
GOP Ghost Town

All over the State of Washington on Saturday (Feb. 20), Republicans held their equivalent of the Iowa Caucuses – but with much different results. The average attendance at one of Iowa’s 1,687 caucuses in 2016 was over a hundred people.

iowa caucus cropped

…………………………………………ONE Iowa caucus…………………………………………..

We have no “official” reports in Washington, but based on our initial investigation the average number of people attending a Washington State GOP caucus in 2016 may have been 1. You read that correctly. One. Perhaps less. And the reasons are clear.

32nd panorama placecard circled

Washington State pooled caucuses (composite photo). Each folded placard , on each table, is one caucus (example circled in red, foreground). [click to enlarge]

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Radical Bail Reduction

Blockbuster News on the Faire case.

Okanogan, WA

Doug Parris, Investigative Reporter



Reports out of Okanogan on the special hearing, today, for James Faire are still not complete, but we know that on the issue of the amount of bail, the Court has reduced the amount from the unconstitutional three quarters of a million dollars down to $150,000. Continue Reading »

In Memory of a Titan

On January 26, 2016, two leaders in the cause of Liberty crossed the gates into Eternity.

LaVoy Finicum, because he was murdered by Federal authorities, got all the headlines, but the other one may well have had a more pervasive influence.

Dottie power 3 Continue Reading »

BibleThose of you familiar with “Gulag Archipelago” or the other accounts from behind the Iron Curtain … innocent men suffering at the hands of an evil ruling regime… will find something very familiar in the expression of love and faith and gratitude we received from James Faire around Thanksgiving.

James is an innocent man, unjustly imprisoned, but more than that, undergoing illegal treatment at the hands of his captors… as if he were held in North Korea or by the Viet Cong. Continue Reading »

1101830919_400[The story was set in the wake of Nixon/Kissinger’s “Détente” and in the final days of
Jimmy Carter’s “Peace Through Capitulation” when the Soviet Empire was still conquering and enslaving a new nation somewhere in the world, on average, every 287 days. This account was only circulated privately among friends, and never officially published while Reagan lived. Nancy will probably take it to her grave. ~ Ed.]

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obama_santaThe Christmas season has gathered legends that have a life of their own. St. Nicholas, a real historic figure, has become Santa Claus, who visits a billion homes in a single night from a flying sleigh and now resides permanently at his North Pole toy factory with elves and anthropomorphic talking reindeer, one of whom sports a high candlepower light-emitting nose. In 2015, those mythological creatures became the center of national Washington DC controversy.

It seems that the President had a very clear picture in his mind Continue Reading »

See here all who have an interest in this case and let the record, public, and here below reproduced, show that James “Strat” Faire has endured four months without the attorney the law mandates he must have.

Although the contract public defender’s firm of Melissa MacDougall insists that Faire has been assigned attorneys, and that they have “met” with their client, the court record shows that since August 18, 2015 when Nicholas Blount withdrew from the case, NO OTHER ATTORNEY HAS FILED A NOTICE OF APPEARANCE ON BEHALF OF JAMES FAIRE. Thus, he has had no representation.


The judge at the November status hearing, admonished Kelly Seago, Continue Reading »


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