Vehicle belonging to construction multinational torched in Madrid

From Liberación Total (September 12, 2011):

This morning, a van belonging to the multinational “construction company” PERI was torched. PERI is one of the most powerful companies in the construction industry, which is dedicated to destroying the Earth through the building of highways, power stations, etc.

We no longer recognize life, colonized as it is by science and technology. Nor can we talk about life skills, as the dead have replaced the living. In this tomb of cement and sugar, we are surrounded by millions of dead objects. The nanotechnology and biotechnology industries are the new dictatorships to be toppled. They are the new masters of the world, patenting life and imposing a form of nonlife devoid of any kind of autonomy. In the war against them, we must arm ourselves with every possible method and attack incessantly. We recognize a part of nature in ourselves, and we fight against whomever would take away and destroy that nature. There is no time to lose. Our desire and passion will put an end to everything that dominates us.

Civilization (not anarchy!!!!) is the highest expression of order. Therefore, instead of the order and control that drive us to madness, we embrace chaos, individuality, and the uniqueness of every living thing.

Whoever talks about revolution and class struggle without critiquing science and technology has a corpse in their mouth.

For Billy, Silvia, Costa, Marco, and our insurgent brothers and sisters in Chile, Greece, Mexico, etc.

And if your heart isn’t broken by the knowledge of what they are doing to the world we love, then I feel sorry for you. Maybe you’re no longer alive. But if the death of the planet we love makes you cry, then take those tears and turn them into action.

—Rod Coronado

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One response to “Vehicle belonging to construction multinational torched in Madrid”

  1. frank long says :

    briliant writing and theory

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