- published: 09 May 2017
- views: 765
Atme (Arabic: اطمه, also spelled Atma, Atima, Atmeh) is a village in northern Syria, administratively part of the Idlib Governorate, located north of Idlib and just east of the border with Turkey. Nearby localities include Deir Ballut to the northwest, Jindires to the north, Qah to the southeast and Sarmada and al-Dana to the south. According to the Syria Central Bureau of Statistics, Atme had a population of 2,255 in the 2004 census.
The Olive Tree Camp is a refugee camp that emerged during the unrest in Syria. Since October 2011 internally displaced Syrians who failed to cross over to Turkey started settling between the Olive Trees. According to Maram Foundation more than 28,000 people live in this camp.
A 150-year-old tree in Atma was cut down by jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in November 2013. The jihadists accused the locals of venerating the tree instead of God.
With Me may refer to:
ATME - Trickster (acoustic summoning)
ATME - Forgiving Myself
Kontra K - Atme tief ein (Offizielles Video)
Kontra K feat. Nisse - Atme den Regen (Offizielles Video)
atME「With Me!」
Atme dich frei
ERRDEKA - ATME EIN ATME AUS (offizielles Video)
Atme in uns, heiliger Geist
Roger Cicero "Ich Atme Ein" (Video)
2017/5/20(土) 18:00~開催! atME 4th oneman CRESCENDO 1周年記念ライブ 〜祝1周年みんなのおかげですありがとう!今日はめいっぱいはじけちゃうよパーティー〜 チケットはこちら→https://passmarket.yahoo.co.jp/event/show/detail/01dw84yvuiii.html 「ESCAPE OUT」 作詞:YUMIKO 作曲・編曲:伊藤ヒロシ ESCAPE OUT 常識はいらない できた道戻れないけど 誰からも汚されないよ 幾億の記憶が 音をたて飛んだ Dash! Dash! はじまりは いつだって 待ってくれない どんな声 かけたなら 振り向いてくれるの Ding dong Ding dong 未来は未確認!? 「止まってる猶予はない ぶっちぎるんだっ」 その声 痺れちゃったんだ ESCAPE OUT どうして世の中は 前だけを見て 歩けと 言うんだろう ESCAPE OUT 私の後ろ側 できた道戻れないけど 誰からも汚されないよ 感じてるそのままが ホントの気持ち ね?たまにね? 分からなくなるのは Everyday! 溢れすぎてる この情報の渦ン中で色んな人が あーだ こーだ どーだって騒ぐから 理不尽も押しつけも 火をつけたら イチニノサンGo! 宇宙へと発射 ESCAPE OUT 祈っているだけの 私じゃ足りない うごめく ビートで ESCAPE OUT 昨日よりも今日が ここにいると信じれる 煌めきを携えながら ESCAPE!(Don’t Stop!) ESCAPE!(Don’t Stop!) E-S- C-A- P-E Out!(atME) ESCAPE!(Don’t Stop!) ESCAPE!(Don’t Stop!) E...
Song recorded by ATME, Wrocław, Poland, 2016. Produced by ATME. Mix and mastering by Grzegorz Łuc, 2016. ℗ and © 2016 ATME. All rights reserved. Video made by Tomasz Kosek, Distort Studio (http://distortstudio.pl/) You can collect our music on: https://atme.bandcamp.com/ Lyrics: Descent to sound Do you really You really think it matters Do you know who’s gonn’a roll a dice You’ve got my admiration That one who could shift your world Tonight don’t decide too long I’m sneaking to your lust for while Encourage to follow the promise of an endless Drift Endless drift Handcuff me to the order lines Calling me a villain Average killer of evenness I’m looking for another way Endeavor not to wreck the Truth At least what’s left in me I’ll do this In Trickster’s way I got my arms today So show...
Forgiving Myself recorded at unIQ STUDIO, Wrocław, Poland 2015. Produced by ATME and Marek Dziedzic. Edit, mix, mastering by Marek Dziedzic at unIQ STUDIO. Artwork by Milena Młynarska. Designed by ATME and Milena Młynarska. ℗ and © 2015 ATME. All rights reserved. You can collect our music on: https://atme.bandcamp.com/
Kontra K Album 2016: "Labyrinth" http://sny.ms/Labyrinth_Box | http://sny.ms/Labyrinth_CD | http://sny.ms/Labyrinth_Spotify | http://sny.ms/Labyrinth_MP3 | http://sny.ms/Labyrinth_Saturn ATME TIEF EIN Produziert von: Bazzazian, Dasmo & Mania Credits: Hauptdarsteller: Christoph Letkowski Story ID: Simon Grzescza, Kontra K Producer: Klimo, Kontra K Regie: Francisco Gonzalez Sendino Kamera 1& Cut : Klimo Kamera 2: Juri Beythien Special Effects: Rainer Metz (SFX) Drohnenaufnahmen: Sky Film Berlin VFX Artist: Malte Derks Kontra K Loyal-Kollektion hier im Onlineshop: http://www.brvd.de/LoyalShop Kontra K LIVE 2016 Tickets unter: http://www.kontra-k.de 17.06. Erlangen E-Werk 18.06. Ulm Ulmer Zelt 21.10. Kiel Max 22.10. Hamburg Große Freiheit 23.10. Dortmund FZW 25.10. Köln Live Music Hal...
