R-1, rocket, old technical recording.Part 4. (ракета Р-1)
Part 4. In first part explained all failure of rocket/engines/systems then briefly mentioned successful launches. All test failure analyzed, problems and fixes recorded on film and explained in details.
Rocket #4 failure by Boris Chertok:- "I was responsible for the first crash," declared Chernov. "At the launch site, Korolev saw me, called me over to the launch pad, and explained, 'This missile is Soviet, but the launch pad is still German. Do you see the onboard skid contact? It starts the timer at the moment of launch. Its rod rests in a corresponding niche on the launch pad. The pad needs to be fixed so that everything will be ready by morning.'" Chernov was devising and designing all evening. He woke up the metalworkers in the middle of the night and by morning in the workshop on the...
published: 28 Feb 2013
MotoVlog 10 : Test R1 Crossplane / un missile !!
published: 06 Mar 2016
R-1 (missile)
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
Ad-free videos.
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The R-1 rocket was a short-range ballistic missile manufactured in the Soviet Union based on the German V-2 rocket.Even though it was a copy, it was manufactured using Soviet industrial plants and gave the Soviets valuable experience which later enabled the USSR to construct its own much more capable rockets.In 1945 the Soviets captured several key V-2 rocket production facilities, and also gained the services of some German scientists and engineers related to the project.In particular the Soviets gained control of the main V-2 manufacturing facility at Nordhausen, and had 30 V-2 missiles assembled there by September 1946.
This channel is dedicated t...
published: 13 Oct 2016
Top 10 Biggest Missiles in the World (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Size 2019)
Check Out our other military videos in the link below:
The top 10 Biggest Missiles in the world will include only the ones that are active, operational or under development. These are mostly intercontinental ballistic missiles that have a very long range of the target. To date, the R-36M (SS-18 Satan) is the world's longest-range ICBM with a range of 16,000km. With a weight of 8.8t, the R-36M is also one of the heaviest ICBM in the world.
The Buzz does not own the rights to these pictures or video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their images/clips to be credited or removed, please co...
published: 11 Jan 2020
ULTIMO GIRO - Cosa vuol dire guidare un MISSILE🚀 | Yamaha yzf R1M onboard [Gopro Hero 4]
*Raduno del Chiringuito
Ultimo con l'r1 di Willy😓
#yamaha #r1m #onboard #r1 #crazypeople
published: 16 Aug 2019
Top 5 Best Anti Aircraft Missile Systems in the World | Surface to Air Missile SAM
Top surface-to-air missile | top 5 sam missile | Top 5 best anti aircraft missile systems in the World - today we'll show you 5 the best air defense systems ( surface to air missile ) currently made.
Over the last two years, the world of the military industry has been intensely talking about air defense systems developed by different countries around the world. The purchase of Russian S-400 systems from Turkey seemed to be one of the main catalysts for this phenomenon.
Also, we all read that the tension in the Middle East has not subsided, neither now nor is it expected to happen in the coming years. There, in this area stands out the name of an excellent missile system.
Below, we have decided to provide you with our ranking of the Top 5 anti-aircraft missile systems in the World.
published: 04 Mar 2020
Russian 9K720 ISKANDER-M Tactical Missile: Load Launch Impact
Video of the Russian Military shows the tactical 9K720 ISKANDER-M missile being loaded, launched and impacting during a Russian missile launch test.
The 9K720 Iskander (Russian: «Искандер»; NATO reporting name SS-26 Stone) is a mobile short-range ballistic missile system produced and deployed by the Russian Federation. The missile systems (Искандер-М) are to replace the obsolete OTR-21 Tochka systems, still in use by the Russian armed forces, by 2020.
In September 2017, the KB Mashinostroyeniya (KBM) general designer Valery M. Kashin said that there were at least seven types of missiles (and "perhaps more") for Iskander, including one cruise missile.
