The O'Reilly Factor 5/19/16 - Bill O'Reilly on Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton, Democrats Divided
The O'Reilly Factor 5/19/16 -
Bill O'Reilly on
Donald Trump vs
Clinton on
Trust Factor,
Democrats Divided on
Bernie Sanders vs
Hillary Clinton, Will the
Media Give Trump a
Black Lives Matter Controversy
"A new
Fox News poll looks at whom
American voters trust to do a better job on important issues: Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
The number one issue for American voters is the economy, and Trump wins on that issue by 53% to 41%. The second most important issue is terrorism, and here
Americans once again favor Trump by 52% to 40%. Hillary Clinton prevails on health care, education, immigration, and social issues. You have to consider this poll good news for Donald Trump because the economy will be the driving issue in November and he wins on that.
Talking Points was surprised that Mr. Trump did not prevail on immigration, which shows that most Americans do not want illegal aliens deported. But I do believe most Americans would like an effective wall on the southern border. The big headline this week is that Donald Trump is very competitive with Hillary Clinton, which most of the national press thought was impossible just a few weeks ago. Summing up, the more Donald Trump defines important issues, the better off he will be. And the more Hillary Clinton gets out of her campaign mode and into one-on-one communications like doing interviews with me and others who don't openly support her, the more currency she could gain. One footnote: Fox News also asked Americans how they feel after almost eight years of the
Obama administration. Just 26% feel they are better off now than they were when
Barack Obama was elected. It says a lot."
The Factor was joined by '
The Five' co-host and former
Bush aide
Dana Perino. "Those top two issues of the economy and terrorism say a lot," she began, "especially the fact that Donald Trump is beating Hillary Clinton by so much. These are two issues where Americans are frustrated with the government and they want an outsider.
It's so hard for any party to hold on to the
White House for more than two terms, and a lot of people see Hillary Clinton as a third
Obama term and they feel there is a better approach. Also, the attempt to unify the
Republican Party is having some effect." The Factor cautioned against reading too much into current polling, saying, "Events will overtake these polls, but they are entertaining to look at."
Chaos in
Democratic Party - Hillary Clinton vs Bernie Sanders:-
Some Bernie Sanders loyalists stand accused of threatening Hillary Clinton backers in
Nevada and elsewhere. The Factor spoke about the disorder with attorney and Sanders supporter Andell
Brown. "We had a contested event in Nevada," he said, "and some Sanders supporters said the counts were irregular and the rules were changed at the last minute. The crowd was unhappy with the outcome. But Bernie Sanders has condemned violence in all forms." The Factor reminded him, "There have been rallies where Sanders supporters clashed with traditional Democrats and he should tell his people to never do that again."