TIRADIANS C64 Gameplay (Galaxian clone by David Rees)
It's a C64 typed in listing, I think from Your Computer, for a game that is a very good clone of Galaxian. Graphics on the ship are a little large and the movement can be slow but still a monumental achievement considering this was a printed listing in a magazine you typed in. The graphics are great, the pattern movements good, the movement is a little slow (I ran it on NTSC to give a 17.5% artificial speed boost but it is written for PAL machines) What you most come away with after playing this is the thought "why the hell was Atarisoft so crap on C64 conversions?" I mean come on VIC-20 Galaxian is better than C64 and yet there is nothing a VIC can do a C64 can't....and in higher resolution. Nope I think you will find Atarisoft made crap C64 conversions ON PURPOSE so as not to embarrass their inferior 8bit computer. David if you are reading this right now.....well done! It's a fantastic game, probably the bested typed in listing I have ever played on any computer format.