Rates Hike Six Times Level of Inflation

Edit Scoop 16 May 2016
The Auckland Ratepayers’ Alliance is slamming today’s decision by Auckland Council to agree to a 2016/2017 budget which would hike rates by six times the level of inflation. Jo Holmes, Spokesperson, says ... ....

An $85 Billion Industry Convinces Former Starbucks President To Move Into Healthcare (The Joint Corp)

Edit Public Technologies 16 May 2016
John Richards, the former president of North American Operations for the Starbucks Coffee Company, is enjoying his new role in healthcare as CEO of The Joint Corp ... Richards specializes in 'scalable concepts that define the experience.' ... And thus, in mid-2014 Richards made his move into the health market ... Richards, presently there is too much variation for patients in processing, assessment, treatment and payment ... John Richards....

Richard Ashcroft tickets

Edit Skiddle 16 May 2016
Roundhouse in London. Monday 16th May 2016. 7.00pm til 11.00pm. Minimum Age ... Richard Ashcroft ... These tickets are on sale for Richard Ashcroft ... Richard Ashcroft on Mon 16th May 2016. Richard Ashcroft Unreserved Standing ... ....

Richard Ashcroft

Edit Skiddle 16 May 2016
Richard Ashcroft delivers his first album in six years during dates in London and Manchester ... Richard Ashcroft on Mon 16th May 2016. Richard Ashcroft will make a much-awaited return ......

Sing Street preview + Q&A; + live music

Edit Skiddle 16 May 2016
Everyman Cinema in London. Monday 16th May 2016. 6.30pm til 11.30pm. Minimum Age. 18 ... Event Info. Venue.   ... Mentored by his older brother, a dropout who’s hip to cool tunes, Conor starts to compose lyrics and the glam-ish band finds its “no covers” groove ... 18 ... ....

Appendix 3E Daily Share Buy-Back Notice (GWA Group Limited)

Edit Public Technologies 16 May 2016
(Source. GWA Group Limited) Microsoft Word - ASX0516_Appendix 3E _16 May_ Appendix 3E Daily share buy-back notice. Appendix 3E. Daily share buy-back notice (except minimum holding buy-back and. selective buy-back). Information and documents given to ASX become ASX's property and may be made public. Name of entity ABN/ARSN. Rule 3.8A. GWA Group Limited. 15 055 964 380 ... Information about buy-back ... 74,889 ... Richard Thornton Date ... Richard Thornton....

Gophers whitewashed connection between recruits and booking basketball trip

Edit Topix 16 May 2016
The litany of failures on and off the court for Richard Pitino as the Gophers men's basketball coach has been repeated since his program was ripped publicly by university president Eric Kaler last Wednesday. There has been one item grossly underplayed in the Twin Cities media, ever since it was whitewashed by the university ... ....

London Contemporary Dance School In Performance

Edit Skiddle 16 May 2016
The talented students present a showcase of performance skills and choreographic innovation, featuring work by Richard Alston, Ori Flomin, Leila ......

Madame Butterfly

Edit Skiddle 16 May 2016
English National Opera - ENO in London. Monday 16th May 2016. 7.30pm. No age restrictions ... Event Info. Venue.   ... Conducted by Sir Richard Armstrong and Martin Fitzpatrick ... ....

Satisfaction for Rolling Stones fan as band appear at London exhibition

Edit Belfast Telegraph 16 May 2016
A lifelong Rolling Stones fan got more satisfaction than expected when he was surprised by the rockers at an exhibition about the band. Sir Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood and Charlie Watts met tourist Alex Emanuel as he was visiting Exhibitionism at the Saatchi Gallery in London. Share Go To ... Afterwards, he said ... It's not every day you get to meet your idols." ... ....

Natalie Bennett to step down as Green Party leader

Edit BBC News 16 May 2016
Natalie Bennett has announced she will stand down as leader of the Green Party in England and Wales this August, after four years at the helm of the party. Ms Bennett said she would not stand for re-election when her second two-year term in office expires this summer ... In a statement, Ms Bennett said ... Richard Mallender, chairman of the Green Party Executive, thanked Ms Bennett for "her outstanding leadership over the past four years." ... ....

‘Civil defence needs improvement’

Edit The Times of India 16 May 2016
Margao ... After he was nominated by the central government to participate in the first weapons of mass destruction (WMD), first responders operation training at Richard, Washington, USA, in 2002, Saini gave a presentation on 'Threat Perception to Parliament House against Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)', before the Parliament committee for security of Parliament in July 2002 ... Bookmark or read stories offline - Download the TOI app....

Is Buffett Jumping Into Web Stocks With Yahoo Deal? Not So Fast

Edit Bloomberg 16 May 2016
Warren Buffett is said to be backing a group bidding for Yahoo! Inc.’s core assets after famously staying on the sidelines through two Internet booms. Have his views changed?. Not necessarily ... “He has owned media and advertising businesses for 40 or 50 years,” said Richard Cook, who oversees about $350 million, including Berkshire shares, at Cook & Bynum Capital Management. “That’s something he knows.” ... Wrigley Jr. Co ... in the 1980s ... ....