Latest News for: nil agra


Hoteliers begin to cut support staff due to loss of revenue

Hindustan Times 01 Apr 2021
PUNE Hoteliers in the city are contemplating axing 10 per cent of support staff, following the loss of business due to the new curfew restrictions ... Haris Meethal, owner of the Agra hotel in Camp said, “Business is next to nil and there is no money to pay rent, so the only option is to remove employees as we have no money to pay them.” ... ....

Under Toronto International Film Festival spotlight, Indian trio address hurdles in way of women filmmakers

Deccan Herald 18 Sep 2020
The filmmakers on the panel – Leena Yadav (“Parched”, “Rajma Chawal”), Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari (“Nil Battey Sannata”, “Bareilly Ki Barfi”, “Panga”) and actor-turned-director ... Sharing her experience during the filming of “Nil Battey Sannata” in Agra five years ago, Iyer Tiwari said.

Delhi: Yamuna pollution down by 30%, water quality in drains improves 80% from last year

Indian Express 20 Apr 2020
The highest drop in pollution levels was observed at Agra canal near Okhla Barrage, where the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) — a gauge of organic pollution in water bodies — was 16 mg/l, as compared with 24 mg/l last year — a 33% improvement ... The dissolved oxygen level at four out of five locations, where it was ‘nil’ last April, also increased.

IAS officer who quit over J&K; curbs held on way to AMU

Indian Express 04 Jan 2020
As I reached (the border), I was surrounded by policemen who told me I am not allowed to enter Aligarh…they alleged I was trying to mobilise a crowd from Agra to Aligarh,” he told The Indian Express ... “It was regular detention and he was released in the evening at a personal bond which costs nil,” said Ravi Kumar, SP, West Agra.
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