The Vietnam War: How they saw it from both sides of the divide

Edit CNN 23 May 2016
(CNN)U.S. President Barack Obama is in Vietnam forging stronger ties with a country that was the scene of bitter conflict just over 40 years ago ... ground troops. We have two very different accounts of that same extraordinary day. The first, from a U.S ... on April 30 ... Read More ... Back in those days, it was the domino theory ... We were so convinced of the domino theory that we thought we had to do everything possible to stop communism where it was ... ....

A Red Menace in the Mirror

Edit Dissident Voice 21 May 2016
The term ‘Domino Theory’, coined by President Eisenhower in 1954,�had long been�the guiding principle for U.S ...Better dead than Red” was still the favorite expression, and President Ike’s Domino Theory was being used with ever-increasing enthusiasm ... Once upon a time I bought into the theory that Communism kills all ......

The Credibility Trap

Edit Vox 29 Apr 2016
Why does a long-debunked theory keep leading the US into war? ... This theory is not exclusive to overheated op-eds ... "The credibility argument is simply an easy (and hard to disprove) way for elites to sell the foreign policy they're most interested in to the American people, whether that's domino theory, primacy, or intervention in some conflict," Emma Ashford, of the Cato Institute, pointed out....

Press Releases: Remarks at the Vietnam War Summit and Conversation With Ken Burns (US Department of State)

Edit Public Technologies 28 Apr 2016
... is authoritarian and a one-party system, it's anything but communist, because communism is an economic theory ... And therefore, when threats of the entire Asia domino theory were thrown at people, there was a bias towards accepting that notion rather than thinking about the history of Vietnam or the history of Ho Chi Minh or the history of their --....

For Jan Scruggs at Vietnam summit, the legacy of a wall that unites

Edit Stars and Stripes 27 Apr 2016
AUSTIN, Texas (Tribune News Service) — In 1979, Jan Scruggs was an anonymous U.S. Labor Department investigator who was overcome with a simple insight after seeing the emotionally harrowing Vietnam War film, “The Deer Hunter.” ... “LBJ was a grudging cold warrior and reluctant commander-in-chief,” saddled with a domino theory that viewed a communist victory anywhere as a communist victory everywhere, Brands said ... I don’t.” ...  .  . ....

By Derek Royden

Edit Information Clearing House 25 Apr 2016
“Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.”. -George Orwell ... She broke down describing the looting she said followed, claiming the soldiers had killed premature newborns by taking them out of their incubators and leaving them on the cold floor ... Many commentators pushed a kind of reverse domino theory in regards to the intervention in Iraq ...  ....

Vietnam War Summit at LBJ Library examines president's complex, tragic legacy

Edit Stars and Stripes 23 Apr 2016
... original ambition of keeping other Southeast Asian countries from following Vietnam and falling like dominoes into communist hands ... Times, and he told me that he believed in the domino theory ... Whatever his misgivings about Vietnam, the domino theory and Cold War politics held sway in the run-up to Johnson’s election as president, a landslide victory....

Yemen war is deranged bid by Saudi Arabia to say it matters: Analyst

Edit Press TV 17 Mar 2016
Press TV ... Barrett ... I guess they have some kind of domino theory involving Iranian influence just as the US in Vietnam had a domino theory about communism; in neither case does it make a whole lot of sense and unfortunately the Saudis, with their vast oil wealth have, managed to really destabilize the region by dragging other countries that are dependent on Saudi largess into this war; but they are bogged down ... Press TV ... Barrett ... ....

American Involvement in Vietnam: Geopolitics and Ideology (The Institute of World Politics)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Mar 2016
(Source ... But U.S ... As the U.S ... True to President Eisenhower's 'domino' theory, Vietnam was seen as the key to victory or defeat in the Cold War, but it wasn't geopolitics ... ... The false prophesies of the domino theory and the misplaced geopolitical theories of both sides are long since forgotten, but can still serve as powerful reminders that 'ideas have consequences' and that warfare, at bottom, remains a clash of competing ideas ... (noodl....

The basics: Who is Henry Kissinger and why do the Democrats keep talking about him?

Edit The Dallas Morning News 10 Mar 2016
Kissinger was one of those people during the Vietnam era who talked about the domino theory ... The domino theory, you know, if Vietnam goes, China, da, da, da, da, da, da, da,” he said last month. The domino theory was first popularized by President Dwight D ... In 1964, many, including Kissinger, used the domino theory to justify U.S....

Geopolitical Determinism: Dominos (The Institute of World Politics)

Edit Public Technologies 10 Mar 2016
Traditional geopolitical theories have long concentrated on Europe as the center of their strategic universe, with the major exception of the sea power designs of the American naval officer, Alfred T ... had firmly committed to South Vietnam as the new 'last stand,' and this commitment arrived with a revolutionary geopolitical interpretation, introduced by Eisenhower as the 'domino' theory....

Cold War Geopolitics: Containment (The Institute of World Politics)

Edit Public Technologies 04 Mar 2016
(Source. The Institute of World Politics) ... Once war is over, peace begins, Americans thought, and there was nothing in between ... history ... This process began in theory with the Long Telegram and began in practice almost immediately ... Acheson applied an original version of President Eisenhower's later 'domino' theory by explaining to the Senate how the loss of Greece and Turkey would lead to the loss of nearby states such as Iran and India....

The United States In Vietnam

Edit 22 Feb 2016
When Ho Chi Minh and his Vietminh forces began an incursion, Truman extended the tenets of the Truman Doctrine to France.The Domino Priniciple ... As early as 1954, when he was asked about the importance of a free Indochina to the rest of the world, Eisenhower described what became known as the Domino Principle (or Domino Theory). "You have broader considerations that might follow what you would call the falling domino principle....