Let’s make satirising Parliament legal

Until 1771, people weren’t allowed to publish detailed reports of what went on in Parliament. Only Hansard, the official record, was allowed to give verbatim coverage of what had been said by representatives. This restriction was lifted, and over time we’ve been given…

Is aiming for a brokered convention the only way Republicans can stop Trump?

If there’s one thing that gets US political geeks fired up, it’s the prospect of there being a brokered convention to choose a party’s Presidential nominee. Every four years, professional and amateur pundits look over the field of candidates and proclaim that there’s…

Vice-President Bloomberg?

So, it’s Super Tuesday in the US, and thoughts turn to just how this Presidential race might turn out. It’s looking increasingly likely that tonight will put the two leading candidates for their parties into near-locks on their nominations, so how does a…

Why I’ll be voting to remain in the European Union

There’s still over sixteen weeks to go until June 23rd, but when the referendum finally rolls around I will be voting for the UK to remain a member of the European Union. This hasn’t been a hard decision for me, and I’ve been…

The Mandela Effect: because it’s easier to assume alternate universes than faulty memories

One of the things I love the internet for is its conspiracy theories. My absolute favourite is this one, where James Cameron’s career is interpreted in the light of his role as a key weapon in the battle between good and evil Masons…

Is Will Quince MP psychic?

I’ve discussed before the voting pattern of Colchester’s ‘independent-minded’ MP, Will Quince, but it seems I owe him an apology. You see, I was assuming that he meant he’d come to his decision independently instead of doing what the Tory whips told him…

Worth Reading 188

Palin’s Late Style: He Knows the Main Thing – An analysis of the latest piece by radical performance poet Sarah Palin. Horizontal History – An interesting perspective on births, deaths, famous lives and how they overlap. The audacious rescue plan that might have…

Why the 2014 coup against Clegg was botched

And as I complain about a lack of inspiration, the latest edition of Liberator comes out and gives me some. Specifically, Seth Thevoz’s article on the 2014 attempted coup to remove Nick Clegg as leader of the Liberal Democrats. I’m usually in agreement…

Seeking inspiration

You might have noticed that posts have been a bit thin on the ground here for the past month or so. Some of it has been because I’ve been focusing on job/PhD applications and interviews amongst other things, but it’s also been because…

In memory of Martin Hunt

Unfortunately, another commitment elsewhere means I can’t attend Martin Hunt‘s funeral and memorial today, but as his family have requested donations to St Helena Hospice in lieu of flowers, I wanted to mention something I’ll be doing in memory of him in a…

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