Look at the legislative branch lack of knowledge in
Colorado. You can see why they think they can just ignore the people and article 6 of the
U.S peoples constitution. Allow me to correct
Todd, Buckner, Ryden, Carroll,
Rhonda and all who go against the people and article 6 of the U.S peoples constitution. A little educational spanking!!!!
Let us start with Todd in this video she will claim, that they_re 3 branches which is true 1.Legislative 2.
Executive 3.Judicial branches. She will continue with a quick claim that she can terminate the meeting and not have any more, ((
Wrong Todd it is your duty and the peoples
1st amendment rights just for starters! Also this applies to all the Colorado legislative branch.
Article 5 Legislative
Department Section 1.
General assembly � initiative and referendum.(1) The legislative power of the state shall be vested in the general assembly consisting of a senate and house of representatives, both to be elected by the people, but the people reserve to themselves the power to propose laws and amendments to the constitution and to enact or reject the same at the polls
independent of the general assembly and also reserve power at their own option to approve or reject at the polls any act or item, section, or part of any act of the general assembly. All 3 branches conspire against the people and article 6. I have to add only a few in the room clapped at all times, the rest disapproved of these servants. And know Todd you all have to follow Colorado article 29 Ethics Of Government-ARTICLE 29 Ethics in
Section 1. Purposes and findings.(1)
The people of the state of Colorado hereby find and declare that:
(a) The conduct of public officers, members of the general assembly, local government officials, and government employees must hold the respect and confidence of the people;
(b) They shall carry out their duties for the benefit of the people of the state;
(c) They shall, therefore, avoid conduct that is in violation of their public trust or that creates a justifiable impression among members of the public that such trust is being violated;
(d) Any effort to realize personal financial gain through public office other than compensation provided by law is a violation of that trust; and
(e) To ensure propriety and to preserve public confidence, they must have the benefit of specific standards to guide their conduct, and of a penalty mechanism to enforce those standards.))
Section 4.
Duty of general assembly.
The general assembly shall pass all laws necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this constitution.
Todd you been educationally spanked!
Buckner says all our rights are able to be trashed, and claims to have the power to input their own beliefs (Which is wrong,
Nowhere does it state in article 6 that any of the three branches have the power to regulate, harm their masters which is the people or destroy, attack article 6, and no confirmations allowing any of the three branches to force their own beliefs against the will of the people. Further more all three branches can't show an organic document that backs their abuse of limited granted powers. Buckner and his peers would have the people believe, that the judicial branch and its rulings are the supreme laws of the land, wrong again Buckner if you read article 6 you would know better, what is it that government says to the people not knowing their invalid fictional laws? oh right your ignorance of the law is No excuse.)
Section 4. Duty of general assembly. The general assembly shall pass all laws necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this constitution.
Buckner you been educationally spanked!
Ryden says and her buddies would agree, that their job is only to write garbage invalid laws, and Ryden admits they are lazy and pass the headache to the judicial branch, for them to sort out ( Wrong, your job is to write valid constitutional laws which must consist with the people and article 6.)
Section 4. Duty of general assembly. The general assembly shall pass all laws necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this constitution.
Ryden you been educationally spanked!
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 241