- published: 26 May 2011
- views: 21892
Jewish quota was a percentage that limited the number of Jews in various establishments. In particular, in 19th and 20th centuries some countries had Jewish quotas for higher education, a special case of Numerus clausus.
Jewish educational quotas could be statewide law or adopted only in certain institutions, often unofficially. The limitation took the form of total prohibition of Jewish students, or of limiting the number of Jewish students so that their share in the students' population would not be larger than their share in the general population. In some establishments, the Jewish quota placed a limit on growth rather than set a fixed level of participation to be achieved.
According to historian David Oshinsky, on writing about Jonas Salk, "Most of the surrounding medical schools (Cornell, Columbia, Pennsylvania, and Yale) had rigid quotas in place. In 1935 Yale accepted 76 applicants from a pool of 501. About 200 of those applicants were Jewish and only five got in." He notes that Dean Milton Winternitz's instructions were remarkably precise: "Never admit more than five Jews, take only two Italian Catholics, and take no blacks at all." As a result, Oshinsky added, "Jonas Salk and hundreds like him" enrolled in New York University instead.
Ethiopian Jews
The Relationship Between Blacks and Jews
Jewish Money Control ... Loan Enslavement And Debt
Daniel Moshe Johnson "destruction of a Jewish Temple in Ottawa, CD".
Escaping Hitler's Grasp: The Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews (1999)
Rent In Exchange for Medical School Admission: "Numerus clausus" & Racial Quotas in Interwar Poland
Hungary's Muslims and Jews see no problem taking in refugees
Demo in support of 20,000 Jews who wish to live in Israel
Bruce discusses the archive of a Jewish family who escaped Nazi Germany.
Did 6 Millions Jews Die in the Holocaust? | WW2
In November 2010, the Israeli government voted to no longer sponsor Ethiopian immigration. It will only fly in 8,000 more Ethiopian Jews over the course of four years. Such a quota has not been placed on any other group of immigrant Jews making Aliya, the Zionist journey back to what they see as their ancestral homeland.
"The naïve might still suppose that Jews en masse are still promoting racial foolishness judged by who defends weird racial quota lawsuits or which professors assault politically incorrect research ... Nevertheless, if one observes closely and talks frankly, nearly all Jews grow more sensible regarding their true interests ... The historical Jewish-black passionate alliance is evolving into a historical relic in Jewish consciousness. This abnormal infatuation certainly posses no allure for orthodox Jews, the fastest growing Jewish community. Crown Heights (and the lingering secret disdain for the Schwartza) now overshadow the Freedom Marches, though these heretical thoughts remain silent—why risk a klop in kopf? [hit on the head] Continued assimilation (hastened by soaring inter-marriage) ...
How they control your money, buy your politicians, cost you money in endless illegal wars and control your economy. They enslave nations with debt, this EU enforced Immigrant "Quota" Invasion comes with IMF Debt that will cost you your National Treasures, Gold, Sovereignty and Borders, this is how they destroyed Greece and The Ukraine, stole their assets and Privatised Key areas! This is how they are turning Europe into a Zionist ran Communist State, Hitler was forced to go to war for the same reasons and against the same people ... Banksters! Europe now sees a shift to the Far-Right in defence of their rights and freedoms from this Invasion and Oppression our so called leaders rain down upon us. Our young have been cast aside - low quality education and no future job prospects due to ...
Video filmed in Ottawa as the diminished Jewish community of Ottawa succumbs to a low membership congregation quota. It's a shame to see houses of Jewish worship post holocaust be torn down and sold for other purposes. This facility was massive and was built like a bunker. Well, maybe this is a sign to look to Zion. Shalom Aleichem Daniel Moshe Johnson
The Bulgarian government under tsar Boris III acted, to a large extent, as a puppet to Nazi Germany. The rise of Hitler saw an increasingly radicalised Bulgaria, as it eventually adopted German antisemite and zionist policies. Bulgaria's alliance with Germany at the onset of World War II placed the former into a position of obedience and conformity. In addition, the Bulgarian government was overridden with politicians that held pro- fascist and anti- democratic sentiments Such was the case of Prime Minister Bogdan Filov, who, on October 8, 1940, marginalised the country's Jewry by passing the Law for the Protection of the Nation( Zakon za Zashtita na Naciyata), which restricted the rights and activities of Jews.[2] Another crucial figure in the antisemite movement in Bulgaria was Alexander...
