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Spirit of Contradiction

offsite link Wailings about Left Unity Sat Feb 13, 2016 01:13 | James O'Brien

offsite link The Bern Manifesto: Why I am Voting for Bernie Sanders Wed Jan 27, 2016 23:59 | Jerome Nikolai Warren

offsite link Kautsky – The crisis of capitalism and the shortening of working time Mon Nov 09, 2015 22:34 | James O'Brien

offsite link How to do better things with words Fri Oct 23, 2015 07:38 | modulus

offsite link Syriza and Israel: Syriza’s response Thu Aug 20, 2015 18:10 | yeksmesh

Spirit of Contradiction >>

Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link Editing letters to the Irish Times

offsite link Stephen Collins: An enemy of my country Anthony

offsite link Elaine Byrne: Suffering from chronic naivety Anthony

offsite link Free speech under state attack in Ireland Anthony

offsite link Denis O’Brien: Are the sharks moving in for the kill? Anthony

Public Inquiry >>

The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link The next Presidential election: a meaningful choice for the first time? Thu Mar 10, 2016 02:42 | The Saker
I don’t vote.  For one thing – I don’t want to acquire the US citizenship.  But even if I had a US passport I would not vote for the following

offsite link International Military Review ? Syria, Mar. 9, 2016 Wed Mar 09, 2016 18:39 | The Saker

offsite link Crosstalk on Syria: Calm Before Storm? Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:55 | The Saker

offsite link France 24 channel interviews Ukraine?s Olena Zerkal who invokes Hitler and Himmler, by Scott Wed Mar 09, 2016 05:37 | Scott
On Saturday March 5th, 2016 France 24 aired an interview with Olena Zerkal for their show Talking Europe. France 24, a Hollande’s regime propaganda channel, names the Ukrainian deputy Foreign

offsite link Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/03/09 ? Open Thread Wed Mar 09, 2016 01:00 | Herb Swanson
2016/03/09 01:00:01 Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions

The Saker >>

Human Rights in Ireland

offsite link Remembering the Magdalene Women on International Womens? Day Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:40 | admin

offsite link Michelle Farrell on Freedom from Fear Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:47 | GuestPost

offsite link Brian Farrell on Freedom from Want Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:46 | GuestPost

offsite link Darcy on Freedom of Religion Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:45 | GuestPost

offsite link Keane on Freedom of Speech and Expression Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:43 | GuestPost

Human Rights in Ireland >>

Protesting against the CETA agreement in Ottawa (credit Council of Canadians)
international / economics and finance / press release Monday February 29, 2016 23:40 by FoE   text 1 comment (last - tuesday march 01, 2016 19:30)   image 1 image
Media advisory - For immediate release: Monday, 29 February 2016

Dangerous CETA deal must be rejected.

Promises from the EU and Canada that they have improved the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) are fooling no-one, according to Friends of the Earth Europe. It remains a dangerous agreement that gives special right to corporations and threatens our democracy and the environment, says the group.
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cork / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Saturday March 05, 2016 11:30 by Niamh Ui Thuama   text 2 comments (last - sunday march 06, 2016 09:14)   video 1 video file
The following was submitted to us by a reader of our blog, and a first time writer. Though it is somewhat different to the usual Rebel City posts it is nonetheless a relevant and poignant piece addressing a widespread and often overlooked problem – the negative effects on your mental health due to personal unfulfillment. Thank you to the writer, and keep up the good work.
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cork / disability issues / opinion/analysis Saturday March 05, 2016 11:22 by Graham
A personal account on living with the “common cold” of mental illnesses. read full story / add a comment
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax / opinion/analysis Friday March 04, 2016 13:37 by Paddy Hackett
Total abolition of water charges... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Friday March 04, 2016 04:34 by EU-nuch   image 1 image
There are a lot of rumblings now about Negative interest rates and the war on cash Lately.

Negative interest rates are when the bank actually charges you interest on the money "resting in your account"

in plainspeak, they will slowly rob your money. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / news report Wednesday March 02, 2016 06:52 by InterAksyon   image 2 images
MANILA - “Bernie Sanders would be good not only for the United States but for the Philippines and Asia,” Walden Bello told the US media after he chatted briefly with the candidate for Democratic Party presidential nomination in Waterloo, Iowa on Sunday, 13 December 2015.
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international / education / press release Monday February 29, 2016 22:30 by Laurence Cox
The MA CEESA (Community Education, Equality and Social Activism) took this year out to think about what we do and how we can do it better. We've been doing a lot of thinking and talking to people in that time and the result is that we're making some changes in the course while keeping the basic principles intact. read full story / add a comment
national / elections / politics / opinion/analysis Sunday February 28, 2016 11:44 by Paddy Hackett   text 12 comments (last - tuesday march 01, 2016 13:33)
The working class is politically and ideologically stagnant. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / news report Saturday February 27, 2016 02:22 by CHASE   image 5 images   video 1 video file
The Dutch company Indaver operates an incinerator in Duleek, Co. Meath and have lodged planning permission for another incinerator in Cork Harbour. In light of this the explosion of their plant in Netherlands today has significance for us here.

