- published: 26 Aug 2015
- views: 41288
Salient may refer to:
Agency Arms vs Salient Arms International
Kyle Lamb Viking Tactics discussing Salient Arms
Salient Arms International Tier 1 Glock 19: The $2500 Glock
New Products From Salient Arms
Salient Arms International BLU S Pistol Review
Salient Arms: The BMW of the Gun World - Glock 19
Salient - Importing Dummy Data & First Steps
Salient - Setting Up Your Portfolio
Glock 10mm Model 20 Salient Arms International
Salient Arms Tier 1 Rifle | NOIR Season 1
A brief look at some of the differences between the two companies https://www.facebook.com/edcgunsandgear http://instagram.com/edcgunsandgear
Kyle Lamb with Viking Tactics discusses the Smith and Wesson M&P; pistols he sent to the guys at Salient Arms International. For more information check out the following: http://www.vikingtactics.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Viking-Tactics-Inc/170871879632771 https://www.facebook.com/SalientArmsInternational Video and Photography Production by: https://www.facebook.com/therichardking www.RichardKing.pro
Salient Arms International: https://www.facebook.com/SalientArmsInternational The Shooting Range: http://www.tdsa.net/ WEBSITE: http://www.mrcolionnoir.com/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/COLIONNOIR?ref=hl INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/colionnoir TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MrColionNoir GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/110417089998648921407/posts
Salient Arms has moved to Las Vegas and they're up to some cool stuff. They've taken over production of the Strike One pistol and have introduced a new GRY rifle and BLU pistol. We head to their new shop after SHOT Show 2016 and take a peek at these new items. MAC Patches: https:///product-category/clothingapparel/patches/ Full30: www.full30.com/ CopperCustom: /
** Train with us! weaponmanipulation@gmail.com / https://www.weaponmanipulation.com -Please Don't Forget to Rate, Comment, and Subscribe- Full review of the new pistol by Salient Arms International the BLU S. Introduction with tons of action suppressed and not suppressed. Followed by a full table top review. **Please note due to iTunes and Final Cut Pro licensing agreements I have full rights to the music used in this video** Website- http://weaponmanipulation.com Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/WeaponManipulationTacticsLLC Instagram- http://instagram.com/weaponmanipulationandtactics/ Google + https://plus.google.com/106099345935965809424/about
I'm sponsored by Salient Arms, a custom gunsmithing outfit in Las Vegas. Why do people spend upwards of $2500 on a gun that costs just $500? Find out more in this video. Salient is the BMW of the gun world. Precision, high performance, and match-grade quality. Not everyone can afford a Salient, but everyone wants one. FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/TopShotChris INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/TopShotChris TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/TopShotChris Buy Chris' book "Shoot to Win" on Amazon & iTunes: http://amzn.to/1tk7hvm, https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/shoot-to-win/id874138360?mt=11
This video explains the process of importing the theme dummy data as well as setting up your home & blog pages.
This video covers all aspects of the portfolio and how to create & manage your projects. *A note on creating galleries The instructions seen in this video regarding slider gallery creation only apply when using WordPress 3.6. If you wish to create a slider gallery in prior versions, it can be done using multiple featured images. You should see 6 boxes for them on the right hand side :)
Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The Salient Arms International Tier 1 Custom Glock G 20 in 10mm. This is incredible. Salient Arms International Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/SalientArmsInternational?fref=ts Salient Arms International Webpage: http://www.salientarmsinternational.com/ Lock and Load Radio Website: http://lockandloadradio.com/ HPR Ammunition: http://www.scottsdaleammo.com/ Thanks for watching~ Sootch00 Music: Pond 5
WEBSITE: http://www.mrcolionnoir.com/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/COLIONNOIR?ref=hl INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/colionnoir TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MrColionNoir GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/110417089998648921407/posts
Gouge the axes through the marble,Sear the wound with
Tear the bark down from the palms,
Let the severed stems breathe.
They broke out the lions,
Dragged half-mast through the streets,
Left saliva to dry and stale upon
The bodies of these dirt paved beasts.
So burn the fields again,
Add salt to the seeds.
And I can't hear your screaming;
You're leashing your demons.
And we all know the feeling
Of wearing the noose.
Brush away the stone chipped faces,
Watch for sparks from metal knees.
Thick claws scabbed open the gates,
With Athena tearing down all the trees.
Step back from the light;
Step out from the flames.