1) (a)
Condensation trails (WATER VAPOUR) form at elevations well over 30,
000 feet, and closer to 35,000 feet.
1) (b) Condensation trails dissipate in less than a minute, and never grow in size to take the sun out of the picture as condensation (WATER VAPOUR) evaporates very quickly. This means that contrails -- or WATER VAPOUR TRAILS - are hundreds of feet in length, and not miles across the sky. Contrails do not spread out, getting larger, rather CONTRAILS -- or VAPOUR TRAILS - evaporate, getting smaller, disappearing altogether.
1) (c)
Chemical trails are laid out and linger, spread out, and when the population is repeatedly sprayed, chemical trails eventually block the suns rays, many of which are critical for life on earth (UV light).
1 (d)
Chemtrails never evaporate because they are not VAPOUR TRAILS, rather, chemtrails diffuse and spread out and block the sun, and also leave a chemical blanket overhead -- blocking sun, and trapping in heat. Both are dangerous and risk life. DISNOSAURS became extinct from the same scenario.
1 (e) A
PILOT STATES: "It takes -70 F degrees below, and 60% humidity to make them (condensation trails). I have seen aircraft making trails in the air
...that were several thousand feet lower than some planes not making trails at 22,000 feet."
1 (f)) A PILOT STATES: The "
CAVU" rating has not been given to pilots for several years now. (CAVU =
1) (g)There are literally millions of photos of chemical trails in a parallel configuration, as well as a TIC-TAC-TOE pattern. This goes against the flight enroute paths of designated routes in the sky as enroute flight paths are not parallel nor gridlike all over the map. The white trails (CHEMTRAILS) we actually now see do not conform to travel along designated enroute flight paths. The spraying of chemicals over populations is an intentional act that is premeditated.
1) (h) The chemical trails are also seen in grid or parallel patterns - even in WARNING airspace, RESTRICTED airspace, which would require intervention by the air force, and
NORAD. Since we do not hear about such interventions, the military and NORAD approves of such chemical spraying operations over the populations by aircraft.
1) (i) Chemical trails have taken the form of 1) long lines across the sky, 2) ON/
OFF lines, 3) parallel lines, 4) TIC-TAC
TOE grids.
None are engine failure situations.
2) It takes about
100 nautical miles for a commercial plane to climb to 30,000 feet - still not altitudes for condensation trails, and it takes about 100 nautical miles for a commercial plane to go from 30,000 feet to landing - meaning, there should be no condensation trails from that plane for about 100 nautical miles from an airport.
Flight traffic within 30 nautical miles of major airports would all be less than 15,000 feet as air traffic is either coming in for a landing, or just taking off. There should be no trails from these aircraft unless they are chemical sprayers
Pilots are reporting unidentifiable aircraft above and below them - aircraft is not showing up on their system, or their personal devices. The transponders of those unidentifiable aircraft are not sending signals.
Chemical trails are laid out at the same altitudes - meaning that when a spraying operation is ongoing, they are laid out at one altitude region. NONSPRAYING normal commercial aircraft in the sky are at many separation altitudes.
Air traffic controllers know that chemtrails have been sprayed for years. Controllers give blocks of airspace that is protected -- free to do whatever the pilots of those aircraft want to do or commanded to do. This ensures that no other PILOT witnesses are available to witness chemtrail spraying.
4) (a) In the Civil
Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act --
.html - the following is important as to WHO knows:
Marginal note:
Binding on
Her Majesty
3. This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of
Canada or a province.
Marginal note:Aircraft
4. This Act applies in respect of every aircraft in
Canadian airspace or any other airspace in respect of which Canada has responsibility for the provision of air traffic control services.
4) (b) In the
Criminal Code of Canada: under section 2 -- definitions:
Canadian Forces" means the armed forces of Her Majesty raised by Canada
4) (c)
Canadian Criminal Code section 467.11 --
Participation in activities of criminal organization
467.11 (1) Every person who, for the purpose of enhancing the ability of a criminal organization to facilitate or commit an indictable offence under this or any other
Act of Parliament, knowingly, by act or omission, participates in or contributes to any activity of the criminal organization is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.
- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 409