Alex Lauterbach, a retired chemist, describes the growing antisemitism in his Krakow neighborhood during his childhood, and the "numerus clausus" quotas that curtailed the number of Jews allowed to matriculate at university. To learn more about the Yiddish Book Center’s Wexler Oral History Project, visit: http://www.yiddishbookcenter.org/tell-your-story
How will they fit in? What influence will religion have? Refugees entering Hungary by the thousands might want to move on, to Germany or Sweden, but the EU's quota distribution system will restrict their choice. Hungary will end up granting asylum to some, with all sides needing to adapt. The great majority of the refugees are Muslims. The Christian-based societies of Central and Eastern Europe have limited experience of Muslim communities of any size, and of course the same goes for the Jewish… READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/10/06/hungary-s-muslims-and-jews-see-no-problem-taking-in-refugees What are the top stories today? Click to watch: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSyY1udCyYqBeDOz400FlseNGNqReKkFd euronews: the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe! http:/...
1. Wide shot of demonstration 2. Mid shot of demonstrators holding banners: "Let my people come" and "Bring them home" 3. Close up of orthodox Jew watching demonstration 4. Various of demonstrators holding photos of Jewish relatives in Ethiopia 5. Police standing at cordon 6. SOUNDBITE: (English) Abraham Nagosi, Director of Association of Gathering and Absorption of Ethiopian Jews in Israel: "In the time when Israel is calling every Jew to immigrate to Israel the government set up a quota, a quota, an ethnic quota only for Ethiopian Jews. This is unacceptable. This is a discrimination. That is why we are demonstrating against this policy." 7. Banner: "Our Children in Ethiopia Love Israel Too: Bring Them Home!" 8. Wideshot of demonstrators marching 9. People chanting, holding up ...
Remarkable and highly important archive covering over a century in an era that saw two world wars, the rise of Nazism in Germany, the persecution and eventual genocide of the Jews, the founding of the Jewish state of Israel, and the rise of post-war America into a prosperous superpower. Included in the archive are over 500 letters between family members, friends, acquaintances, and other refugees from Germany, about 150 of them from Palestine and Israel; over 200 documents relating to Alfred Schnurmann and his daughter Marion, including his attempts to emigrate from Germany in the late 1930s; approximately 1000 photographs, 400 or more from Germany before and during World War II; plus various other items, all housed in a wooden trunk measuring 63x92x48 cm. (24¾x36¼x19"). The crucial events...
Six million murdered Jews in a "Holocaust" is a Talmudic topic, a Jewish religious metaphor for disaster, distributed for centuries, without any concrete base. The IMT at Nuremberg in 1945, re-enacted this number taken as 'evidence' two bad "hearsay witnesses", whom supposed "spokesman" Eichmann called "phantasts". There was and is no justification for this now by historians called 'symbolic' number. The religious character of it is confirmed by the current political and dogmatic Stalinist fixation and the rather inquisitorial persecution of critics in many Western countries. All this suffices to speak of this fixed quota as a religious myth. However, to deal for good with this Talmudic mantra, I give Ten concrete proofs of the fallacy of this obligatory imposed and far too high number. N...
Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery continue their incredible documentation of Jewish supremacist discrimination against non-Jews in the pinnacle of America's elite universities, and the elevation of unqualified and less qualified non-Jews over better qualified European American and Asian American students. They show how the discrimination is far worse than the alleged discrimination against Jews in the quotas of some univerisities. In fact they show that the quotas were only discriminatory in the sense of lessening the pro-Jewish racism of the elite institutions. For instance the quota of 15 percent Jewish students at Havard gave them representation at 5 times their population percentage. At the end of the program Dr. Duke reveals how Jews at Harvard are essentially elite Jewish dining faclilities ...
►My channel: http://youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/TheBestFilmArchives?sub_confirmation=1 ►Google+: http://plus.google.com/+TheBestFilmArchives ►Facebook: http://facebook.com/TheBestFilmArchives ►Twitter: http://twitter.com/BestFilmArch This documentary covers the single largest migration of immigrants to the United States of America through Ellis Island between 1890 and 1920. (Ellis Island, in Upper New York Bay, was the gateway for millions of immigrants as the busiest immigrant inspection station of the United States from 1892 until 1954.) It is the story of Ellis Island and the American immigration experience. The film is a tribute to the 18 million men, women and children who made the long journey from the Old to the New World between 1890 and 192...
