- published: 11 Feb 2012
- views: 538
Noz may refer to:
The Dagger (Serbian: Нож, Nož; which means Knife) is a 1999 Serbian war drama film directed by Miroslav Lekić. The film was written by Miroslav Lekić, Slobodan Stanojević and Igor Bojović. The plot is based on Vuk Drašković's novel of the same name.
The main motive of the film is the eventually disclosed nonsense of ethnic division in contemporary Bosnia, poiting out to the same historical origin of both opposed ethnic groups, Bosnian Serbs and Bosniaks, i.e. Christians and Muslims. Set in the 1960s and observed from the point of view of Alija Osmanović, a young Muslim medical student raised by single mother, his entire family slaughtered and his baby brother kidnaped by Serbs in World war II, as the aftermath of Jugovići (Christian) and Osmanovići (Muslim) violent family feud, he learns not only that Osmanovići were once but a branch of Jugovići family who converted to Islam during the Turkish rule, but that, unbeknownst to his mother, he himself was a baby taken from Jugoviči, after the massacre of Jugovići on Christmas Eve in 1942. Both families now extinct, and Alia as the descendant of both, torn between two cultures and two identities, he struggles to maintain his inner peace, desperately searching for his long lost step-brother and fighting the prejudices against the love relationship he has with a Serbian colleague student.
Nitrogen oxide may refer to a binary compound of oxygen and nitrogen, or a mixture of such compounds:
The compounds NO and NO2 are radicals. In addition, there are several anions of nitrogen oxides. The most stable of these is the nitrate anion:
but other nitrogen oxoanions include nitrite, peroxonitrite, trioxodinitrate (hyponitrate), and nitroxylate.
In atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, and related fields, nitrogen oxides refers specifically to NOx (NO and NO2).
Сценарио, режија и монтажа: Марко Џамбазоски Камера: Александар Ристески Учествуваа: Горазд Чаповски, Панта Џамбазоски, Горан Таневски, Илија Стојановски и Слободан Стојков Превод: Димитар Ѓоров Краткометражен документарен филм кој ги обработува почетоците на легендарната македонска група „Мизар“, трнливиот пат во кој од обичен гаражен бенд, Мизар станува една од најзначајните групи во историјата на македонската рок култура. Screenwriter, director and editor: Marko Dzambazoski Cameraman: Aleksandar Risteski Staring: Gorazd Chapovski, Panta Dzambazoski, Goran Tanevski, Ilija Stojanovski, Slobodan Stojkov Translation: Dimitar Gjorov A short documentary film about the beginnings of the legendary Macedonian band “Mizar”, the tough path in which from ordinary garage band, Mizar becomes one...
МИЗАР - 1995
Artist: Mizar Song: Infernal Game Album: The King Of The Stars WWW.MIZAR.US
*I DON'T OWN THIS PIECE OF MATERIAL* Македонски: Мизар (македонски: Мизар) е Македонски рок бенд од Скопје. Тие постигнаа статус на култен бенд, особено во Македонија и во поранешна Југославија. Групата е позната по својот истоимен албум Мизар и беше првиот Југословенски рок албум на Македонски јазик. Претходно Македонските бендови често снимаа на Српско-Хрватски од маркетиншки причини бидејќи тој беше најраширен јазик во Југословенска федерација. Албумот постигна голем успех и се вбројува меѓу најдобрите десет рок албуми издадени по распаѓањето на СФРЈ. Мизар беше формиран во 1983 година во тогашната Социјалистичка Република Македонија, составен дел на Социјалистичка Федеративна Република Југославија. Поради авангардниот звук на бендот и неговиот имиџ, неговата Христијанско-Православна...
Не вредат веќе ништо илјадници зборови, Сал Скаредни Срамни Слова во мртвите томоси. Од вашето перо течат мастила отровни и црни се траги лепат на прстите валкани. Раширени раце во име на љубовта, затворени очи во име на правдата. А изградив дом на брегот со порти отворени, но видовте само слабост на кутар и нејак плен. О, несвет и беден оче! Се затемни светол ден. ќе пресечам десна рака што кон вас се подаде. Раширени раце во име на љубовта, затворени очи во име на правдата. Подари ми насмев надмен, господарски, и пак распни го Оној Кој божем го сведочиш. Избриши си раце со хартии безвредни и кажи го зборот што ништо не значи.
Provided to YouTube by Believe SAS Razgovor So Slepite · Mizar Terrible Beauty Is Born ℗ Dallas Records Croatia Released on: 2015-04-30 Author: Vladimir Kaevski Composer: Goran Trajkoski Music Publisher: D.R Auto-generated by YouTube.
Arhangel - Dragi moj studiska verzija... lyrics at: http://www.justsomelyrics.com/2294624/arhangel-dragi-moj-lyrics.html All copyrighted items in this video are not mine.
Noz may refer to:
Write what you know
So they say all I know is I don't know what to write
Or the right way to write it
This is big lady don't screw it up
This is not some little vaudeville I'm reviewing.
Poor little kids versus rich greedy sour pusses
Ha, it's a cinch
It could practically write itself
And let's pray it does cause as I may have mentioned
I have no clue what I'm doing.
Am I insane this is what I've been waiting for
Well that plus the screaming of ten angry editors.
A girl? It's a girl. How the hell? Is that even legal?
Look just go and get her.
Not only that there's a story behind the story
Thousands of children exploited
Speak up take a stand
And there's someone to write about it.
That's how things get better.
Give life's little guys some ink
And when it dries just watch what happens.
Those kids will live and breathe right on the page
And once they're center stage
You watch what happens.
And who's there with her camera and her pen
As boys turn into men
They'll storm the gates
And then just watch what happens when they do.
Picture a handsome heroicly charismatic
Plain spoken know-nothing
Skirt chasing cocky little son of a-
Lie down with dogs and you wake up with
A raise and a promotion.
So he's a flirt, a complete ego maniac
The fact is he's also the face of the strike
What a face
Face the fact that's a face that could save us all from
sinking in the ocean.
Like someone said power tends to corrupt
And absolute power
Wait wait corrupts absolutely
That is genius!
But give me some time
I'll be twice as good as that six months from never.
Just look around at the world we're inheriting
And think of the one we'll create
Their mistake is they got old
That is not a mistake we'll be making
No sir we'll stay young forever!
Give those kids and me the brand new century
And watch what happens.
It's David and Goliath do or die
The fight is on
And I can't watch what happens.
But all I know is
Nothing happens if you just give in.
It can't be any worse than how it's been
And it just so happens that we just might win
So whatever happens