Act For Freedom Now!

actforfree-nostate (3)

March 4, 2016
by actforfreedom

Statement of Nikos Maziotis about the decision in the 2nd trial of the Revolutionary Struggle case.-Greece

Whether outside or inside prison the struggle for us is a matter of honor and dignity and will continue.

The revolutionary struggle continues.  NIKOS MAZIOTIS

Translated by Act for freedom now!
Order has been restored. The lenders, the EU, the ECB, the IMF, the USA,
the transnational economic elite, the ranks of the “institutions” can
now rest easy that their puppets, the greek judges, using me as an
example sentenced me to life because I blew up the building of the Bank
of Greece -a branch of the European Central Bank- where the office of
the representative of the IMF is also. The leftist government of Syriza,
which is so sensitive in matters of “terrorism” can also rest easy
because it made guarantees to the lenders that the memorandum programs
can continue to be seamlessly enforced when the internal enemy is being
oppressed with the “necessary strictness”.
As an anarchist, when I made the choice of armed revolutionary action, I
knew the price of this choice could be a heavy conviction or even death
in a clash with the police just like when it almost happened at
Monastiraki in July 2014  or like when it did happen in Dafni on March 10th 2010
when the member of the Revolutionary Struggle, comrade Lambros
Foundas, was killed. But the price of the struggle and my choices never
scared me, not even now with the decision of the judges of the 2nd trial of the R.S.
who sentenced me to life plus 129 years.
It was something that I expected as a possibility from judges that
showed their intentions from the start. When the enemy shows such fury,
it honors me especially because it proves how correct my choices are,
the correctness of fighting opting to use weapons against a criminal
regime that robs and has left hecatombs of dead people.
The life sentence for the bombing against the supervision directorate of
the Bank of Greece, an act with a warning call, with no injuries but
only with material damages, proves the fury of the servants of the state
and the puppets of the transnational elite because we did not surrender,
we did not go back to prison after our arrests in 2010 and our release
because of the end of the 18 month detention period, because we chose
clandestinity in order to continue the armed struggle, because we
continued the action of the Revolutionary Struggle.
This decision does not intend to terrorize me –because they know they
will never break me- but those who will want to choose the armed
struggle, the comrades of the anarchist-antiauthoritarian milieu and the
militant social groups. This decision proves the imbalance with the 1st trial
of the Revolutionary Struggle where for 16 actions of the
organization me and Pola Roupa were sentenced to 50 years while in the
2nd trial for one bomb attack with a warning call and no injuries, I was
sentenced to life and for the cases of the two expropriation of banks
and the armed clash with police in Monastiraki the sentence is a total
of 129 years.
The fury of the judges of the 2nd trial becomes more obvious considering
it convicted me arbitrarily with the charge of “managing”, something
that was rejected in the first trial. This decision will not scare me in
any way. I am a lifelong militant of the struggle for Revolution, the
subversion of Capital and the State. I willingly give my life for this
Comrades do not fear them and counter-attack.
The struggle continues until the last breath.

March 4, 2016
by actforfreedom


 March 3rd 2016  In the end the judges and prosecutor in the 2nd trial of the R.S.
implemented the orders they received from the anti-terrorist force with
excess zeal.
Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to life plus 129 years as well as a 20.000
euro fine.
Pola Roupa was sentenced to 11 years for various misdemeanors (she will
tried for the felonies when and if she is caught).
Adonis Staboulos was sentenced to 13 years.
Giorgos Petrakakos was sentenced to 36 years as well as 9.000 euro fine.

March 4, 2016
by actforfreedom

Sainte-Colombe-en-Bruilhois (Lot-et-Garonne): Difficult to advance for Vinci

Posted on February 12, 2016 by Attaque
 Translated by Act for freedom now!
Sud Ouest / February 12, 2016
Technopôle Agen-Garonne : works stopped by the zadistes again. They are still there this Friday morning at Sainte-Colombe-en-Bruilhois. The site is already a week behind. On the construction site of the remediation of the future Technopole Agen-Garonne, on the D 296 and begun there a little over three weeks ago, the days follow one after the other in the same way.