Credits: Russian Ministry of Defense:
WarLeaks - Military Blog covers events, n...
published: 19 Sep 2019
Why AGM 114 Hellfire missile becomes one of America’s favorite missiles
Today we're taking a look at the AGM-114 Hellfire. Why it becomes one of America’s favorite missiles? Keep watching, you will find the answer in the video.
The AGM-114 Hellfire is a short-range tactical missile in use by over two dozen countries. It is mostly used for land-attack missions and has seen widespread employment in the Global W-ar on Te-rror. The Hellfire is predominately air-launched, although it has also seen limited deployment on sea platforms. But now the missile is used as everything from an anti-personnel weapon to bunker buster.
Here are the various U.S platforms across the services carry the Hellfire missile:
-The Army’s platform, we have: AH-64 Apache helicopter, OH-58 Kiowa Warrior, AH-1W Super-Cobra, AH-1Z Viper, MQ-1C Gray Eagle UAS, and Special Operations aircraf...
published: 10 Feb 2021
Iran's Ballistic Missile Capabilities: 100,000 Missiles in 7 Minutes
Iran's Ballistic Missile Capabilities: 100,000 Missiles in 7 Minutes
Iran has been working on its baIIistic missile programme for several decades, using both Soviet and propietary technology.
Iran Military Power
Infinite Exile (Reprise - Featuring Nora Fodil)
published: 23 Aug 2017
The R-36 (Russian: Р-36) is a family of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and space launch vehicles (Tsyklon) designed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The original R-36 was deployed under the GRAU index 8K67 and was given the NATO reporting name SS-9 Scarp. It was able to carry three warheads and was the first Soviet MIRV (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) missile. The later version, the R-36M was produced under the GRAU designations 15A14 and 15A18 and was given the NATO reporting name SS-18 Satan. This missile was viewed by certain United States analysts as giving the Soviet Union first strike advantage over the U.S., particularly because of its rapid silo-reload ability, very heavy throw weight and extremely large number of re-entry vehicles. Some ver...
published: 27 May 2019
R-1, rocket, old technical recording.Part 4. (ракета Р-1)
Part 4. In first part explained all failure of rocket/engines/systems then briefly mentioned successful launches. All test failure analyzed, problems and fixes ...
Part 4. In first part explained all failure of rocket/engines/systems then briefly mentioned successful launches. All test failure analyzed, problems and fixes recorded on film and explained in details.
Rocket #4 failure by Boris Chertok:- "I was responsible for the first crash," declared Chernov. "At the launch site, Korolev saw me, called me over to the launch pad, and explained, 'This missile is Soviet, but the launch pad is still German. Do you see the onboard skid contact? It starts the timer at the moment of launch. Its rod rests in a corresponding niche on the launch pad. The pad needs to be fixed so that everything will be ready by morning.'" Chernov was devising and designing all evening. He woke up the metalworkers in the middle of the night and by morning in the workshop on the special train they had produced his version of the skid contact stop, or more correctly speaking,
the liftoff contact. According to Chernov's version of the story, his student design did not withstand the powerful pop, and the contact broke after the "ignition" command rather than after the missile lifted off from the launch pad. The horizon gyro timer started ahead of time; a pitch command was sent to the control surfaces, tilting the missile immediately while it was still on the pad. As the missile was leaving the pad, the plume was pointed, not vertically, but at an angle, and it hurled the pad off into the steppe."
Rocket #3 failure - "The second missile proved to be even more obstinate. To begin with, the ground crews eliminated all the defects in the ground-based cable network. Next, during two launch attempts the engine did not start, despite the fact that the system did
not reset. After long experiments on a missile standing on the pad, they discovered
that the main oxygen valve had frozen. Eventually they removed the oxygen valve from one of the missiles and checked its ability to freeze. They determined that the cause of the failure was the stiffening of the abundant amount of oil in its bellows assembly. The missile tests were discontinued. The main oxygen valves were removed from all the missiles and sent to the factory in Khimki for degreasing. This was a powerful blow to engine designer"
After third test flight failure -"The high-ranking leaders had been fully convinced that we had not only studied and reproduced German technology, but had substantially increased the missiles' reliability. And now suddenly they discovered that the missiles, for various reasons, simply refused to fly."
