Submission Guideline


Submit to Adbusters and stoke the fire of your inquisitive mind

We publish the most provocative, emotionally stirring and heretical ideas in the geopolitical, environmental, psychological, activist and social arenas.

We’re looking for the radical transformations needed for a collective future … a future that computes at an economic, ecological and spiritual level. Critical perspectives on the fate of modernity, the spell of reason and mental environmentalism are encouraged. Writing with a right cortex spark and a broad stroke of irrationality is given extra close attention. Essays, poems, rants, articles, features, spoofs, art, photos, designs, graffiti, scribbles, jams and mindbombs – all forms welcome.

Imagine your ideas on the newsstands throughout the English speaking world – America, Canada, India, South Africa, Australia, Britain and a few other rebel outposts in Latin America, Europe and Asia. Strut your stuff alongside today’s leading revolutionary intellectuals and imaginative writers, John Ralston Saul, Chris Hedges, Susan George, Bill Mckibben, Margaret Atwood, Simon Critchly, Antonio Negri … Use your words and give the world an epiphany it hasn’t yet heard.

Some basic ground rules:

Adbusters distributes worldwide. The theme and thrust of your piece should apply beyond your own backyard. Be sure to read a few back issues of the magazine to get a sense of our attitude and style. We’re a bi-monthly magazine so your work must have a philosophical and topical shelf-life far beyond the date of your submission. Pitches, drafts and completed works are welcome. We read all submissions and will contact those whose ideas fit the bill.

 By Email: [email protected]     By Mail: Attn: Editor


Art Submissions

  1. Send us your pictures, photos, activist posters, sketches, culture jamming projects, subverts, anarchist designs: We want to see snapshots of your mental environment.
  2. All jpegs should be 72dpi, and big enough for us to see without squinting. Do not send huge files that take forever to load.
  3. Prints should be duplicates or color copies since we do not return submissions. We also accept works on CD. If your artwork is large, it should be documented and submitted as photographs or emailed jpegs.
  4. Please label all your work clearly with your name and contact information. If we like your work, we would also like to credit you.
  5. If we like your submission, we will contact you. It may take months, so be patient.
  6. Submissions will not be returned. No exceptions, so do not send originals.
 By Email: [email protected]     By Mail: Attn: Art Department, (mark envelope “No Commercial Value” for customs purposes)

ABTV Submissions

We welcome short video, flash and audio submissions to ABTV. These could be subvertisements, social marketing messages, spoof ads, activist mini-docs, breaking news, direct actions, TV campaigns or counterculture art.

 By Email: [email protected]
Please include your contact information, title information and how you would like to see it credited if it is your own original work.