman - Ben L'Oncle Soul
LTJ Bukem - Horizons
DobaCaracol - Étrange
Stromae - Tous Les Mêmes
wn.com/2 A Busca Por Um Bairro Em Montreal
Neste vídeo começamos uma tarefa quase impossível de ser concluída. Descobrir os bairros de Montreal para te ajudar a decidir onde morar, mesmo sem conhecer a cidade.. Um trabalhinho assim que pode demorar alguns anos ....
Então acompanhe conosco o início do desafio. Não se esqueça. As informações completas você encontra no www.montrealnareal.com
Fizemos um texto complementar ao video na coluna Rumo ao Sonho.
Entre em contato conosco para dicas, criticas e pautas montrealnareal@gmail.com
Músicas da reportagem.
Soulman - Ben L'Oncle Soul
LTJ Bukem - Horizons
DobaCaracol - Étrange
Stromae - Tous Les Mêmes
- published: 23 Sep 2014
- views: 388
Coimbra Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old university town of Coimbra in Portugal. Coimbra's biggest attraction is the University of Coimbra, founded in 1290 and one ...
A travel guide for visiting the old university town of Coimbra in Portugal. Coimbra's biggest attraction is the University of Coimbra, founded in 1290 and one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world.
You might enjoy some of my other videos from Portugal:
Nazare Travel Guide: https://youtu.be/sF_2MPzscjM
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
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wn.com/Coimbra Portugal Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting the old university town of Coimbra in Portugal. Coimbra's biggest attraction is the University of Coimbra, founded in 1290 and one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world.
You might enjoy some of my other videos from Portugal:
Nazare Travel Guide: https://youtu.be/sF_2MPzscjM
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
Check out my blog at:
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 120
O lado bom e ruim de morar em Massachusetts Estados Unidos
E ai pessoal tudo bem? Neste vídeo falo bem rápido o lado bom e Ruim de Morar no estado de Massachusetts,como a segurança,saúde e também custo de vida caro.Tamb...
E ai pessoal tudo bem? Neste vídeo falo bem rápido o lado bom e Ruim de Morar no estado de Massachusetts,como a segurança,saúde e também custo de vida caro.Também falo sobre o lado ruim que é família longe e o frio.Espero que gostem!
wn.com/O Lado Bom E Ruim De Morar Em Massachusetts Estados Unidos
E ai pessoal tudo bem? Neste vídeo falo bem rápido o lado bom e Ruim de Morar no estado de Massachusetts,como a segurança,saúde e também custo de vida caro.Também falo sobre o lado ruim que é família longe e o frio.Espero que gostem!
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 49
Brazuca Office - O lado ruim de morar em Buenos Aires
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Gostou do vídeo? Assine nosso canal e compartilhe! Vai ajudar muito nosso projeto!
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► Instabrazuca: https://goo.gl/aZtUzD
► Podcast Brazuca: http://goo.gl/Y8D5Ud
wn.com/Brazuca Office O Lado Ruim De Morar Em Buenos Aires
Gostou do vídeo? Assine nosso canal e compartilhe! Vai ajudar muito nosso projeto!
► Seja um patrão do Brazuca agora mesmo: www.patreon.com/umbrazuca
► Assessoria Brazuca: http://goo.gl/7AYuVn
► Website: www.umbrazucaembuenosaires.com
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► Twitter: @umbrazuca
► Instabrazuca: https://goo.gl/aZtUzD
► Podcast Brazuca: http://goo.gl/Y8D5Ud
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 102
Scotland Local Hero HD 1080
Glencoe, Glenfinnan, Loch Eilt, Morar, Mallaig, Skye, Loch Coriusk, Plockton, Shieldaig, Torridon, Gairloch, Poolewe, Stac Pollaidh, Cul Mor, Stoer lighthous......
Glencoe, Glenfinnan, Loch Eilt, Morar, Mallaig, Skye, Loch Coriusk, Plockton, Shieldaig, Torridon, Gairloch, Poolewe, Stac Pollaidh, Cul Mor, Stoer lighthous...
wn.com/Scotland Local Hero Hd 1080
Glencoe, Glenfinnan, Loch Eilt, Morar, Mallaig, Skye, Loch Coriusk, Plockton, Shieldaig, Torridon, Gairloch, Poolewe, Stac Pollaidh, Cul Mor, Stoer lighthous...