Event behind film - "The next missile launch scheduled for 1 November was postponed due to severe fog. During the night, the sentry guarding the launch site showed exceptional vigilance and for some unknown reason shouted, "Stop! Who goes there?" No response came out of the fog and he fired a warning shot. The guard raised by the alarm found nothing suspicious in the surrounding area. Arriving at the site the next morning, the launch team immediately smelled the strong scent of alcohol. An inspection showed that the shot the night before had not been fired into the air, but rather into the filled alcohol tank. The missile's entire tail section was drenched with alcohol from the bullet hole. They removed the missile and shipped it to the factory in Podlipki for restoration and sent the sentry to the brig. Voznyuk was advised of the guards' utterly unsatisfactory training."
Statement form the film "in 1948 ..industry achieved main objective: V-2 type rocket was made from all made domestic components".
official conclusion: "The first series of R-1 domestic missiles in terms of their flight characteristics, as demonstrated by the flight tests, were not inferior to the captured A4 missiles. Fundamental issues during the reproduction of R-1 missiles from domestic materials were correctly resolved ... The flight characteristics of the first series of R-1 missiles conform to the characteristics specified by the tactical and technical requirements, with the exception of range scatter."
Task as Boris Chertok mentioned was astonishing - from required 60 different type of metals and allows in 1945 was produced only 30. But main problem was plastic - from 40 different required plastic's/rubber's types was produced only 3.
After that test one infantry general made statement - "What are you doing? You pour over four metric tons of alcohol into a missile. And if you were to give that alcohol to my division, they could take any city easily. And your missile wouldn't even hit that city! Who needs it?"
All military likes alcohol! What else to say. Perfect choice made by Von Broun for space exploration !
Part 4. In first part explained all failure of rocket/engines/systems then briefly mentioned successful launches. All test failure analyzed, problems and fixes recorded on film and explained in details.
Rocket #4 failure by Boris Chertok:- "I was responsible for the first crash," declared Chernov. "At the launch site, Korolev saw me, called me over to the launch pad, and explained, 'This missile is Soviet, but the launch pad is still German. Do you see the onboard skid contact? It starts the timer at the moment of launch. Its rod rests in a corresponding niche on the launch pad. The pad needs to be fixed so that everything will be ready by morning.'" Chernov was devising and designing all evening. He woke up the metalworkers in the middle of the night and by morning in the workshop on the special train they had produced his version of the skid contact stop, or more correctly speaking,
the liftoff contact. According to Chernov's version of the story, his student design did not withstand the powerful pop, and the contact broke after the "ignition" command rather than after the missile lifted off from the launch pad. The horizon gyro timer started ahead of time; a pitch command was sent to the control surfaces, tilting the missile immediately while it was still on the pad. As the missile was leaving the pad, the plume was pointed, not vertically, but at an angle, and it hurled the pad off into the steppe."
Rocket #3 failure - "The second missile proved to be even more obstinate. To begin with, the ground crews eliminated all the defects in the ground-based cable network. Next, during two launch attempts the engine did not start, despite the fact that the system did
not reset. After long experiments on a missile standing on the pad, they discovered
that the main oxygen valve had frozen. Eventually they removed the oxygen valve from one of the missiles and checked its ability to freeze. They determined that the cause of the failure was the stiffening of the abundant amount of oil in its bellows assembly. The missile tests were discontinued. The main oxygen valves were removed from all the missiles and sent to the factory in Khimki for degreasing. This was a powerful blow to engine designer"
After third test flight failure -"The high-ranking leaders had been fully convinced that we had not only studied and reproduced German technology, but had substantially increased the missiles' reliability. And now suddenly they discovered that the missiles, for various reasons, simply refused to fly."
