- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 3112
The aquatic genet (Genetta piscivora) is a small carnivoran that has only been recorded in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since it is only known from about 30 specimens in zoological collections, it has been listed as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List since 1996, and is considered one of Africa's rarest carnivores.
When Allen described the aquatic genet as a new genus and species in 1919, he named it Osbornictis piscivora. It was reassessed in 2004, and based on molecular evidence is now considered a Genetta species.
The aquatic genet's long and dense fur is dark chestnut red without spots or bands. The head is pale fuscous brown with white spots on the sides of the muzzle, and above and below the eyes, which are framed with a narrow black ring. The ears are almost naked inside, edged with long whitish hairs and blackish outside. The bushy tail is black with pale brownish underfur. The soles of its feet are naked. These characteristics differ strikingly from those of other genet species. Its rhinarium and olfactory bulbs are smaller than in other genets, which may indicate a poorly developed sense of smell. Its trenchant teeth indicate an adaptation to piscivory.
Spotted Genet Documentary | Express Planet Doc
Aquatic genet
Rare video footage of a GENET - (France)
Mabalingwe 32 Genet
Aquatic Beetle Documentary
Fish Attacks & Eats Crocodile 2015, Animal Attacks Compilation 2015
Aquatic Vampire | Planet Doc Express
Water Scorpion | Express Animal Documentaries
Common Genet Genetta genetta
Penguin Mating | Wild Animals - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
The genet is cunning and skilful climber that feeds on fruit, birds, insects and reptiles; but its favourite meal is small mammals, especially rodents. SUBSCRIBE! ▶ http://pdoc.es/ExpressDoc ANIMAL WORLD ▶ http://pdoc.es/Animal-World DISCOVER THE WORLD ▶ http://pdoc.es/DiscoverWorld Hidden by the cloak of night, a stealthy predator of extraordinary senses and feline features stalks its prey in the darkness. This agile and cat-like viverid has strong legs and retractable claws and, using its long tail for balance, continuously searches for food. Thanks to its large eyes and sensitive hearing, it is perfectly adapted to the dark, through which it roams, awaiting the slightest telltale noise. After detecting its potential prey, the lone hunter silently closes in, careful not to reveal its...
The aquatic genet is a small carnivoran that has only been recorded in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Since it is only known from about 30 specimens in zoological collections, it has been listed as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List since 1996, and is considered one of Africa's rarest carnivores.When Allen described the aquatic genet as a new genus and species in 1919, he named it Osbornictis piscivora.It was reassessed in 2004, and based on molecular evidence is now considered a Genetta species. ---Image-Copyright-and-Permission--- About the author(s): Chermundy License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0) Author(s): Chermundy (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Chermundy&action=edit&redlink=1) ---Image-Copyright-a...
Thank you for watching please subscribe. This video footage was filmed using an inferred night vision camera. It was filmed in central France in June 2015. Photographer: Tom Wildlife analyst: Nimai Royalty free music brought from - www.pond5.com artist CuttingEdgeBeats - song name - Lonely Nights Information about the Genet Genets are Old World mammals from the order Carnivora, suborder Feliformia, family Viverridae, and subfamily Viverrinae. They are related to civets, linsangs, fossa, and mongooses. The common genet is the only viverrid present in Europe. Almost all species are contained within the genus Genetta, although the aquatic genet is sometimes housed in its own genus Osbornictis. Fossils of the genus have been found to date from the Pliocene. The etymological origin is...
Genet (animal) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see Genet (disambiguation). Genets Genets (pronounced /ˈdʒɛnɪts or dʒəˈnɛts/) are Old World mammals from the order Carnivora, suborder Feliformia, family Viverridae, and subfamily Viverrinae. They are related to civets, linsangs, fossa, and mongooses.[1] The common genet is the only viverrid present in Portugal.[2] Almost all species are contained within the genus Genetta, although the Aquatic Genet is sometimes housed in its own genus Osbornictis. Genets are feliforms, and are related to cats, but more closely related to Mongooses. Most of them have spotted coats, long, banded tails, small heads, and large ears. They are able to move through any opening that their head can fit through.[1] Like civets, genets have strong...
