- published: 14 Feb 2016
- views: 874
Marc Faber (born February 28, 1946) is a Swiss investor based in Thailand. Faber is publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and is the director of Marc Faber Ltd which acts as an investment advisor and fund manager. Faber also serves as director, advisor and shareholder of a number of investment funds that focus on emerging and frontier markets, including Leopard Capital’s Leopard Cambodia Fund and Asia Frontier Capital Ltd.'s AFC Asia Frontier Fund.
Faber was born in Zürich and schooled in Geneva, Switzerland, where he raced for the Swiss National Ski Team (B-Team). He studied Economics at the University of Zurich and, at the age of 24, earned a Ph.D. in Economics, graduating magna cum laude.
During the 1970s Faber worked for White Weld & Company Limited in New York City, Zürich, and Hong Kong. He moved to Hong Kong in 1973. He was a managing director at Drexel Burnham Lambert Ltd Hong Kong from the beginning of 1978 until the firm's collapse in 1990. In 1990, he set up his own business, Marc Faber Limited. Faber now resides in Chiangmai, Thailand, though he keeps a small office in Hong Kong.
Negative Interest Rate Policy NIRP Definition Investopedia x264
NIRP & ZIRP: What Does It All Mean? You May Be Surprised
Understanding Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP)
Marc Faber: The Experiment Of NIRP Will End Very Badly 31/01/16
Jim Willie: QE & Negative Interest Rates (NIRP) Destroyed Sovereign Bond Markets!
Negative Interest Rates (Negative Interest Rate Policy or NIRP Implications) Explained in One Minute
Debt, NIRP, Money Printing, China and How To Protect Your Assets - The Marcus Denning Show
Niro - #BaWéMonAmi
FED just Postponing Historic Deflationary Crash; NIRP Causes Huge Malinvestment - Jeff Nielson
I had a request to do a video that explained NIRP (negative interest rate percentage). I did the best I could here. This is another good reason to convert some of your fiat dollars to precious metals (silver and gold).
Negative interest rates have been a topic of discussion in the financial markets. Washington Trust Bank’s Steve Scranton, CFA / SVP / Chief Investment Officer and Economist, and Amber Bargel, Portfolio Analyst, provide a brief, informative discussion about Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) and its impact on fixed income investors and savers.
Marc Faber, investor and author of the "Gloom, Boom & Doom Report", joins the "Boom&Bust;" show on Bloomberg TV Bulgaria. He talks about the slump on the Chinese stock market, the weakness of its economy, the new era of negative interest rates, where the Fed went wrong and the invesment opportunities in these turbulent times.
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, editor of The Hat Trick Letter at Golden Jackass http://goldenjackass.com/, Jim Willie. Infowars offering a Hillary for Prison T Shirt for only $10 (at cost)! http://www.infowarsstore.com/hillary-for-prison-ver-3 Jason asks Jim a number of questions about the global economy, SDR bonds, the upcoming global economic reset, gold and Hillary Clinton including: 1) Why do you think the US Dollar, US Treasury market and global economy are headed for a major crisis in the next 2-3 months? 2) Why do you think China is pushing for a SDR backed bond? Is it because the RMB is about to go into the SDR basket? 3) It seems like Europe is in the middle of a widespread banking system crisis over there. Do you think Deutsche Bank will be ...
The Negative Interest Rate Policies (also known as NIRP) adopted by certain central banks such as the European Central Bank or the Bank of Japan will eventually have a very predictable outcome if the current trend persists: the average depositor will no longer receive returns and, instead, will have to actually pay the bank. Has this happened before? What are the implications? Let's find out :) Please like, comment and subscribe if you've enjoyed the video. To support the channel, please give me a minute (see what I did there?) of your time by visiting OneMinuteEconomics.com and reading my message.
Video courtesy of Marcus Denning Jeff is interviewed by Marcus Denning, topics include: the situation in Australia, global interest rates, a million dollars of government debt for every US family, China and money printing, central planning, tax reform, coming financial calamity and how to protect your assets. Marcus Denning's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwpsGmnz8Uk5T7TM57IqW4A Survive Shemitah New Video: http://surviveshemitah.com/ Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante at: https://www.dollarvigilante.com/ The Dollar Vigilante on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DollarVigilante/?fref=ts Anarchast: http://anarchast.com To learn more on the Perpetual Traveler/Prior Taxpayer (PT) theory, you can see an hour long presentation on it as well as more than a dozen other r...