Netflix liberado em Portugal - Séries e filmes online - Morar em Lisboa | Hoje tô Aqui
GRÁTIS - Mini Cursos e Treinamentos fantásticos sobre marketing digital.
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/brunucunha
GRÁTIS - Mini Cursos e Treinamentos fantásticos sobre marketing digital.
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/brunucunha
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Blog: http://www.comomultiplicarvendas.com.br
Skoob: http://www.skoob.com.br/usuario/1304088-bruno-cunha
Canal de Games: http://www.youtube.com/gamercoffeebreak
Canal da Aline: https://www.youtube.com/alivonmed
Contato Profissional: brunocunhab@live.com
#morandoforadobrasil #brasileiroemportugal #portugal #cascais
wn.com/Netflix Liberado Em Portugal Séries E Filmes Online Morar Em Lisboa | Hoje Tô Aqui
GRÁTIS - Mini Cursos e Treinamentos fantásticos sobre marketing digital.
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/brunucunha
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Business: http://www.metropoleweb.com
Blog: http://www.comomultiplicarvendas.com.br
Skoob: http://www.skoob.com.br/usuario/1304088-bruno-cunha
Canal de Games: http://www.youtube.com/gamercoffeebreak
Canal da Aline: https://www.youtube.com/alivonmed
Contato Profissional: brunocunhab@live.com
#morandoforadobrasil #brasileiroemportugal #portugal #cascais
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 328
Travel Guide to Quebec City
In this travel video guide to Quebec City, I travel around Quebec City including its historic Old Town (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), stop in at the famed I......
In this travel video guide to Quebec City, I travel around Quebec City including its historic Old Town (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), stop in at the famed I...
wn.com/Travel Guide To Quebec City
In this travel video guide to Quebec City, I travel around Quebec City including its historic Old Town (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), stop in at the famed I...
Gold Coast, Australia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Gold Coast is a coastal city in southeastern Queensland on the east coast of Australia. It is the second most populous city in the sta...
Gold Coast is a coastal city in southeastern Queensland on the east coast of Australia. It is the second most populous city in the state, the sixth most populous city in the country, and the most populous non-capital city in Australia. The Gold Coast has the largest cross-state metropolitan area population in Australia, due to the inclusion of Tweed Heads, New South Wales in its metropolitan area. The Gold Coast's metropolitan area converges with that of Greater Brisbane, forming part of an urban conurbation of over 3 million people.
The most important places to visit in Gold Coast are: Surfer's Paradise Beach, Southern Cross 4WD Tours, Burleigh Heads National Park, Cheers Tavern, Gihooley's Irish Pub, Howl at the Moon, Liars Bar Broadbeach Tavern, Mybar, Wintersun, Melba's On The Park, and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Gold Coast travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Gold Coast, Australia Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Gold Coast is a coastal city in southeastern Queensland on the east coast of Australia. It is the second most populous city in the state, the sixth most populous city in the country, and the most populous non-capital city in Australia. The Gold Coast has the largest cross-state metropolitan area population in Australia, due to the inclusion of Tweed Heads, New South Wales in its metropolitan area. The Gold Coast's metropolitan area converges with that of Greater Brisbane, forming part of an urban conurbation of over 3 million people.
The most important places to visit in Gold Coast are: Surfer's Paradise Beach, Southern Cross 4WD Tours, Burleigh Heads National Park, Cheers Tavern, Gihooley's Irish Pub, Howl at the Moon, Liars Bar Broadbeach Tavern, Mybar, Wintersun, Melba's On The Park, and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Gold Coast travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 05 Jan 2014
- views: 428249
Boston, Massachusetts Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Boston is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Massachusetts, officially the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. One of the ol...
Boston is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Massachusetts, officially the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. One of the oldest cities in the United States, Boston was founded on the Shawmut Peninsula in 1630 by Puritan colonists from England.