Some aquatic insects are ferocious – if miniature – predators, capable of killing prey much larger than themselves. This water beetle larva breathes through spiracles at the end of its body while hanging upside down, waiting for its next victim. Once a prey has been spotted, the larva pounces decisively, holding its meal firmly in its huge jaws. It then anaesthetises and liquefies its insides so it can be easily ingested.
Fish Attacks & Eats Crocodile 2015, Animal Attacks Compilation 2015. FUNNY ANIMAL ATTACK , Animals Attacking Humans Compilation 2015 lion attack animal attacks tiger attack crocodile lion attack people animal videos . Crocodiles or true crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodylinae, in which all its . When CROCODILES ATTACK! The ultimate CROCODILE ATTACK compilation video! (AMAZING ANIMAL footage!) ***We believe this video contains the most .
SUBSCRIBE! ▶ http://pdoc.es/ExpressDoc ANIMAL WORLD ▶ http://pdoc.es/Animal-World Some aquatic insects are ferocious – if miniature – predators, capable of killing prey much larger than themselves. This water beetle larva breathes through spiracles at the end of its body while hanging upside down, waiting for its next victim. Once a prey has been spotted, the larva pounces decisively, holding its meal firmly in its huge jaws. It then anaesthetises and liquefies its insides so it can be easily ingested. SUBSCRIBE! ▶ http://pdoc.es/ExpressDoc FULL DOCUMENTARIES ▶ http://bit.ly/Full-Docs ANIMAL WORLD ▶ http://pdoc.es/Animal-World DISCOVER THE WORLD ▶ http://pdoc.es/DocMundo FACEBOOK ▶ http://bit.ly/FBPDoc TWITTER ▶ http://bit.ly/TwPDoc
The water scorpion or Nepa is a voracious predator insect. ▶ SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/PlanetDoc Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday! ▶ EXPRESS DOCUMENTARIES http://pdoc.es/ExpressPL Seemingly awkward when swimming, it rarely leaves the water, doing so only when forced to fly to another pond to find more resources. Its effective camouflage keeps it hidden from its most common predators and also from its own prey. Insects capable of rapid growth and expansion can damage both environments and health, and water scorpions play an important role in regulating insect populations. As part of this process, huge numbers of mosquito larvae and pupae are eaten by several species of aquatic insects, before they even reach the surface. Through the tube at the end of its abdomen...
More than half a million penguins return to the land of their birth to mate. ▶ SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/PlanetDoc Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday! ▶ WILD ANIMALS DOCUMENTARIES | http://bit.ly/PlWildAnimals The Valdez Peninsula is in the northern part of Argentine Patagonia. Its murky waters are rich in microorganisms that are delicacies for its diverse and abundant animal life. Penguins are amongst the seasonal residents of the peninsula. They are the most aquatic birds in the world. Somewhat clumsy on land, penguins “fly” underwater, full speed ahead at up to 15 miles per hour. Over half a million penguins come back from the Atlantic to reproduce in the land where they were born. The males come back first to get a head start on a nest. It’s the middle of August…...
Jean Charles Genet explains how the Flotation Room frees the brain of all of its memories from the beginning of your existence to now so you can become a Realized Being in a physical body...The goal of all Spirtual Beings.
The Iberian lynx is a wild cat that is in extreme danger of extinction. ▶ SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/PlanetDoc Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday! ▶FULL DOCUMENTARIES | http://planetdoc.tv/playlist-full-documentaries ▶FACEBOOK | http://bit.ly/FBPDoc ▶TWITTER | http://bit.ly/TwPDoc ▶TUMBLR | http://bit.ly/TbPlDoc There are still privileged places where nature continues on its way, changes and evolves as it always has. Places such as the Doñana National Park, in southern Spain, where hundreds of species live governed only by the laws of nature and the pace of the changing seasons. The river Guadalquivir, at the point at which it pours into the Atlantic ocean, in south-west Andalusia, has created a series of ecosystems that have together been declared a World Heritage ...
An appanage or apanage or French: apanage is the grant of an estate, title, office, or other thing of value to a younger male child of a sovereign, who would otherwise have no inheritance under the system of primogeniture.It was common in much of Europe.The system of appanage greatly influenced the territorial construction of France and the German states, and explains why many of the former provinces of France had coats of arms which were modified versions of the king's arms. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in video