Event behind film - "The next missile launch scheduled for 1 November was postponed due to severe fog. During the night, the sentry guarding the launch site showed exceptional vigilance and for some unknown reason shouted, "Stop! Who goes there?" No response came out of the fog and he fired a warning shot. The guard raised by the alarm found nothing suspicious in the surrounding area. Arriving at the site the next morning, the launch team immediately smelled the strong scent of alcohol. An inspection showed that the shot the night before had not been fired into the air, but rather into the filled alcohol tank. The missile's entire tail section was drenched with alcohol from the bullet hole. They removed the missile and shipped it to the factory in Podlipki for restoration and sent the sentry to the brig. Voznyuk was advised of the guards' utterly unsatisfactory training."
Statement form the film "in 1948 ..industry achieved main objective: V-2 type rocket was made from all made domestic components".
official conclusion: "The first series of R-1 domestic missiles in terms of their flight characteristics, as demonstrated by the flight tests, were not inferior to the captured A4 missiles. Fundamental issues during the reproduction of R-1 missiles from domestic materials were correctly resolved ... The flight characteristics of the first series of R-1 missiles conform to the characteristics specified by the tactical and technical requirements, with the exception of range scatter."
Task as Boris Chertok mentioned was astonishing - from required 60 different type of metals and allows in 1945 was produced only 30. But main problem was plastic - from 40 different required plastic's/rubber's types was produced only 3.
After that test one infantry general made statement - "What are you doing? You pour over four metric tons of alcohol into a missile. And if you were to give that alcohol to my division, they could take any city easily. And your missile wouldn't even hit that city! Who needs it?"
All military likes alcohol! What else to say. Perfect choice made by Von Broun for space exploration !
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 7397
R-1 (missile)
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The R-1 rocket was ...
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
Ad-free videos.
You can support us by purchasing something through our Amazon-Url, thanks :)
The R-1 rocket was a short-range ballistic missile manufactured in the Soviet Union based on the German V-2 rocket.Even though it was a copy, it was manufactured using Soviet industrial plants and gave the Soviets valuable experience which later enabled the USSR to construct its own much more capable rockets.In 1945 the Soviets captured several key V-2 rocket production facilities, and also gained the services of some German scientists and engineers related to the project.In particular the Soviets gained control of the main V-2 manufacturing facility at Nordhausen, and had 30 V-2 missiles assembled there by September 1946.
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
Article available under a Creative Commons license
Image source in video
Video Software we use: https://amzn.to/2KpdCQF
Ad-free videos.
You can support us by purchasing something through our Amazon-Url, thanks :)
The R-1 rocket was a short-range ballistic missile manufactured in the Soviet Union based on the German V-2 rocket.Even though it was a copy, it was manufactured using Soviet industrial plants and gave the Soviets valuable experience which later enabled the USSR to construct its own much more capable rockets.In 1945 the Soviets captured several key V-2 rocket production facilities, and also gained the services of some German scientists and engineers related to the project.In particular the Soviets gained control of the main V-2 manufacturing facility at Nordhausen, and had 30 V-2 missiles assembled there by September 1946.
This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision.
Article available under a Creative Commons license
Image source in video
- published: 13 Oct 2016
- views: 65
Top 10 Biggest Missiles in the World (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Size 2019)
Check Out our other military videos in the link below:
The top 10 Biggest M...
Check Out our other military videos in the link below:
The top 10 Biggest Missiles in the world will include only the ones that are active, operational or under development. These are mostly intercontinental ballistic missiles that have a very long range of the target. To date, the R-36M (SS-18 Satan) is the world's longest-range ICBM with a range of 16,000km. With a weight of 8.8t, the R-36M is also one of the heaviest ICBM in the world.
The Buzz does not own the rights to these pictures or video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their images/clips to be credited or removed, please contact us by email at-thebuzz938@gmail.com.
#ICBM #Missile
Check Out our other military videos in the link below:
The top 10 Biggest Missiles in the world will include only the ones that are active, operational or under development. These are mostly intercontinental ballistic missiles that have a very long range of the target. To date, the R-36M (SS-18 Satan) is the world's longest-range ICBM with a range of 16,000km. With a weight of 8.8t, the R-36M is also one of the heaviest ICBM in the world.
