Asia has yet to confront its past – be grateful Europe did

Edit The Guardian 14 May 2016
Travelling from Europe to Asia can provoke a tinge of envy. Asia will define the 21st century. Europe resembles a basket case. Asia is the new world ... Related ... Abe’s grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, was an official in the puppet state of Manchukuo set up by Japan in north-eastern China in the 1930s. After the war Kishi was imprisoned in Tokyo, accused of enslaving thousands of Chinese people ... In the 1950s Kishi went on to become prime minister ... ....

Abe Lurches to Economic Left to Broaden Appeal Before Election

Edit Bloomberg 12 May 2016
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is shifting his economic policies to the left in a bid to broaden his appeal ahead of a key election this summer ... in Tokyo ... “This is an evolution of Abenomics ... Abe needs support from a two-thirds majority of both houses of parliament to be able to go to the voters with a referendum on changing the constitution -- and potentially fulfill the dream of his grandfather and role model, Nobusuke Kishi ... ....

Japanese takeover clouds FT's editorial independence

Edit China Daily 19 Mar 2016
The editorial integrity of Financial Times has been a concern since July 23, 2015, when Nihon Keizai Shimbun announced its acquisition of the more than 125-year-old British newspaper, ending Pearson Group's six-decade-long ownership ... Not afterwards ... It went further, in an Aug 17, 2015 editorial, saying Abe shares the beliefs of his grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, but ignored the fact that his grandfather was a major war criminal ... ....

Stroll through History / Hatoyama Hall in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo / Mansion that hosted postwar politics

Edit The Japan News 14 Mar 2016
Before Hatoyama took the reins of government, he met here in 1954 with confidantes including Bukichi Miki and Nobusuke Kishi (who would later also serve as prime minister) to discuss breaking off from the Liberal Party, which was led by Hatoyama’s political rival, then Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida ... Kishi....

Upper house poll to be decisive/Abe’s last chance as LDP chief to make constitutional revisions

Edit The Japan News 14 Mar 2016
The Yomiuri ShimbunPrime Minister Shinzo Abe positioned the Liberal Democratic Party convention held Sunday as a rally for this summer’s House of Councillors election and expressed his determination to win ... Criticizing DPJ, JCP ... Security Treaty,” Abe said ... Earnest desire ... Revising the Constitution is the LDP’s party platform, however, and an earnest desire inherited from Abe’s grandfather and former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi ... + - ... ....

Behind the Scenes / Japan’s rare freedom to ‘freely’ dissolve Diet

Edit The Japan News 27 Feb 2016
His grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, regretted the fact that he had abandoned plans to dissolve the Diet (see below) and hold general elections prior to the approval of the amended Japan-U.S ...Nobusuke Kishi abandoned plans to dissolve the Diet. In February 1960, then Prime Minister Kishi considered dissolving the lower house just after submitting the new Japan-U.S....

Jeb and Hillary: Dynastic Politics in America?

Edit Creators Syndicate 30 Jan 2016
All of which leaves many people, some of them admirers of one or both potential candidates, queasy ... Have we developed a dynastic, royal form of politics?. These two dynastic candidates have legitimate claims on the office ... On the Internet you can see a photo of the 5-year-old Shinzo Abe, re-elected last weekend as prime minister of Japan (127 million), with his grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, who was prime minister at the time ... ....

Seoul and Tokyo resolve ‘comfort women’ issue in historic pact

Edit Asia Times 29 Dec 2015
SEOUL–With a breakthrough agreement on the so-called comfort women issue, as Korean women forced to work at imperial Japanese army brothels were known during World War II, Japan and South Korea are opening up a new, constructive phase in their long-troubled relations ... By a quirk of history, Abe’s grandfather, the late Nobusuke Kishi, was the Japanese partner who strongly pushed for normalization together with Park’s father ... ....

Commentary: Abe should let sleeping dogs lie

Edit Xinhua 25 Dec 2015
Abe steamrolling ahead, hellbent on achieving his personal military legacy, as was the case with his grandfather, former prime minister, WWII combat leader and suspected war criminal, Nobusuke Kishi, will lead to no good, and will only serve to further open up Japan, already a"soft target,"to reprisals from antagonists or those of Japan's allies, ......

INSIGHTS into the WORLD / Abe knows how to stay course to attain goals

Edit The Japan News 07 Dec 2015
Abe’s maternal grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, who became prime minister in 1957, could not realize his secret desire to make a comeback as head of the government after his resignation in 1960. Kishi wisely said of a comeback leader, “In truth, a person who steps down as prime minister will eventually become a politician of greater worth, provided he ......

LDP at 60 / Dovish LDP members face uphill struggle tao restore presence

Edit The Japan News 30 Nov 2015
He became prime minister in 1960, taking over from his predecessor Nobusuke Kishi, Abe’s grandfather ... Kishi also called for “jishu-kenpo seitei,” the goal of autonomously establishing a new constitution to replace the postwar Constitution ... Led by lawmakers like Ichiro Hatoyama and Nobusuke Kishi, the DPJ attached importance to autonomously establishing a new constitution to replace the postwar Constitution....

LDP at 60 / Desire for safety in numbers behind revival of LDP factions

Edit The Japan News 28 Nov 2015
On Nov ... On Sept ... The election resulted in the solidification of eight “private divisions” that would evolve into factions led by Nobusuke Kishi, Ichiro Kono, Eisaku Sato, Hayato Ikeda, Mitsujiro Ishii, Ishibashi, Banboku Ono, and Takeo Miki and Kenzo Matsumura. After 1960, a pattern of competition between mainstream and anti-mainstream became established among the factions spearheaded by Kishi, Ikeda, Kono, Sato and Miki ... Click to play ... ....

LDP at 60 / Revising Constitution a long-term aim of long-ruling party

Edit The Japan News 27 Nov 2015
On Nov ... However, Abe persists in pursuing the goal of amending the nation’s highest law ... That party’s policy line, most notably championed by Nobusuke Kishi, was aimed at strengthening the security arrangements setup through amendment of Article 9 ... Abe is one of the LDP members who subscribe to Kishi’s policy line, while Tanigaki is among those adherents to the principle pursued by such political figures as Yoshida and Masayoshi Ohira ... ....