Isaac Emmanuilovich Babel (July 13, 1894 – January 27, 1940) was a Russian language journalist, playwright, literary translator, and short story writer. He is best known as the author of Red Cavalry, Story of My Dovecote, and Tales of Odessa, all of which are considered masterpieces of Russian literature. Babel has also been acclaimed as "the greatest prose writer of Russian Jewry". Loyal to, but not uncritical of, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Babel fell victim to Joseph Stalin's Great Purge as the result of his long-term affair with the wife of NKVD chief Nikolai Yezhov. Babel was arrested by the NKVD at Peredelkino on the night of 15 May 1939. After confessing under interrogation to being a Trotskyist terrorist and foreign spy, he was shot on 27 January 1940. Isaac Babel was ...
Ruth Gruber (born September 30, 1911) is an American journalist, photographer, writer, humanitarian and a former United States government official. Ruth Gruber was born in Brooklyn, New York, one of five children of Russian Jewish immigrant parents David and Gussie Gruber. She dreamed of becoming a writer and was encouraged by her parents to obtain higher education. She matriculated at New York University at the age of 15. At eighteen she won a postgraduate fellowship at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.[1] In 1931, she won another fellowship from the Institute of International Education to study in Cologne, Germany.[2][3] She received a Ph.D. from the University of Cologne in German Philosophy, Modern English Literature, and Art History, becoming the youngest person in the world to re...
Catherine Clark spoke to Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver about his life Beyond Politics. Joe Oliver was born and raised in Montreal where his father was a dentist and his mother a primary school teacher. Oliver pursued studies in law when the only career options allowed to boys in the Oliver family were medicine or the law. Despite a quota on Jewish students Oliver studied at McGill. As it turned out the law didn't hold much appeal to young Oliver and instead he turned to a career that was more lucrative, investment banking. Following an MBA at Harvard Business School Oliver was recruited by the investment firm Merrill Lynch and at their urging Oliver left New York for the city of Toronto. Oliver 's career took off. Oliver excelled at Merrill Lynch and made a name for himself in ...
Most people brush their teeth two or three times a day. Brushing your teeth is something ingrained from the time we are small. What if your dentist said you didn’t have to brush anymore? Wouldn’t it take a very clear and convincing explanation as to why? And might you even keep doing it for a while simply because that’s always been the rule? A primary theme in the book of Galatians is justification--by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Why does this theme ring out so strong and clear? Because Paul was up against thousands of years of culture that had been identified and shaped by Jewish law, and he needed to make it clear. Though the law was something instituted by God and though it was good, we couldn’t keep it; so, God fulfilled it for us in Christ and freed us from it...
D&I; equals the legalisation of discrimination against white hetrosexual able bodied men. Apparantly we have fulfilled our quota and now the rest must be from the "other" sections of society. Suitability for a role suddently takes a back place in favour of positive discrimination
Red Earth. Hunger Music by Virko Baley Libretto by Bohdan Boychuck John Duykers, Tenor Athena Mertes, Soprano Performed and recorded at Dr. Arturo Rando-Grillot Recital Hall, Lee and Thomas Beam Music Center, on October 21, 2011 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus. Produced by Virko Baley Joanie Spina, Director of Photography, Editor Chuck Foley, Audio Engineer & Sound Mastering Zack Shea, Technical Assistant Brian Town, Camera Robert Clapp, Camera "We may lose Ukraine." Our story is about two souls in agony - a woman with a newborn child and a man who by fate meet at a crossroads during the height of the Ukrainian famine of 1932-1933, the Holodomor. The Ukrainian word Holodomor derives from the word for hunger "holod" and "mor," to exterminate. Exterminate. By starvation. In 19...
Lately I've been thinking about stepping up to my infection -
I never get enough, I never get enough, a reoccurring mind infection -
We can, we can always see the mind infection makes you think and you believe your own deceptions -
And now you got it bad -
And now you got it bad -
And now you got the mind infection…. -
Infection! -
Outside I'm frustrated and struggle with my inside monster mayhem -
(Pre-chorus) -
(Chorus) -
Now you got the mind infection fucking with your own deception yeah, infection yeah… -