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March 4, 2016
by actforfreedom

CAM Continues Acts of Sabotage against Forestry Companies in so-called Chile

The Arauco Malleco Coordinator of Communities in Conflict (CAM) communicate the following to the Mapuche Nation and public opnion:
Kiñe: We, as the Williche Kalfulikan Organization of Territorial Resistance ORT– CAM, claim the action against forestry equipment belonging to Arauco Forestry Inc., which was carried out on the mourning of February 9th at the Lo Suarez estate in the township of Lanco.
Epu: At the same time, we claim another action of sabotage by the Nagche Pelentaro ORT-Cam against the forestry companies of the area of Capitan Pastene, Lumaco, which extracted lumber from the Choque estate exiting in the area of Relum.

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March 4, 2016
by actforfreedom

Béziers, France: At père Ménard the cops are made to run

Posted on February 8, 2016 by Attaque
Translated by Act for freedom now! beziers
Midi Libre / Friday, February 5, 2016
Police officers were aimed at and stoned by several groups of individuals, on the night of Thursday 4 to Friday, February 5, in the district of La Devèze, Beziers.
Thursday, February 4, at 21.00, two garbage containers in the parking lot of the nursery staff of La Farandole, were set on fire. The fire engulfed the gas and electricity safety systems. Thick smoke poured through the false ceiling and engulfed the building. Despite the rapid intervention of fire-fighters who immediately ventilated the rooms, the nursery could not open on Friday morning: the heating does not work, the premises need to be cleaned and the shutters of the building entrance have been torn off …

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March 2, 2016
by actforfreedom

Athens, Greece: Announcement of the occupation at Gini Building in Athens Polytechnic

At Monday afternoon 29/02/2016, after an initiative of Themistocleous 58 squat and with collaboration with solidaritarians, we occupied the Gini building at Athens Polytechnic, in order to provide shelter to refugee families that at this moment are being tossed at Victoria Square.
We invite groups, collectives and individuals to support effectively the occupation for the purpose of turning this building to a center of struggle and resistance against the states and their borders.


Open assembly at Tuesday 01/03/2016 at 18:00 inside the Gini Building at Athens Polytechnic (Entrance from Stournari St, Exarchia)

March 2, 2016
by actforfreedom

Italy – Anarchists Niccolò Blasi and Claudio Alberto are free!

After Mattia,  Claudio and Niccolò were also released from house arrest a few days ago and are now free without restrictions.
Chiara is still under house arrest as her situation is different from that of her three comrades. A few months ago she was served with a Special Surveillance order implying compulsory residence, but this has been suspended and is to be enforced only when Chiara is released from house arrest. An appeal was made against the order and the court will soon decide about revoking, modifying or confirming ‘their’ Special Surveillance.
We’re also waiting for news concerning Lucio, Francesco and Graziano, who have recently submitted a request for release.
From macerie
Translated by act for freedom now

March 2, 2016
by actforfreedom

Turkey – Letter from imprisoned vegan anarchist Osman Evcan

sisyphus_by_o__v-d66ox90Letter From Osman Evcan!
From ABC Istanbul:
I wish everyone healthy, pleasant, free lives, I send my love and greetings.
I was exiled from Kocaeli No 1 F Typ prison on 05.02.2016 and taken to Silivri prison by force.
Our VEGAN ALIMENTATION RIGHT, which we have obtained through hunger strike in Kocaeli No:1 F Type Prison is totally usurped and destroyed in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison, which I have been exiled=transferred to. The aim of this exile=transfer was to practice the violation of right in Silivri No:6 L Type Prison. This planned scheme is put into action in this prison.
From the day I have arrived to this prison, I have faced violation of rights. To put an end to these inhumane practices and violation of rights; I have written petitions heaps of times. Till this moment, none of my petitions are answered. The violation of rights neither have ended, they are still going on.
The meetings, dialogues we have been doing for the last 15 days and the petition letters we have written to end the violation of rights have not yielded any results. The violations of rights are still present. I have started the indefinite hunger strike protest today (22nd February 2016) to resist the practiced usurpation of rights, violation of rights and the restitution of our humanitarian rights. I will continue my hunger strike until the violation of rights end and our humanitarian vital rights are restituted.
The demands of my Indefinite Hunger Strike Protest;
1- The right of vegan alimentation which we have obtained through hunger strike in Kocaeli No:1 F Type Prison is completely destroyed.
Yet entitlement of this right is acquired through Indefinite Hunger Strike Protest and through the support and solidarity protests of public opinion. This right is legitimate, legal, judicial and is a fundamental right of human. Continue Reading →

March 1, 2016
by actforfreedom

Czech Republic – Prague – Police cars set on fire with solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák

Sun, 28 Feb 2016 We receive and spread:
Communique: Police cars set on fire with solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák.

