Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers is a Peace and Justice Organization based in Minneapolis, MN


Our Members

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Online Action Tool


MAP Story

Mission & Principles

Resource People

Opinion "Peaces"


Military Postcards
AVAILABLE Here - Free for distribution

 Web This Site
Creating a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence

Featured Peacemaker News / Events:


For MAP Members
March 1, 2016


Telling Stories of Strong Women
World Storytelling Day
March 22, 2016
Landmark Center
St. Paul, Minnesota


Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers
and 20th Anniversary Celebration
with Student Essay Contest Winners
November 10, 2015
Perpich Center For The Arts High School



MN Congressional Delegation:
Support the Iran Deal

Hennepin County Commissioners:
Replace the UN Flag at Hennepin County Plaza


See MAP Calendar for details on peacemaker events.

Check the HOME PAGE of our ONLINE ACTION TOOL for Member EVENTS, ACTIVITIES, NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS and NEWS from other states in the Peace, Justice & Environment Project (PJEP) Network!

Many member organizations have Calendars and Newsletters on their websites.  To view these, click on individual member website addresses in our Organization Directory.

MAP on FacebookNEW
Find us on Facebook!
MAP now has a facebook page. Click to become a fan, post YOUR EVENT, make a comment and join or start a discussion!

Holdover News Items

In 1970 Minnesota experienced the largest draft raid in American history, where over 54 draft boards - centralized in St.Paul and Minneapolis post offices - were raided and ten-thousand-plus “1A” files destroyed….. more

Season for Nonviolence
2007 was MAP's first observance of the 64-day Season for Nonviolence, January 30 through April 4. Remembering, respectively, the deaths of Mahatma Gandhi (Jan. 30, 1948) and Martin Luther King Jr (Apr. 4, 1968). We continue to observe each year ..details here

The US Peace Memorial Foundation has joined the nationwide
Peace is Patriotic Initiative. Celebrate Independence - Add your peace biography to the US Peace Registry

The US Peace Registry recognizes role models for a broad range of peace and antiwar activities.  Individuals who have written an antiwar letter to their representatives in Congress or to a newspaper are included, along with Americans who have devoted their lives to peace and opposing war.

MAP endorses the Apollo Alliance Project
See  www.apolloalliance.org for more information about the project. View copies of the letters MAP has sent to all state and national leaders about this project here.

Department of Peace: MAP has been on record since June, 2002, in support of establishing "a cabinet level Department of Peace to develop a change in the definition of and approach to national security.” More on the proposed department, and what you can do to support its establishment at www.dopcampaign.org.

MAP Issues Resolution Denouncing Torture in Iraq

The ForeSight20/20 video is still available for sale. DVDs and VHS versions of this thought-provoking video are available to the public at a very low price in order to encourage wide circulation and education. More info on actionelection.org website.

This Page Updated

February 11, 2016

Our Mission:
"To strengthen the
effectiveness of the
peace and justice
community in Minnesota
by enabling member
organizations to share
their resources, insights
and ideas and devise
cooperative strategies to
accomplish common

MAP Guiding Principles

MAP NonViolent Position Statement approved 8/12/08 - printable .pdf

MAP Newsletter:
Synergy Update

February-March 2014
April-May 2014
June-July 2014
August-September 2014
October-November 2014
December-January 14-15
February-March 2015
April-May 2015

June-July 2015
August-September 2015
October-November 2015
December-January 15-16
February-March 2016

Link to SE Minnesota Peacemakers - Southeast Minnesota peace organization modeled on MAP principles.

Link to Minnesota Neighbors For Peace - Working for Peace, Justice and Tolerance in our own Neighborhoods. Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace is a part of this effort.

Community Partners

Link to PEACE Foundation - DBA Northside Achievement Zone, whose mission is creating a movement to end local violence starting on the north side of Minneapolis.

Link to Alliance for Sustainability - here to help you learn about, and live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Link to Minnesota Universal Health Care Coalition - dedicated to establishing comprehensive single-payer health care for all Minnesotans.












© Copyright 2002-06 Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers  /   Last Updated February 11, 2016
Send website feedback or comments to Webcare at mapm.org

Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers is a Peace and Justice Organization based in Minneapolis, MN