The Buzz does not own the rights to these pictures or video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their images/clips to be credited or removed, please contact us by email at-thebuzz938@gmail.com.
#ICBM #Missile
- published: 11 Jan 2020
- views: 181432
ULTIMO GIRO - Cosa vuol dire guidare un MISSILE🚀 | Yamaha yzf R1M onboard [Gopro Hero 4]
*Raduno del Chiringuito
Ultimo con l'r1 di Willy😓
http://www.instagram.com/73groupmilano ...
*Raduno del Chiringuito
Ultimo con l'r1 di Willy😓
#yamaha #r1m #onboard #r1 #crazypeople
*Raduno del Chiringuito
Ultimo con l'r1 di Willy😓
#yamaha #r1m #onboard #r1 #crazypeople
- published: 16 Aug 2019
- views: 36064
Top 5 Best Anti Aircraft Missile Systems in the World | Surface to Air Missile SAM
Top surface-to-air missile | top 5 sam missile | Top 5 best anti aircraft missile systems in the World - today we'll show you 5 the best air defense systems ( ...
Top surface-to-air missile | top 5 sam missile | Top 5 best anti aircraft missile systems in the World - today we'll show you 5 the best air defense systems ( surface to air missile ) currently made.
Over the last two years, the world of the military industry has been intensely talking about air defense systems developed by different countries around the world. The purchase of Russian S-400 systems from Turkey seemed to be one of the main catalysts for this phenomenon.
Also, we all read that the tension in the Middle East has not subsided, neither now nor is it expected to happen in the coming years. There, in this area stands out the name of an excellent missile system.
Below, we have decided to provide you with our ranking of the Top 5 anti-aircraft missile systems in the World.
1. Chinese HQ-9 long-range anti-aircraft missile system
2. U.S. SAM MM-104 “PATRIOT”
3. French-Italian SAMP-T complex (Eurosam)
4. Israeli SAM or DAVID Sling
5. Russian anti-aircraft system S-400 TRIUMF
anti aircraft missile , best air defence system in the world , anti aircraft , missile , anti air missile , sam missile , surface to air missile , air defence system , #missile defense system ,
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Top surface-to-air missile | top 5 sam missile | Top 5 best anti aircraft missile systems in the World - today we'll show you 5 the best air defense systems ( surface to air missile ) currently made.
Over the last two years, the world of the military industry has been intensely talking about air defense systems developed by different countries around the world. The purchase of Russian S-400 systems from Turkey seemed to be one of the main catalysts for this phenomenon.
Also, we all read that the tension in the Middle East has not subsided, neither now nor is it expected to happen in the coming years. There, in this area stands out the name of an excellent missile system.
Below, we have decided to provide you with our ranking of the Top 5 anti-aircraft missile systems in the World.
1. Chinese HQ-9 long-range anti-aircraft missile system
2. U.S. SAM MM-104 “PATRIOT”
3. French-Italian SAMP-T complex (Eurosam)
4. Israeli SAM or DAVID Sling
5. Russian anti-aircraft system S-400 TRIUMF
anti aircraft missile , best air defence system in the world , anti aircraft , missile , anti air missile , sam missile , surface to air missile , air defence system , #missile defense system ,
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Facebook: https://facebook.com/USMilitaryNewsVideos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/militaryvideos_
- published: 04 Mar 2020
- views: 1211207
Russian 9K720 ISKANDER-M Tactical Missile: Load Launch Impact
Video of the Russian Military shows the tactical 9K720 ISKANDER-M missile being loaded, launched and impacting during a Russian missile launch test.
The 9K720 ...
Video of the Russian Military shows the tactical 9K720 ISKANDER-M missile being loaded, launched and impacting during a Russian missile launch test.