A fire of two police cars took place on 14th February 2016 right by the police office at Nad Úpademstreet. The fire itself was initiated by time flammable device. The network of revolutionary cells (SRB) – Solidarity subversion cell, is responsible for this sabotage. The cars were set on fire in solidarity with anarchist Martin Ignačák. He is being held in Prague – Pankrác prison, where he is being tortured.

Martin, as a fighter against capitalism is facing attacks from those, who want to keep the continuity of capitalism exploitation. Prisoning is one of those attacks. The other one then is refusing to give him the food he needs. Martin is vegan and he has good reasons for being so. He doesn’t want to eat bodies of unnecessary killed animals. He also doesn’t want to eat eggs, milk and other products from which the animals suffered. Before he was taken into custody he was eating only plant based food, that means vegan food. And the prison administration doesn’t respect it. They’re refusing to give him vegan food, although vegan food is a part of the prison administration’s rules, not to mention that the other prisoned vegans are being given vegan food with no problem at all. Martin is in no doubt being tortured, and it can lead to a very serious health problems or death.

These torturing methods that are used against Martin Ignačák are unacceptable. We don’t believe that it will help if we just ask the institution of state, because they’re part of the problem. So anarchists are rather choosing direct action. Solidarity expressed in subversive activity against structures, that torture our comrade and makes sure the capitalism continues. Police is a part of these structures. That’s why the sabotage was on their cars, because the cars are technologies that help with oppression.

Martin Ignačák is now waiting in prison for the official court process. On spectacle where the society will be scared away by terrorism and extremism – the words, that the state’s servants like to use when they speak about anarchism so that the emancipation substance would be hidden from people that otherwise have a lot of reasons to rage with us.

The official court process will for sure be a big demonstration of power. Theater scene in which the main character will be a big monster that everyone is afraid of. This role will be played by the states and their servants. There are no doubts, that the verdict was already said a long time ago. Martin Ignačák was sentenced to die. And it’s starting off by not giving him the food he needs to survive. The network of revolutionary cells will not tolerate this. Our subversion will be present until we won’t get what we want. In the short term horizon, we want dignity for Martin Ignačák. In a long time horizon, we want to destroy the system that makes us and Martin lose our dignity.

Solidarity with Martin Ignačák!

Solidarity with everyone who is facing oppression from the state!

Solidarity subversion cell / The network of revolutionary cells (SRB) – 14. 2. 2016

March 1, 2016
by actforfreedom


cmsFebruary 29, 2016
Today the French government began its threatened eviction of 3,500 people living in the south half of the Calais Jungle. They came in hard with 50 vans of CRS riot police, water cannon and tear gas, followed by a demolition crew with crowbars and bulldozers. By the end of the day, just a small part of the south zone was cleared, but the police will hope that this display of brute force convinces others to leave “voluntarily”. They are expected to be back tomorrow to continue the eviction, which may last for weeks.
Will we just sit by and watch? Today people of the jungle braved the brutal force of the French state. Some occupied the rooftops of shacks, or fought back with stones against tear gas, rubber bullets, and truncheons. The least we can do is make a show of solidarity here in London, to show the people of the Jungle that they are not alone, and the French government that its brutality will not go unnoticed or unanswered.
We call for a demonstration tomorrow evening 7.30PM at the Institut Français, 17 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2DT. Near the Science and Natural History museums, South Kensington tube.
The Institut Français is the “shop window” of the French government in London, where it showcases French cinema, cuisine, culture and business. It is open in the evenings with a bistro, films and other events held every night. We propose bringing banners, signs and messages to show that our thoughts are with the people of the jungle; and that the French government cannot get away with painting an image of “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” whilst sending in the CRS to destroy people’s homes and lives.
Please spread far and wide.