The most important places to visit in Boston are: Boston Common (starting point for Freedom Trail, dating back to 1634, this central public park is loved by locals as well as visitors), Massachusetts State Building (given its gold dome, the state capital can not be missed. It is the seat of the Massachusetts government), Faneuil Hall (constructed in 1742, it has been an important meeting hall. Today there's a market that offers many places to eat and shop), Beacon Hill (a famous historical neighborhood of Boston, amidst its well preserved streets, you will feel like you've gone back in time), Granary (part of the Freedom Trail, it was built in 1660. The site is the resting place for many prominent personalities and statesmen), Trinity Church (said to be one of the greatest buildings in the country, for a special treat, attend a concert during Christmas season), Harvard University (considered to be the world's greatest academic institution, you can tour its campus to soak in the wonderful ambiance), Copley Square (many important buildings with diverse architecture styles are here. This is also the site of the Boston Marathon's finish line) and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Boston travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Boston, Massachusetts Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Boston is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Massachusetts, officially the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. One of the oldest cities in the United States, Boston was founded on the Shawmut Peninsula in 1630 by Puritan colonists from England.
The most important places to visit in Boston are: Boston Common (starting point for Freedom Trail, dating back to 1634, this central public park is loved by locals as well as visitors), Massachusetts State Building (given its gold dome, the state capital can not be missed. It is the seat of the Massachusetts government), Faneuil Hall (constructed in 1742, it has been an important meeting hall. Today there's a market that offers many places to eat and shop), Beacon Hill (a famous historical neighborhood of Boston, amidst its well preserved streets, you will feel like you've gone back in time), Granary (part of the Freedom Trail, it was built in 1660. The site is the resting place for many prominent personalities and statesmen), Trinity Church (said to be one of the greatest buildings in the country, for a special treat, attend a concert during Christmas season), Harvard University (considered to be the world's greatest academic institution, you can tour its campus to soak in the wonderful ambiance), Copley Square (many important buildings with diverse architecture styles are here. This is also the site of the Boston Marathon's finish line) and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Boston travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 68291
Brisbane, Australia Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Brisbane is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Queensland and the third most populous city in Australia. Br...
Brisbane is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Queensland and the third most populous city in Australia. Brisbane's metropolitan area has a population of 2.2 million. The city is centred along the Brisbane River, and its eastern suburbs line the shores of Moreton Bay. The greater Brisbane region is on the coastal plain east of the Great Dividing Range.
The most important places to visit in Brisbane are: Southbank Parklands, Cruise the River, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Mt Coot-tha, native in the Gardens and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Brisbane travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Brisbane, Australia Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Brisbane is the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Queensland and the third most populous city in Australia. Brisbane's metropolitan area has a population of 2.2 million. The city is centred along the Brisbane River, and its eastern suburbs line the shores of Moreton Bay. The greater Brisbane region is on the coastal plain east of the Great Dividing Range.
The most important places to visit in Brisbane are: Southbank Parklands, Cruise the River, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, Mt Coot-tha, native in the Gardens and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Brisbane travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 12 Jul 2013
- views: 99299
Fort Lauderdale, Florida Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Fort Lauderdale is a city in the State of Florida, on the Atlantic coast 23 miles (37 km) north of Miami. It is the county seat of Bro...
Fort Lauderdale is a city in the State of Florida, on the Atlantic coast 23 miles (37 km) north of Miami. It is the county seat of Broward Count. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 165,521. It is a principal city of the South Florida metropolitan area, which was home to 5,564,635 people at the 2010 census.
The most important places to visit in Fort Lauderdale are: Beaches, Everglades, Museum of Discovery and Science, Butterfly World, Las Olas Riverfront, Secrer Woods Nature Center and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Fort Lauderdale travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Fort Lauderdale, Florida Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Fort Lauderdale is a city in the State of Florida, on the Atlantic coast 23 miles (37 km) north of Miami. It is the county seat of Broward Count. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 165,521. It is a principal city of the South Florida metropolitan area, which was home to 5,564,635 people at the 2010 census.
