Sociology of food is the study of food as it relates to the history, progression, and future development of society. This includes production, distribution, conflict, medical application, ritual, spiritual, and cultural applications, environmental and labor issues.
5 A Day - acceptable daily intake - aggregate nutrient density index - ageusia - animal source foods - additives - aeroponics - agriculture - alcohol - alcoholic beverage control state - algaculture - Androphagi - antibiotic - antioxidant - appellation - Appellation d'origine contrôlée - apiculture - aphagia - appetite - aquaculture - asado
baker's dozen - baking - Banchan - barbecue - barbecue in the United States - beer - beer style - benzopyrene - berenklauw - beverage-can stove - biodiversity - blind-baking - birthday cake - bottom trawling - bottom's up - bottled water - braai - breadbox - broasting - broiling - bulgogi - bread - bushfood - bushmeat - bycatch