- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 23178
A semitone, also called a half step or a half tone, is the smallest musical interval commonly used in Western tonal music, and it is considered the most dissonant when sounded harmonically. It is defined as the interval between two adjacent notes in a 12-tone scale (e.g. from C to C♯).
In a 12-note approximately equally divided scale, any interval can be defined in terms of an appropriate number of semitones (e.g. a whole tone or major second is 2 semitones wide, a major third 4 semitones, and a perfect fifth 7 semitones.
In music theory, a distinction is made between a diatonic semitone, or minor second (an interval encompassing two staff positions, e.g. from C to D♭) and a chromatic semitone or augmented unison (an interval between two notes at the same staff position, e.g. from C to C♯). These are enharmonically equivalent when twelve-tone equal temperament is used, but are not the same thing in meantone temperament, where the diatonic semitone is distinguished from and larger than the chromatic semitone (augmented unison.) See Interval (music)#Number for more details about this terminology.
The Distance may refer to:
In music:
Tones and Semitones
Semitone - Liquid Flights [DnBPortal.com]
Semitones and Whole Tones
Tones and Semitones explained
Piano Quickie 2: Semitones Explained
The magic of the semi tone - Practical Music Theory 02
Understanding Tones and Semitones in Music - 3
Major Scales using Tones & Semitones (whole-steps & half-steps)
Coma & Semitone - System
Coma ft. Semitone - System
A useful way to measure pitch is to work out how far apart two notes are in terms of their pitch. We already know about octaves as one measure of pitch, but what about for smaller steps up and down in pitch. To measure these distances we can talk about tones and semitones. On a keyboard instrument like a piano or organ each of the keys is one semitone apart. The distance between C and C#, for example, is one semitone. A tone is simply a distance in pitch of two tones. F to G, for example is a distance of a tone. Visit http://www.daveconservatoire.org to watch hundreds of free video music lessons just like this one and complete interactive exercises to practice your skills!
➔ Subscribe & support DnB Portal for more video sets http://bit.ly/DnB_PortalYT Prague / Cze / 12.08.2016 / Live / Cross Club / dnb / liquid / drum and bass ✖ DnB Portal ✖ ➔Visit http://dnbportal.com ➔Like http://fb.com/DNBportal.Music ➔Follow http://twitter.com/_DnBportal ➔Follow http://instagram.com/dnbportal ➔Follow http://soundcloud.com/dnbportal ✖ Cross Club ✖ FB: http://fb.com/crossclubprague Web: http://Crossclub.cz
Learn all about chromatic and diatonic semitones and whole tones. Hear them played on the piano and see them written on the music staff.
If you like my lessons don't forget to "LIKE" & subscribe. If you would like to see a specific video, please put a request in the comments box. Also, find me on Facebook! BAND - http://www.facebook.com/Just.Like.That.Band.QLD?fref=ts TEACHING - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ben-Sielaff-Music-Tuition/135992576582433?ref=ts&fref;=ts Ben explains how to work out tones and semitones from the chromatic scale and how it applies to the guitar. For more lessons visit www.bensielaff.com
In the second installment of the Piano Quickie series I'll explain what semitones are and how they are used to measure "distances" between notes. For the full Piano Quickie playlist, click here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP9cbwDiLzdKY0kV1hPE4zNosvz_Ur7wD The Piano Quickie series is aimed at beginning musicians who want to get a grasp of the fundamental points of music theory: notes, intervals, chords, chord inversions, scales and so forth. Made of short but richly illustrated piano lessons and tutorials, this series is ideal for teaching the basics of piano theory and playing without becoming overwhelming on the one hand, or too slow and boring on the other. Semitones Explained What is a semitone? A semitone is the "distance" between two adjacent keys on the piano, black ...
Learn how to understand what exactly tones and semitones are!
This video provides a beginners guide to creating major scales using tones and semitones (otherwise known as whole-steps and half-steps). The content is equivalent to grade 1 of the ABRSM (associated board of the Royal schools of music) music theory exams. Further videos about major and minor scales are available from www.musictheoryvideos.com It's important that viewers understand tones and semitones and can read notes on the treble clef stave before watching this video. MusicTheoryGuy has other videos available, on these topics, if required.
Signed to Flexout Audio. This track sees Coma collaborate with the Colombian Semitone. A mysterious intro builds elegantly, creating a cloud of darkness. When it hits you're struck with a wave of punchy half time drums that will definitely get you grooving. Coma: https://www.facebook.com/comaonline https://soundcloud.com/coma https://twitter.com/ComaSound Semitone: https://www.facebook.com/DjSemitone https://soundcloud.com/semitonemusic https://twitter.com/DjSemitone Flexout Audio: http://www.flexoutaudio.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/FlexoutAudio https://soundcloud.com/flexoutaudio https://twitter.com/flexoutaudio acidnbass: https://www.facebook.com/acidnbass https://twitter.com/acidnbass8 https://soundcloud.com/acidnbassdnb
Volvió sin rumbo intentando olvidar.
La pesadilla que vivió sin despertar.
Volvió cargando la gran pena de pensar.
Que desde ahora ya nada sería igual.
Porque vivió tristezas,
porque vivió miserias.
Y es que hoy nada puede hacer.
Buscó ayuda sin poderla encontrar.
Vivió un romance con la dura soledad.
Lloró recuerdos imposibles de olvidar.
Y lleva heridas que ya no van a sanar.
Porque vivió tristezas,
porque vivió miseria.
Y es que hoy nada puede hacer.
Porque vivió violencia,
porque gano pobreza.
Y acaba de perder la fe.
Porque vivió tristezas,
porque vivió violencia.
Y acaba de perder la fe,
porque vivio una guerra,
porque su alma es pena,
porque ya ha pasado el tren.