The most important places to visit in Fort Lauderdale are: Beaches, Everglades, Museum of Discovery and Science, Butterfly World, Las Olas Riverfront, Secrer Woods Nature Center and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Fort Lauderdale travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 21 Feb 2014
- views: 57727
Beautiful Abu Dhabi Top 5 Attractions City Tour *HD*
Fast and Furious Abu Dhabi Attractions U.A.E - The video shows the highlights of the city, the key attractions, from Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque to $3 Billion Emi...
Fast and Furious Abu Dhabi Attractions U.A.E - The video shows the highlights of the city, the key attractions, from Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque to $3 Billion Emirates Palace Hotel to Corniche and Marina Area.
The video is shot by GoPro Hero 3 in 1080p, 2.7k, and 4k mode.
Music Creative Commons License Arabic by Mirek Krawcyzk and Arabic Rap by Mazy
wn.com/Beautiful Abu Dhabi Top 5 Attractions City Tour Hd
Fast and Furious Abu Dhabi Attractions U.A.E - The video shows the highlights of the city, the key attractions, from Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque to $3 Billion Emirates Palace Hotel to Corniche and Marina Area.
The video is shot by GoPro Hero 3 in 1080p, 2.7k, and 4k mode.
Music Creative Commons License Arabic by Mirek Krawcyzk and Arabic Rap by Mazy
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 855883
Insider Travel Tips for Rio de Janeiro
http://braziliangringo.com/trip-rio-de-janeiro/ We're tired of stereotyped and unhelpful information being spread about Rio de Janeiro so we decided to sit d......
http://braziliangringo.com/trip-rio-de-janeiro/ We're tired of stereotyped and unhelpful information being spread about Rio de Janeiro so we decided to sit d...
wn.com/Insider Travel Tips For Rio De Janeiro
http://braziliangringo.com/trip-rio-de-janeiro/ We're tired of stereotyped and unhelpful information being spread about Rio de Janeiro so we decided to sit d...
San Diego Travel Guide - Things to do in San Diego
Planning a vacation in San Diego? Check out our videos at Vidtur.com to learn about family attractions, day tou...
Planning a vacation in San Diego? Check out our videos at Vidtur.com to learn about family attractions, day tours, nightlife and much more. Here is our list of the 5 tips you need to know about the city.
First let's talk about the weather. San Diego is considered to be the city with the mildest climate in the US, so you can visit it 12 months a year. Our tip? If you're planning a vacation to visit popular attractions such as Seaworld or the San Diego Zoo, try to book you vacation between January and March.
Our next tip is to head south and explore Tijuana, AKA TJ. This Mexican city is located only 15 Kilometers from San Diego and offers a completely different energy and cultural experience. Check vidtur.com for more videos about TJ, including sightseeing, shopping and safety tips.
Next let's talk about the main attractions in San Diego. Over 30 million tourists visit this city each year and most of them are heading to the world famous places such as Seaworld, San Diego Zoo and Legoland. If you plan a family vacation, it's best not to make spontaneous decisions about the places you want to visit. If you pre book you tickets you will save time and money. Check out our website for more ideas about how to stay in budget.
Now let's talk about whales. Many visitors to San Diego know this is one of the best places in the US to observe the giants of the sea. One way to do this is to take one of the many cruises on offer. Another great way to spot whales is to head to Cabrillo National Monument. It is situated on the Southern tip of Point Loma Peninsula in San Diego. From here you can enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of the city, while you whale watch with the other enthusiasts.
Finally, if you are looking for a beach holiday, San Diego offers some of the best beaches in California, and our favorite one is Mission Beach. However, if you are looking to combine a day at the beach with a spot of sightseeing, you should head to Coronado Island to enjoy its affluence, beauty and stunning sandy white beaches.
Looking for more information about San Diego? Check out Vidtur.com for more videos about San Diego's nightlife, budget tips, family attractions, day tours and a lot more.
wn.com/San Diego Travel Guide Things To Do In San Diego
Planning a vacation in San Diego? Check out our videos at Vidtur.com to learn about family attractions, day tours, nightlife and much more. Here is our list of the 5 tips you need to know about the city.
First let's talk about the weather. San Diego is considered to be the city with the mildest climate in the US, so you can visit it 12 months a year. Our tip? If you're planning a vacation to visit popular attractions such as Seaworld or the San Diego Zoo, try to book you vacation between January and March.