The 9K720 Iskander (Russian: «Искандер»; NATO reporting name SS-26 Stone) is a mobile short-range ballistic missile system produced and deployed by the Russian Federation. The missile systems (Искандер-М) are to replace the obsolete OTR-21 Tochka systems, still in use by the Russian armed forces, by 2020.
In September 2017, the KB Mashinostroyeniya (KBM) general designer Valery M. Kashin said that there were at least seven types of missiles (and "perhaps more") for Iskander, including one cruise missile.
Credits: Russian Ministry of Defense:
WarLeaks - Military Blog covers events, news, missions & facts from the United States Armed Forces including the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard and more! Furthermore you will find content about military weapons, weapon systems and technology here. All footage on this channel is footage the Ultimate Military Archive has permission to use or consists of derivative works created by the WarLeaks - Military Blog for educational and informational purposes. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense visual information on the UWarLeaks - Military Blog does not imply or constitute Department of Defense endorsement.
►SUBSCRIBE to the WarLeaks - Military Blog for more military videos: http://bit.ly/Nnic4n
If you like military content please remember to leave a Like & Comment or even Share the video. It means a lot. Thanks!
Video of the Russian Military shows the tactical 9K720 ISKANDER-M missile being loaded, launched and impacting during a Russian missile launch test.
The 9K720 Iskander (Russian: «Искандер»; NATO reporting name SS-26 Stone) is a mobile short-range ballistic missile system produced and deployed by the Russian Federation. The missile systems (Искандер-М) are to replace the obsolete OTR-21 Tochka systems, still in use by the Russian armed forces, by 2020.
In September 2017, the KB Mashinostroyeniya (KBM) general designer Valery M. Kashin said that there were at least seven types of missiles (and "perhaps more") for Iskander, including one cruise missile.
Credits: Russian Ministry of Defense:
WarLeaks - Military Blog covers events, news, missions & facts from the United States Armed Forces including the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard and more! Furthermore you will find content about military weapons, weapon systems and technology here. All footage on this channel is footage the Ultimate Military Archive has permission to use or consists of derivative works created by the WarLeaks - Military Blog for educational and informational purposes. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense visual information on the UWarLeaks - Military Blog does not imply or constitute Department of Defense endorsement.
►SUBSCRIBE to the WarLeaks - Military Blog for more military videos: http://bit.ly/Nnic4n
If you like military content please remember to leave a Like & Comment or even Share the video. It means a lot. Thanks!
- published: 19 Sep 2019
- views: 5412168
Why AGM 114 Hellfire missile becomes one of America’s favorite missiles
Today we're taking a look at the AGM-114 Hellfire. Why it becomes one of America’s favorite missiles? Keep watching, you will find the answer in the video.
Today we're taking a look at the AGM-114 Hellfire. Why it becomes one of America’s favorite missiles? Keep watching, you will find the answer in the video.
The AGM-114 Hellfire is a short-range tactical missile in use by over two dozen countries. It is mostly used for land-attack missions and has seen widespread employment in the Global W-ar on Te-rror. The Hellfire is predominately air-launched, although it has also seen limited deployment on sea platforms. But now the missile is used as everything from an anti-personnel weapon to bunker buster.
Here are the various U.S platforms across the services carry the Hellfire missile:
-The Army’s platform, we have: AH-64 Apache helicopter, OH-58 Kiowa Warrior, AH-1W Super-Cobra, AH-1Z Viper, MQ-1C Gray Eagle UAS, and Special Operations aircraft for.
-The Navy’s platform, they are: SH-60B/HH-60H Seahawk
-While for the Marine Corps, they are KC-130J tanker and AH-1W Super Cobra
-The last U.S platform is Air Force’s MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper UCAVs
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Today we're taking a look at the AGM-114 Hellfire. Why it becomes one of America’s favorite missiles? Keep watching, you will find the answer in the video.
The AGM-114 Hellfire is a short-range tactical missile in use by over two dozen countries. It is mostly used for land-attack missions and has seen widespread employment in the Global W-ar on Te-rror. The Hellfire is predominately air-launched, although it has also seen limited deployment on sea platforms. But now the missile is used as everything from an anti-personnel weapon to bunker buster.
