Morris Animal Foundation News

Walking for Riley - San Diego K9 Cancer Walk

Barbee Gennerman remembers the shock of learning that her golden retriever Riley had cancer. “I knew dogs got cancer,” said Barbee. “You just think it will never happen to your dog.”

February 29, 2016

Brad Ahern

Spiders, snakes and all things creepy don't frighten this researcher

The hot and humid Florida summers didn’t discourage Brad Ahrens from playing each summer in the swamp behind his grandmother’s house. Dressed up like a safari guide, young Brad was armed with a wildlife guidebook, snake pole, a backpack full of his grandmother’s empty jars, and a healthy love of all things creepy and crawly.

February 23, 2016

hummingbird valentine

Be my Valentine – Interesting facts about animal hearts

With Valentine’s Day approaching, and gaily colored hearts everywhere, we can’t help but think of love. And who gives us more unconditional love than our animal friends?

February 12, 2016