Our next tip is to head south and explore Tijuana, AKA TJ. This Mexican city is located only 15 Kilometers from San Diego and offers a completely different energy and cultural experience. Check vidtur.com for more videos about TJ, including sightseeing, shopping and safety tips.
Next let's talk about the main attractions in San Diego. Over 30 million tourists visit this city each year and most of them are heading to the world famous places such as Seaworld, San Diego Zoo and Legoland. If you plan a family vacation, it's best not to make spontaneous decisions about the places you want to visit. If you pre book you tickets you will save time and money. Check out our website for more ideas about how to stay in budget.
Now let's talk about whales. Many visitors to San Diego know this is one of the best places in the US to observe the giants of the sea. One way to do this is to take one of the many cruises on offer. Another great way to spot whales is to head to Cabrillo National Monument. It is situated on the Southern tip of Point Loma Peninsula in San Diego. From here you can enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of the city, while you whale watch with the other enthusiasts.
Finally, if you are looking for a beach holiday, San Diego offers some of the best beaches in California, and our favorite one is Mission Beach. However, if you are looking to combine a day at the beach with a spot of sightseeing, you should head to Coronado Island to enjoy its affluence, beauty and stunning sandy white beaches.
Looking for more information about San Diego? Check out Vidtur.com for more videos about San Diego's nightlife, budget tips, family attractions, day tours and a lot more.
- published: 14 Jun 2015
- views: 592
Bogotá Colombia Travel Guide Best Places to Visit: Monserrate, Zipaquirá, Museo del Oro...
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a popu...
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a population of eight million people from all corners of Colombia; a city as diverse as the entire country.
Declared World Book Capital by UNESCO and Iberoamerican Capital of Culture by the UCCI, Bogotá has become one of the most important cities of the continent, with public spaces such as plazas, streets and modern avenues. Its Mass Transit System is considered one of the most important in Latin America and a model for transportation systems in the country and the continent. The city has the world's largest bicycling network --the Ciclovía, which covers close to 300 kilometers.
Bogotá has a varied nightlife offering domestic and foreign tourists alike different options and styles; a permanent cultural agenda that is reflected in its more than 60 museums and art galleries; the most famous Rock Festival of the continent and the most important theater festival in the world, the Iberoamerican Theater Festival; 29 religious temples that are part of its heritage; 4,500 parks; close to 50 shopping malls and outlets where visitors can purchase the latest fashion and creations by haute couture Colombian designers.
Bogota: travel to a city full of culture and nightlife.
Bogotá has earned a place among the major gastronomic capitals of Latin America. Its six dining areas with world-class restaurants offer local and international cuisine. The many accommodation options with over 300 hotels of international and national chains make of Bogotá the main destination of foreign tourists arriving in the country. Its venues for business, events and conventions consolidate it as one of the favorite destinations for executives worldwide.
The city, which was declared by the prestigious New York Times as one of the 31 destinations to visit in 2010 is an inspiring city with millions of amazing stories that surprise visitors every day.
Essential tourism and travel information for your Bogota vacations:
Temperature ranges from 12º C (54º F) to 18º C (64º F)
2,640 meters above sea level
Bogotá is situated in the center of the country, on the western part of the Bogotá savanna. To the south, the Bogotá river forms the falls of Salto de Tequendama. Its tributaries shape valleys with thriving towns whose habitants make a living from agriculture, cattle ranching, and the manufacture of handicrafts.
El Dorado International Airport + 57 (1) 425-1000 concentrates 65% of the aerial operations in the country. All procedures related to entering or exiting Colombia, as well as connections to the rest of the country, can be made from this airport.
Ticket, reservation, and check-in counters for national and international flights, as well as immigration and customs, are on the first floor. Departure and arrival gates, information services, travel agencies, drugstores, restaurants, and book and handicraft stores are located on the second floor.
Passengers can easily find taxi stations and tourist information and hotel reservation booths in the international and national arrival areas.
How to get there?
By land, from the north coast, by the Troncal del Magdalena highway; from the western part of the country, by the Panamerican Highway; from the Llanos to the east, by the road that connects Villavicencio and Bogotá.
