- published: 17 Feb 2016
- views: 6900
Not suitable/safe for work (NSFW), not work-suitable/safe (NWS), not safe for life (NSFL), or not school-suitable (NSS) is Internet slang or shorthand. Typically, the NSFW tag is used in e-mail, videos, and on interactive discussion areas (such as Internet forums, blogs, or community websites) to mark URLs or hyperlinks which contain material such as pornography or profanity, which the viewer may not want to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting such as at work.
NSFW has particular relevance for individuals making personal use of the Internet at workplaces or schools which have policies prohibiting (even inadvertent) access to sexually provocative content. Companies and schools frequently adopt such policies because they regard the presence of sexual content as a misuse of company property (or education resources) and, potentially, a violation of sexual harassment policy.
Determining a site to be NSFW is invariably subjective, and poses challenges for academics who study sexuality.
NSFW and Other Fun 2
Bikini Slips (NSFW)
Slight NSFW and Other Fun
The Hidden Internet- Red Rooms, Slave sites and WTF sites (NSFW)
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Strip FIFA 16 | Mica Martinez (NSFW)
Sexy Banned Commercials NSFW Naked and Funny 2014
NSFW: Crocodile Eats Mans Leg
NSFW (Cards Against Humanity)
NSFW 2 (Cards Against Humanity)
WSHH Vine Comp *Warning NSFW*
Timeflies - NSFW ft. Angel Haze