- published: 04 Mar 2017
- views: 91909
A bog is a mire that accumulates peat, a deposit of dead plant material—often mosses, and in a majority of cases, sphagnum moss. It is one of the four main types of wetlands. Other names for bogs include mire, quagmire, and muskeg; alkaline mires are called fens. They are frequently covered in ericaceous shrubs rooted in the sphagnum moss and peat. The gradual accumulation of decayed plant material in a bog functions as a carbon sink.
Bogs occur where the water at the ground surface is acidic and low in nutrients. In some cases, the water is derived entirely from precipitation, in which case they are termed ombrotrophic (rain-fed). Water flowing out of bogs has a characteristic brown colour, which comes from dissolved peat tannins. In general, the low fertility and cool climate results in relatively slow plant growth, but decay is even slower owing to the saturated soil. Hence peat accumulates. Large areas of landscape can be covered many metres deep in peat.
Bogs have distinctive assemblages of plant and animal species, and are of high importance for biodiversity, particularly in landscapes that are otherwise settled and farmed.
Bogø is a Danish island in the Baltic Sea, just west of Møn. The population is 1,108 (1 January 2013) with 870 living in the only town on the island, Bogø By. The island is approximately 7 km long by 3 km wide at the largest points, with a total area of 13 km². Maximum height above sea level is 32 metres.
To the west of Bogø is a smaller island, Farø, which carries the E47/E55 motorway from Copenhagen to the major islands of Lolland and Falster. The routes continue via ferry to Germany. Bogø is connected by causeway to both Farø and Møn, and carries one of the two main routes for vehicles travelling to Møn. It is part of Vordingborg Municipality.
The island has a varied landscape including wooded areas and traditional villages. To the northwest of the island at Skåninge is a small harbour and bathing jetty. To the south east is a larger harbour with a car ferry which operates during summer months to Stubbekøbing on Falster. Near the centre of the island is a preserved windmill from 1852, which is being restored to form a working museum.
Bog (English: God) is the fourth studio album by the Croatian alternative rock band Pips, Chips & Videoclips, released in November 1999. The album features two singles which were later released separately, "Narko" (March 2000) and "Motorcycle Boy" (May 2001).
Bog won the 2000 Porin Awards in the Best Rock Album and Best Graphic Design categories.
Bog is a horror movie about an aquatic creature. The film was shot in 1978 around Harshaw, Wisconsin.
Dynamite fishing in a rural swamp revives a prehistoric gill monster that lives on the blood of human females. When a local is fishing with dynamite in Bog Lake, something larger pops to the surface: a green bug-eyed monster awakened from a long sleep, which promptly begins killing fishermen who stumble across its lair. When biologist Ginny Glenn (Gloria DeHaven) discovers the creature's evolutionary nature, the local sheriff decides to use various methods to destroy the beast.
Bog is a wetland of mosses or lichens over waterlogged peat.
Bog or The Bog may also refer to:
Boge may refer to:
Bogë may refer to:
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Compil(at)ed by .... Vrzovski, Cvetkovski & Vangelovski
9th song from Mizar's second album Свјат Dreams, 1991. Eden den samo obichen den ti si samo obichen patnik patuvash niz gradot samo tvoj senkite na lugjeto Sè kje bide dobro vecher samo bidi ti kraj mene Ti si samo obichen chovek ---------------------------------- Еден ден само обичен ден ти си само обичен патник патуваш низ градот само твој сенките на луѓето Сè ќе биде добро вечер само биди ти крај мене Ти си само обичен човек
Јована - Октет „Рацин" и Наум Бурназ
Dimitrija Popovski ja pee "1762 Leto". Muzikata i aranzmanot se na Ljupco Konstantinov. Izvedbata e vo ramkite na teatarska pretstava postavena na Ohridsko Leto. Za mnogu godini Makedonci!
Утрена на денот на Сите Светии во истоимениот Манастир во село Лешани охридско.На денот на храмовата слава беше преосветен Храмот кој е со новоизработен живопис. Манастирот е единствен на Балканот посветен на Сите Светии, а во неговиот двор се наоѓа и мала црквичка од 11 век исто така посветена на Сите Светии. По Божја волја во 2002 година манастирот заживеа со возобновено монаштво со доаѓањето на јеромонах Вартоломеј од Бигорската Свештена Обител. Преосветувањето на манастирскиот храм го изврши Блаженејши г.г.Стефан Архиепископ Охридски и Македонски во сослужение на г.Тимотеј и г.Агатангел и архимандрит Партениј, отец Вартоломеј, отец Прохор како и бројно свештенство.
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A bog is a mire that accumulates peat, a deposit of dead plant material—often mosses, and in a majority of cases, sphagnum moss. It is one of the four main types of wetlands. Other names for bogs include mire, quagmire, and muskeg; alkaline mires are called fens. They are frequently covered in ericaceous shrubs rooted in the sphagnum moss and peat. The gradual accumulation of decayed plant material in a bog functions as a carbon sink.
Bogs occur where the water at the ground surface is acidic and low in nutrients. In some cases, the water is derived entirely from precipitation, in which case they are termed ombrotrophic (rain-fed). Water flowing out of bogs has a characteristic brown colour, which comes from dissolved peat tannins. In general, the low fertility and cool climate results in relatively slow plant growth, but decay is even slower owing to the saturated soil. Hence peat accumulates. Large areas of landscape can be covered many metres deep in peat.
Bogs have distinctive assemblages of plant and animal species, and are of high importance for biodiversity, particularly in landscapes that are otherwise settled and farmed.