Inter-city transportation
Transmilenio: (buses on exclusive lanes) costs $1,400 Colombian pesos (about US$0.80)
Ordinary buses: tickets are $1,100 Colombian pesos (about US$0.60)
Public and tourist taxi phone numbers:
Radio Taxi: + 57 (1) 288-8888
Taxi Real: + 57 (1) 333-3333
Taxi Estrella: + 57 (1) 212-1212
Taxi Elite: + 57 (1) 222-2222
Taxis Libres: + 57 (1) 311-1111
Taxi Express: + 57 (1) 411-1111
Sígueme en Twitter @FelipeAcevedom para más info.
Video acerca de lo que se puede hacer en Bogotá. Bogotá vista por turistas.
wn.com/Bogotá Colombia Travel Guide Best Places To Visit Monserrate, Zipaquirá, Museo Del Oro...
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a population of eight million people from all corners of Colombia; a city as diverse as the entire country.
Declared World Book Capital by UNESCO and Iberoamerican Capital of Culture by the UCCI, Bogotá has become one of the most important cities of the continent, with public spaces such as plazas, streets and modern avenues. Its Mass Transit System is considered one of the most important in Latin America and a model for transportation systems in the country and the continent. The city has the world's largest bicycling network --the Ciclovía, which covers close to 300 kilometers.
Bogotá has a varied nightlife offering domestic and foreign tourists alike different options and styles; a permanent cultural agenda that is reflected in its more than 60 museums and art galleries; the most famous Rock Festival of the continent and the most important theater festival in the world, the Iberoamerican Theater Festival; 29 religious temples that are part of its heritage; 4,500 parks; close to 50 shopping malls and outlets where visitors can purchase the latest fashion and creations by haute couture Colombian designers.
Bogota: travel to a city full of culture and nightlife.
Bogotá has earned a place among the major gastronomic capitals of Latin America. Its six dining areas with world-class restaurants offer local and international cuisine. The many accommodation options with over 300 hotels of international and national chains make of Bogotá the main destination of foreign tourists arriving in the country. Its venues for business, events and conventions consolidate it as one of the favorite destinations for executives worldwide.
The city, which was declared by the prestigious New York Times as one of the 31 destinations to visit in 2010 is an inspiring city with millions of amazing stories that surprise visitors every day.
Essential tourism and travel information for your Bogota vacations:
Temperature ranges from 12º C (54º F) to 18º C (64º F)
2,640 meters above sea level
Bogotá is situated in the center of the country, on the western part of the Bogotá savanna. To the south, the Bogotá river forms the falls of Salto de Tequendama. Its tributaries shape valleys with thriving towns whose habitants make a living from agriculture, cattle ranching, and the manufacture of handicrafts.
El Dorado International Airport + 57 (1) 425-1000 concentrates 65% of the aerial operations in the country. All procedures related to entering or exiting Colombia, as well as connections to the rest of the country, can be made from this airport.
Ticket, reservation, and check-in counters for national and international flights, as well as immigration and customs, are on the first floor. Departure and arrival gates, information services, travel agencies, drugstores, restaurants, and book and handicraft stores are located on the second floor.
Passengers can easily find taxi stations and tourist information and hotel reservation booths in the international and national arrival areas.
How to get there?
By land, from the north coast, by the Troncal del Magdalena highway; from the western part of the country, by the Panamerican Highway; from the Llanos to the east, by the road that connects Villavicencio and Bogotá.
Inter-city transportation
Transmilenio: (buses on exclusive lanes) costs $1,400 Colombian pesos (about US$0.80)
Ordinary buses: tickets are $1,100 Colombian pesos (about US$0.60)
Public and tourist taxi phone numbers:
Radio Taxi: + 57 (1) 288-8888
Taxi Real: + 57 (1) 333-3333
Taxi Estrella: + 57 (1) 212-1212
Taxi Elite: + 57 (1) 222-2222
Taxis Libres: + 57 (1) 311-1111
Taxi Express: + 57 (1) 411-1111
Sígueme en Twitter @FelipeAcevedom para más info.
Video acerca de lo que se puede hacer en Bogotá. Bogotá vista por turistas.
- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 243146