60 firefighters rushed to control an explosion at Indaver’s flagship Antwerp facility today (26 Feb 2016) in what was described by local fire services as a ‘municipal disaster’ as they shut down the nearby road tunnel and requested residents close doors and windows. read full story / add a comment
Proportion by Party of Election 2016 Candidates supporting a fracking ban
national / environment / press release Friday February 26, 2016 21:03 by kiff   image 2 images

35% of General Election candidates nationally have committed to supporting legislation to ban fracking. Details of party responses are as follows: read full story / add a comment
national / elections / politics / press release Friday February 26, 2016 13:12 by 1 of Indymedia   image 1 image
14 new off shore licenses issued in the dying days of a government – sound familiar? ?#?fracking? 2011

As the election squabble sideshow grabs the headlines, ownership of Irish natural resources is being handed over to foreign corporations

The Government has awarded oil and gas licences to companies including oil majors Eni, Exxon and Statoil, allowing them to explore for hydrocarbons off the coast of Ireland. read full story / add a comment
national / economics and finance / press release Thursday February 25, 2016 23:04 by pbp   image 1 image
The Sunday Business Post ran a story claiming that vulture funds who bought up the loan books of Irish financial institutions are likely to step up pressure for payment after the general election.

The report in the Sunday Business Post is a terrible warning of what is to come. Far from years where we enjoy a new ‘fiscal space’ there is more economic turmoil ahead.

US vulture funds were encouraged to come into this country to buy up debt at incredibly low prices. The debts of both mortgage holders and small business enterprises became another opportunity for profit making. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Thursday February 25, 2016 11:53 by Fracking Free Network
The “Sign the Pledge” campaign, coordinated by Fracking Free Network, is a big success. 154 candidates in this year’s General Election have so far personally signed the pledge against fracking! From all parties and from all constituencies, candidates have committed to support legislation that will ban fracking in Ireland. There is no doubt that the issue of fracking is now a national rather than a local issue. Candidates from Cork and Kerry, from Donegal and Dublin, from Galway and Wexford have indicated that they will work to ensure that fracking will never be introduced to Ireland. read full story / add a comment
national / elections / politics / feature Wednesday February 24, 2016 18:26 by T   text 3 comments (last - friday march 04, 2016 22:26)   image 5 images   1 attached file
The election cycle has come around yet again it is time to take a look at some of the issues being discussed and more importantly those not discussed and have a quick look at the economy.

For this election there are more independents going up than ever before, although people should be warned that a certain fraction of them are closet FFers and FGers so if it is change you are looking for, they may not be the candidates to vote for. Sometimes people seemed to assume Independents tend to be more to the Left. There is no inherent reason this should be the case and statistically one would expect them to evenly spread to the Left and Right. So if voting for an Independent then be sure you have checked what they really stand for and their previous record if any. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / press release Tuesday February 23, 2016 23:10 by Shannonwatch
A total of 116 candidates have committed to restoring Ireland's neutrality in response to a Peace Pledge drafted by the main peace and anti-war groups in Ireland. These candidates have said they will only support or join a Government that is prepared to end the US military use of Shannon Airport. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Tuesday February 23, 2016 11:43 by Robert J. Long
The hidden agenda behind the migrant crisis.

- Destroy "National hegemony"

-European super-state

-Cultural Marxism / Kalergi-Coudenhove read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / press release Monday February 22, 2016 21:11 by Séan ÓMurchú
The 95th Annual Clonmult Martyrs Commemoration took place in Midleton on Sunday 21st February 2016.

The Commemoration gathered at 2:30pm outside the Courthouse, Main Street, Midleton where a colour party comprising members of the Republican Movement – Cork and Cumann na mBan - Cork assembled.
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international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Monday February 22, 2016 11:36 by Stop TTIP   text 1 comment (last - saturday february 20, 2016 10:27)   image 1 image   1 attached file
Monday 22nd February, 2016 – Ahead of the 12th round of TTIP negotiations, 280 civil society organisations from across Europe, with the support of US and Canadian groups, have called on the European Commission and the United States Trade Representative to eliminate the Investor State Dispute Mechanism (ISDS) and its so-called replacement, the Investor Court System (ICS), from the TTIP, CETA and all other trade agreements. The issue comes back to the negotiating table after a two-year impasse. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Saturday February 20, 2016 10:07 by Vince McGreal
In 1932, Ireland ratified the United Nations’ Convention Concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour (1930). The Convention defines forced labour as "all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.”
Eighty-four years later, Ireland is in breach of that convention. read full story / add a comment
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax / opinion/analysis Wednesday February 17, 2016 23:17 by right2water
We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible.’ An affirmation that should, by now, be familiar to most of us. read full story / add a comment
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offsite link Build gardens not prisons Tue Sep 08, 2015 17:53 | anon | en

offsite link Maximus: Same Circus, Different Clowns Thu Mar 05, 2015 21:42 | solidarity collective | en

offsite link Police serve Bytemark with production order for Bristol Indymedia information Mon Sep 01, 2014 19:58 | UK Indymedia | en

offsite link Police action against Bristol Indymedia Thu Aug 28, 2014 17:27 | UK Indymedia | en

offsite link Stop NATO Cymru Week of Action / Wythnos o Weithredu Stop NATO Thu Jul 31, 2014 17:04 | Stop NATO Cymru and Anarchist Action Network | en

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