Das neue Album "Labyrinth" erscheint am 20.05. Jetzt vorbestellen: http://sny.ms/Labyrinth_Box | http://sny.ms/Labyrinth_CD http://sny.ms/Labyrinth_MP3 | http://sny.ms/Labyrinth_Saturn Kontra K LIVE 2016 17.06. Erlangen E-Werk 18.06. Ulm Ulmer Zelt 21.10. Kiel Max 22.10. Hamburg Große Freiheit 23.10. Dortmund FZW 24.10. Köln Live Music Hall 26.10. Frankfurt Batschkapp 27.10. Stuttgart LKA 28.10. Zürich Dynamo 29.10. Wien Flex 31.10. München Muffathalle 01.11. Erfurt Stadtgarten 02.11. Dresden Schlachthof 03.11. Leipzig Haus Auensee 04.11. Berlin Columbiahalle Tickets unter: http://www.kontra-k.de --- Das Kontra K-Album "Aus dem Schatten ins Licht" jetzt bestellen: iTunes: http://sny.ms/ADSIL_MP3 Fanbox: http://sny.ms/ADSIL_Fanbox Standard CD: http://sny.ms/ADSIL_CD Merch: http://www...
2017/5/20(土) 18:00~開催! atME 4th oneman CRESCENDO 1周年記念ライブ 〜祝1周年みんなのおかげですありがとう!今日はめいっぱいはじけちゃうよパーティー〜 チケットはこちら→https://passmarket.yahoo.co.jp/event/show/detail/01dw84yvuiii.html 「With Me!」 作詞:YUMIKO 作曲:山口雅也 編曲:伊藤ヒロシ 高鳴る期待だけを 両手で抱えてたあの日が 昨日のことみたいに(いつの間にか過ぎた) そっと蘇るTea Time 不安なこと(誰しも) 自信ないこと(あるけど) 一緒だから(So Try Again) 越えられる力になる With Me!ボクらが目指した空のその先へ(Shalala Shalala) スピード上げてく もう迷ってなんかいられないよ どーやったって 今日は一度しかないんだから(Shalala) We Never Give Up! Ready Go! 君の背中から 声が聞こえたの 今しかできないこと できそうじゃんきっと 4人で 一人じゃダメな日だって(そばにいてくれたら) もうちょっとだけなら…頑張れる 向かい風が(温度も) 追い風へと(匂いも) 変わる時に(感じて) 同じ方 向かえるように With Me!ココロが選んだ空のその先へ(Shalala Shalala) こうして 互いに 刺激し合って進めるなら 偶然だった 出逢いだって運命になるさ(Shalala) We Never Give Up! Ready Go! 繋ぎ合った手は ボクらの強さだ ずっとおんなじ場所にはいられないよ(Shalala Shalala) すんごい 景色を 一緒に見られる日までKeep On! それぞれの 色が描く未来の地図が(Shalal...
atman -- Österreichischer Verein für Integratives Atmen Der Atem ist ein wesentlicher Schlüssel für körperliches und psychisches Wohlbefinden. Die subtile wie eindringliche Wirksamkeit einer tiefen und runden Atmung ist seit Jahrtausenden bekannt. Viele Menschen heute warten darauf, den Atem als zentralen Schlüssel zur Gesundheit, Selbsterkenntnis und Lebensveränderung erfahren zu können. So verlangt gerade unsere Zeit nach einer verantwortungsvollen und kompetenten Vermittlung des uralten Wissens um die Kraft des Atems, verbunden mit den Erkenntnissen der modernen Wissenschaft und Psychologie. Der Verein ATMAN widmet sich der Verbreitung der Bewusstheit des Atmens mit Hilfe verschiedener bewährter Methoden. Unser breites Angebot an Informationen und an Veranstaltungen bietet für jeden e...
ATME EINE ATME AUS Das Album "Paradies" erscheint am 24. Oktober 2014. Ab sofort hier vorbestellbar: - Digital - iTunes http://bit.ly/1oBmLnJ - Limitierte Sammlerbox - AMAZON http://amzn.to/1oVj6EX MEDIA MARKT http://bit.ly/XofNeX SATURN http://bit.ly/1liZN3i - Vinyl - http://amzn.to/1nQcC6t Director: David Helmut Co-Director: Patrick Nagl 1.AD: Malte Wilhelm Set-AL: Andre Diwisch DP: BIlly Gropper Camera Assistant: Axel Frey Camera Operator: Ute Bolmer Gimbal Operator: Felix Baermann Creative Producer: David Helmut Executive Producer: Sebastian von Gumpert Production Assistant: Jaro Pfeiffer Motion Graphics: Marian Tasler Hair & Makeup: Franziska Engelhardt Editor: David Helmut Colorist: Friedrich Kautz a geekpictures production | www.geekpictures.de
Der Roger Cicero Clip zu "Ich Atme Ein". Mehr unter http://www.rogercicero.de
Where will we go?
Where will we go?
Sign away all of my decisions
Tell when I breed
Terminate opinions
I dream away my freedom to please you
Let them talk so they feel important
They don't mean a thing, this is my own dream
Why do you have to put this on me?
(Where will we go?)
I'm a mess
(Where will we go?)
I'm a mess
Do what you wanna do
Where the fuck you wanna do it
Try hard to live your life
Live life the way that you want
Do what you wanna do
Where the fuck you wanna do it
Try hard to live your life
Live life the way that you want
Life's okay, so don't complain
You can't obtain, figure out how to maintain
It's a shame, make a change
So life will never ever find me down
Found out just what it's really all about
Never doubt, I wish I could get out
Why do you have to put this on me?
(Where will we go?)
I'm a mess
(Where will we go?)
I'm a mess
Do what you wanna do
Where the fuck you wanna do it
Try hard to live your life
Live life the way that you want
Do what you wanna do
Where the fuck you wanna do it
Try hard to live your life
Live life the way that you want
Find a way
(Where will we go?)
I'm a mess
(Where will we go?)
I'm a mess
Do what you wanna do
Where the fuck you wanna do it
Try hard to live your life
Live life the way that you want
Do what you wanna do
Where the fuck you wanna do it
Try hard to live your life