February 29, 2016
by actforfreedom

Barcelona – Call for insurrectionary solidarity with anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar.


The next 8, 9 and 10 March 2016 anarchist comrades Monica and Francisco will be facing trial at the national audience of Madrid.
From Barcelona we are making a call for solidarity and anarchist action, a call to break with inaction, passivity and waiting.
The call is not limited to a specific week but starts today and lasts until the end of the trial.
Neither distance nor imposed borders have been a brake on the various proofs of solidarity with comrades Monica and Francisco.
Whether in various places of the world, be it with bombs, fire and riots, many individuals and insurgent groups have made solidarity with the anarchist prisoners a practice of confrontation towards the State and its henchmen.
Let’s give our solidarity to comrades Monica and Francisco, may solidarity be more than a written word.
To write to them:
Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda
C.P. Villabona
Tabladiello Finca s / n
33422 Villabona-Llanera
Francisco Solar Dominguez
C.P. Villabona
Tabladiello Finca s / n
33422 Villabona-Llanera

February 29, 2016
by actforfreedom


On the afternoon of Friday, February 26th 2016, an initiative of
individuals from the occupation on Themistokleous street 58 and comrades
in solidarity (about 20 in total) went outside the Uruguayan embassy in
Kifissia, as an answer to the international call for actions against the
eviction of autonomous social centre La Solidaria in Montevideo.
With a banner, flyers and chanting in several languages we disrupted,
even if just symbolically, the bourgeois normality of Kifissia and we mad
it clear to the employees of the Uruguayan state that our comrades in
Montevideo are not alone.
Strength to those who defend the La Solidaria occupation!
Anarchist struggle everywhere!

February 29, 2016
by actforfreedom

Update from prison struggle Initiative from 3rd wing of Koridallos prisons. – Greece

10389996_350584491773422_2130142434221072708_nThe justice ministry and the minister together with the wardens and the
directors of the prison are responsible for the situation in the prison
hospital as well as the prison itself. Recently a fellow prisoner of
ours died in the prison hospital.
No one should die behind bars. It is also known that demands have been made by those mobilizing in the prison, such as removing the current management, the fixing of the  electricity in the 4th wing, getting hot water and bring back the visits that are being cut. We ask that prisoners are not held at GADA (athens police headquarters) or the Metagogon (prisoner transfer detention centre).
We have had enough with authoritarianism.

February 28, 2016
by actforfreedom

Marseille: incendiary attack against luxury cars

Posted on February 27, 2016 by Attaque
 Translated by Act for freedom now


brussels Indymedia / Saturday, February 27, 2016
On the morning of Friday, February 26 at around 3:30, we made our way into a ‘secure’ private car park for a bobo building in the 7th, in Marseille, and set fire to two luxury cars. A box of firelighters was placed under a front tyre of each vehicle, which quickly caught fire before it burst into flames as we were leaving, bringing a brief “state of emergency” to the door of a few bourgeois.
 We dedicate this attack to the four fighters imprisoned by the Belgian state in the “maxi-prison trial” of 19 February, and to others accused in the same case.
 Fire to the prisons and the world they protect!
Persons unknown
 [Brussels, Belgium] Report on the trial against the destruction of the model of the maxi-jail
Translated by Act for freedom now
Brussels: Verdict in the maxi-jail model trial
 Four of those charged with the destruction of the model of the maxi-prison were sentenced to 10 months’ prison suspended for three years this Friday, February 19th at the first trial. In addition, the six accused each received a € 600 fine, for a total of € 3,600. The big incriminating factor for the prosecutor to convict them all is the fact that they refused to apologize about it.
This first instance conviction allows the Buildings Agency to bring criminal complaint for damages, it is claiming € 40,000 for damage.