Niro « #BaWeMonAmi », extrait de l’album « Si je me souviens », sortie le 06 Novembre Album disponible en précommande : iTunes : http://po.st/SiJeMeSouviensiTunes Fnac: http://po.st/SiJeMeSouviensFnac Amazon: http://po.st/SiJeMeSouviensAmazon Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/niro Twitter: https://twitter.com/officielniro Instagram: https://instagram.com/nirostreetlourd http://vevo.ly/yRgkJy
Gold & Silver Prices to Skyrocket in 2016, Our Top Investment Idea: http://CrushTheStreet.com/Fortune Popular and this time controversial guest Jeff Nielson is finally back. He discusses the FED rates, deflationary collapse potential, world war 3 and some shocking insight on negative interest rates. He's interestingly one of our only guests calling this a fake gold rally. TOPICS IN THIS INTERVIEW: 01:50 Will FED Raise in September? Fed Uncertain & Unstable 03:30 Bernanke's Wealth Effect & Exit Strategy Failure & Bubble 06:50 Gov/FED postponing Deflationary Crash with World's Largest Ponzi Scheme 07:50 War & Plauge likely cover for Financial Collapse Coming 08:20 Is Current Gold & Silver Rally false bull market? 11:05 Propaganda & Price Action: Jeff Calls it a Fake Rally 11:40 Stock Marke...
V, THE GUERRILLA ECONOMIST from RogueMoney.net joins me to discuss the mysterious death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia and the joy that morally bankrupt Liberals seem to find in it. We also focus on the coming cash ban in Europe and the United States - and NEGATIVE interest rates [NIRP] designed to turn all of us into absolute serfs. V says, the Banksters have decided to screw the American public. But their evil plans to implement NIRP while banning cash will surely result in the price of gold (and silver) going supernova. For REAL News & Information 24/7: http://sgtreport.com/ http://thelibertymill.com/ MUSIC CREDIT: Incompetech "Decisions" Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b..."http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... The content ...
In this exclusive interview with Marcopolis.net Marc Faber covers it all: from commodities and China to the outlook on inflation, the Euro and gold. According to him the global economy is not healing. To the contrary, we might find ourselves back into recession within six months or a year. In that case he expects more money printing by central banks, which eventually could lead to high inflation rates and renewed strength in commodity prices. On the bright side, he sees great economic potential in Vietnam. Also, the Iraqi stock market has good potential now that a deal with Iran has been reached. While mining stocks are extremely depressed we might see defaults before any meaningful recovery. Full interview transcript: http://www.marcopolis.net/the-big-picture-with-marc-faber.htm Indivi...
go to http://www.marcfabernews.com for more Marc Faber's interviews , and go to http://www.jimrogersinvestments.com for more Jimmy Rogers interviews
IN THIS INTERVIEW: - Ahead: a crisis worse than 2008 ►0:54 - Young adults will earn less than their parents and die with less than their parents ►2:56 - How to weather the hard times ahead ►7:41 - How much gold is enough? ►11:01 - What form of precious metals is best? ►13:27 - U.S. presidential race ►15:12 FINANCE AND LIBERTY: - SUBSCRIBE (it's FREE!) to "Finance and Liberty" for more interviews and financial insight ►http://bit.ly/Subscription-Link - Website ►http://FinanceAndLiberty.com - Like us on Facebook ►http://fb.com/FinanceAndLiberty - Follow us on Twitter ►http://twitter.com/Finance_Liberty - Google Plus ►http://Gplus.to/FinanceLiberty - Title and video graphics by Josiah Johnson Studios ►http://JosiahJohnsonStudios.com - Sponsors: http://SilverDoctors.com & http://ReluctantPrep...
Marc Faber interview on Australian television 08/26/09
Raw uncut footage of a Squawkonomics Home Interview with investment legend Dr. Marc Faber. Dr. Faber discussed with Keith Hilden of Squawkonomics about Bitcoin vs. gold, the Vietnamese investment environment, the South China Sea, Ukraine vs. Russia investment, the question of whether Africa will emerge, and the People's Bailout, bailing out Main Street rather than Wall Street.
Raw footage of Marc Faber interview from The Bubble.
Jeff interviews investment adviser Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, topics include: central banking and inflation, commodities decline, QE4?, natural market adjustment, precious metals, China is the largest trading partner of 124 countries, interest rate hikes to small to have any influence, cheating the savers, massive government debt created by central banking and Keynesian fallacies, market drop to continue for 2 or 3 years, indexing and ETF's have distorted the average, everyone should own some gold, the US is now a service economy, neocon agenda believes US above everyone else, Paul Krugman asserts that debt is good, living in Thailand, TDV Groups, moving away from the western world and more... Gloom Boom & Doom Report: http://www.gloomboomdoom.com/ Shemitah Exposed vide...
Interview mit Marc Faber, dem Herausgeber und Autor von "The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report" www.gloomboomdoom.com Abonnieren Sie meinen Kanal und geben Sie mir einen Daumen hoch, wenn Ihnen das Interview gefallen hat! Meinen Trading-Desktop können Sie im Internet einsehen. Surfen Sie auf Guidants: http://go.guidants.com/de#c/jochen.stanzl