Here are the various U.S platforms across the services carry the Hellfire missile:
-The Army’s platform, we have: AH-64 Apache helicopter, OH-58 Kiowa Warrior, AH-1W Super-Cobra, AH-1Z Viper, MQ-1C Gray Eagle UAS, and Special Operations aircraft for.
-The Navy’s platform, they are: SH-60B/HH-60H Seahawk
-While for the Marine Corps, they are KC-130J tanker and AH-1W Super Cobra
-The last U.S platform is Air Force’s MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper UCAVs
Subscribe Now :
- published: 10 Feb 2021
- views: 111059
Iran's Ballistic Missile Capabilities: 100,000 Missiles in 7 Minutes
Iran's Ballistic Missile Capabilities: 100,000 Missiles in 7 Minutes
Iran has been working on its baIIistic missile programme for several decades, using both S...
Iran's Ballistic Missile Capabilities: 100,000 Missiles in 7 Minutes
Iran has been working on its baIIistic missile programme for several decades, using both Soviet and propietary technology.
Iran Military Power
Infinite Exile (Reprise - Featuring Nora Fodil)
Iran's Ballistic Missile Capabilities: 100,000 Missiles in 7 Minutes
Iran has been working on its baIIistic missile programme for several decades, using both Soviet and propietary technology.
Iran Military Power
Infinite Exile (Reprise - Featuring Nora Fodil)
- published: 23 Aug 2017
- views: 3503364
The R-36 (Russian: Р-36) is a family of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and space launch vehicles (Tsyklon) designed by the Soviet Union during the ...
The R-36 (Russian: Р-36) is a family of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and space launch vehicles (Tsyklon) designed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The original R-36 was deployed under the GRAU index 8K67 and was given the NATO reporting name SS-9 Scarp. It was able to carry three warheads and was the first Soviet MIRV (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) missile. The later version, the R-36M was produced under the GRAU designations 15A14 and 15A18 and was given the NATO reporting name SS-18 Satan. This missile was viewed by certain United States analysts as giving the Soviet Union first strike advantage over the U.S., particularly because of its rapid silo-reload ability, very heavy throw weight and extremely large number of re-entry vehicles. Some versions of the R-36M were deployed with 10 warheads and up to 40 penetration aids and the missile's high throw-weight made it theoretically capable of carrying more warheads or penetration aids. Contemporary U.S. missiles, such as the Minuteman III, carried up to three warheads at most.
The R36 became the base for the Tsyklon launch vehicles family. As of early 2018, Cyclone-4M, the last modification of it, is developed and planned for launch in 2020.
Russia intends to replace the R-36M with a new heavy ICBM, the RS-28 Sarmat.
Music: Rammstein - Sonne
The R-36 (Russian: Р-36) is a family of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and space launch vehicles (Tsyklon) designed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The original R-36 was deployed under the GRAU index 8K67 and was given the NATO reporting name SS-9 Scarp. It was able to carry three warheads and was the first Soviet MIRV (multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle) missile. The later version, the R-36M was produced under the GRAU designations 15A14 and 15A18 and was given the NATO reporting name SS-18 Satan. This missile was viewed by certain United States analysts as giving the Soviet Union first strike advantage over the U.S., particularly because of its rapid silo-reload ability, very heavy throw weight and extremely large number of re-entry vehicles. Some versions of the R-36M were deployed with 10 warheads and up to 40 penetration aids and the missile's high throw-weight made it theoretically capable of carrying more warheads or penetration aids. Contemporary U.S. missiles, such as the Minuteman III, carried up to three warheads at most.
The R36 became the base for the Tsyklon launch vehicles family. As of early 2018, Cyclone-4M, the last modification of it, is developed and planned for launch in 2020.
Russia intends to replace the R-36M with a new heavy ICBM, the RS-28 Sarmat.
Music: Rammstein - Sonne
- published: 27 May 2019
- views: 45217