February 28, 2016
by actforfreedom

Greece: Murderous attack against anarchists in Athens

CcRNLAtVAAAaNF-In the early morning hours of the 27th of February a murderous attack took place at Exarcheia square against three squatters of the Occupied Social Centre ”Vox” by members of the drug trade. The attack of the mafia came after the intervention of comrades for a sexist comment made towards a girl.
As a result:
1) G.K. became the target of a murderous knife attack which was avoided as another comrade intervened
2) The second comrade was attacked with a knife on the head and as a consequence sustained a head injury
3) The third comrade was subjected to an extremely violent assault by a group of people and is currently hospitalized in critical condition due to a serious head trauma
As an initial response to the murderous attack initiated by the state paramilitary mafia we call everyone at the Polytechnic University of Athens tonight at 22:00 to stage an intervention at Exarcheia square.
(via Mpalothia, translated by BlackCat)

February 28, 2016
by actforfreedom

Italy – Tales from Trento

Two cell phone masts went up in flames in the night of Thursday 14th January in northern Trento. Forza Italia demanded the intervention of  the Ministry of the Interior against Trento anarchists, after the press attributed the arson to the latter.

On Saturday 16th January, in the centre of Trento, antiriot cops and carabinieri of the Laives battalion charged about sixty comrades on two occasions, as the comrades were challenging a march ‘against  degradation’ promoted by the Northern    League (below the poster  distributed in the following days).

The number of officers deployed on 19th January for the eviction of
Nave Assillo squat, an operation that went on from 6:45am to 9pm at via S. Pio X remained under siege (below the poster distributed in the  following days).

On Friday 22nd January a considerable group of workers and people in solidarity stormed the offices of Mak construction company in Lavis  (Trento) and made it clear to the owner – who turned up about an hour later – that they did not intend to accept the dismissal of a worker and the continuous  harassment inflicted on him and three other colleagues for refusing to sign a ontract
that made their working conditions worse. Outside the offices first
police and carabinieri vans and later even an antiriot squad made their
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February 28, 2016
by actforfreedom


Traducción al ingles del cuarto comunicado de ITS-Internacional, desde Argentina.
Traducción a cargo de “Chahta-Ima”.
“ITS is in Argentina” That was part of the message that we left along with an envelope full of blasting powder in the bus station of Retiro this past Monday, February 22nd. This act was silenced by the press, as has been the case with many others (1). In fact, for some days we have been warning the press as well as scientists of the presence of eco-extremism in this region. We would like to state that the more you silence our actions, the more focused they will become. You know that we have arms and explosives, as well as the addresses, phone numbers, schedules, and places of work, not just of all of you but also your families…
ITS does not yield before the accepted morality, and knows that you are either with Technology, or you are at war against it. The former will die as well as those on the fence.
We are the wild stars that have yet to be discovered, we are:
Individualists Tending Toward the Wild – Argentina
Wild Constellations
Forward, uncivilized internationalism!

February 28, 2016
by actforfreedom

Collateral damage: An Eco-Extremist Defense of Indiscriminate Violence

Collateral damage: An Eco-Extremist Defense of Indiscriminate Violence
For: Chahta-Ima

Merely being an eco-extremist propagandist, I am forced to pay attention to reactions of anarchist and leftist readers to the actions of ITS and other eco-extremist groups. The first reaction I encounter is usually one of disgust. How can eco-extremists carry out indiscriminate acts against
property and people, such as burning buses and sending mail-bombs, where “innocent bystanders” may also get hurt? What if a child was near a bomb, or what if the secretary to the scientist, a mother and a wife, opens the package and gets killed instead? Why this obsession with nihilistic violence, where innocent people get killed? Isn’t this ineffective for helping to destroy civilization? Doesn’t this just show that the eco-extremists are mentally disturbed, probably angry at their parents, off their medications, outcasts, etc.?

Really, the opposition of leftists, anarchists, anarcho-primitivists, and any number of people who react negatively to eco-extremist violence is one of great hypocrisy: hypocrisy of the level that Nietzsche and any good manipulator of words could easily dissect. For civilization, and any ideology really, is based on indiscriminate violence, on hiding dirty laundry and sweeping dirt under the rhetorical rug so no one can see it.
Let’s start with the numbers game:
Opposition to eco-extremist violence can be approached from the view of the Christian “Golden Rule”: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” You wouldn’t want to be blown up on a bus. You would not want to have your fingers blown off, or have a bullet put in your head when you are just “doing your job”. Everyone has the right to work and support themselves, Continue Reading →